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<br /> � ��� ��- �7.T�sn�er oY tl�e prnperty ar a 8eueffdal Interest in Borroever.If aq or any part of the Property or a�r itueres4�in it �;�+��,+�� �
<br /> ;�' ` is sald or trdnsferred(or if a beneficial inteiest in Borrower is soid or transferred and Borrower is aot a natural pecson)widtout � ` ;�.�3 ,4��•--
<br /> -- '.:r`=.'�'�.� � er's rior�vritten consent, Lender ma . at its o iion.�rea�vite immediate t in f u ll a f a l I sams`secuced b t6is :�x:_`` '` �`
<br /> � L�nd p Y P PaY'� Y � • � ;��,`.}�:
<br /> :;,� �'�" 5ecurity Imtrument.Iiowever,this opdon shall not be exercised by Lecider if exercise is proltibite�iry federal la�v as of�e date �--h
<br /> _. -. .�.� of this Security Insuument. � . ':: ` --.s'-`�+'�:
<br /> � � �"� � If Lender exercises this opaon,Lender shalt give Borrower notice of acceleiatio�a.The nauce shalt provide a period of noi _° "�` '� '��•,'�
<br />-- ;�' 'less than 30 days fcom the date the noticc is delivered ar m:site��vithin which 6nrrower must pay aIl sums secured by this , . � .'-"� ':�``�.„_
<br /> �� , �� Secwity IInstniment.If,Borrower faits to pay the`se sums prior tQ the expiration of this period.Lender may invoke any remedies -'� �� _
<br /> � •. . �, permitted by thi5 Security Instrument without further notice or demaFtd on Borrawer. ' �. , ,�r —
<br /> i8. Botro�r's itight to Reinstate. If Born�wer meets cettain eonditians. $orrower shaU have the right to have , • _"`
<br /> �°� } •� ' , ' enforeem:nt of this 5ecurity Instrumsnt discantimced at any time prior to the eartier of: (a)5 d ays(or su c h o t her perio d as � . �- :
<br /> • • app}ica6le law may specify for rein�tatement) 6afore sale of the Property pursnant ro uny power of sale containrd in this -
<br /> ' - Securiry LLStrumen�or fb�entry of a judgment enforcing tlris Security Insuument.Those conditions are that Borrower.(a)pnys � ` � ` ��_
<br /> ' ' - t.euder a11 sums which[hen wouid be due under this Secnrity It�svument and the Note as if no acce[eration had acY�reed:(B) �- - - , � -
<br /> �. ,° cvms any defantt of any other cavenants or agreemeats: (e)pays all expenses iacumed in enforciag this Securiry Instrument,. • .� .,,. .
<br /> - � inclnding. but not {imited to, reasonabte attorneys' fecs;and(d)ta�ses such acaon as�Snder msy reasvnabty require to assure , �`
<br /> . . • ' that the lien of this Security Instrvment, Lender's righu in the Properry and Barrower's obliga6on to pay the sums secured by ,� •-
<br />- ' � , . tbis Seivrity Instrument shall continae uachanged. Upon reinstatement by .Borrower. Ehis Security Inswmeut and the
<br /> . : � abligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However.tlus right to�reinstate shall , r. �
<br /> ' not apply in the case of accelerauon under paragraph 17. . :'�'.�� x.
<br /> ' • 19. Sale of Note; Change of I.aan Selvfcer.The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with ttus Security - ,•i�•;
<br /> 4 c - �' � Insimment)may be satd one nr more times withnutprior notice to Borrower.A sale may cesuit in a change in the enrity(Imown ��'
<br /> ' . . .< � . as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monttily paymenu due under the Note and this Secunry Inswment. There also may be one � , .�•. �-��
<br />' � • � ., or more chaz:ges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sate of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower wiil be �. , ,.
<br /> � x. given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and app]ieable law.The notice wiil state the name aad • • ,. .
<br /> , address of�the new Loan Servicer and the adtlress to which payments shoald be made.The aotice will also contain any other
<br /> . .. .. . � , infor�auon required by applicable law. . _
<br /> . 20. Ha�ardaus Sabstanees. Boriower shalJ not rause or pemrit the presence, use. disposal. storage, or rele�ase of any ='�.'.�'. .
<br /> ' Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor altow anyone eise to do. anything affecting the � ` .
<br /> __ ��. ,. .._ - . P�operry that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the pres�+.ce. ose,or _ ,^_� ,�-�:� '
<br />: -�.. ... • . :
<br /> �` ��=--� - ' - �� �� storage on�the-�roperty of-sma1S-quantities-oF-Hazardods�Substances-that are generally-recognized-to�be appmpriaze-to.nor►nal . ..-..
