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<br /> � - � � Ca ita!Advance Pro rarn u.s•DepartmeM o4 Housing ���5_ ��Q�4 _ r � ,
<br /> . j P g and Urban Davetopmant . _ �.�..
<br /> T ` � � Use Agreement Otfice of Housing . ,
<br /> , For Section 202 af ths Hot�ing As�of 1959 er Fedarat Haustng CommEsstortar
<br /> _,� . OMB ADProsal No.2562-04T0(exp.t?1d7J93), ..t�''�.
<br /> - -- �•- Sectian 8i 1 ot the NaliCnal Atford3bte Housing Aci
<br />" . ... . �. ... - PubGcRepc,rHngBurdBntartt�mIIec�afot4uo�(sestlmafladtoavetagel.OhourSperresponse.indudingmeUmetorcev[ewingiasQu�ons.bearcMn9�S - �•.:'-:;:�
<br />- ," . � • ' . dabsouroes.8a�eringandmainraTnTng�edafaneeded.�►doompteringanCrevtewinglhaaoUectlonotinformauan.Sendmmmernsteg8rdhigthLSEurdenesHmate • .': � : .
<br /> ` ' aranyotheiasAectotthfscoSleGlonafUrtomatton,Indudin9su8SestlanstorredudngthLsbusden.t�theReportsManagement0(flaer.dt�CeotlntormaffonPOtides . �,�.''' t:
<br /> «. :'.�.,''.:... >
<br />�.., � . . , ! andSystems.U.S.OepartrnentofNotbhtgartdUfietlDeu6[capnestt,Washln9tan.G.C.2Q4143600andwtheOffiwofManagemente(�dBudgst,PapenvBdcAeductlon � � .;�� -
<br /> .� . , . Proieet(2502-04to).Washingtan.O.C.2050�QonotsendthimeompietedtortnmeiU►erottl�eseaedresses. ✓ • �:.--`;'`—��.—�`��--�
<br /> •����:��,T
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<br /> 'i`�:-__'�__ -
<br /> , , :. '7 . _- -
<br /> � :��`„�. ' ThisA eementmadethe Stb �y� 3anuarY ,1995 .byandhetc�eenthetlnited��sof � erica, `�
<br /> • � �'
<br /> . . gecretary pf Hoasing and Utban Deve2opment(here�after called••HUD•� ',. {'� � _
<br /> � . and Beth ha e Housin Co . II _ }a __-
<br /> " ` and existia under and isy virtae of 1he laws of � ~�"
<br /> ` . ' . private nonprofic corporation,ar�tnized exi iag =--
<br /> :.;.. �
<br /> , . ,.
<br /> ., . . Nebraska � • (fi�reinaftef C21I�ihe"Owner").Pmvides as follow� -
<br /> _.< ... _. . ._, the Siate of..
<br /> , ' ' . . � W6ereas,theOwneaandAUDi�aveeateredintoaCapitalAdvanceAgceementtoassistinfinancmgarzntalhousinSP�.i�t�housealderiy
<br />-. �� _ � , � persons or pe�sons with disali�7fti�s.thereinafter c�ed."Dersons"j,c3 accordance with Sectioa 202 of[he Housing Act o€1¢��tir Sestion 811
<br /> _ . _ . , , , � af We Natfional Affoidable Honsing Ac�and the applica�Ie Yeguiation�
<br /> :• . ._ . • -- - - -- -.. �
<br /> . . . , Whereas,HUD through the Capital Advance Agreement has pmvided fanding for the Project identifed as
<br /> • . pmject nwn6ez 103-FID004-NP-WllD ,finaneed with a NotB and MmtgaSe(Deed of Tn�), � � ��`_.. ---
<br /> ` � •;. �� Januar5► 5, 1995 and covr�g real property as descn'bed in Exhibit"A"auached hereto,wlucd Mortgage
<br /> � � was recorded in the Recorder's Of�ce of �all ' � County on
<br /> � . . �Ja^.::.:r�17-, 39q5 : .
<br />;..'` . as Insuumeut�9a-�AE1232 ,Baok ,PaBe • ' �.�t
<br /> , . �'-
<br /> y,r�� � • Whereas,�eProjectissubjecttoaRegulatnryAgreement,dated Jaauarv 5, 1995 ---and �`��
<br /> �=-�
<br /> -�._.:_..--=:-..:�._. .. �.
