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<br />-�� ` � , . � � �(�9 5- ����9 . . -�. � ��:.
<br /> _�` � � ` � , 17.T�ansfer of the Pro or a�ieneftctal Iaterest in BorroK�es.if all or an an of the Pro e �r any interess in it •• ' �.1��'
<br /> � . � '- • , � • P� Y P P *h' �,�,
<br /> _ �is sold or transferred(or if a heneficial ir►terest in Borrae•er is sotd or uansferred and Borro�ver is[►ot a natura!person)wit8out • , ; � .�;
<br /> •� • ' ` - Lender's prior written cunaent, Lender may, at itx optiun, reyuire immediate payment in fuU of all sums secw�ed by this , .�. ::�:��+:�'
<br />,�'`• �' � • � Security Instrument.However,tliis optiun,hall not be exerci�ed by Lender if exercise is prohibited 6y federal la«r as of the daze
<br /> ` ° of this Security Instrument. ' -. ��` _-���.=``�t' =
<br /> = �- - -' `- - - - � !f i.ender exercises this optian.Lender shafi give Eonuwer notice of acceIetation.T[te notice sftall provide a period of not .—�--°--�`�-'
<br /> , less than 30 days from the date the notice is delicered or maited within which Borrow�er must pay all sums secured by this ��`
<br /> . . ' � S�curity Inswment. If Burrower fails to pay these suu�s prior to the expiration of this period,l.ender may invoke any remedies • • .� '
<br /> _ • ' , permitted by titis S�curiry Instrument withaut fiuther nouce or.demand on Borrower. , .- , . . ;g�i
<br /> .. - 18. Borroerer's Itlgfnt to Reinstate. If F3arrower"meeu certain conditions. Borrower shall have the rigtet to have �.
<br />- ��� � ` � enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any ame prior to the earliev of: (a)5 days (or such other period as � � �' -�-ty:
<br /> � � "f' , applicab�e law may specify for reinstatement) before sate of the Property parsuant to any power of sate wntaine� in this , • �� •.
<br /> � Security Inswment:or(b�entry of a judgment enforciag this Secarity Instrument.Those conditions are Wat Borrower.(a)pays , . ,;;; �'
<br /> . '. . Lender all sums which then would be due under this Securiry Inswmtnt and the Note as if m�acceleration had occumed:(b) , �,' '"°
<br /> �� . gures any defauit of any other covenanGS or agreemenu: (c) pays all expenses incurred in enfurcing this Security instrument. , ;4 • ...�"�s`��
<br /> ' inctuding, but not limited to,reasonable anomeys' fePS;and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonabiy require to assure . '�." •��:�
<br /> � that the lien of this Securi instrument. l.ender's ri hts in the Pro e and Borrower's obli on to a the sutns secuied b ' `�
<br /> � . �Y g P rt3' 8� P Y Y �.;,. . .,.i.�.
<br /> ' this Security Insuument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Security Insuument and the � ���'
<br /> ' obligatians secured hereby sball remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However.this right to reinstate sha11 `�?' ��
<br /> � � . nat app[y in the case of acceteration under paragtaph 17. `=':'"
<br /> ". " , 19. Sale of Nofe; Change af Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security ��_�-
<br />- • : • ` ' � Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior nouce to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known --_=•=----�
<br /> : , : ,. �.
<br /> �--� - • � : as-the°Loan Servicer")lhatcollects.monthl- a menu due under.the Note and-this-Securi Instnrment�There�also�ma -be one� --- --�-- �-�"x�
<br /> YPY � Y ��-.
<br /> • • .. ' or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Nate.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Bonower will be �-�:--=_-�;-
<br /> ��,.��—
<br /> . . t, '. . given written aotice of the change in acc:ordance with paragraph 14 above and applieable law.The notiee will state the narae and - -__
<br /> . � � . ' address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other —
<br />� informatian required by applicabte law. ---
<br /> : � 20. HaTardous Substaaees. Sorrower shall nat cause ar permit the presence, use, disposal, star,tge,_or_reIease of.any _
<br /> � �Hazardol�s Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to de. anything affecting the.
