. j.y, ` . _ ..t`t4�' . r '_ . . ' .� � i-� n .� � � _ .:4. '�• C
<br /> . . - • g 9`^ � 6 fi Y � 14}. � ' ' t` C . .. t _ � ,.Y'`S� `� . �
<br /> .. �f, �.t4 '(yi
<br /> � - . r i.� . �. _ _ . � .
<br /> L . � . ( ` (.; �. _a.
<br /> �.F�.• —_ I
<br /> • • � k � v
<br /> ��,. ' 7.F�rotactton�i�e�der's iiighta Ie�the Preperiy.�t ea�o,Ar�ra�s�o�crm tne����as��e�ed� , . ,,
<br /> t .
<br /> ` this Sacarr�►U+s�L ar the�e t�a ta�l0rb�eaC�►it��Y s�ntiyt ift9at Lend�s�hta h tha PropertY(sa�cA as a proceedlh8 K } .. .,�. , _
<br /> :y<.' , . . �D�.QrGBai�.tar Candenmat[c�ar teRe@�aa[o�n4atCO isws or�e�4�Cns).then Lendee maY do and OaY tct�hatsvsr[s necessery _ ..:`'��
<br /> � • • to pr�et th�vsts�af tM Prop�rty►and l�r�d�s fa!►ts h tt�o Proy�riy. f�►d�s Qrttana maY hclids PsY� �Y sums secur�d by a If� ;t• '. '. , '
<br /> �� ., , art�icte Ms O�Y ave f1�Qr�ft �strum�►L aDa�a��a�P�Yhg remscnaDt�lttcmeys Fees enQ enter�p on the FwPeRY to m a t c a �� ,` , • '`' • .
<br /> . , �epaYa. ARRouah I.�nds►cray take acston unQ�Mts S�raQraph 7.landsr dcas not havo to Qo so. • .
<br /> � My anaun4s d�isDutsed Dy Wn�er uttQ9r th�9 para�aPh T sASQ Oecama addRtOnsl debt o!Bartoxer seau�d by tAis S�udiY InsCum�nt k � �. . _—
<br /> � : �� r. . �`` ���,�. � ..
<br /> ' � Unkss 8or�s�re�artd L�t�ir ayTM to Oth�r terms af peymemt,thesa emount9 ehnfl 0a�tnte�est Bom the da�9 of dlsEurGemBnt at th9 Not9 . .Y`__
<br /> . ` , • � rats at�d sDa9 Ca payal�ia,w�tt QnteiesL upan nottca horn lendet to Barrower,�e�est6�p payment � . . . —
<br /> . . 8. Martgage tnauranee. [t Lender reqUtrsd mortpag�hswmnce as a cand3fan or mar��� c�e c�an secu�so �y m�s secu�► � -. .. ���-
<br /> . ' � . ` fnstcumant.Borrawer aAaB pay the pramAims�equled W matntelR the mort�sqe hsurence tn effeet. tt.Ior any raason,the maRgaQs(nsurance . . '.�-
<br /> .;�_��. :'. � , qo+ra(ast0 require�EY Lender lapses ar Ceases to 6A !n eHect. Bocrower sha0 paY the Prem�ms�uired to obtaln cevs�a substentL�Y . .. .;,�
<br /> - °. � - e4�Nafent ta the moRgape hsuranca PceWousy in eife�at a cost substant[9BY eq�tvatent to ti�e east t��a�as�rar or t!�mcKg,aBs��ca
<br /> - • prartou3y En efiety from en eltemate mortgsQe hsurer eOQroved b!►LenQer. I}substantia�y►e�ufvatent mortpa�e hsvranca aavetaSe ts not �. -
<br /> ' a��aSlabl�. Borta�zver shaU pay to tendet each montN a sum aquai ta artaiwe9th ot ttis ys9r(y mortgaga �sur�nce premhrm Oeing pa[d 5y � " _
<br /> � -- - - � - Borrower when thv tnsurertca aavera9e iaPsed or cease0 to be M� effect. Lendet wGi ece�L usa ertd �etatn tnese payment8 as a tass
<br /> - ...._ _;_. ._. .... reserve h Ueu at martSaQO fnswane� Lcss reserve.�aymenb may no�de cequ�ed, at tt� optton ot t.ender. d mortga9a fnsurance .:'„• .�.:` �:� ; . ` .
