_ .:�c �rM.y . , . ( . _ . _ _�_; _ . ���.
<br /> ' �y ��•;� � , ;.� r.`_..� -•-_--�- --'� .-`--��---�-- . --- - . r '_ ---•--•-t =�"=`', - ' . �`�.
<br /> ', �J. _. 4 . .S. , . . . . F� , . . ` -.. O. . G . ` - __..
<br /> - ` ... � � tM1 . .. . "' � � „ � , .., .,., ;.i� ti ' � . ,�.f.� . �cL� .. �1MiA��. . . J�(�i�_
<br /> � ��e -• �- _ � �� � . ' . . ' .. - a. . . - � . .� - .. . �.s.. . . . ' �' .. � - 'tF . .. . . -- .
<br /> ��� -- f . . ` . . _ . . . . . � . � ,� � . r: . , ' . . - . . , * r" . 'C .� .
<br /> '�'� �'�.. � �` � � . •• � , . . � . , + .. � , l 1 , ` � .( ` , � t ` L. .
<br /> _�. - � ,. � . � . r . . . ' �. . . �' � . 'S . . .
<br />�� � ,. . ` . . � . ' . . • • • - � ! ` — � � , `c� -- .
<br /> _� . . , � , , , C�s ioo�s2 _ �U� �. .,: =
<br /> :� � • • d_ ' I6.Borro�ve�s Cogy. Boirowea shal�be givca�one conf�ed caPY of the Noie and of this Securiry lnsmtmeui � �:',�`�;. _.�
<br /> 1�7Yanster ai t6e Pomp�y�vr a Benefi�!Inte�st in Borruwar.. ff a]I or 2ay pa�t of the Aropertyr oT st►7►iatecest m it is
<br /> <�; � • , . , soid ar�ansffet�ed(or if a b e n e�a l intere,st in Baaaar�is sold ar t�ansfeeaed ffiid Boaovvea is not a oamral pe�san)wiihout , ^ � ` ;� -
<br /> ns
<br />- IRader•s prior written coas�t,I�e�d�may,az its o�ian,�immed�Pa��fWl of eu smms s�b d�is sec� ��.� '.. �, ti_
<br /> ' ll y
<br /> � .- ` � Instruffient.Howev�.ttris aprion sbaII not ba eaen7sed by Leada if exea�ise m�ob�ited by federai law as af tbe daic of th� ' -
<br /> _. - ,:�:- • . g�itp h�sbraaaeaL - -
<br /> .. . • . If I�end�exet�Cises t1�is opti0a.IR�drd'sl�all gitte Bot�ower IIut[c�Of aCCele�tlOn-1he nOtiCe sh3ll gtovide 8 peuot�of ROt t�s _�_.�.ti�.��
<br /> � • th�30 days from t�e date the notice is de5ve�ed ar maited within whicfi Baaower mnst paq sU s�mms sec�iry this Secnsty `�;:'--x_-:�=-_
<br /> � `,Y, Iast�ameat lf Boaaw�fa�7s tn pay these s�s prior to the eapaauan of tGis pe�iQd.Ieadrr ma9 iavoYe�Y�ae�P� . � '� _- _,
<br /> ,�� �- . 6y tl�is SecaritY msuam�t wiYlw�farthet notice ra demaud on Bamawer. ' T����'
<br /> • * _ _ _ .. - 1 8.B a r r a w e�s R i g h t t a R e t a s t a t e. I f B�a o w r a m e e t g c e�a i a c�o n s. B a n u w e a shall 6ave the z i g�,t w have �_�s-�_
<br /> • � . eafo�ant of this Insuwawt di�continued az aay tnne p� tn the eaz�i�o�(a)S days(ur such aU�pr�od as ._--���`.���
<br /> .. . . , app}icable law may sp�� re�m�nt)be�sale af the Propetty putsu�t t�anY Powear of sa2e c��ed�d�is Sec�iry �C�;�:�:��..._..
