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. . . _. .., . . _ _. . . .;�. .r . . .. . �. <br /> �� � � �. . . . . �' . `2 a fir r.�d:c`'."°.:-r—�i:�>� { . � F` , , f ` � <br /> -��-T'y-c'y r. �'`�( y _ '�. -7'4•1�'�{r'— �� F .�'� f>�t _' <br /> �� .%. �< . .�K A . .lL __ _ • Y�,.� � - S.S1 -L`' ` " S . � -�. n , . f� - <br /> �.1 yi �.: �4. - .�:�� .� �,,• ,.`� ' .. 4 _�3-..=+�`'�7�`�Y <br /> �� .(e _ . , ti . �!' � '' C'� <br /> . - ,. ' ' - . ' � - <br /> - i � ' � .. . - . . . �e`a�cS;'�:. <br /> � At-1Y-1995 �EEt�t��Ti$UST � ��"r���v�a� Pa�e 2 ``� � .�.; � <br /> . . .. ` � t�oan t�a � ���� .. - . �.� <br /> • � ' `.� :r� . . . � <br /> . - � • t , . • �� . . <br />= `.., . _ . • <br /> . . � Tws c�,oF 4ausr.iKau��Ha�ass�ax�r o�sa�rs arm��mr r�sT a� ��r,rs arm�aasow�r. , . <br /> w <br /> • ' ` PaOPQiYY.18 QIYEN TO SECI�iE (1)PAY�T OF Tt�IDID�T�HESS/SND (2)PEFiFaRRIlANCE OF IUiY ItHD ALI.OBLIQATtOHS OF ; . . <br /> .. � TRUSiOR(RlCEIi TN�H4T�,Ti1g Rl-].ATED d!.'CUNlEHTS,AHD THIS OEEQ OF TRUST. THIS OEED OF TRUST IS QIYE1'I AND A�CEPTED • , � <br /> . ;: - OHTHEFmLLOWlN3TOiMSr • � <br /> � ` ` PAYIItE[iT AND�dii�Al�iCB. EKCeDt es otherwfse Oravidsd in this Deed.of T�u,st.Tiuslar st�pay to Lender ail tmourds sewred by this Oeed ,.. . <br /> � o!Trust&s IABy ls�cama 6u9,ena stlall sUtcUyt end fn'8 Ume1Y mannEU perfortn eII of Trustots obGgaBons under tha Note.Uds OeeQ oi Tnut,and tAe . - <br /> Um , .. s. <br />- . � < . , Retated Doaumenb. . . <br /> • '_ 6�OSSESSIOH AHD M�(l1TF1iAHCE OF ti�PROA99TY. Trustor a�aes thffi TrustaPS p�sesstan and use ot the,Property sha11 be gaverned by . <br /> ..,-. . . ; _ - theto�to�finpprovtstor� _ ,- .-.-_ -. _.. <br /> .,r,-:=�--`---�-- =-- <br /> . PoESessi0tl md U�e. Ufda tRa oCCttneno9 Of 8n Event at Oeisuit,'rrwtar � 't:.�__,.„ <br /> m�y (aj remaTn in possession and cor►traf of tP�a P�oPedY. tbl use. <br /> . operate ar manape th0 ProD�tY�and (c)caUec!er►Y Ranis trom tbe Property. �• • . . <br /> .. : _ OUty to M�ntein.tNStcr eheU melntatn 1ttB PropBriy tn tenardabie cortd,�on and P�Dgll Perfnrm a�repatrs.ceDiacemettts�anA matMenance . T " . <br /> - : •- - neoer.sary to presenre fts valua - . <br /> - ---.. -_ ,, � !{azatd0us SltbstetlCEa.fie tertas T8z8tQ0us wasta:'herardoUS substance.°dupo�l.°'Petease:and'thteaterted rete85a.°as used in thls _ ..._ `"_ .. . <br /> � Deed ot 7n�L 6hat1 t�eve Ihe same meantngs as set fMt►{n fhe Comprehensive Ernrtranmentat Re�onse.Compen5atian.and UabTty Act ot <br /> ' � amendeQ.42 i1S.G SecUon 9o0f.e1 s9q.�'CERCLA�,tfie Supertund Amsndments and Reauthar(zaUOn Act of 1988,Pub.L:No. , .. <br /> � � 98-�493�'SAAA7.ih8 td9�tdous tStel�Aet9 TrBtrsporfaflan Act;48 U.S.Q Sec�nn tBD�.et seq.,the Resour�Conservation and Recovery Ad.' - . .. <br />� ' � 49 U.S.C.SecUOn seq.,as other app11c5bte state or Fedeiai layrs,rufes.or�egutallons sdoptsd pursuant to arry of the toregoing. The � • <br /> � terms'harardot�4 wast�and`hazardovs substance'shall e1sQ indude,w�hout fimBatton,petrofeum and pehoteum by-products or arry fraction <br /> - . �� thereot end as5estos. Trustor represents end warranffi to tendar thaG (e)During tt[e perfod ot TrusFar's ownershfp o!the Property.there has �,. : • _ . � <br /> - : r: . 