<br />- . Properry that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use, or �,9i_- _ _�
<br /> . . storage on the Property of small Ruantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> . . residenfial uses and to ma'sntenance of the Praperty. • ��„�
<br /> ��- • Bomawer shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim.demand,lawsuit er ether acrion by any . ° —
<br />=i , govemmental or regulatory agency or private part}•involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance er L-nvironmental Law ��
<br /> ' ,� of which Borrower has actual knowtedge.If Borrower leams,or is noGfed by any governmental or regulatory authority;that
<br />- ° � any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower shall prompdy take ��'�.r
<br /> � . . all necessary remedial actions in accerdance with Environmenta!Law. w$�
<br /> ' � As used in this paragraph 20. "Ha�rdous Substanees" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by `''��"
<br /> __ .. - --- -- ��=--
<br /> , � Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene. other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic ��,_-
<br /> , . . ' pesticides and herbicides,valatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in
<br />- � ' this paragraph 20. "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdictian where the Property is locaUed that �:��-.—
<br /> ', .. ' , relate to health,safety or environmental protection. � ;-�;,,.�_
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.8onower and Lxnder further wvenant and agree as foltows: °?:.�>
<br />=� �.. ' 21.Acceteratton;Remedies.I.ender shall give notice to Borrower pr�or to acceleration following Borrower's.6reash �:"+F i�� �•
<br /> ., • • ' _ of any covenant or agreemeat in thLs Secur�ty Instrument (bat not prtor to acce[erat�on under parageapb l7 anless -- —
<br />�= . • _ applicable law provides otherwise).The notice shall spectfy: (a)t6e default;(b)the actton required to cure the defnnit; „
<br /> - - . � (c)a date,not less than 30 days from the d�te the notice is glven to Borrower,by whlch the defautt�nast be cured;and �.jo'�
<br /> 1 .. _ ... ' � (d)that failure to cure the default on or 6efoce the�ate specifsed in the nottce may resvlt in neceterotion of the sams =
<br /> � . , secured by thls Security Instn�m¢at pad sale of the Property. The notire shall furt�zr inform Borrower of the rfght to '�
<br /> .. : . , reinstate after acceleration and the rfght to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a default or any oiher F-�—
<br /> . , . defense of Bnrrower to accelesation and sale. If the tlefaalt is not care� on or before the date specified in the notdce, ��:�-
<br /> , � I.cndee,ai its option.may require immed�ate payment in full of afl sums secured by this Secutity Instrament w[ttu�vt , �;,------
<br /> u
<br />- f . • . , further demand and may invoke the poiver of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicabte taw.Lender shall be �•
<br />- - " _ entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remsdi�s provided in this paragraph 21,ineludic�g,but not limiteil `�P�=�
<br /> � � � to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs ottit[e evidence. ' =''�-"�'=a�°��:'
<br /> - ' . � • . IP the power o�'rale is i�voked, Trustee shall record a aotfce of default in eacb county in which any part of the •'.'+"�� -
<br /> '` � Property is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the munner prescrlbe�l by applic�ble[aw to Borrower and to �"`��•, `'
<br /> -� ': � � � the other person.g prescribed by appLtcp6fe la�v.After the time required by appltcabte law,Trastee�a11 give pablic noilce • ;, :
<br />- . of sale to the petxons and in the manner prescribed 6y appltcable law.Trustee,�vithout demand on Borrower,shall sell �
<br /> ' the Property at pu6iic auctlon to the hi�hest btdde�at the tlme and pluce and under t�a 4erms designated in the notice of
<br /> ` � safle in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determfnes.Trustee may past�aae sale of all or any parcel of the •
<br /> , ' r.,
<br /> b �:. . • Property by publle announcement at the time and place of any prevlously schednted sale. Leader or its design�may '
<br /> � punhase the Property at any sale. . .
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