. �'•� ,.. {. _� ' � .�.. . .. � .. ,� . `. �� � ( . . . ._ ' -,z--t` � + . F � . y ---
<br /> � ��j'.T .� � . _ <.` . � ' , 'C• _� � � S _ ` �, 7"`r . . < , . -ct ;: } - ,t
<br /> � r ,. 3. _ .� ,4 . � ,. � "��:.� <� ''' .s .+� 't 4
<br /> � • t -
<br /> -- . . ' • . ; , , , . ��..
<br /> ' . �. � , .
<br /> t. , �` � ' ` • ��g{�.� �E�V�i� � _
<br /> _ `�' � S.•'The BeueBaary, or its ageats,are autharized to enier at az►y teasona6le time upon or m aay part of ths propc�y'for tt�e •
<br /> i:.
<br /> -== ... . P�Po���S the�une and for the pmpbse af pezforming any af dxe a�they are anthori�d to peafo�ander the terms of • -:,_.;
<br /> � • say ioaa in s_ex�lry,Tcustors. . � '
<br /> ,� : • , clrnm nts , 3
<br /> � � , - 9. �f all or anq part of t$e pmperty or any ente�est of Tn�stors is so2d..uansfemd or fwuher encuml�red arithaut the arritlen • '�
<br /> " � a o n s e n t of We Bene�a a�'�uie�e n e�c i a ry m a 9'dectare'all sums secared by Wis Trust Dee�to ise ianmedlateiy dne anl!payable and �'.:`r �' ^
<br /> � . , prooe�i to t6e reme�ics atiailaDIe w it under ttte def�n[t pmvisians oonmaned heiein. , ' _�-�':'=-�-
<br /> _�; . . �`�' .--.Y-
<br /> IQ. Aup ofthe faltowing events sha31 be deemed aa eveui of ddault hereuader: '',. �` '�
<br /> . 3'�'i4�;;�'.
<br /> ��� ' a Tmstms shall have failed to make psyment of any installment of principal or interest or any other snms set�ued herehy when , .
<br /> _: . _-- d�� � '' � `�-'
<br /> 31c �.�, �1,.�- —
<br />_ � . • . - b. There Uas ooaared a 6reac� of or defauit under arry te�. o�.ag�a�testt, taadiiir�tE, Prsvistt►n,�rcgcc�-�or� - ,
<br /> � warraaty contaiaed in tLis Deed of Trust,the note os airy oWer toan instnm�ent secured her�, F ��� �`} --�
<br /> - �, -�.c.._
<br /> � � c. There I�as been a defaxili by the Tn�sw�in tfie payment af aap Prior or svbsequent lien or encambranoe in respect to a[1 or aAy , .`�ti�,��_�
<br /> � _ _._._ part of ths property; ' � �.,� �
<br /> � � : � d. Tn�siors sball fite a voinuracy p�ition in bankmpuy or shall be adjudicxtck banluapt or insoivent, or sh9ll mahe aa "��. ,-
<br /> �� ��..__
<br /> _� . . . assignment for the 6enefit of c�editors u►respect w the prapert�,ar an aaron to enforce any lten or eacnmbtanas or judgrnents :�,�.;Y-.-���_
<br /> � . �� a�inst the pmpenyr is commenced. � : _ —
<br /> ' . . . , � 11. In the event of any defauli,the BeneBciazy may deciare all indebi�dness sec�ed he�eby to be due and payable and the same �.�.a —
<br /> '.- ,.:� —
<br /> - ' " ' sI�all thereupon beoome dae and payable without auy p�esentment.demand,Pmiest or naiioe of any I�nd. Thereafter,tIte Benefciary ��r"�-:._- _ __
<br /> �-+�: . , . .. . . ,.•-
<br /> � _r,
<br />- , < , may, •.:.,�;���
<br /> �--�
<br /> ���- � � a eitIter in person or Iry agent, with or vviiHoat bringing a�►Y aaion or pmceeding,or by ceceiver appointed by a wuri and '`-��-`=`-- -
<br />_ . . , . ' �=z�_�
<br /> ' _ , • withmrt regazd to the adeqnac.y of any seauity,enter upon and pke possession of tve PmP�.��Y Part the�ia its own �;;;;;u._�
<br /> �,�. _ . �r_,�:--.__--
<br /> name os in the name of the Ttustee, and do anq acts which it de�ms nec�ary and desirabte W pres�sve the value, �•�._T�-
<br /> � � .. � � marts�,*a�ility or reffiab�ity of t�:�ropest�,ar part thereo�ar interest therein,increase tihe inoome therefrom os `�°'=--.--
<br /> ��ect the ,��.-.:r—
<br /> -�. .r._'. ' "�,��,__� s���eof a�d,cvithoat ta2�g g�ossession oY the prapertp,sae far or othecwise callect��eats.i�and grof ts t�er+e� �'�-°-.`'�__ :
<br /> -- -,:� . �-r �-., ... . .. .--.. - - . -.— .- . - - t°
