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<br /> set�tlement of anp claim for ntor�qage� insurance bescefi�s s$all. be. -
<br /> � .a�mpntet� �a aacordauce witt� sectitm 'Zal of �he Ha��Aa3 Hausine�r , °
<br /> � ' Aet and ttae RegnlatioAS the�eund�r f.n ef€ect on �ember 20,� �
<br /> 1994�.' er�cept that: ,
<br /> 1. �'he ungafd principal. balanae of tY►e tiot� as cf the date �
<br /> � qf _default sha71 equal t�e �esser of �i) the actual ungafd_
<br /> .' principaZ ba2aace of the Note, or � ) the "Adjustea3 9apaid
<br /> Pr�acipal 8alance," whiah is tltat amount ecyual to the amount •
<br /> � which wouldt be ci�aracterfaed as tl�e, ungaid pxfncipa� 4alauce . ,
<br /> ,of �hg Nflte as o� the date oF de�auit, if t�e amo�, of
<br /> � $200.441.74 weze araorti�ed at •a discaunt rate �f• 8..6358282�
<br /> over the aumbei o� ffio�aths betweea necem?oer Z0, 1994 �an�' tl�e
<br /> matuzity date of the t�ote, �nsing a ievei annuitg� monthiy •
<br /> payntent, t"LAMP°)' smortizatfon schec3ule; a�d : . ,
<br /> , .. � -2. � the 1$� �assigame�st� fee. if required by 24 C..F.R.� � •
<br /> � 221.762 s�all also be Dased on the lesser of (i), the ,actu.al
<br /> uapaid priacigal balance of the Nate, or ( i) tE�e "Adjust�d �
<br /> , IInpaid �r.iacipal Halaace." , � � . _
<br /> • � B,AtrE �ID TO HOLD T8E SAME unto the said Assignee, its � . '
<br /> . 'successors and assigas foseves. Assfgnar wa�rants that he ha�
<br /> good rigbt t� assign the same.
<br /> EXECIITID this 20tb day of December, 199a. �
<br /> ..
<br /> � � D PMEN'P � .
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<br /> Witness. �D�I �_ D,�OI Jd-bi By-
<br /> D�ie�Step �o sk . . • .�
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