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F'�K ' � ,, 44' =. � , c . � . .¢ �` . .' . E . . !_ _ , .'` '� '?'° °'-r3� i����� —' <br /> . <br /> p`��. �.1:.'�' .�. F� , _ .L - . � .. ` `'; ' • -- :�=._-- .'•�xi�-� `,�.� - f '`-m' •r -�4r:� r,t,�� - -- <br /> ,xr _ �+c _f 's" y�_��,is.-. _ <br /> ` " -, _ <br /> . . <br />—__�Y� 4` � , . , . . ` . ` ` � . ' �2.'�Tai.7':r`-� :____ <br /> k� _ . ' . . . . � 4• +,�. ( � ��� A �g�.x <br /> , t° - , - . . _ 1��� �, <br /> -- , y ,16*$onp�srer's Cogp.Borrocver st�alt be gi�•en one conformed wpy of the A'ote8�4�e'�ecstnty en� , � . -�`�;*= <br /> ''� � • 17.Tr�flsfet of t13e Ptopert or a Beneficial Interest in �onot�cr.If all or•Einy part of the Property,or aay � QY;= �t�r�<,•s�,�a" <br /> , L_ �•,,... . G`°� : <br /> inxer�t in iti is�sold or transferred or if a beneticial interest in liarrocver is sa3d ar traasfertea asd Bnnower is aot a` ,� L <br /> ' "'.'' ' aaws�Ii person)without Lea$st'B p�ior�rittei�consent�l.eader may,at ttsoptiep.rW�ua�imme�ste gaynzeat in full ai < <br /> �R� T 4 : <br /> w ' <br /> r. • �11 suma secured by this Security Instxument.Hocsever, this option shall aot be esescised by Leuder if exetclsc ie • ;:�.�: <br />} , . . . � :`�, y,: <br /> proAibited by federal law as af the date of this S'ecurity In..�-trument. . o- <br /> �� .`' � If,i:ender eaercises this opttun.Lender shall giti•e liarco�ver nntice o4 etxeleratian.'I'�e itatice ehall piovide 8 potiod ,�. � r ',_ ' <br />�,_'j�, , of not less�chan 30 days from tlie date the natice is delicered or maited withis�tvhich Botrower must pay all stttna sectu'ed =�`9� <br /> �"��•�:. •� by this&ecurity Iastrumen�If Borroaer faifs to pa}thesesum.s prior to theespiratioaof thisperiod.I.ender mag invoke ';;— <br /> . . . � aayremediespermittedbythisSec�tric}�lnstrument�t•;thoutfunhernoticeordemaudoaBonawer. � . '` .`:�_3 <br /> " ' , ` " , .. 18. $bno�rer's Right to Reinstate. If Bonac�er meecs certain conditions,Borro'wer shall Itave the rigttt to bave � --_ <br />" . <, � enforcement of this Secuntp Instrumenc discontinued at any ti me prior w the earlier of:(a)S daqs(os sttch other period : T <br /> ' � ' as applica6le lacv may�pacify for reinstacemrnt)before sale of che Pmperty�urstrant to ang�ower of sale caataiaed in = <br /> ,,-- -, this Securi Iftstrumen�ar (b) entry o f � ju dgmertt en farcing t i us 5ec�m t y I�t n m�e n�`I 1 t a s e c;a n d i t i o n s s i z t h a t � <br /> ty ts <br /> B o t r o�e r: (a) p a y s I.e a d�r a!1 sums ivh�ch then�vould be due under this Sectuity Instnuaent aad the Nole as i4 no , . . , _ <br /> , � eccelerati4n had occusred:(b)cures any default of any other co�•enants os ageement�(a}Pays all eagenses inaurred ia e' . . . . __ <br />. � � 1'�° �� ' eaforcing this Security Insttument,including,but not limited to,r�nable attoraeys'fee�aad(d)takes such actioa as � ; : %._ <br /> � ' '` .� I.ender may reasonably reguire ta assure that the tien of this Security Instrument,Lendefs rights isi the Propertp aad ;:. �:,.�,:�;�....• - .i- <br />:<'`,:� � � Borra�er'sob2igationtopaythesumssecured6ythisSecurity[nstrnmentshalloantinueunchaagEd.Upoareinstatemeut �• �,' ° <br /> by Bononer,this Securitq lnstrumentand the obtigations secured herebp shtili remain fi,slJp eFfectireas if ao accelerahoa ,;� . �:�;,=� . t <br /> .� � � r "%. � had occurred.Ho�sre�er,this right to reir�teshall not aQpl}in the case of aeceleiaEianunder gats�raph 1�. � �► <br /> s �: <br /> ' `` _�����• 19.Sale of Nate;Change of Loafn S�s�icer."The\ote or a Qartial intecest ia the Note(top�ether with this S�utitY '�' r..:�s�,-.