<br /> � . InsummCax ar(b)�u9 ot a]ud8m�t euforc�n8 t�s S�Y Insuamnettt'IhOSe rnn�titinnc�thaiB�nwEi:(e)papS La1d�aII --
<br /> : � � s�ns whic�then wou2d be due c�drd this SeauIry Iastrameat and the None as if no accelesarinn had occaured:(b�ca�s anY , ,._.�.�--.-
<br /> . . . defanii of any o�covenants ar�me�(a)PaYs all expe�ses mcutred in enfa�g tms Secariiy Ins7ament,including,hat l..s —
<br />-° � . not l�ited ro,re�a�ble atmmeys fees:and(d)takes sQCh ac�on as Learler ma�reasoaably req�re to assBre�the}�ea af this . =��
<br /> s. ,` Seauity in4nume�b eader's righss in the Ptupeacy �d Bmrmwer's obligairnn to pay the suna�s se�ned by this Saauiry -
<br /> ta
<br /> ins�rnemt s6ari conunae anchanged.Upon�emstatrme,at by Bosmwea,this S Tns�umee�t and tHe o6 attons sec�d _
<br /> au t
<br /> . � � � ', hereby sbaII remam fniiy effearve as if no�on had accurred.Howeve�this��s reinstate sball nnt spp�y ia the case of =___-- —
<br /> - ° ac�etarion ander p�ag�h 17. -- -
<br /> � , . � i9.Sale olNote;Change af Lo�n Servle� The Notc ar a pareial inraest m � Piote (co8e,rh�with �tis S�ij► .��,- --
<br /> ��aF���
<br /> - - T�s�u�neatt�ma7(.1�e soId one or more time.s cve�`�ptiva aoits�ta Burrm��er-A sate'may�esalt ia 8 ch3age m the�entiiy�icaavm r
<br /> . �.,� . � .. . as the"L.oan Seavi�')i5�at co�monttily I�y-�enCs���sdmr We Nor,�aad d�is.Secasinr insuvm�t 1h�e al�may be oas ar - .
<br /> ' . . mme c6anges of the Loas+Serv�cer�ar�laied ta a sale of the Note.If t�ae is a c6��ge of the Loan Seav�icea,Boaowec w�l Ue �-----_��--
<br />- . . � �giv�writtea notice af ihe change in accardance with pua 6 14 above aadapplicable law..Zhe uotice w�l state ttt�name and �``
<br /> h -----
<br /> � � add�of the new Laan SetvIcer and the address to h paymea�m sbm�td be made.lhe nntice w�l also confain any otbea �r_-:-
<br /> _. ' ., _ : infam�arion teqtiiredby spplicable 4�aw. �'�-`
<br /> - . 20.Ha�rdous Snbstaacas. Boaow�shall rcot cause os peamit tUe pmesence,use,disposal,-�t;oraSe.or reIease of eny ���-== -
<br /> . Naz�ovs SnBstances on�m the Pmpealy.B�rowea shatl not do,nor alluw aAYons else to do.anythmg affe�ing the Propeaty = -
<br />- . . , tbat i�fn viflfation of an�r Snvuonmental Law.l�greceding two seaiteaces shaIl not a p p ly to the presen n���al ases - ���
<br /> _ , � �. Pcoperiy of smaD q�anuues of Ha�+cdous Snbsrances that are generalty secogaize�l w b e a,pgropriaLe '1 . x. . . ,
<br />- � � .. . aud w�aamte,n�ce af the Proper�j. � ;'�,��
<br />- . . . _. Bouower sbaIl pmmP�Y 8T�Lender wriuen nowee of�y investigation,claim,f�and, lawsoit or other actian by any .
<br /> � .-_ . . gov�nmental or r�'alawrY��Y�P�P�T�Y invoiving the Propeirrty and any Harardaus Substance�Envuoam�tal I�w %
<br />�,.... .� � • of which Bortower 4ias acmal kaowledge.If Bosrower leams.or is no�by any govemm�ml or regutatory auth�itY.fhai any . ,. �
<br /> • ranoval or other remediation of aay Ha�ardons Snbstance affecpng the Pcope�rtty is necessan►,Borrower stiaII Promptl7►talce all r��
<br /> ... necessary remedial acoions!n ar�oidamce wttb Eavimnneental Law. � ' fi;�
<br /> -= -�-o---`:---.. .. - As osed m d�is para�aph 20."Ha�ardous Subst�ces"are dtose snbstanoes defined as toaic or ha7alloas snbs�nces by �";;� .:«;�
<br /> - . . . finvironmental Law and the foIIowa�g substances: gaso�.:, keaoserie,ot}eer IIammable or wxic peffalaun �odact4, toxic ."�.�,.:a ';''��:
<br /> . . • pesacides and heabicides.volatite solv�ts,materlals c��.am�ag asbestos or fom�aldehyde.aad rad�oacdve matenaL�.As dsed in :'�� . '�`
<br /> : �� '� ' � �his parag�aph 2p,^Environmental Law"means fedenl 7aws and laws of the Nrlsdictton where the Property is lacaled that telaze � .