6ean no use.SeneraUon.manufacture.storago.treatmen�dispasel.retease or tfueatened retease ot any hazardous wsste or substance by any . , • . . <br /> par&on on,un6ar,or about the PrOpertyr. (b)Trustor tias no knowtedga of,ar�ason to 6ei3eve that thace has 6eee.except as previouslY • <br /> � dtscfased ta end acknowladQed by Lender in arttHng. (q et►y use,generaBon,manufacture,starage,treatment,dlsposal.reteass,or tfireatened , � <br />.. �= re(easg of artyr hezard9us waste o�suhstenrs by any pdar owners ar occupants af#he PropeAy or rn?enY actual or threatened IitigaUon a {. ' <br />� - � ctaims of any kMA by any per�on reiatlnp to suc1�matte�end (c)Fxcept es prevfaus(y dtsdosed fi and acknawleQged by LenQer in wriUng, , � <br /> •t;. • (i)ne0her Ttustar nor erry tenan�contractar,agent or athet aufhorfmd user of the Property sha11�se.Hensrete.manutadure,store.treat, <br /> � • • , , ' d(sDpse ol,or refease any haffirdous wasta or SubstenCa on,under,or about ths Property and {u'y any such acliNly shaD be conducted tR . . <br /> .---.... .... .,._�-..._ __. _. . ._....�pmppancewithrille�plU��s..[egul8�o.(�.andordtnanc�estinelu�in�+�thout�mNa9onthosetavrs.regutatlons.and. , '. •.. ; <br /> .. . -- --...... <br /> ordlnances descrWed sbovo. Trustor authorizes lender and ib agents to ente��pan ihe tyroper�y to�make saoli frisp8c-tioifs Bnil-taifs,aY-� •- �°-�--:`. e <br /> ` � 7rustar's expense.a9 l.enQer mey deem approprtate to detemJna compUance of tt�Proyerty wfth this secUon of the Deed ol7rust Any • �. �,,, <br /> • . � ' (nspec9ons or tesb made Dy Lender ahatl be tor Lender'S pu►poses oNy and shall not be construed to create any responsfbility or Uability on Me , � • <br /> � " pacl of Lsnder to Tnutar or to eny other pera0n. The cepresenlaHons and warranUes wrdeined Aerein ere basad on Trustor's due diligence tn � ,-r � <br /> InvesUgaNnp ths Property far Aerard0us waste. 7nrstor hereby (a)re►eases and walues ac►yt tuhue Getms a9a���nEer tor indamnity or , .,`�,�" <br /> � contrlbuUOn tn the even!Trustor becomes Ilab(e tor cteanup or other costs unQer any such Iav�s,and (bf agrees to indemrtity and hold harmless , . <br /> � Lender agatnst any 8nd eil ctaims.tosses,llabllitles.d8mages,penalUes,artd axpenses wtitch Lender may direcLy or irtdireCity sustalr�Oe'suHar �'- .. � . <br /> • � resutung from a breach of this secuon ot the Oeed of Trust ar es a consequence af any use,generation,manufachue�storage,disposal,reteasa ' , . .• <br /> � ' or threatened�etease accurting pdor to Trustars ownersl�tp or intsrest tn!he Propc�Ay.whether or no�the same was or shoNO hava been . . . . <br /> � ' . known to Tnutar. Tise provtslon.a of this section of tRa Qeed of Tnut,tnctudng the ob�cgatlon to indsmn3ry.s�all suMve the payment oi the� �. . .. � . , <br /> � indebtedness acd tt�e sa�9ac9on.Qnd recOnveyance of the lien o!th(s Deed ot Trost and shau nat be affected by Lertder's acqulsitton of any� . `�. <br />� � � �• ' tnterest In tha Property.whether by forectosure or othenvise. .. � '� ' <br /> .`i } <br /> � � Nulaance�Wesie. Tntstor sheU not cause,conducl or permit 8ny nWssnce nor commit,perm��,cr sufter any sMpptng of or waste on or to the , ' <br /> � � � Prcperry ar any por�on oi lhe Pcoperly. WfthoN pmfUng th9 QeneraGly o1 the toregoing,Tnjstor vn�not cemove,or grant to eny olher party the . ��,.