<br /> r
<br />- ` coveraae(i�ths amount end for tt�9 perfod Utat LenQer requires)pravfded by en fnsurar apyraved QY L.ender ega6�becomes ava�abte end(s . . � .
<br /> • obtafiad. Borrower shaA pay the premiums requhed to mahttaTn mortgagB tnsur8nce tn effect. or to provlda a [oss �esenra. unUl the , ;t,
<br /> .. ' � � � requiam�t tor maftgage tnsurence ends fn a.cardance wAh enY wr�en egreement beiween Bartower end Lender or�ppOcabte Paw. • . . .
<br /> . 9. IflBp@CtIOil. lsnQer or fts aSent maY mslce teasonabte er�Mes uDon end hspee8ans of the ProDertY. Lendar shaD Rue Borrower � � . • . .
<br /> • . .� , aotico et tt►e ttme ot or pAor to en hspection spacHytng reasonabfa cause tor Me tnspection. �
<br /> 10. t'ondem�at'an. The proCeads ot eny ewsrd at ctalm Por demages, dfreCt at cansequentis� h cannecttan wSh eaY �-,
<br /> ` '. b Reu of cortd9mnaHon.are hsreby essigned end sfiaU be patd � , � `�r
<br /> � coeQe�nnatian or other takui9 oi en, part ot the ProPerty.ar ior conveyance t', ''
<br /> to Lende+r. � : � ' .� �
<br /> . - � ' , �r
<br /> ' • • 10 tfia evm�t o!a totel ffikin9 ot the ProQerty.the proeeeds sha0 ha eppQed to the swns secured Oy thts Se�yuZyr fnsbument,whether or ` ';.�i' ._f:f4
<br /> " . . � r� : 8t
<br /> ` • . not then due.w8h e�►Y�s pe�d to Borrawer.M the euant ot a parttal takh�of the PropaRy b whtch the tatr maAcet vatue of the Proyerty � . .
<br /> - • , -- --- �nniea��y b0roia lh�iBkNQ ffi equ�at�to-ar�ieatertharrthe-amaunt-al�the sums sscurad by this-Secur�1►.Instrumeot.fmmad�h!.beiore the • -. -- --.
<br /> � . . . • takhQ.untess Barrow�and Lsnd�otherwise ayree(n wfitfa�p.the sums seaued by Mfs Security(nsbument shaD be reduced by the emount �f. . • / �
<br /> • �� , pf tAe Droceeda muRip6ed Dy t he fo R cw hp U a c t ton:(a)t h e t o t a t a m o u m t h e o f s u m s s e c u r e d i m m e d i ate y EefocB the takfi g.dNided by(bj the � ` _.��
<br /> � teY m�ket vahre of the Pmperty fmmediatey 6etore the taic3ig.Any balance sha0 6e patd to Bortower.tn the event ot a partlal takin9 of the • :• �.'r._
<br />_ ,, „ • • �..' Properry tn whicA t�e fair martcet vak�e ot the Property Tmmediatab betore the takH►g Ts Iess than tAa amount ot the su�ns secu�ed immedtately � � , ji L;_-
<br /> .. , pglorg the ffikUrg,-untess Eorrower an d L ert der o t herw i se e g re e T n w t�n 8 or un�ss a p Dtfcable taw otherwTSe provides.the proceeds shau be i. ; ..