<br /> —_�. _, ..._..•� :,...
<br /> . ' � '. residential uses and to mainteaance of the Property. � �'�
<br /> � .' • Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notiee of any investigation,ctaim,demand, lawsuit or other aetion by aczy ::,xj�.'
<br /> • • govemmental or�zgulatdry agency or pm•ate party involving the Properry and any Hazardou's Substance or Environmentat Izs: - .. .- ��:`` '�-
<br /> � ;;_ .•_ of which Borrower has actual knowledge.�f Borrower le�rns,or is norified by any governmental or regulatory authority,that •; ���:_
<br /> � � - any removal or other remediation of any.Hazardous.Substance.affeeting the Property is necessary.Borrower shalt promptly take ' �'°" -`
<br /> � � all necessary remedial actions in accordance.with Environmental Law. . . � �,�
<br /> � • ' � As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous snbstances by � . �
<br /> '. � Environmental Law and the foltowing substancas: gasoline. kerasene, other tlammable or toxic peualeum praducu, toxic � ��''�
<br /> : pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in � � '. :
<br /> . . • �� • � this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal taws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Pmpert}�is located that - �.� :�� .
<br /> . : � . . relate to health,safety or em ironmental protection. ; � ' � � `
<br /> � � NON-UMFORM CO�'EVANTS.Borrower ar:d Lender further covenant and agree as foUows: ",•; .� , `��"4. '.
<br /> . , �,•„ ,.
<br /> " � 21. AcceteratIon; Remedies.Lender si�all give nottce to Borrower prior to acceteration following Sorro�er s bresch � ,����:#
<br /> • • . of any oovena�:t ar egreement in this Security pnstrument (but ��t prIor to acceleration under paragraph 1? unless �,/�--.;�
<br /> • : appi�cable!aw provides oiherwise).T6e noiice shaA specify: (a)tQ�default; (b) the adIon reqWred to cure t6e defandi; .,� ��
<br /> � ' � c dat not less than 30 da s from the date the aotice fs ven to Borrower,by cvhich the d�fault must be cured;ac�J ��':>.�-���-;��"� '`• -
<br /> . Oa �, Y � . .
<br /> (� that failnse to cure the default on or 6efore the date speci�ed in the nottce may result tn acceleration of the sums , �
<br /> � � se�tsed by this Securlty Instrument aad sate of the Roperty. The notice shall further inform Bvrrower of the right to ' ,. ,,,;.��'`
<br /> ' reiastate after accelesation and the rigGt to 6dn�a conrt adion to assert th�non-existence of a default or any other ��•"��'• •
<br /> � detense of Borrower ta acceleration and sate. IP the default is noi cured on or 6efore the date specitied in the notice, . • � •`;;�'���
<br /> • • Lender, at its optfon, may require immediate payment in full oY all sums secured by thts Security Ins4rament �vitho�t � . ., �
<br /> ` further demand and may invoke t6e po�ver of sate aafi any other remedies permitted by applicabie law.Lender sha116�e . . '
<br /> � ' entitled to cntlect all expenses incurred in patsuing the r�medtes provtded in thLs paragraph 21,including,6.�not limited .
<br /> t�,reasonable�attoraeys'fees and costg of title evidence. ,
<br /> _ ' If thepower of sate is invoked,Trustee shall recard a rtoi[ce oP defuult in each coanty in wh[ch any part of tk�e „_.. _. •• �f:.: ;
<br /> • � " • Fropecty is t�ted and shall mai!copies of such not�ee in the mar�es presceibed by applicable iaw to Borrower and t� � � �..-
<br /> t6e oi6er persuzrs prescribed by appiiqble law.After the time reqe3c�d by applicabte law,Tncs�ee shall give public notfi� • ' 'a�...�f
<br />- , . � of sale to the persons and in ihe manner psescri6ed by app�tcable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shall seS4 � ''
<br /> ' ' the Pcoperiy at pnbltc audton to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms desi�nnated in the notice of � .
<br /> sa[z in one or more parcets and in any order Tnutee determines.'�'rustee may postpone sale of all or an}�arcel of the
<br /> `�►. . PropCrty by publtc announ�ement at the time and place of any previously scheduted sale. Lender or its designee may
<br /> - , pnrchase the Property at any sale. � • ' . •
<br /> . ' Form 3028 9190 � . ' . .
<br /> � _ � Pago 5 018 � . -
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