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<br /> °'� '• ' �� �" � �� • the power and praca�ure providecD tos by leud for the subs4hutton of a jrustee or Tr�tstea.s in the ptace of the Trustee . �.. `
<br /> � � ,. � `or Truateea named herefn: � . ;, ,
<br /> � 4' :,.�, '. �17. Forbt�ance by B�nfiEisry or Tnnta Not i Wai�a. A.forbearance try Sene�cfer�/cr T►iistee in e�tetdsing ��4 ,'. �
<br /> � ��..i , . _ ""Yl..';l.
<br /> �� any right or remedy hereuRQet, or oti9srwise efforded by appllcabte taw sha11 Rot be a waiver of or prectttde the �
<br /> �. , . exercise o!any rtgh2 or rsmedy hsreunder. Ukewise,the �vaiver by Bertefiaiary or Trustee of a�y defawt ef Tr�seor �
<br /> urtder this Desd of Truat shatt not be deemed to ba a waiver of ersy otAer ar simitar defaults subsequenUy o�curring. • �`��•;' �
<br /> ` � . • � , t
<br /> , . ..
<br /> � `� .. . 7Q. Tru�tsr Not�tel�ated. 6xtension of thg Ume fot paymerit or tnodi�cattan or amartfzation ot tfte sums secured .' � • •:�
<br /> � by,the De�d of Trust granted by Bsneflciary to ar�y auecessor tn interest of Trustor sha1l not opersxe`to retease,tn�rry � - _
<br /> , � � ., 'manner,the fiabitity of ihe odginal Tnrstor and Trustor's suCCessor in interesi. Beneficiary shsN not he required to ° ---�m
<br /> . , : ;,;:_<--�_�.
<br /> cammence Rroceedings against such successor or refuse to extend ttme for payment av oiherwlse madify amortization. . ��r � ,�:s�.'_�� -
<br /> �k' ` :' ' of the aums secured by.the Deed of Trust by reasan of any demand mada by the arlg[nal Ttustor and Tiustor's . _-__-
<br /> . . . successors in interest. � .-``,°.��-:i�-"`�
<br /> ';��-�-
<br /> •�r�� � " � i9. Opt�n to Fareda�te. .Upon the occurrence of as►y detautt hareunder, Beneftc3ary shaii_have tha aptfon to -�.�_-,-
<br /> .. ; � ��; -- _——
<br /> ,• �• • ;�: forectase tRis Oeed ot Trust in the menner provided by lawior the foreclasure of mortgsges on real property. , =•�'��-�---
<br /> `��.. , . . . �20. TrustafsRfghts.A6sa�nt DefatriL UMii any defauit in the payment of indebteQrtess here6y secured,or untii �-�u�-w==�—=--
<br /> the breach ot an covenaM herein contain�d tfie Trustor,its successors and assigns, shatl possess and qrtjay the �""�`°
<br /> . y �.-�_:_:__-�_ _
<br /> `�'•�'� '�` � property and recetve tfie rerits end profits therefrom: Upon paytrtent'of all�sums secured•by tf�fis Qeed of Trust, ��'�'-�
<br /> � • � Beneficiary shaii req�cest Trustee ta reconvey tfta property and eheti surrender this De�cD of Trust aa:d all notes�tnd Loan °�"�
<br /> � ,, Agreements evidencing indebtedness securect by the Oesd of Trust to Trusiee. trustee shall rec�nvey the property -
<br />� I..�•� without warranty and wlthout charge to the persans tega'iy entitted thereta. The Grantee i�arry reconveys:�e msy
<br /> � ' ' . � �_ be described as"the petson or persons entitted thereto", end the recitels therein af any metters a tacts shall ba =_
<br /> .. ,,
<br /> "'"'°' � '- "' ._ .__..__..cQnciusive.proof ofthe trutfitutness thereof. Sach erson_or ersonsshall a_alt easts of recording,Ifany.
<br /> ' � .-., , .._...--. - -- � --- --�'--- �--p y � ,
<br /> ., � . . � 27. T►ansier of the Property; Aaaumpiimn. ff eil or sny part of ttt�Property oT an intec�;�-t therein is so!d or
<br /> . - . transferred without Baneficiary's prior written cansent, except as otherwise proviGed by law, 13eneftciary mey, at
<br /> • • 8eneftciaty's opt�on, daclare all the sums seaured by this Deed of Trust to be immediatety due and payable. •
<br /> _ . . � Beneflciary shall have waived such option to accelerate if,pdor to the sate or 4ranstet,Beneficisry and the q�ersow to ..
<br /> -���,' . :- wfiom ths Property is to be satd or transterred reach agresment.in writing that the credit of such person is sadsfactory
<br /> � . • ' to Ben�ciary and that the irrterest payabte on the sums secured by tha Oeed of 7rust. shall bs es sach ►ate as � . _ '
<br /> • ' . Bsneficiary shail request. if Benefrciary has watve the option tfl acce!erate provided tn this Paragraph 21, and if ��-="-
<br /> .. ,,.�
<br />- � ' � '��� ' � 1'rustor's successor in interest has exocuted a w�itten assumption agreerrrent ac�epted in writing by BenefEciary, _
<br /> ,:..,:;;:, ..
<br /> � . . ` . -� . Bsneftctary shail release Trustor frc�n all obligations under this Deed of Trust and tt2�Q.oan Agreement. ff Beneficiary• _
<br /> .. ! .::. ' exercises such option to acceleratc�,Seneficiary may invoke any remediea permitted by the Deed of Trust. � �,,..--
<br /> . . 22.� ReQueat tor Notise. Tho Trustor request that a copy of any �otice of dsfautt and o8 any notice of sato �r _
<br /> : � � • ,� hereundes be maited to Trustor at the address�ereinbefore set forth. � _
<br /> � � : IN iltd'C�tESS WHEFiEOF,tfie Trustot has executed 4hts Deed f Trust the day sad year first above written - -
<br /> , � , � -
<br />_ . . ; . � � �'_� /9�9s .z. ` �� �' � � =����_
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<br /> . . . .. . � xusanNn�uan wsss ��`��:
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<br /> .�f � � � thereof to be hislher/their vo(untary ect and deed. • � � '' �
<br /> ` . . ' . �K � � ' �
<br />_� .. . 1Mtneas my hand and Notariai Sea1 this ,�9T� day of �Tan.� , a99�S
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