+r_t i
<br /> .�� . �o _7•-rY `;`'.�. +. � � �r '�y� { S` + �` �' �C����` .N`..�:.- _ _— __
<br /> t.: r —
<br /> _.s •xT �i�' i t_ 't`.`:. . : � ' f S�_ n . _ :�sF�l."..- ff`,�.'�"�.�.�a�. _ _—
<br /> __�'+f1aeY` — -- —��:��=-='����:�°r:�t;s'M��F v3�i� �.rdG.--• ---- — _ — � —
<br /> �. . --- __ ._ _. ._- - ---- - � . . . �r _. -
<br /> ,�r�' . � : . . � . , � , : � g5,����v � � � � � �� � ���� _ __
<br /> �---� � ,Sort'qw�r shalf prmmP�Y P�we-Leaslei�rittett�awtice o�anq amresri�ation,ciaim,demuid,7ativsnit or ather usdoa try�y . ,�� - .
<br /> � "'°�� goveramcnta!or re�1,aWsS! ericY.�r g�r3vate party involvin�ttr�Prop�rty ana any Hsuardfl►is Sil6st�nce ar�nviron�ntal,Law �, 4 4 �'�_ _.
<br /> ���� rd
<br /> _�.__�Y..�� o f w t t i c h S o r m�e r i i a s;a�i c a o w t e d g e. I f S o�sower t�ams,ar is notifced by anY guvemssenaail�or regulatory.uuthority.�Ytrat �r�'`.;�,��-.�-._.•
<br /> -N# uny rttr'java�ox athcr`re�diatton mf asiy H�ardous Substance affectiag the Yroperty is necessary�.Savrower shall.�tampdy tuke �K-� i=�'�a�x.,�� a.
<br /> v=" - ali n�cessary e�e�dial artlans in acGOr�ance with Esvironntental Lsw. - . '��.°� = �
<br /> �� � � As usec3 in this p:uag�ph 2t1. 'I�arsrdous Substanoes" a�thase sufast3n�es defined as toxtc or�ardous suestances by <� -. _
<br /> Env9coJimetita4 taw und the follar�in�s�bsiaac�s: �nsoline. kerosene, other nammable or tox�c pegoleum�prodticts. toAic ' `{�'�f�
<br /> =-�_,.�-�'�-.:' pes,ticldes artd Retbisldes.vqtatiIIe solvents.materials cantaining as6estas op fo;maddehyde.t�radinastive ttnuterials.As ased in � � �.S�.:'_. ,°;.:;�=
<br /> ;_. �- �th3s ��rapb 28."Envlmntn�nl Law' � fe�aal taws�laws of the yurisdictton w6ere tf�e Ftoperty,is locatc�that :,_ . �,,�"'_
<br /> m
<br /> . ,� ;.. . .,��� � [�l�te ro f�atth.,saf�os enviro�nzental pmtection. , . , . • � -
<br /> , t : �,r�= I30N-UNIFORM f:OV BI�AN't`�.�orrocver and l.ender fiuther.covenani and ab ee as follows: �,
<br /> E1.AaceieratIaa;Reaied�es. a.e�sder sh�l!give nnt�se to Sorro�ver prEor to aoceteragion fofiowtng Bornfl h 17 unte4s r ' .
<br /> ed � �i
<br /> ; •... of any c�r•en�nt or�ea4 in thf�Seearity I�sframent (but aot prt�r to acc:eteratioa aader parngrcip ,.
<br /> c n •
<br /> apAQca�Ir Iaw piovtdes athexsbi�e).'ii�c untice shafi speci�y: (a}t�e defa�lt;t�SD thr�[�s t�eai�to'cur�the dePautt� .
<br /> � : � (c)a�ate,a�tess 1�n 3A days fsom tt�e date tde Qottce is�ven to Borrmwer,by cvhicti tlie dfefault mast Oe c�al;and -. �S�.
<br /> Y . �� �� —Id1 tEat fa4iorf to enre the defantt pn ar 6ef�the date specifte8 in the nnttoe may e+esvlt_Em acceterattoa of the snms , . . ' .
