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<br /> ._�����:� . � a , . . TRUSTEE'S OEED [�F REGONUEYR{+10E , . ' — _ = _
<br /> -�w,��� � � � _`__
<br /> r.��:� �::3 KN(]W AEI�I�N�QY THESE PRESENTSs . t �_�-
<br /> ` 3%� `v WiERFAS, aII of �he indebtedness secured by ths Trust Qesrl executed by --°-� --°�--=
<br /> y___._.
<br /> .�_ .-- -• -
<br /> `--._:�`'�� ' LEROg W. hiORTON APiD LINDA L. MORTOti, Hi1SBAND AI3D WIFE . �`
<br /> ,-�:�_ ----
<br /> �� to AREND R. BAACK attorne . + _ -
<br /> ��'� Trustee, for the benr� t nf 1� FEDERAL SA INGS AND LQAN aSSOCIATI� � GRRND ISLAM, ` � --
<br /> : c�.� - NOVE�IDER IO . 1993 \��.^� - --
<br /> NEBRASKA, the ber�efi�iary named therein, dated � • �� ---
<br /> � i �'��;;� ° �and recorded NOVF�Eit 18 , 19 9a• , in the Office of i�fie Register of•Qeeds of �
<br /> _ :� Hall Ccunty, Nebraska, as Instrtxnent Number 93-109995 & 93-109997 `a--�==-----_
<br /> _ . : , has bsen paid, �`�_T.-
<br /> - �� and satd benef�iary has requested fn writing that th .D�aed of .Recanveyancs be exe= . �°°����tl--=_—
<br /> ' � ' cuted artd deliver�: • . � � -�y ------
<br /> _ ..._ . . . [u�.-'„`4.�
<br /> .. �
<br /> . . .,'. . .. , . .."'.—' "_""'_"'_'....."__'..._""'_""_—_'_"""'—_"_""—_"'...'_—_"—'—"—.._..'_"'__'_"' _' ""_"., '.
<br /> ' ' NOW, THERE�ORE, in ca�sider�tian of such payment in eccordance mith the fiequest � s "�'�
<br /> . ', '� . of the beneficiary named therein, the undersign�d, as Trustee, dnes by these presents, `-=�''���`
<br /> ' .Y•-F
<br /> .. ; . gran�, remise, release and recanvey to the person or persons entitled thereto all the , �:� s �
<br /> - -°-���=--� interest and estate derived to said Trustee tiy or thraugh sai�! Trust Deed in the fol- � {�`� �
<br /> '�' ' loming describe�f premises; but bnly as to such premises; - --- ' ':'<���''�'
<br /> ,. , . . . • . � , ,�,;..
<br /> _ .. � rf--
<br /> . . ' . . . Lot 7, having a lake front footage of 86 fePt, situated on the East side �f the : _`�..—�
<br /> ' West, portion of Ruester Lake, and being a part of the E� SW} in Section 13, --•r'""-=-�
<br /> . :�, �sa�
<br /> Townshi� 11, Range 9, in Hall County, Nebrastca a/k/a a tract of land in the East �-+:�.��
<br /> � � � Half_ of the Southwest Quarter (E;SSJ4) of Settfon 13. Tot,mship 11, North, Range 9 ,`�'��
<br /> � ` • tdes� of th� 6th p.M., Fiall County, Nebraska said traat being the. property occupied � . '�
<br /> a
<br /> by the residence knoirn as #62 Kuester's L�lce, said tract being mo*e particularlq • ',� �,��:
<br /> �..�
<br /> - � ' � described as follows: with reference to the Northeast corner of said. E;SWo, • . � �r:`'`��
<br /> � " (center of said Section 13) thence runnin� on an assumed bearing of N90 degrees � !���
<br /> r� ' 00' 00" W on the Noxth line of said EZSW�, for 699.12 feet; thence SO1 degree . ' �4f'�•�%
<br /> �_,'; .
<br /> --�� ��•� �9' 33" East for Z77.00 feet; thence S14 degrees 22' 39" West for 641.8U feet � ..�:-�';.
<br /> "'`''-*��' ` � to the actuaf point of be�innin�; thence SO4 degrees 47' 1.7" TJest for 8�.M , � ���
<br />°r.l�: r. .. � ;
<br /> - . . feet; thence S87 degrees 42' 29" for 1�55.50 feet; thence N12 degrees 34' S7" W �_T•
<br /> ;��.�`:: ; � for 83.25 feet; thence N88 degrees 30' 33" E for 180.30_ feet to the point of :;
<br /> - - �. . � beginning. ... +T�.�:,�.'-.
<br /> _ . >;
<br />::�-,� ..� " . . ' �`.'�'i�:°''
<br /> .�.,.. . ,�
<br /> �=�'u� � together a�ith all bulldings, fixtures. improvements and appurtenancea belonging to . ' '
<br /> .� ; • � s.uch premises. . � � .
<br /> �`�:.�. :� �� . Oat;ed �his � 3,,, rd day o� January , 19 9�.• ' . ; . .
<br />� �.�.' '!�. ' ' .
<br /> - •:- � -- �
<br /> ``-°.�.° .,k: .::�'' � Trustee �' , . . �
<br /> _�y�. � , � . , , �
<br /> ;��') �� . � � � .
<br /> -,'h.ri''`i� . � . � . .
<br /> ��•�,;;�.:,.� S1ATE QF NEBRAS:tR ' ' � � .�,
<br /> :=_: _�. :.- § � �
<br /> _�.:.,;;:.... i � . .
<br /> -�:.,; : •:�, . COUNTY OF HAi.�: , . �
<br /> ;�� - . � . - � � �
<br /> - Qn �his 3xd dsy oP ' Jan ' � ' � � � 19 �95 , 6efore tn�, the undarsigned, a '
<br /> . Not�ry Rublic�y carmiss oned and qualifi�d for in seid Ccunty,.personally csme � �
<br /> -�_• ..: � • . r ,�Trustea, to me knou�n to be the ide�tical person � �.
<br /> � � �, whose nam� s s�bscribed to e foregoing Trustee�s Oeed of Reconueyance and acknour- .
<br />-=;„��;; �• � ledged the execution the�eoP to be his voluntery act and doecl. � , �. , ., .
<br /> ;�"' � Witness my hand artd Not�riel Seal tha day and year last ebnue writtien. � �
<br /> . . , . � �
<br /> `�'� ' : GEHEAllltlOi�P�•ShtealNzt�a;s�� � � , � . .
<br /> • "t � ��� CUAIE R.MINCER o ary ublic �— C —__- � ,-
<br /> :-. �:-_: _-
<br /> . ..iiri,�snm.6m�f+�r2�ls'�°� . -.-
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