<br /> . .-, � . to heaIth,safety or envuoamental protection. 'i� `;:
<br /> .�..
<br /> � � � � ' NON-t3NIFORM COVIIVANTS.Boirower and Lenda fiuthca covenaut aad agcee as follows: ��:�''�- ��- '�--•.
<br /> - f ,.-.. �._
<br /> .�.,' ZL Acceleration;Re�e�tes.Lender sSaD gIve notice W Borrawer prior to acce[eTation loIlowin�Borrower's 6reach of ,f.�.�_
<br /> � . , any cavenant or agreemen! in thLg Secaritq Insarumeat (D� not p�ior to acreleration tmder ParagraPh 17 uNess �;;1` -T-:—
<br /> '�Y•�.. . - . ��•^'�� '—
<br /> - . . aPAlicabie Istw�aavldes otherwise).The notice�aD specif9s(a)the defaalt3(b)tEe action r�ed W care the defaoIt;(c) ..
<br /> . . -- a dair,not les�t�n 3b days from the�te the no8ce is givea to Borrowv.by whkb the defauit mast 6e cared;und(�I} � - � -�
<br /> Wn!ta�me to care ttie defaalt on or betore the Onte speatied tn t6e notice may resfllt in aace2esattna of the s�ms seeared �� '.. �•• ; �� �
<br /> � � � . by th�SecarIty Iastrament aad sale of fhe Pruperty.The notice r,haD fm�ther inform Borrower ot We rtgh3�v reinsmte � �► ��
<br />_ ��: � . after acceleraH�n and the right to Drmg a comt adion to assert the non�xfstence of�defaelt or any other defense of .. ;-� 1'i
<br /> `s. ` .
<br /> � _ . Borrower to acceferatlon and sale.U the defaWt i�not cared oa or 6efore the date specifted 'm ti�e notMe,Lender,at its � <�,��.. .�, J:i1
<br /> �,:'} ' � ' uPtioa,may reqaire imme�fiate payment in toll of all snms sec�ed by this Security Instrament without farWer demand �`,,;��,
<br />-- � . � . � and may invoke the power o!�Ie and a�y oWer remedies permitted by appfica6�paw Lcader s1�all be entItt�A t�n aol�ect ��",
<br />=��� '. ' •. all ea�enses in�rred in pnrsning the remedies provMed in thia paragrap8 21,ic�tuding,bnt not l�ited to,reasonabls � . .��r 4
<br />_• � aaarneys'fees ana costs ot tttie evidence. . : '�' �
<br /> cos
<br /> . . . If the power of s�1e Is tavoked,Trastee shall reeord a notke of detaol! in each caunty�in wbkh aay part o!t�e `„� `
<br /> � �. : � -: Propvty L�located and s1�a11 maII copies o!snch norice in the manner prescrlbed Dy appticabie�aw to Barrawer and to the ' :.- � ,
<br /> ' � o�.r persons pr�sanribed by a�pIic�bk I�w After the tint required 6y applic�ble/aw.Trostee shaD gtve pnblic notice ot �'.:
<br /> �.;�, �;. . s� ca
<br /> _- � � � saSe 4o the ptraons and in the manner presart6ed by oppGcaDk law.Trastee,wiWout demand on Borrower,sbaILseD t�e � `' �!��'
<br />'S � � ' Property at pn6lic anciion to the highest 6idder at t6e ttme and plaoe and ander the terms designated in the notice o!sate . ' '•;-
<br />_�•�., . � f
<br /> _�,;,�: . . . � E
<br /> :� ::r.��t
<br /> .�, . . . Fo�m 5028 O/90 . • `:`{�,_
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