�.-.- <br /> Instn�mentj may be sold one or rnore ti m�n ithoL►t prior noiice to Borrower.A saIe may r�ilt ia a chaag�ia ths eatity ,� .,_�,... <br /> • (gnoc�n as the"Loan Servicet")thai co�Iects monthl}•pa}•menLS due uader the I�Tote az1d th�s Seci�ti4y Insttument There �_: �, <br /> • � • . atso may he one nr more changes of thr Loan Srn-icer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If thene i,s a change of the Loati �.� ' , �� ,= <br /> .. � Servicer,Borconer ttri11 be given n ntten n�tice n f t he c hangr in arcor d ance�vi t h paragcap h� 2 4 a h ov e a n d a p plica6le law. r . �-'� ,; <br />- �Ttie natice will state the name and addr�s of chc nc«l.o•rn Srn�icc:r and the address to wbich paqments shoutd be mada. `;;''x��'` <br /> . . � � The notice cvill also contain aAy oiher information reyuired bp appiicabie[acv. ' � �'~' `'�: "_ <br /> ' � ' 20.Hazardous Substanc�s.Bonnuer shall aut causc ur�rrmit the�dispo�,ar release ot , . . _ <br /> , . <br /> ` -.��;...�_..:.�,�� � � any i�azardous�Substtinces on or in tAr 1'ra�scrty.Ijurruic�r e.f�all n�it w�,nor ullocv any�ne etse to do.anythingaif�ting � _ _ ° <br /> t � <br /> �'.� . : :�� ' ---�-�-thal'�opestythatisin-violarionot�n�'-I:nt�i.onmrncai�l.i�«.=1�hcprereding xsvosentencesshalLnatspply_to..the.presenc�.-. -------- '-- .'"'> • <br /> . �v usa� ar•�turngc on the PeapattY n[ smuTf yuantiti�� uf Il��arduus Suhsmnces that are genetally rasagnized to,6e : '�r�; <br /> . . ' apprupriaer to narmai re,�►identioFuses and cu ma�uicn;,cece��i�h�!'r„reety.. .. ; ,, <br /> . � . � }li�rco«ershnllprnraptlygicel.cnd�:r«riu�i�rn�tire��f;�ny �n�•e..tigut�an.ciaim.desnaad.tawsuisorosheraetionbq <br /> '�... , .� ` onY g4��•ernmentut ur tegulatory agenc� ��r rri�;�r� p:�ri�� inc��t,ing the Propertyr and eny. tIazardous SubstaACe or • ',`� �: <br /> .... • . <br /> � . � � . � " , Epvir��nmcntal I,a�s af whieh Aorrotcrr_L:��;ar<<�:�t�u���± ISc�trozser le3rns._or is not�faed bp asep governmerttal or :�-� , :_" <br /> . , rt:gulnu�ry suthor�ty. that any remo�al ��r nthrr rrmeJiatiun ��f any Ila�rdaus Su�ataace sifecting the PmpefCy is - • <br /> r <br /> . . . � neces5ary-,llarroivershallpmmpttytake:�lE nrc��:.n.^;remedi:,lacci��risinaccotdanceNithEnvironmeatalLaw. � � •.. <br /> _ ' � _1s usrd in this parsgraph Z!?,"f laiar,!«u.tiuh::t;,�r�;"ar�th�,se substancesdefined aswsic or 6a7ardoussubstences �',�' �: '�, <br /> � hy En�•iconniental LaN and the folton�in,�ubs.tanrrs:�as��li:i�•,kerosene,otfierflammableor tosic petroleum pr�ducts�. • . ,: =�; � <br /> � �� . tosie pescicides and herbicides. ��olatit� sol�Cncs, mate�ials a,�raining ashesws or formaldehyde. aad :adIoaetive ' •. :4, <br /> ., . matenals,�s used in this paragraPh 20."Iinvironmental lats"means federal la�vs and lawa of tha jurisdictioa where tt�e � . �r '� <br /> � � P c a p e r t y i s l a c a t e d t h a t r e l a t e t o h e a l t h,s afet y ar en��ironmental protection. _ • , <br /> � 1�01-IJNIFORM COY�TAh'TS.Bnrro«er and I.ender f urther co�enant and agcee as follow� '^ � <br /> • .. , ' 21. Acretetation; Remedies. T,endes shall gi�e �otice to Borro�ver prior to accxleratton followiag " <br /> � ' .� � '� • �o r roi�er s breach oi an y cotienant or a greement in this Security Instrnment(bot aot prior ta�ualaration �`' �� . <br /> ' � � • � uader paragraph 17 anless applicable law pro��ides other�ise).The notice shsll specify:(aI the de fa n i�(b)t�e • .. ' ';`�'�.' <br /> ' action requised to cure the default; (c) a date, not less than 3U days ftous the date the notice is given to • 'i', r . <br /> � .. • . Borro�er,by �vhich the default must be cured:and (d)that failure to core the defanit on or before the date <br /> '� � ' ' ' spe�fied in the aotice may result`in accelerati�n of the sums secured by this Seeori!y IIISttasatent aad sa2e oi �-. : ��_ <br /> �� •� ' ti�e Property.The aotice shall further inform Borr�cser of the right to reinstatb aftes�ce2eration aad the '�. ��..