<br /> s
<br /> yy..., yA..`.'�.'cc,,. � . -
<br /> _:�:,,,..;.�.�,.., secured bp this Sc�ty t++ � At and sale of tt�e Pm�erty.The ao4�oe shall farthQr inform B4rrower of t�se rlgQit to . �3
<br /> o;;�„�s._:��.�,.;;L� e�nstate aitc�r acceteretion aad the dgtrt to bring e camrt adioa t4�ssesi the Qoa�£stenAe of a defanit or any other ;
<br /> :.� ,_ .. , defensie o!Borrowee so�e[era4ifln and sala I t Y he d e fu n lt i s no i c�u+e d oa os befere.4he date s p e c i f ced id the uatkx, � . ,
<br />__ •- � ' :` Lender. at its optYon,aiay req�ire immedfate pa�a�t ia fuD af all su�ns seca�red by this Securlty Instru�ent without '; .
<br />-;`A`- -,�""� :` ' fu�er demand aa�m�y tnvoke thr po�er oi saie and any othes remedieg P�°mitted GY ap licabie tats.I.euder shati 6e � �. �
<br /> �t,1�..,'it G p .
<br /> w.� . .-�iA.� . . ' � .
<br /> ` ',� eaiIited W enllect all eapensc.w inc�med[�pnrsaing the remedfe�prnvided in Wfs pusgrap h 2 1,i n r tu d Iag,but not limited , ,
<br /> `•`''•..� `:,r .=� to,rcawnaWe attora€�s'feev aad o�of titte evEdence. . � _
<br /> ti"�t• U the po�er oi�sale fs Invo�ed.Tn�stee shaII reEwrd a n�tfce of defaalt in Qach co�tty ia wGIcb any part of the . ..
<br />',=,s:',:.•..;�- ,�� pra�erty ts ta�te�aad sha11 matil copies of sucb antIoe tn the mamner prescribed by appiirable iaw to B errower an d to , ��--Y - -
<br /> -t��;.'r.`. `� . `. ' the atlter peisuav Prescribed bY aBP�cabte taw:Afie�the tiTTme requ3re�3 by applIcable law,Trustee shall g(ve pnbHc notfice ._.°_: •.'•r ..
<br /> .�, ,,�, _ � � ..
<br /> . . ai sale to t6e persoa9 and in the man�r pre5armed by applfcabie law.Trostee,�sithaut demaad oa Bosrower, sl�al!sell
<br /> _,..- ''.�::---•�: tbc Feuperty at pu6fic auctIon to We 6ighest 6iddQr at the ti�e and p!$ce amd ander We terms designated tnthe notice of :. � .. ,
<br /> - saie In aue or more p�ar�eLs snd in any ordcr T�arstee detern�iaes.Trostee may poscpone sate oi all or any�par�ce!QS the .
<br /> `-�-- ' ' '• .. pi,o�erly by bltc announoameat at the time ana piace of�y prev@oas�,v sciiedaial sate.Lender or[ts dcsignee may � . , . •_,�;
<br /> .. ..
<br /> .., : 'r. . - --- �;���atanysale.�-------------�--�--------�---��-�---�-�-�-�---��---=-�-- ---..�-----------------. �._... .
<br /> , _ _ Upon receipt of papmaat of the pNce bi�l, Te�astee shall deliv�r to the purchasa' Tr�stee s dced convey[ng the _ — Jw�
<br /> _ � Feoperiy.'I7se eecitals in t6e Trostee's deed sLall 6e prima Pacie evideace of t�tnvtb of the shafemeats made Werein. � :-� =. '%
<br /> Trustee s�al1 a tb+e ruceeds of the sale tn the follaswing oMer.(a) to all costs aad expenses of exercLsjng We power of ;, �`";:�-
<br /> DNY P
<br /> � - — _= sale,and the s�le,inetndIng the payment of tLe Tcastee's fees actoalIy incaned,Qot to�xceed th g�o f S 0.0 0`�'0 r 1/2 • - �' -� '�'
<br />� : uf We principai amo�t af the aate�t the ttme of the dectarstion of detanit,aud reasonabie attoraeys fces as permitt� -� - • � +
<br /> . �.`��.' ' � by I awi(b)to a l l sams s a c u r e d b y t h i s S e c a r i t y I n s t r n m e n t;a n d(c)e n Y e x c e s s t o t l s e p e i s o n or p e c soas l e g a l[y entJttal tp .; •:�
<br /> [3. �,� �.
<br /> ' �`� . . . �L. Reoo�eyanae. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Secusity inm�ment. I.ender shap reqnest 'Frust� to ' ,,`'�' :. ;.;fi,, .
