�'� �c„? . t„.. . . . V _ , ... . . . � • -. . _ .�_. .. �., -_—
<br /> . � ` � _
<br /> . . •. • . ' r • ,. _ ' ` 4�'r,�'.
<br /> .
<br /> . . _.:.^�.. ; ... i •.� - < ` - T
<br /> . x..- .T> . !. _ �_ >- S �.� .. .�- .f' �' ,a. ' ' _ _ •+�a.i: T.. '`�"t ________
<br /> . ... 'F . }` .`La� _ ::Lffe, _'�: ' S� "� - -_
<br /> . G i. . ` . � ' ` ` ' �� �Z'iK`__—... .. .
<br /> , �: ' . . � � ' '������� . •� S�i � �=��f __
<br /> . p����Y ao t�agu�te�eclu�,aL the ogEion of Lende�.if mortgag�iusarance cove�age fia iha amrnmt effi f�r dte peiicad � �_� 'f -�
<br /> t�at Lea�der re�rss�inavided bY an fias�r ap�mved 8y Lead�again beaascsv svaa�able aad as abtained.Baauwwer s6eR�ay t�e t =
<br /> � �� p�aiIIm.g� to�ia inoitgaga ins�aacx ia eff�t,ar to pmvisle a Ioss res�sv�uat�th$s�airement foT ma3tgage "�' Y`�-�._-__
<br /> =' � insffiaa¢e ends ia s�000rdaanoe aiii�mty�a�ieement betarer�Borrower aa�i.ender ar applicable law. . . t. . �
<br /> ,, ' �9.Ins�ert�an; L4a�ar ar it4 egeAt may make ressoaa6Ie e�uies ugan aasi Iasq�ctinns of the Fmpeaty.I�ender sha71 gEVe � . <� ��.
<br /> . � Boaowrs aoGCe ffi the timc of or p�iOr to an ins�tian specIfYffi8 zea�nab4e�e fmr the iasp��nn = ,. � • �;���,
<br /> 'h�� y i�.Condtmnatiam The y�ceeda of s�ny aw�d mr ctai� for dsinages,d'a�ct aP�uc��al.in canae�ion with suy . �
<br /> . '� . . , . ,,:
<br /> �_
<br /> _ � . condemnadan ar other taTdag vf any part of tl�e Propenp,�r.�ar oonvey�ance m tiea of condcmnati�n,are h�eby ss4g�ed eud ' �;•'f ;� `:5�<,��=
<br /> . ' � ' ahallbe pault�I.eade� ' � ` • • '.
<br /> ` � ' � In�e event of a mtal tatcmg of the Fmpe�ty,the praceeds shaD bs applied to the smns sec�ea by this Sec�ty�rume�t► :: � ,
<br /> �._ , :- - wheth�ar not then dne.with�y eacess paid oo Bmmwear.In�he evemt of aparti2l tatang of the Pmperty in which the fair market _;�° ,.
<br /> °� ' ' ' � aralne of�e Piroperty immediatrly befoYe tbe ca�ng is eqaat m ar gceater tUan the ama�t of�e sams seca�t bp this S�jr — _ `'
<br />- • Ins�nment immediateIY befoie the�tal�ag,�u2e.s4 Borraw�aad I:eadea od�eawise agcee in w�iring,the s�s seaued by tlai.s , , ,
<br /> `- --. . ... Se�unty�InsuRmer►t svaII be reduced bp the amaunt of the gioceedv mnitiplied by th�foltowing&ac.aon(a)the total amflunt of � , r .. .
<br /> a
<br /> .. � .. die snms sec�ed�modiately befare the mlung,dividcd by N) the fafir m�ket value of the PtoAe�j►��IY b�o�e the ` .. ,
<br /> ` �. , taking.Any ba�ce shall be paid to Bano�ver In th�event of a garti�l taking af tLe Ptopeaty in whi�h the fair marget vat¢�of the . .. <.-
<br /> . �' , ;. . � Broperty immedia�ely before the ta�rmg is tess tban the amount of the sums secared�mediately before dee ta�ing, antess � ' � .