•;�� 1 <br /> � dght to remova,eny llmber,minerats Qnctud)ng oU and ges),soi►.gravel or rodc praducts wiihout the pdar written conseM ot Lender. _ ""�4 <br /> ''¢. <br /> ' REmovd af fmp[overa6nta. Tns3tor sfiat not damotirri a.-�matin ar.,e tmpro•ram6nt irom tt�P.rx.t Aroparly r:)t�,rt ttso prior wri!!an canrant ;r' �+ <br /> '- --�— �� - �� - of tender. As a condtUon to th9 removal ot any improvemerds,LenQer may require Trustor to malce errangements satisfactory to Lender to .. : <br /> replace such Improvemen�wfih Improvemenb of at teast equal vaiue. � � <br /> • Lendei's Ri�t to Entat. Lender and ib agents and representat[ves may enter upon the Real PrapeAy at al►reasonable times to attend to �. " ., . �• <br /> . , � LenQer's Interesb end to tnspect the PropeAy for purposes ol Trustor's eompitance with the terms and condiUOns of this DeeO of Trust. � . , �:,. <br /> � � ' Comptiance wltD Qovemmentet Requiremente. Trostor snall prompttycompry wtth aU taws,ordinances,and regulations,now or hereafier in .✓'�,j= <br /> � � � etfeCl,ol aD gov&mmentel 8ulhoritte5 eppitceb�9 to the use Or oCCUpBnCy Ot tt�A Ptoperty,including without limitation, the AmOriC&ns With � '� , <br /> • ' OlSatiillUes ACt. Trustor may contest in good fatth any sucb law,ordinance,or regulation artd withhotd compliance dudng any proceeding, • <br /> - � Includtng appropdata eppeais,so fortg es Trustor hes notifled Lender In wrlUng prtor to doing so an�so long as,in Lender's sote oplNon, • � <br /> • Lendars intgresb in ihe Propedy are not jaopardimd. Lender may requtra Trustor to past adequate securiry or a surery ban0,reascnabty � . <br />� • sausfactory to lenQer,to protect Lendefs Intecest . : <br /> � - Dury to ProlECf.Trusior flqraes neithei to ebanQon nor leavo unettended iha Property.�Trustor shatl0o all other acts,in addiion to thcse acls - ",� � , <br /> ` flQfO <br /> . . set torlh abave in ihls 6�C6on.whTcn from the Cherecter flnd u59 Ot the Pro�erty are reesonably necossary to protect and preserve the Properly. . <br />. • ' OUE ON 8ALE-CONSEHT BY LEt�EA. Lender may,at ib opUon,06Ctare tmmeAtatety dua and paya6te all sums seeured by thls Deed of Trust j `�� <br />�` � � upon the sefe or Vansfer,wtthout tha lender's prtor vn(tten consenL of al or any part of the Real Property,or any intorest in the Rea1 PropertY. A �� � <br />`� '�ate or hansfeP means ttre comreyance of Real PropeRy or an/dght,tllte or Interesl tderein;whether legal.beneficial or epultabte;whstner votuntary � <br /> I . <br />�� :.;.. _ ' or invotuntary,whether by ou6ighl Saia,deed,inStBltmenl sale contracb tand Conhact,Conhact for dead.teasehold Interest witf�e term greater ihan � • <br /> I..,: tAre9(3)years.(e�.Se-opUon contraCt.or by eete,esstgnment.or attnstar of any beneflciel interest tn or to any Iand trust hoiding fltle to the Real <br /> • � Property,or by any other method of conveyance ot Real PrOparty tnterest. 118ny Trustor Is s�ip or timited Ilab7ily company, <br /> hanstar also InetuQes any change In ownership of more than twontp-Ifve percenl(Zfi96)ot the vo8ng stock,partnership interesis o:GmiteO Itab(lity j <br />% . eompany tnterests,as the cas9 mey 6e,of Trustar. However,this opUOn 8ha11 nol be wcercised by Lender If snch exercise is prohibited by fe0eral � <br />.