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<br /> `�' .z "S �^-: ¢ �F� T� v� �.M1t:� �_ r..'�j _�.
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<br /> �, r „< �,i'r . . . . a` _ �:a; ,.�� ` � - '�f 'ti i__ ,y.... .w�ra,aay�-.,....:��• -- �
<br /> ��z '.}L? _ , , . � . � . ' _. t�R4l.i�tI► � - ' . � . --- --- ----
<br /> ,.,. -- �9;:� , • ' , , -. �z�.i�_ -
<br /> , � ;r� � �" , . . . . � � _ ���3�3 �� _ ---
<br /> ` `�.- �" �"' ' . S. Hazard or Fcaperiy dn3u�nce. �orrower s6ai1 kee��5unprovemenss aow exissing or hereafter er�cied oa she ��s��- _ --
<br /> f ,� e. ��" —
<br /> �_.r.___Y'�- - Progerty insared against loss by�fire,hararciv included within the ter�"eatended wverage"aad any otlier�a�ards.inctuding . . " � t —_
<br /> floods or flaodin for whicti Ixnder uires insura�e.This insar�ce shafl'Hs maintained in the amounts and for the periods �' �
<br /> � _:�=r• 8• ..�4 �- = -
<br /> 4 .� h ;, that Lender requires,The iasurance carrier providin�.the insuranoe shall 6e chosen by Borrower su6ject ta I.ensler's approvsl` - T -
<br /> ; '��� wtrich sh3ti ndt�e uis�easonably withhelQ. If Borrawer Pails to ma�stain ooverage descri6ed above.Lender may. at Lendec's �`�"�`����'��--.—
<br /> �" ., � ,,�, � option,obiain cover�e to pratect Leader's rights iu th,e Property in acoordance with paragrapl�7. -j '�°�'="�—
<br /> ;�a��� �-, ' ��� — 1.
<br /> All insurance policies a�d reaewals shau be acceptabte to Lertder aad shall include a atandard azortgage claas�. I.endgr �,_
<br /> ..�=.�
<br /> . .� . � shall have th�eig6t to hold tha poticies and renewals. EP Lender"fzquires.Eanower shall'promptly give to L�der a11 receipts of , �.'.;-_.:�.��:�;_,-
<br /> ,<,. ,. . �,--,: <.
<br /> ` x � � paid premiums and reaewal n,fldces.In the eveni of loss.Borruwer shal l give prompt notice ro the insurance carrier and Lendcr. - - `. a:•x_•.�:<.s�;`�:',
<br /> , ,�_
<br /> � �' � I.ender may make proof of loss if not made pmmpdy by Borrewer. • '� =
<br /> '- Untess Lendei and Borrower atherwise agree in writing,insurance proceects sUaU.be apptied to restoration ar repair af tis� . "` _- „ -- ` -
<br /> ` .'t`.. Propert3+damaged.if the�osation or repair is economica{lyt feas�le aad Lender's security is not lessened.I$We�oration ar t.;: � , .``-.::�
<br /> `.. �.. ,� ,. - - < '°�'^-�
<br /> �t •�. � - .' repair is apt econor�cally feasi6le or Lender s seauity would be tesseaed,the u�surance pruceeds shall be applied ta the sums =<- �=�;. =� -�•--
<br /> � � 4 ' secvred by this Security Instrument, wbether or not ihen due. with any eacess paid to Sorrawer. ff Borrower a6andons the ` �t , `��� ,l
<br /> :<, ; - �..�,
<br /> =�.�.�,z�
<br />- . , Froperty.or does not answer within 30 days a notice from�Lender that the insuraac�e carrier has ofFered to s�ttle a claim,the� ..r,�;� .'t���.=
<br /> " Leadcr cniteri•the insurance roceeds. L�ader ma use the roceeds to air or restore the Pro e or to a s�uns � • �
<br /> �Y P Y F TeP P i'tY P Y .�°T�`�.:�'" `
<br /> '� � secured by this$ecurity Instrument,ar��her or aot then due_The 30-day period witl begin when the notice is givea. . �c •-j�`�L��" .`
<br />-�:_�. :.'.�.�': �,4�• s�. ��=
<br /> ' Unless i..ender and Borrower atherwise a�eeee in writing, any application of proceeds to principat shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 �nd 2 or change the amoont of the paymenis. If • ��- —
<br /> �. . _c�i.::trz=�_`,:
<br /> �, nnder h 21 the Pro e �s ired 6 I.ender,Borrower's ri t to• insurance olicies and mceeds resoltin from ' � {� °� �--
<br /> P��P P rtY� �N Y P� �Y P P � �� ��=::v e
<br /> � . � daatage to the F�vperty prior ta the acquisition shall pass to Lender ta the exteat of the suins secnred 6v i5is Sect�ity Insuumeni `�`�.- �..
<br /> � ' uamediately prior to t�e acquisition. ��F-"�'.�,
<br /> ��-=-
<br /> .;. . " �..Uccupancy,Preservatton,Maintenanee and Protection of the Pmparly,Borroc�er's Loas Ap�ifeai�on, Let�se6otds. ;.;., �.� ,
<br /> Le s
<br />. .. , . , . r .. :R��.-:.