<br />- � � � Bonower and Leatded othc�vise ag�ee ia arritin8 or umless spplicabl�Iaw otheaarise pmvides.the pruc�eeds sball be app3ied to tlie , ..�,:- ..
<br /> n � , .... � .
<br /> ' ' S�S SCQIIC���3.�0ClIAn►�CIIL WIIE�OZ 130L$1C SUIOS ffiC tliPa�I1C. •:- s ' , `
<br /> . -- '� . � . If the Propeaty is abandoned by Baaawer,or i�after aouce 6y Y�►d+u oo Bouowea that the candemnor affeds to maice aa
<br /> awacd or seuIe a claim for damages.Ba�owea fa7s w�espond ts IRndea within 30 days after the dal�the notice is given„Leader • _ _ -
<br /> _. • ' is sudiorized tn colled aad appIy the pioceeds,at its option,eith�r w respa�nn ar�r of the Pmpeaty or to the sams secaat�d , �
<br /> � isp this Sec�ty Insmmment,whether ar not thea�dae. . . � , `
<br /> , .� , UNess Leandea aad Baaowea uthe�wise a�ee in writing,m►Y 3pFiira6ion of pmoeeds to grmcipal shall noi exte�d ar postpane .��., " •�
<br /> ed . _ ;
<br /> � ., the d�e dare of the'month�Y payments referred to�in Pa�ag�phs 1 and 2 or cbauge the amo�t of sach paytmni�— _ . ., � .,•
<br /> .�. . , .
<br /> : . : . .. � .:. .':..
<br /> .__. .r..._. :., - 11.BormwerNotReteased;-Farbearan�By Len�ierNate Waiv_ar_Ext�lon of the dme for paymeAt ar modification . ..': � ; - =-�-�,-.
<br /> .. --� --- ._....-- -- -
<br /> , . ----� -------�--- -- - �--- - - --- "
<br /> ... ' .. . of anaoiti7adon of t�e sams secmred by this S�nrinr lnstaument granted by Leader tn any saccessor in lnt�st of�mmwer�1"-._...._...._.
<br /> . • ,�
<br /> . . • . �� nat aperate m rel�ase the liab�ity of the asigiaal Bormwer ar Baa�owea's succe.ssaYS in interes�Le,ndea shaII noi be requnred w , .'
<br /> e
<br />. camm�p�ocee�mgs against any succestor in�rest ar:efuse tn exteud oime far payatent or otherwise raodify amartizadnn of r• ._ . ;%r��`
<br /> . t h e s u m s s e c u r e d b y t b i s S e c w i t y I n s u u m e n s�.y reason of aa y deaaand mads b y the original Boauwea ar Haaowea's suscess�s ,�,� �'��`
<br /> , ,. . ... ._._�.
<br /> • --- - : �: � in 3nt�st Any farbe�anceby I:�dex iA�xer�isin8�Y*i8ht or remedy�all not be a waie�of uar p�ectude the exea�ase of any -- - . .. -.- - `�,",�.,
<br /> : � .. � right�m�edy. . . . ' :`
<br /> , !Z.Su�ssors aa�Assigns Boand;doint aad Sev�al Liablt(tyi Cn�siga�s.T9ie cave�mmts and ag�esneats of t6is ' �.�. .
<br /> ' . Secuority Insdrume�t s6ari bind and be�e5t the sn�s and a�gas of Lenda and Barrower.subject ro the provisians af �. ' ,�' . ";�.. `
<br /> ...:..:. ,. � .._ _ . agreeta j� Y b� .
<br /> .. Paiagraph 17. Barrower's cavc�►�and e,nts s�all 6e omt and sevetal. An Boaower w1m co-si dns Secarity t' .. - .
