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<br /> -`'�:; "�- - • TOGI'sT�iEIt �VITH al!the iniprove�nents non oc hereaiter erected cm i��r4y.�''aat�"�er,�ent�.- �� � — -
<br /> � '`' u urtcfiancea.an�#istur�aaacv or hereafter a}�}�rt r�f the ro rc`•.A11 rp/�lacements aud additians eDall elso be cavered
<br /> CL 4='ii� 3_' . � C"• � � J �i . 4 - 4: 5 _- -_-
<br />,,,� � -��-- ` 8y thie Se�;urity Instrument.AIl of tha fare�oing is referred to ia this Security Iasttunneat ea ihe"Ptapasty.° . ;`
<br /> _ � a< � BORRO�VER COVENANTS ti�t Sorrower is tatvPully seised o�the estate$ereby convoyed en�hes tho rI$hy,t to i .
<br />�-,r..-«::.��- �+ . ... .
<br /> � � __ grant astr�convey ttie Property and t�at ttte Propert��is uneaicurnbered.escept for encumbrancee of tecor� Borrower � . � ;,.
<br /> K ,� watrante and will defend g�nerally the tifle to the Property against all ctaims sad demsutds,sub�ct W atyy encumbrartoes � . ,
<br /> ' a 4' of record�.� . �' �.'
<br /> ��=��-�.� _ THIS SECURTTY INSTRUMEN'f cambines uniform covenaass for nasional use sad aon-auufomi coveaanta with r • _-
<br /> . , limited variations by jvrisdidian to constitutea unif�rm security inst�ursleaEcove�ing teal pmpetty. -
<br /> �: ,.' :. ti �� IJNIrORM C�VENANfS.I3orroa�er and L,ender wsenant and egree�s�ollow� ' . •
<br /> " l.Payment Af Priacipal atid Iaterest;Prepaymeat anci Late Chugesa Bosrowes sha11�promptly pay when dvs _
<br /> F`: ..� :,� _ the pr�r.cipal af and inierest on the deht evidenced by the h`ote and aay prepaqment and late chacge�due uttder the Nots. �.. ,-. -: �-.� .=
<br /> �,ti;;� �4°�.� ? 2. Funds for Tages ead Iasarauce.Snbject to applicabte law ot to a written waivet'by Letidea�.Bomnwes aliall • '
<br />"' pay to�Lendet on the day monthly papments are due und�r the Rote.until the Noie is paid ia fitll.a eum("Fttads")�for: . '. , -.
<br /> y f' ' (a)Yearl}•tases aad assestments which may attain priority aver this Secwity Instniaseat as a tiea an the Property;fb) ' `; .
<br /> {4 r;� �:; • yeasly leasehald payments or gtauad reYUS on the Yroperty.if any;(c)pearlp haaefid or pmpert9 insurauce pn7aiums; � -
<br /> . (d)yeasly flaod insurance premiums.if any;(e)yearly mortgage iasutaace grenaiums.if aay;and(�)etiy surae pagable . _
<br />'Y` bp H�orrao�er to Lender,ia accordance ssith the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of thepapmeat of mortgage iasuraace ` � '" • � ' •�
<br />'°`;:�";:;�t.ru:; Prerniums.These items are called"Escrow items." Lender may.at any time,collect and hold Funda iA an amouat aot �
<br /> °-�"�`"''�:�z= • to egceed the masimum suiount a lender for a federalIy related taortgag+e loan may require far Bonawei's escrow ` � • . '�
<br /> :
<br /> "_ '.��,;,--.;�.- , account under the federal Rea!Estate Setttement Pr�.�»�9ct of 1974 as amended from time�time� 12 U.S.C. ''� . �-
<br /> �, - S�tion 2b01 et seq.("RP�SPA°).unless another la�v that applies to the Fuads sets a Iesser amounx If so,Lender raaq, ' . . � . .. ' -
<br /> ;:;;� �:�� at anp time.colle�t aud hald Funds ia aa amount not to escced the le�et amoun�Lender map estimate the amouat of ` �-:..�.:
<br /> Funds due oa the basis of cunent data and reasonable estimates of eapendittttes of future Escrow Itemsor otherwise in � "`;� �
<br /> = �. r°'�' accotdance with applicabla law. _
<br /> `'..W=•. "-� The Funds shull tse held in an institution whose deposits are instmed bq a federat ap,,ency,instramentality.ar eatitq • ��r"��` �� �'�-�
<br />,�.R.;;,.�`�.� . . (including[,ender,if Lender is such an institution)nr in any Federal Hdrne Loan Bank.I.eudet�� applp the Funds to '`;;�;"�, � .e
<br /> _..__ .
<br /> � . i pap tAe£scrow Items..Lender may not,chasge B�rro�er for holdin�aad_appi�ing_the Faads,aamuatl aaalpzing the -�^-��-s-
<br /> ,a. .