<br /> F�E/r+"_ .
<br /> , . Bo:rower shatl accupy,establish.and ase the Praperty as S�:rower's printipal residence within sixty days after the execution of �;
<br /> __.._.__ : this Secarity Instrument and shati continue to occupy the Property as Boaower's principal r�sideace for ai least ame ye�ar after ±� "'--'�''
<br /> :..__ .. .
<br /> •: -�--—- tfie date of occupancy.unless Lendei oiherav�se agrees in�ari�ting;�wTncli�consen�sha71 ao�-be unreaso�ab7y w7thheld;-or unless-- � --- - .. •-LL_
<br /> - . ' + eatetroating circumstar�ces exisr whic6 are beyand Borrower`s-wntraF..�oaower shall not destroy. dam2�ge or impair the_ . :`�
<br /> ' P�operty,allow the Property to deteriorate,or comarit waste on the Pc��erty. Bonower shall 6e in default if any forfeiture • •; ``"'!
<br /> : ; .
<br /> � '' acticn ar proaaeding, whether civil or criminal. is Eegun that in Lender's gaod faith judgment could resalt in forfeiture of the •• • _
<br /> , � � � Pra�rty or othenvise maieriaUy impair ihe lien created by.ttus Security Instrument or Lender's securiry interest.Bc�na•c:er may._ �"'��•�•,•� _
<br /> •: ` . cuie such a defautt and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or pmceeding to be dismissed Rith a ruling � �t' .
<br /> • � . that, in Lender's good faith detemvnation, precludes forfeiture af the Borrower's interest in the Property or other materiat .' � i:-
<br /> � impairment of c�e lie�created by tliis 5ecuriry Instrument or Lendsr's serurity interest. Borrower shall also be in default if " .
<br /> , • �- Borm:ser,during the laan application pracess,gave materlally false or inaccurate informstion or statements to L.ender(or failed '`�' ,
<br /> , ; � . . to provide I.ender with any material information)in conne�on�vith the loan�evidenced b}+the Note,including,but not limited .
<br /> : • • to,representations conceming Borrower s occupancy of the€�ropeny as a prin+cipal residence.If this Securiry Instrument is on a ' � �` �.
<br /> • leasehold, Borrower shall compfy �vith all the provisions of the lease. Tf Bonower acguires fee titJe to the Property, the - � . ���'� ^
<br /> � � � leasehold and the fee ptle shall not mer e unless�Lender a ees to the mer er in writin�. '"• =
<br /> g � � S � .c� ,=
<br /> .. �� ��" �.� 7.Peotect�on of Lendes's Rig6ts in the Pr+operty.If Sorrower fuils to perfocm the cov�enanu and agreements wntained in - :`°x
<br /> cfl �
<br /> ° this Security Instrument. or there is a legal proceeding that may signiBcantty affect LendePs rights in the Property(such as a � . •'� �._
<br /> _ � • . pmceeding in bankruptcy,prabate, for condemnadon or forfeiture or to enforce laws or mgulations),then l.ender may do and - �, �'`��%
<br /> " a for whatever is neces to rotect the value of the Pro e and [.ender's ri hts in the Pro e Lender's actions may 3 ` �%
<br /> . P Y �Y P P rtY� S A �►l'• ''.' .''
<br /> _ include paying any sums serured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security instrament, appearing in court, paying • �� ����
<br /> • ;� , ° reasonaole attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action under this paragraph , • .
<br /> � , 7,Leeder does not have to do so: � , .' �
<br /> _ - ° . Any amounts disbursed by Lendet under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borro�ver securad by this •
<br /> � �. Secucity Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tem�s of payment.these amounu shall bear interest from the � • . , ,_
<br /> � date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest. upon notice from l.ender to Borrower requesting %
<br />- _ _ . • payme�t. � ' . j�,�." '
<br /> - . • S.Mortsage Iosnrance.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a wndition of making the loan secured by this Security • � ' , .
<br /> -�.� ' In:�rutrcen� Borrower shall pay the premiums mquired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the , . �
<br />_��� , � mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Bonower shall pary the premiums required to - - -.: . . . .
<br /> _ obtain wverage_substanti�lly equivalent to the mortgage insvrance previously in effeet,at a cost substantially equivalent to the . . '
<br /> • . � oost to Bonower of the martgage insurance previously in effect. from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If •. .
<br /> • su6stantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not avvlable.Borro�ver sha11 pay to Lender each month a sum equal to - _
<br /> � � �, one-twelfth of the yearty mortgage insurance premium being p�id by Borrower when the insurance coverage laysed or ceased to . � • •
<br /> - be in effect.Lender will accept.use arid retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve � -
<br /> . . . ;,..; form 3028 9/90 . . � , .
<br /> '^•t .- — . Pugo 3 ot 0 ' ' . .
<br /> -:'��• � ' .
<br /> -_ .,��.,,;: . . � • .
<br /> .� . •
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