<br /> ��• � applisd to the sums secured by this SecucTy tnstrument whether ar not the sums are then dua • ����� •
<br /> � U tha p�opeRy is a6andoned Dy 8orrower,or H,after notice by Lender to 8orrower that the cond8mnor offers to make en award or setUe M�� . : {
<br /> � a ctaim tor damsges.Borrower faits to resPend to Leader with5�30 days after the Qate the notice is glven,Lender is authorixed to eollect and { '. , f ` •
<br /> ,' eppty the proceeds�ai Ra op8on,eiihar to restora t i on ar rep e t r o t t h e P r c p e rt y o r t o t h e s u m s s e c u r e d b y t h i s S e c u r n y I n s t r u m e n t,w h s t h e r f (
<br /> . - . or not thsn dae. : .
<br /> ' Uniess Lender and Bortowar othen+rtse agres a�wfitinB. er►Y aDA�on of proceeds to principal sha0 not extend or postpona the due ,
<br /> : ' �' date at the monthry payments referred to In pamgraphs 1 and 2 or change fhe amount of such payments. a ent ar modificatton .. •' S �
<br /> e for �' � .., .
<br /> • •. . 1t. Borrower Not ReC�sed: Forbearance By s.ender Not a Watver.6aenston ot s�s um p nn � . ,
<br /> � ot ac�artlatton af tha sums secured by thts Securnyr InsWment Qranted bq Lender to any successor in Interest of BoROwar shaU not operats , � `%%.�''�
<br /> �::
<br /> to refease the fia4�yr o!the artglnal Borrower or Borrawers successors tn interesL lenQer ShaO not be requUed to commence proceed'ngs � � ��" �' •.
<br /> .:-�:.:
<br /> agafist tuiy successor tn hterest or retuse to exten0 time for payment or otherwtse mod�yr amoNmBon of the sums secured by thts 5ecurity ; �-�'F� �� •
<br /> � InsWment by reason ot sny demand made by the or(ginal Bortower or Borrowers sucCessors In Interes� My forbearance by Lender in � � . ':
<br /> � • ' e�cerctsing any tight or wmedy shall not be e waiver ot or preclude tha exercise of eny dght or remedy. `�• - " `•
<br /> { ' �;;�,=.
<br /> . � - 12. Successora and Asstgns Bound; Jatnt and Several Llability; CO-Slgtt@i8. The covenants and agresments oi � .�.j�. ,_,_
<br /> � ' tAis SecurRy tnstrument sha0 bind end benetit the SuCCessors and essl�ns of Lsnder and Borrower,eubject to the prwtslons af p�ragrapA ; , i ,:..�f>•�.
<br />� . . � , •,�� ,. :
<br /> .' . • 17. Bartowefs aovenants and agreemen� shaD ba joint and severaL My Borcower who co-si�s thts Securdy tnsbument dut does rtot a , • :
<br />. ' � ettecum the Note:(e)Is co-s►�inQ thts Secur�y tnstcuument ony to mortpaQe,pranL and comreY that Borrowers interest tn the PropeAy unQer ( S'�
<br /> � the terms of thTs Securlry Instrucs��(b)ts not personaify►ob�ated to pay tho sums seeuwd by this Secur�y fnsbument;•end(c)agrees that �
<br /> . _ i •.�
<br /> ' � . � L���end any other Borrow8r may a8ree to mdend,moddy,to�bear or make any accommodatlona with regerd to terms ot thts Security �:
<br /> =. ' Instrumont or the Nute wHhout that Borrowefs consent �. � ` �_��.
<br />'= " � • ' 13. L08f1 ChafgC�. ff tfle tosn 6ecured by thTs Secur7ty Instrument t5 subject to e law whbh sets maximum loan charges,and thet f ,� �'..