<br /> a '
<br /> � Insaame�t bnt does aot execute the Nat� (a)is co-�g�ng this Seauity Insuument only to martgage.Wnt and convey that ,ti � `•
<br /> � • .. .. B6rrowea's iat�est in the Propeaty und�the terms of Wis Security InstivmenC N)is not peasonaIIy obligated w pay the saaos . �`.�,_::��.
<br /> rro
<br /> � secm�ed by this S�jr Insuumen�aad(c)agrees tbat Lende,t and airy othes Boaower may agree to exteaid.modifY.fosbear or :�;.,�;:-
<br /> ' � . ' . - maYe any accommodations witb iegard to the te�ms of this Seca�idy Instruma►t or the Note aritha�tbat Bonowea's consent ' , • ;:,(:' �
<br /> a
<br /> � ' � , � 13 Low Chasgcq. If the ioan sec�red by this Sec�uity Iwstrumeat is snbjece w a law which sets maximum to�ctrmrges, � +�
<br />' � � . � :. ` and t2�ai taw is fmaIly inteapreted sn that the iaterest or at�ea toa�cl�arges wlleeted or to be col2e�ted in cannecaon wi�the Ioan 4;_
<br /> aa � ...... :,-. -. .- .
<br /> . ' . � '� � eaceed the peamiued limits,ther�::(a)any such toau ct�arge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to m,duce the ebarge w the � . :�..:;:;
<br /> peam t �
<br /> •. - . . yeamiued 1imi�end(b)anY svms atready cwlle�ted fmm Borrower whicb exceeded peazniued timits w�l be refunded m Borrowea. � `� " -�-'�
<br /> . . . L�dea may ctroose to matce this refur� by rednc�+g the pruiciDal awed aader the Note or by maidng a dire�t payme�t w � I . `�/�.
<br /> Borrower.lf a�fund reBnces PrincIAa1.the redncdon w�l be treared as a panial prepayment witho�anY P�PaY�ent cbarge :. . ,
<br /> ander the Note. . �,, . �
<br /> • �� ... � . 14 Notic�. Aay noticce�o Borrower psovided for ia tWs Sec�ity Instrurnent shaU be givea�by delivermg it�by ma�ing it � .: � . `
<br /> e
<br /> � : .._ _." .. hy 6rst class mail unIess apDlicable law t�et�uirts use of anodtea rnettcad.'lhe notice shall be di�ected m the pioperty Address or :• �'s,•:�-
<br /> ;; �y a�er address Borrower designates by aotice m Le�dea Any notice w Ixnder shall be g�by�rst class mail w l.ende�'s 4 .
<br /> �� � eddiess sm�°d h�eln or any other address Lender desigaates by nodce to Barmwer.Any notice pmvided for in this Sec�uity `.?jw.�. '
<br /> . : � InsWment shall be deemed tn Lave be�given w Brnmwea or Lenda when given as Drovided in tLis puag�aph. i � �� � .
<br /> �. � 1S.Governtng La�Severab�ity. 'Ibis Secnriry L�swraent shall be goveaned by fedeaal 1aw and the law of the �
<br /> �... .:. .. . . __ j�lsdictian in alush the Ampeaty Is locate�l. In the event Wat any provision ar ctause of this Sec�uit�►lnsnuument or the Note ;. , . .
<br /> . canflicts with app�ic�ble law,such conflict shall nat affect other pmvisians of th3s Sec�uiry Inst�umeat or the Note whlch c�be - .
<br /> given effect without the conflicdnS provisian.To tiils end the yrovisions of tbis Seauity Insts�ment and the Note are declared w ; . .
<br /> • . ' •� . be savetabla , . '� ..
<br /> _ - - Form�028 9/90 `
<br /> � ' . _, • .
<br /> Pa��019 tfiitlala• �
<br /> ', . �j •ER(HE7(a�121 o f A.t,,r+ o ' , � •
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