<br /> ' � • s�onvey the.Property and shafl surre�er this Security rn��+t and all notes evider�cing debt secured by this Secvrity '
<br /> . � 7�,�
<br /> ' Insuume�to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property without wairanty and without charge w the person or persons legally : ' t`� ,
<br /> ' entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay az�y recordauon costs. '•`��" �¢
<br /> ?.3.Sabstihtte T�ustce. L,e a der,at its option, may f r om t i me t o d m e r e m o v e T r u s t e e a nd a p p oint a successor trustee w , • ����
<br /> - '". � any Tn�tee appointed hereunder iry an instrument recorded in tfce oounty in which this Securiry In..�trument is recorcted.Without : �;:��',•�
<br /> wnveyance of the Property,the successar mLStee shali suoceed to all the ufle.power and duties canfemed upon Tnistee hereia � r.s!�',�Y `
<br /> ,��; �; .. - and by app1ccabte law. � � �F •,���
<br /> '�;�_.,••� 2q.ReqQest for Noticcs.Borrower requests that oopies of the nouces of default aad sale be sent to Borrower's address
<br />_ ,, ; BS� _
<br /> �. . ..�' ahich is the Property Address. �.., ^
<br />�'�"'�' '.' `� �•` Z5.Rlders to this Secasity Insttument.If one or more riders are exeeuted by Borrower and recorded together with this , . . . ,
<br />-:.; �r�•' Seeuriry Instmment,the coveaants and agmxmenu of each such rider shall be incorporated into aad shall amend and suppiement � ���"/'/��� `
<br /> '""��' " the oovenanis amd�greements of this Security Insaument ss if the rider(s)were a part of this Security Iruwment. . �".��.
<br /> `�'� , �� . [ChxkapplicableDo�(es)] • • " ` .rr
<br /> -_'`-�_..::�yy;.ka.:.; . ' � .
<br /> k�rtqF-i� �',. . .�.
<br /> � [�Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condomininm Rider ' O i-4 Family Rlder. .
<br /> �� ' ' ' � Ct'Graduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Developmerrt Rider 0 Biweekty Payment Rider � , ;:. : .
<br /> ''-'= , � • (�Balloon Rider 0 Rate Imptovement Rider 0 Second Home Rtder • •..
<br /> =_-i:3� .. []V.A.Rider �{Othens)[SF�fYI• � •.���;••. .
<br /> __ '.. HOT4E EQIJITY LINE &gDER �
<br /> �.�" ' � . .
<br /> -T,�r . ..
<br /> ��-'_.,�`�. '�,,_ •
<br /> ::,�_; . : BY SIGNIPIG BEI.OW.Borrower accepts and agrees to thr terms and covenants oontained in this Security lnstrument and _ �
<br /> - in at►Sr ridet(s)eaecuted by Borrovver and recorded with it. � ,. ' .
<br /> t • VllimQSS�.s: . . .
<br /> l�SrH�� , .� CRAIG . FOSS ` -Borrower .. .,
<br /> _ -- s:�:-j,.:ca . � ..
<br /> '-�„�.� - �.. . -� . .. � .
<br /> _ _�',�.t•� -_ (Seal) , '
<br /> "�,' '' •-'F:"'..`'' � MICHELLE JA OSI-POSS -eorroacr '
<br /> --'ai.'�r`s.�;.;,: � _ - . '. - ..
<br /> �`'s�:�'?,'r'-::�"�''' (SC3�) �.SC'�) ' .
<br /> �:;c'�? �•" •Boirouer , .
<br /> ?:3`-��. , . . -Borcoa•er .
<br /> _ ` " � � S'TATE OF NEBRA5I6A, • ' HALL Co�anty ss: . . . .
<br /> ' , T6e foregoing insuument was ucknowledged befcme me this 4 th day of J aaua ry • 19 95 • •• �
<br /> --'-;:;��' . • • Witrtess my i�d and notarialseal at GRAND ISLAND, i 'd Coun a t afom�id.
<br /> _ � : � . � � � � ��,��� . .� :
<br /> ::
<br /> � ��y cam.�
<br /> __a, - . , • '"' ho , .
<br /> ��r� • taty '
<br /> -- ,. _ . �'�"'��"���� _
<br /> . . _ ` ' � ��l!!3 . • � �—_
<br /> • , � . . - v�a ot o FCtm 3028 9/90 ' •
<br />