`"s: Iaw or py Nebreska(aw. . <br />� ' wln rovistons relBtln to 1he ta�ces and Uens on!Ae Pro erry are a parl ot ihis Oeed of Trust. � '. ' <br />�� . -- . TAXES MID LIENS.The fofla �0 p D <br /> Paymeet. Trusta aha11 pay when due(an0 In eU evenb pAOr to dNinquency)atl taxe9,speetal taxes,assessmenb,charges pnctuding vrater � . <br />► � � and sewor)�ftnna9 fln0 Im�oslUOn9leNed a�ains!a an aCCOUnt of th9 Ptoperty�8nd 8Aa1t pay tvhen due e11 ctaims for work done on or lor <br /> a <br /> f x • seMces renQered or mata�(al furr�shed to the Proparty. Trustor BfleB mainteln tho ProAerty iree ot atl hena having pnortty over o�equal to Ihe ; <br /> Interest ot Lender under 1NS OeeO of 7rust,except lor the Uen of taxa9 and assassments�ot due and except as otherwise provided in this Deed ( <br /> t� ; ot Trusf. � { � . . <br /> i� ' Rfgrit To Cantest. Trustor mdy wlthhoM poymont ot any tax,assassmont,or�t�im Irt connection wflh a gaod faith dispute over tha obligation i <br /> F�' _. ' , to p8y,so tong es Lendefa Interest In the Proporty(s not joopardlze0. II G ilen ari,s9 or Is filed es a resuN ot nonpayment,Trustor shatl wiihin � , <br /> fiftaan(16)days aftar ths�en ertses or,tt e tlen Is fited,w►lhin fifle9tl(1 S)dCyB aHnt ttustal hIIS nOti�9 Of the fiiing,sacure the dtschargB ot ine , <br />�� . � � lien,or il requested by LenQer,d�posit witb Londer cash or a 6uf�cionl Corporute surpty bond or other seCUriry satisfactory to Lender in an ' <br /> amount suftictent to dlscharpe the 119n plus eny cosb and oftarney�s'lao9 or otnor charqo�that coutd accrua es e resuit of a toreclosure or saie � . <br /> � .. � under fhe Iten. In arry►contest,Trustor shall detend itsoti and Lendar and 9ht�t1�tfsly any adverse Judgment bafore entorcement ageinst the . . � <br /> Property.Trustorshall name Lendar as an addiUonai obligoo unCar any surory bond fWnishoa ln the contest proceedings. i <br /> EvidtnCe of Pa}imeaL.Trustor shall.upon dem8+td furni�h t0 Londor sall�tactory eNdonce ot paymenl o}the texes or assessments end shafl f' <br /> � � �. �, authorl:e the apptopr�ate govemmentN oHiclat to dOttvar to Londot nt any Ilmo o wnHun Stotement of the taxes flntl assessments agatn5l the <br /> I <br /> Property. , <br /> -'� NoUce of CortsWeUon.Tnptor shall noUy LenQe�et taast ficieen(I6)days boforo any v1nA�Is commenced,any seMces ere turo�shed.or eny . <br /> �� � � matertets are suppiied to Ihe nny mechallo'e Oe�L m818AFllmnne Uon,ar othar Iton coutd be asserted on account of the work, . . <br /> �. � ' . seMc�,or mateAef9. Trustor wIU erpon roqitest of lender turnlsD toLende►eQvance BSSUtAnCa9 efltfsfflCtory to LendEr that TrustOr can end wiJ ; . <br /> � � ,- � pay ihe cost ai such tmyrovemnnts. ; � <br /> ,�• • � � PAOPERTV DAMAGE IHSUAAKCE The toltowing provislon9 ro(aQnp to Insudnp IAO Proporty arp n purt of ihis Oeed ot Trusl. , • <br /> � <br />�� ' . � MdTntenense of Insuranee. Trusta��hsil procuro and m�lntnin po'!clo�oi Oro Irnuronco wRh 5t4ndard oxtended coverage ertdorsements on a ' • <br /> •. � .repfsCemerd besis tor tho RN insutt�ble valuu COVeAnp 4f11mprovomCnt3 on Iho Ft�ol Fraporty In an amount sufflcient to avoid application ot any . <br /> � ' • , _ ca3sr�rarsce c3su�,er�s!v�th a stas:dard m <br />;_..r - ,- .- eMgag�d:�ks ts:�a.•c! ° °. {3:�°�-'!etso D►trrsue enQ melnl�in comprehensiva genera� � _.. . . . _ ._ . <br /> t_ <br /> �__.._._.-- - <br /> � <br />:x : . . � � � <br /> M � � <br />