<br /> . __...- -- ---- - . �
<br /> � .. escr��account,or verifqitig the Bserow Items,unless Lender pays Bormwer inter�t on t�te�i�ads sa applica-b7e law - ---�- - . �
<br /> --'''-'--y= - is LvKCder ta make sarh a char e Hanever, Lender map requir� Horto�vrs w a a one-tiate cha� for aa
<br /> , :t�;:i _ _ — -- P�i g • P Y � ::'•��,
<br /> . independent teal estate tas reporting service used by Lender in conaection with this loaa,ualess applicabte law providea , :-, -:
<br />" � '` �" otherarise.Unl�s aa agreement is made g,�applicable law requires interest w be paid L.ender shajl not be required to .� �;�,r»
<br /> __�._ _._,�,,.,', . . :
<br /> •-. ��• pay Bonower any interest or earnings on'the Funds.BanoNer and Lender may agr�.in writing,however,ffiat intereat. �� � " „_;�'�
<br /> " '�� � sball be paid on the Fuads.Lender ahall give to Bonocver,withaut cha;ge.aa aanual accountiag of the Funds.shawing � �•
<br /> � � credits and debits to the Funds and the putpose for�chich each debit to the Fuuds was siade.TBe Faads are pledged as &-'�'
<br /> " `� ' additiana!security for all sums secvred by this Security Instrument� . , s •
<br /> � ' IF tt►e Funds hsld by Lender esceed the amount�permitted to be held by applicable law,I.eader shell acconat to •
<br /> ` Borro�ver for t he excess Fon d s in accor d anae wit h i he requiremen t s o f app lica b le law.I f t�e amoun t o f t h e F v a d s h el d ' ��'� � � .
<br /> �1', ,
<br /> .. . • ". ' �y Lender at any time ia not suf�icient to pay the I:scrun•Items tvhen due.Lender rr�ap so�otify Borrosver in wsi3ing,
<br />- attd,in sucti caEe Horrotiver shall pay to I_ender thr am��unt necGSSary to make up the deFicieney.BorroNer ed�ll matce ' % h:.;
<br />_;�-r=:=.'�:� up the deficiency in na more than twe�ve monchty payments,ai Lender's sola discretion. -.�
<br /> -_��,;;�_ ' Upcm payment in full of all sums seeured by this Sec;uritp Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrawer . ' ':��'r i
<br /> ' %�;-` • � any Funds held by Lender. If. urtder paragrapb 21, t.ender shall acquire or sell the Property, Lender, prIor to�the - -.,� ''�� ---
<br /> ;:'.:�k-:° .
<br /> ' �F�'..=: acquisition or sale o4 the Property�shal! apply any runds held by Lendet at the timo of acquisition or sale as a�credit "'� �'
<br /> ��:=**.�::±:�;: a�aitist the sumssecured by this Security Instrument. `1` ' �'4 �
<br /> a.
<br /> ' :�f � 3. Application of Paymeats.Unless applicable lativ provides otherwise,all papments received bp Leader urtder ' a�' `
<br /> ���� r paragraphs l and 2 shall be applied;firnt,to any prepayment charges due under the Nota;second,to amounts payable � .� �� ��<-
<br /> :.�..R,i��c�Irl.n - � •-'f. ' � t %'�R.
<br /> "•.�Y�-�r� . • under paragraph Z;thir d,to inierest due;fourt h,to principa l due;an d last,to any late c h a rges d ue un der t he No t s. _ . ,.�,
<br /> . �-F;..:_
<br /> 4.,t'harges; Lieas. Borrower shall pay all taxes.asse,ssments,charges.fines aad impositions attributable to the '.':;g!;!'
<br /> _r;�A�'*�;e_,._� • _ . . .� �,'.
<br /> _- �..-._�.., . Progerty �vhich may attain priority over this Security Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground renta,if any. . �. �r�
<br /> =��:�=r;.'-. ,:�-.�;;. -- �
<br />= Bonower shall pay thesa obligations in the manner provided in patagraph 2,or i4 not grad in that saanaer.Borrower � 4
<br /> .r�=
<br />= . � � shall pay,them on time directiy to the persun ocved payment.liorcower shall promptly fumish to I,ender alI notices oY • • �;:=_
<br /> . • esnounts to be paid under this paragraph. If 13arrower mak�s these paytnents directly.Bonower ehaU promptly futniah � .. �-
<br /> • .. . , to Lender receipts evidencing the payinents. • � • :�":
<br /> ' � $orroaer sha11 promptly discharge any lien i�•hich has priority ocer this Secwitq Instrumcnt unless Borrower:(a) � --��j-
<br /> ' . . . . agcees in�vriting to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manaer acxeptable tm LenQet;(b)contests in � . ��:'�. '�= s�;
<br /> � goo8 faith the lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien ia,legal proccedings which in tha I,ender's opinion • . �_. `'
<br /> .- ' ,' . operate tn prevent the enforcement of the Jien;or (c)secnres from the holder of the lien an egeemeat satisfacEory to �� _ : . • -
<br /> ..� . Lender subordinating the lien w this Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of the Property ia subject �! � • . . •
<br /> _r., ) • � � r.--
<br />� � •� 1to a lien �vhich may attain priority over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Bosrowec a notice identifping tha , .
<br />:����i3�:�:. lien. Borrativer shall satiafy the lien or take ane or more of the actions set,forth ebove withiA 10 days of the giving of E • . : � '•
<br /> ,w., x : notice: � . - - �
<br /> ,�.,,, . . � ' .
<br /> _ =.rt:,. .;, , . , . - .
<br /> _ Forer 301t 9/90 '>
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