<br /> „ , � - - recordedon Januar� 1?� 1995 _ :. �-�
<br />._ in the Recarders Office of Aa�� Connty as -"'
<br />_ - . documeacnamber. s��_�nn2�� ,Book ,Page ; �_--
<br /> `��` �'. � • �V6ereas,piusuantwsection202oftheHoasingActof1959(eideriyprojects)orsecdon811of�heNationalAffordableHousi�gAcc(dL�abL�f �� �
<br /> ��'�• � �:':::s., ons.inexchan eforHUD'sa eemencco rovidecapitatadvancefinancingandprojesticentalassistance _ �_'!'•���
<br /> .. . . � pmjects)andthecoir�s{wndin8r�gulati 8 8� P -
<br /> �.,� . ' qayments.the Owner has agreed to continae to operate tlte Project only as rental housing for vety-Iow income eldetly or dis2`�led patsons far �
<br /> . '' '•. net tess than 40 years fmm datie of completion Rurauant to tT�te .ut�ess otherwise approved by HUD;
<br /> .:�--
<br /> �� ' , , Conetruct4on Contract ;�
<br /> . ... - - - �� �-
<br /> '. � NowTherefore,inconsideradonoft�emawalpsumisessetforthherinandofothervaluableconsideration.thepartiesherebyageeasfollows: ���----
<br /> . 1. Definitions.All terms ased in this A�eement have the same the event o€default under the Capital Advance Agreement or the - -
<br /> ����� • . meaning as set forth in the dei"in'uions in?A CFR Yart 889 or 890. Regulacory ABreemen� 'The Owner may vansfer the Pmject ;�.�_�
<br /> . 2. Term:This eem t shall in effect for m t less than 40 during the term of this Agreement only v�ith the pdor wriuen ����'. `;�:� .-
<br />��►���.. . � ��e .o� comp��o� �ursuan� to approval of HUD,and Any such grantee shall asstune the obliga- _� : ���.t
<br /> °��' , years from t e Constru t�on o tract .unIess ��under this Agreement as a condition of any transfer.In any . ,
<br />_. � ' atherwise ayproved 6y HUD even�this Agreement shall 6e binding upon the Oumer's succes- . �
<br />-� ' . � • • sorsandassi �5 � � .
<br /> •�, . � 3. UseRestrieiton.TheProjectshallbeuse0solelyasrentalhousing 8� ,. • . � °
<br /> -� � . forvery-Iowinwmeelderlyordisabledpe�soas. S. Release.TheendorsementbyadulyauthorizedofficerofHUD(]) d" '
<br /> � '. �. . . 4. Transfer.HL1D has been grantEdendispossessed of an interest in upon any conveyance or transfer made by the Owner of any reai . , -�:±►��••
<br /> r: • .� the above.described Projax such that the Oamer shall remain orpetsonal propercy whicb is determineA to be excess w the needs
<br />_���' � � seized of the title to said Droperty andref�sin from transferring, of the Froject, or{2) upon any inswment of conveyanca or _;.
<br /> ;�� � ' wnveying,assigning,leasing,mortgag�ng.pledging,or othera+ise dedicadon oi properry.or any interest therein,for use as stree¢s. � , �,� ,�
<br /> encumberingorpermitiingorsufferinganyuansfer.�onveyance, alieys.or other public rights-0f•way.or for the establishment. �•.
<br /> ;'.�` ' ° ' ' assi�nment,tease,martgage.D2edgeozotherencumbranceofsaid operation and maintenarice of public utilides.or(3)upon any �=k
<br /> ;�:a � � . , pmperty or any part theteof without the release of said covenanis inswment uansf�ring or conveying an interest therein,or(4) :.;�,��
<br /> _ �' � by HUD.The Owner has constinited HIJD as its attomey-in-fact upon any insuument of release made by the Owner of the Project . . �
<br /> ���` ' � co uansfes the project w anoiher private nor�pmfit corporation in sha11 be etfec6ve to release such Droperty from the restricdve . ���
<br /> ,�:�� , . . °" �
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