<br /> , � . including�those�..�due an�impa�'�and agplp��e�sam�; less�costs"and"expenses�of op�ai�bii a�d c�oltectioi�._gicludiug__._ ��Y�j —:
<br />: . • attamey fees.ap�n any indebiedness ses�med heceby,all in sach order as the Bensficiary may determme. 'fhe ezrtezmg ugon ��_
<br /> • ' � and tal�g posses�on of tlte uast estate,the collecaon of such rents,iss�ces aud prafits and applicatioa thereof as aforasaid ��=
<br /> , ss
<br />�..` .:. . �. . . • shall aot aue or waive airy defaWt or notice of defaWt heieomder or imialidate aaq act and in mspnnse w sQrh d�nit or �`•�"'~�—
<br /> - - -• • pursuant to such notice-of deFantt and-notwitbstanding the eominuance in possession of the property ar the wllection,receipi -
<br />-_ � , '� and application of rents,issnes or profits,Tmstee or the Beneficiaty may be entitled to exercise every right provided for in a� !
<br />�.��• � • of the loan iusm�ments or by law upon oavrrenoe of auy e�re�of defadt,including We right to execcise the puwer of sale;
<br />_.:. � - ��- �. b. cummence,an action to forectose tIus Dced of Trust as a mortgage, appc►int a receiver,or spec'if'icalty enforce a�of tiie .� �
<br /> a4 ._.. - oovenants 6ereof; �'`�
<br /> " � e. detiver to Tn�stee a writtea deciaration of default aad dea�and for sale,and�vritten norice of defanit and elec�ion to cause • . :�
<br />�.v . ��tustors'interest in ihe property to be sold�vhich notice Tmstee shall cause to be duly filed for reoord in the oSacial records "�� � �
<br />_:�_ of the�sounry in wltich the property is lopted. �' ' •��
<br />-w� � : it. Should the Benernary elect to forcclose by exercise of�the poKCr of salc hercin contained,the Beaeficiary shall norify Tn�stce ��r�� ;� � � .�,
<br /> _:: -:. ._... .�-_-.-.— ...._ _:.. ` .._
<br />�.�;,.• � , • and shall dcposit�vith Tcustee this Dced of Tn�st and ttie note and sueh receipts and evidcnce of expenditures made anA seciued ��'. �:�'�T
<br />- .. hereby as Trustee may requirc,and upon request of the Benefsciary,the Tcustee shall cause to be recorded,publ�sheC aad delivered •��`.�='
<br />�==' '. .' . to Tnutor such Notice oiDefault aaQ Notic�of Sale as then mquired by law and by this Deed of Tnxst T�shall withnut demand .-��, ,�'�
<br />� , - � on Tzustos.�fier sach time as may then be reqnired by law and after recordation of such Notice of Defa�lt and after Alotice of Sale .....� , ",
<br />�*� � . � having been given as reqaired by law.sell tLe pmperty at the time and place of sale fixed by it ia such Natice of Sale,either as a � ��
<br /> � -�=�� . � whole. or in separate loLS or parcels or items as Tnutee shall deem expedient. and in such order as it may determine. at public ��•��" .�;' �"
<br />�u � ' auaran to the lu�hest bidder for cash and shaU deliver to such purchaser or purchasers thereof a deed w the praperty sol�,cansistent � +=�'�t'�
<br /> - with the law then in effe�t. Recitals in the Tn�.stce's deed sha116e prima facie evidence of the mith of the statements made therein. o����.r:"'"��-
<br />-_ - � � , Tnutee shall apply the proaxds of the sale in the following order:(a)to all reasonable oosts and expenses of the sale,iacluding but • . ' ;�-
<br />-�„�.�•. � . � aot lunited to T�ustee's fePS of not more than 2%of the grass sale price,reasonable attomey fces and casts of titte evidence:(6)to al) : s ;�
<br /> ">�-- • . � ' sum5 seciued try this Y7eed of Ttust: and (c) the excess. if any. to the pelson or persons legatly entitled thereto Any�erson. . ?' � t'
<br /> `� •-� ; . includin�tne Beneficiary.may pnrcl�ase said property at said satc. Trastee may in the manner provided by law,postpone sa:e of ail � �� t'��
<br />=�t . or an rtion of t�e ' • � ��.