� <br /> •-r.,,,,. . . .. <br /> • � . , right to bring a court action to assert the nan-esistence nf a detault or aay other deiense o!Hostowes to ; ..�-% , <br /> • � � acceleration and sale. If the deiault is not curcd on or be(ore the date specitied in the natice, its ! '-=�'�. ; ,� <br /> � �. ;,��: �, . option, may require immediate payment in full af all sums secured by this S�curity Iasiromeat without • �'`.:,�' �, ,, �. <br /> `���-� %`�:"r• • further deatand and may in�oke thc po�ser uf sale and any other re�med'aes permitted hy appl�tsble Isw. ' •�; <br />- � . Lender shall be entitled to collect all cxpenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in tbis psra=raph _ _ <br />= ' ' 21,including,but aot limited to.resisonable attarney s fees and costs o�title evideaea • - <br /> e <br />-. ' � ', If the poc��er oi sate is invoked.7'rustee sAal1 securd a notice of deteult ia eachcovaty ia wLieD aay part o! � � �°•.. <br /> • , the PtopeMy �s losated aad shall mail copics of such notice in the manaer presetibed by appliable lsw to . , ��_ , <br /> -- . ' ' Borrocr•er and to the other Retsons prescnbed by applicable ta�v.:lfter the time reqoired by sppliable lsw, - <br />__ • . Trustee shall give publIe notace of sale to the persuns and in the manaes ptescribed by apQlicable law.Trastee. �� .� � � - <br /> `°�;?� :: � without demand on Borcasver;shall cell the t'roperty at public auction to the hig�est bzdder at the time and : _ , . . . � <br />- place and under the tetms designated "en the nutice��f salc in one ar more parcels aad ia aayorder TrQStee . <br /> •� 1��: ' . determines.Tvustee thay pastpone salc uf all ur ans• parcel o!the Properiy by poblic annonaceraea3 st the . : . <br />"��: time and place oi any previously scheduled sa1e. l.ender r,r its designee may purchsse the Progerty at suy , <br />_:�°. . � . sale. • , _ • - •- <br />-� � � . .. <br />"=�,. . . � � fyr�80L l/S0 (. ' : ,� . <br /> .dC'� ,•_�_.. . . • . �6R(Nfl�oi��i v,�.s o.c tnittalt �• <br />_ _ ;, <br />'�.� -"�" . . . <br />��,' � s . <br /> _i'' • � ��i� ���'�T:+1�"Ye+i�+�S/Fr'itiiti.d�awwa`rl���:l�f�. ''.)• � .. ' ` ._ �:w.. �..., . _ "' �. '. � . _ <br /> '_' _.-�. � . .. � .. . . � ' . • . • -- . . . . � . " . . . , ' ' . <br />..._ ;:�' '', . . . . . � _ ,' .. .. . � . •- . . �. • .� . . � .. � . .. <br />_ ' �( . � _ . . . , � ' ,,. ' . � •. i � - " ... � .. . . , .. <br /> .-�"� • � ' .' ' � ' , -,- f ._ ' . � • . , .. , .. . . ' • : ' ' ` . . . ' . . <br /> • ' ' _ i' _ . .. '� • . •. ,.. �r.� - .. .. . . . � " - <br /> _ .�.._._... _ .. i <br /> .__'"_' . _"-'._ _'".. ... �. . _. ;.._. . . . . . . _. "' _ _ " ___ _ __ _ _ __— _ _' _ _ <br /> __.._. .. . . . .__. ._..__. • <br /> •m.. - —____ — _-._ . _ _. ...... ._"_ ._ ._'. . _'.... .. _.... _ . . . — — . _"�_ ' <br /> '� . " . ' ___."' .J' • . .. . . . .. . • • . , •_ ' ' � ' . . . . - <br /> -� . . . • '. . • • ' . � ..-- � r� <br /> . . <br /> ' - . '. , ,. . . � . . .. . � . ro <br /> , . . . . . . _ . , , . <br /> . :. . � •-., • � . � - . � <br /> ._ fi, . . . . - . . - . <br /> _ , , . . . . � . .. <br /> - . � . . . ..� . . . . <br /> . . . . . . _ . �� • . ---` <br />.�� � � . _ '--�. _�.. .. _ ..__.. --- ---- --_..._ <br />