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<br /> ' Memorandum of t!a►detstandtng at[d a HOME Cor�tract�M93-SG910100-85,(`the Gornracl'�b�areen ths . • ���.�;;_. �
<br /> � � � � - Departrrtentand��tphageHausingCotporaitan.t�{the•�ae'j�11128.lohntisEtBoulevard,Suiie50o. . � '- "'
<br /> � ` City of Omaha,Hebraska,CouMy of Douglas,a rtot tor-proTit�orparation, , �.� �•-.
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<br /> . • PapAllon.Nebtaske►(ttte`HOME Project'j.as Iegally d�seribed as faltatva: . ,�
<br /> � •. , t ots Ona(1)andT�o(2b�Warr�n Sacapd 3abdivJaion.C�y otarand tatand,Hall Coun3y,Ntobrastca. -_ .�'�:�.�•
<br /> ��� � �.
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<br /> 82YQteetWester(yfromihsNortheastcomorotsaldBlock;thenceWesterlyatongthe�oudhmargin '•- ; . �
<br /> � � oiMil�taryAvenue87Yatee�theneeatdgMangleSautheriylBetaa�thenrsai�fghtanigeEastedy► •. ' . :"-
<br /> - . e?1h teet;thancs at dght angte Na�herfy 188 to plaea ot beginnirtg. � �� ��' � ���.='�
<br /> ' " AtractattandcompdstngailotLctsOne(1).Two(2)aedTi�ree(9),Btock'�atdy(20).Pearsonand :.�~� :--
<br />-_ � � . CampbemsAddfttontoMtnden�KeameyCouniy.Net�raska,exceptingtherefrom,theWesL�rlyEi��ht ..�:�'"��
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<br /> � , � TvuentyThr+ea(2�.0)taetafBr�NSterStre�tnawvaeatad,taytngNorthotandadjacenttos�tdtnct. ..�,::,_
<br /> _ , . according to the recotded ptatthereat °�'"}����_.__.
<br /> .. ,;�?�.':___
<br /> � WHEREAS,the Con�act, (n Section 9.o1(ej,�equires that the speclal cartd�lons. reatr(Wons. �.�' ;.,` '
<br /> ' + ca1cetantsandobllgaitonotth0�ranteecor�tain�att�chartdrunwiththelandtoratermottwer�ty(20)yesre . •• '`'�'
<br /> � . . after the data olthe comptetion of3he constnccdon proj�ct�or until such date as the date of compi�tion may � �'�.�. : :�,-
<br />- � ba extended by R�operamendment atthe Contrad. � . ': �' '`
<br /> - . . . . . '�
<br /> w� , .� NOW THEREFOAi'c,Grantee ecknowladge�ae tolla+�s; � � . , : f t
<br /> �� _ . That the special condi�ons,restrict�ons and c.�vontnts in t�a Contnact ara spa�sl c�ndNoas. .�. : . � ��'���°':
<br /> .' � resbtctlons and covenanta runntrtg�8h tho�nd�and that thoy�tn arry evont end wfthout ragard to � . ' �'.`'�:
<br /> ' � � �� technlcai classiRcat�an or destgnaUon,[�ai ar othonMse,sha(1 be 61nd(ng to tha 11�llest�octent . ., . �•
<br />-.�F, '� � � pertnitted by Iaw and equiry�and enforcaabte by,the Departrnent,fts successor�nd aasigna. � .. ;. �,
<br /> ��. • againstthearaMe�ftssuc�ssorsaRdasstgnstosnyputofthoproperiyt9�atistho�ubjactotth� .
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<br />_• ` . .. . � ' of any pari o7 sald ptopetty►. : � �. ��
<br /> - � � �. The Grantee turther covenants and agrooa that tha spocial condit[ona��estrtetione arnd cevertarns f . . . �`��i
<br /> �� , �y: .
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