<br /> • � law is ftnaUyr hteryroted so that the (nierest or other Iosn charges coQect.Q or to be coQected in conneotion wfth the Ioan exceed the � . ,.,�.:
<br />-.• ,` • perm�ted GmRs,then; (e)any such toan charges shaU be reduced by the emoun{necessery to reduce the charge to the pertnitted itmit;end � � ' '
<br /> �. • . (b)arcy sums a9ready cottected from Bonower whbh ezceeded pertnftted GmRs will be refundad to 8ortovrer. Lender may choose to make �
<br /> ' _ . � th(s refund by reduaing the princtpal owed under the Note or by making a dQect payment to Banower. (f a retur+0 reduces pdnctpa!,the �
<br /> • � ' reductton wID be treafed es e paRtat prepayment wfthout any prepayment charge under the Note. ; �
<br /> � � 14. NOt1CCSr My notice to Barrower provlded for tn thts Secufity insUument shatl be gfvan by deMering(t or by mailfig it by tUst °
<br /> � � � c�ss mau untess appUaabb la�a r�quVes use of another methoa. Tho nottce shell be dUected to the Property AdQress or any other address ; , �`
<br /> • • BcROwer designates by notfce ta Lender.My noiice to Lend2r shaU be ptven by firat class mail to Lenders adEress s•a:ad heretn or any �� � :
<br /> �. . � , ' other adQress L9nder desi�nates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provlQed tor in this Securiry Instrument shaU be deemsd to have been i •
<br /> � pNen to Bortower ar LenQer when yNen as Provtded In th(s parapruDh. �
<br /> , ' ' 1b. Gove�ing L�nw; $BV�tebllity. This Secutdy Instturt�ent sh.�be Qovemed bq fedaral taw end the Iaw of the jurlsdictton tn � • .
<br /> � wt►ioh the Prope�ly b tacafed. In tho evant that any provtston or ctause ot thts Secuf3y tnstrument or the Note confltcts w�A appllcaDie L�w, , . • ••
<br /> � such conliict shaU not effect otAer provisions of this Seaa3Y Insbument ar the Note whicb can be gken eNect w�haut the conffattng ; � . ��'
<br /> ` provLston. To thts end the provistoas ot this Socurny fnsbument end the Note are declare0 to be sevarahfe. � '
<br /> c '�.
<br />^ � •• � : 18. BoROwer'o Copy. Bortower sha0 be gtvan one conTormed copy ot the Note and of thts Secufay Instrument. , ,
<br /> . . . ta Transter ot the Propeny or a Benetictal intereat In Bo►rower. It a0 or any paR of th9 Property ot eny Interest in
<br /> � . . . d t9 so�d or Uansferted(or B a 6ene6cial bterest In 8orrowat is soid ar transferred end Boaower Ts not e nalurel peBOn)w�hout Lendefs ,
<br /> ;, s ' - prior wlQtSn eonsent�l9nd�m8y, flt&a option.requ0re irrttnedate payment In tull of a0 sums secur80 by thffi Secufdy tnsCUment However. ,
<br /> � ��• • '. thTS opUon shall not be m�ercised by Lend�H exercise ts prohmHed by tederal taw as of the�Qate of this Secufiry Instrument . i
<br /> � � � U Lender�cemise9 this opBun. Londar shaU gAre Bortowar notice of acceteratian.The notice shall provid0 e peAoO af not tess then 30 `
<br />? �• .y� days Uom the d&te the aatice Is detivered m maIIed wfthfi which tho Borrawer must pay aD sums seeurttd by thi�Sacurdyr InsWment. 11 i �
<br /> ' � � Barrower faIls to Oay these sums pdor to tha e�Yatton of th15 Dertod.Lender mey invoke any�smedles permme0 by this Securityl InsUUment �
<br />_ � •. , wRhout f�Mer nottee or demsnd on Borrcv�er. �
<br /> � Form 304a 9Ia0 � �
<br /> � .
<br /> � � F4009.LMO(SJW1) pap�0 018 � ' '
<br /> 1
<br /> _ ____ _ _�._._ . .
<br /> ---- �. -+..
<br /> .. .-_-_:.-_.__- . r'_'c'��r' r._:r-:_..-_
<br /> � '� • . . . 1333L0
<br /> , . �
<br />• . ., .
<br /> .. ,
<br />