<br /> Y Po P�rt3'• `'.
<br />_ :�.'r.�.�,.��
<br />- � � - - � � � ' 13. Trust�.and the Benefidary,and each of them.stiall be entitled to enfmrae payment and performaace of any indebiedness or ` ��, � .
<br />-�� .: • obliga�ion sec�ued heteby and to exercise aU ri�hts and powers under this Deed of Trust or under an}+loan instn►meni or other .�',�r��
<br />--- . agreement or any laws ner or hemafter enforced notwitbstanding some or aU of ths indebtedness and obligations secvre�hcreby , . -�'�:;
<br />�,: ° . which may now or hereafter be otheswise secured, whether by'mongage, deed of Wst, pledge. lien,assi�ment or othcnvise. ��i
<br />- .� ' � Neither the acceptanoe of this DEed of Tnut nar its enforcement,whether by court action or pursuant to the power of sale or other � ,,",.�
<br />_�� _ � : powers herein contained,shall prejudice or in aay manner affect Tntstee's or We Beae&ciary's right to reafize upon or e�orce any � :' .�j�
<br /> oiher security now mr hereaRer heid by Tiustee or the BeneRciary, ii being agreed ihat Trustee and the Benefcciary.and easd�of : w .
<br />�.� �.�•�� � ' them.shall be entit2ed to enforce this Deed of Tmst and any other securiry now o:her�rafter held by the Beneficiary or Tmstee in s _
<br />��} . such order and manner as they may in their absoiute discsetion deteiminc. No reme4y herein confened upon or rese�ved to Trusree .`� ��'
<br />� ... or Beneficiary is intmded to be exclusive of any oUher remedy herein or by law pravided or permittcd.but each shalt be cumWati�•e � � •r;`.
<br />��° � and shall be in additioa�to c��ery oihei remcdy givea hereunder or now or hereafter existiag at tativ or equiry or by statutc. Every � � v.
<br /> `� � � � power or remedy given by any af the laan insWments to Tnistce or the Bcnefcciary or to�vhich cither of them may bc othenvlsc ; � _� ��
<br /> '� ' , entitted may be exercise.d,concurrently or independendy.from time to ame aad as often as may bc deemed expedient by Tn�stec or � � � ��
<br />�� ' • • Bene&ciary.and either of them may pwsvc iacons,scenc remedies.Nothing herein sball be oonstrued as prohibidng the Beneficiary � �-'�°i
<br />�'� ��, � : � . . �• � from seeking a deficiency judganent against Trustors to the extent such action is pemutted by lativ. � �. : ;' ��
<br />_���• � � . . . 14. Tnistors hereby request a oopy of a�+notice of default and lhat airy notice of sa�e hereuader be xnailcd to Tnutors at the ; .
<br />-�--ti�� address set forth in the�irst paragraph of this Deed uf Tmst. � ''i�.
<br /> �7�,:c-. C . . .
<br /> : � � 15. The Beneficiaty may,by a�vritten inswment executed and ac7cnowledged iry Beneficiary,mailed to Trustors and tecurded in , �'�
<br />_�___ . � �
<br /> � the �n wiuch the is loc�ted and by othenvise complying with the rovisions of the a ucable law of the Siate of ` "'
<br /> :��• � . _._ .. ' �tY � P�P�'� P PP� � .:I
<br />-�''i�, '; . . Nebrast�a.substitute a s�aessor to We Ttustee uamed herein or acting hereunder. � �'
<br /> -.�.,'� "�j . ' � 16. 7�is Deed of Trast applies to and inures to the 6enefit of azcd binds ai{�arties hereto,their heirs, persofial representatives, f �
<br /> '� s sucoess�rs and assigns. The term"Beneficiaty"sbaU mean the owner and holder of the note.whether or not named as Beneficiary �
<br />_ � .. � " ' � herein. ' •
<br /> . .
<br /> . .
<br /> . , : •
<br /> , ,
<br /> . . . ,
<br /> ---. ..._ ,� _ _. _._. ` -
<br /> . . : -- ----- � �=--_- -_-- -�-- ..
<br />;� . ,� . . , � ' .�
<br /> . ;�' � . . • f � ' ��
<br /> .
<br /> :. : , . . :�
<br /> <
<br /> � �, � .. i .,
<br /> .�+ - .... .-- - . .
<br />