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<br /> ���'I�` � 4�_8_�y . . , � _ o ,.f -�- . �r �. . . ., . a r . � .�.��:
<br /> . �'s.. _ f. p. � ��' � dc. �
<br /> �• .� � � p�� �� ' ya. 4� 't`s�' �•�c �.4' . ` . �} . t t' � '� �
<br /> , =r .�i` ' �} , � 4k �3` Y' �Ti�O'.
<br />— — .c. _ - . ` - . ' , _ .�
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<br /> — ` 'r_, . . . �h .r�.
<br /> —� ,sl. � . o.• r . , . . , ' . • � , � - - . . ,�.y•F�Rx�•.
<br /> ' . �` ' • , . e ` ��'�;-3�.
<br />__ • . : `t � considesation is h�reby ffclrnowledged,artd�n order to induce Lender to make the loan . .t����'F:,^�.�,�
<br /> — . . � above referreiD to,it is hereby declared,understood,and.agreed as follow�: -��:��,.
<br /> — < . : :� -
<br /> — . i. . ; �_.:� -
<br /> — , •,r r .. sf..f-<<:,,:�. ,
<br />— � . ` , ° ' 1) THat saio�deed of Trest s�g said Note ia favat of Leader,and any '_;::r,t:�.
<br /> --,�. � � � renewats of exteasions t�ereo�sha1T uar.oaditionally bs and rem�ining at sU • .' _ ,
<br /> . _:..
<br /> �:, � . -�� , - tia�mes a lien or charge an the property thez�in descn'bed,prior and superior ��h;,�_
<br />=�. � � "' � � to the Iie�or c�arge of the DeeA of Tivs�t first above mentioned. . �3�x�,.,
<br /> .� . . � . �v t w�. V. �
<br />.�,. „ . .. • . .`-.�f�
<br />� � . - 2) That Leader wouW not make its loan above descn'bed without thas � • _� �
<br />=� . � � . , . . Subordination Agreemeat. -
<br /> ,
<br />;s� . , ,,�� - , 3) That this Agreement sball be the whole aad onty agreemeat�with regard `
<br />_�r . - , . to the subordi�ation oftae lie,n or c�arge of the Le�of lrust mst aTaove
<br />-��� � .�; . �� , tm the ti�n or charge of tlie DEed of Tta�t ia favor o€I�der above referred �
<br /> J��= � to and sbal�supersede and c�ace�,but only insofar as�vould affect the —
<br />-� . . � priority b�tween the Deeds of Tn�st�ereinbefare specificalty described, � '
<br />,�. � � . . any prior agreem�nt as to such subordination inctudug,but not limited .�= -
<br />_���,, :� _ . w,thase p�avision,if anq,contauced it the Deed of Trust first abave k�_"��=___
<br /> .
<br /> -.�, ... . , .. . . �__
<br /> ..��.----.�_—:—:..._ ...---.. .... ... ...... ... ... -. --mentioned;-which provide-for-thesubord'ina4ion�ofthe�en-arr�arge--..--�------.---._�----=-.-- .
<br /> -. �� _ . �. � � � thereof to another Deed or Deeds af Ttust Qr w another mortg,a�e� '"�"�"-�`-=
<br />