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<br /> , . ,�-��•.- � �
<br />- c . . � Truatorunders�sdathatthedeeiunem�a4Truscari�abouttoexecutetse�eedWTh�saendnatemort�eQeandthatth�power �i:s�;.ri°=���t�--
<br /> . • • «�� oisatepravfdedtorfnthe0eadofTrustpr�vld�ssubstanttaliydifterent�ighbandoblf�attorasto7rustorthnnamart�a�tntha�ev�e►t � � "�.���=�
<br /> �� of 8 d�fautt or S�each a�ablfpadon under tAe Qeed of Tru3t Including,but rt�tlimited to.ttre Lender'a risht to have the Rroperty sotd � �-��'��'�
<br /> � � `' . , by the Tntstee wfthout ang judtctat proeeedtng.Truator repre5ent�a»d warrante tlfat tAl9 ecknowladgemen!wa�executed dy �ti=���;�;°-��
<br /> � . ,. 'Frusics belare thff e�cecutton o!sf[e Qe�ot Trust . ,,. .�< <. ,-
<br /> . • = �',r�;�::_
<br /> , �. '. .. ��_�a,'��:�,�::_
<br /> .' � (Do d C., Razey) T - �_;.��- __
<br /> -- - - -�_.-_ . � -,�; :
<br /> � �u��:
<br /> � , . f Deborah !. Raze T r ���-`��'�
<br /> �„�..
<br /> . - ���:
<br /> . :, .` . . ; PR�FACE TO AGR[CULTURAL DEED OF TRUS4 . ' �°��=�6-�-- -
<br /> ' ' � ` CQMPLETE this por�on ON�Y itfhe re�propertydescdDed , — - —
<br /> : , ' . . canslsts o!(NOMOUALLY OWNED A(iRICULTt1RAt iJWD. -
<br /> . � ur,�z:r.=�"`-----
<br /> • �. .�..� . e app�Fcabre comQ►et0 oN�v oNe eim�r a a o.c: , - -=_=--
<br /> � .. �_=-�-
<br /> . . � ' O A OSSCWMEA OF RI(itlT TO DESiGNATE HONEST�EAa: �'— -
<br /> . . TrustoracknnwfedgesthatTrustortsabouttoexecutethefoflowing�aedolT►ustu�ontriePrope�ty.Trustor.andeachotthem -_—_
<br /> . if rrtore tl�an on�hereby d�sctaims 7rustor's dght to designaUa a hamestead on said real estate.No paR ai Tniatafs hameatead(s =
<br /> , . � • � presenUy or wil!in tAo tuture�e siwamd upon satd real esta�Trustar urtderstands thai it Tinstor estabQshes e homestead on a�y -
<br /> •• .• partolsafdrealestafedudngtRetimett�e0eedolTrostcemainsunsatlsfte0andalienuponsafdrealestate.tflereshallbanodgMto --
<br /> '..- _ . ..�' '' . make a des!gnaUon of homestead in the eveM ot a forectosure or trustees sate with res ect Lo aatd Deed af Trust.--- --..----,-. �
<br />- _.. ..... ... ._ ... .._... .. . -- - � - ---p- -- -�--- -
<br /> . �a wafv�+o�a��m�o oESCanu�HonnES�aa: � °__-
<br /> � TniatoracfcnowtedgesthatTtuatorisaboultoexecutethefoltowingDeedofTmstupontheProperry.Trustor,andeachotthem -
<br /> . � ti more than one�hereby waives T►usUors dght to des3gnate a hamesfead on said real e�tats.Tn�stor unde�nds tl►at Trustor has ��--
<br /> " ,�. Ngnt t�maka a designatipn o!homesLEad and that by.execudng thts wafirer.Trustpr is waiving Nghts otherwlse avsiiaffie tar the �'
<br /> . . - .- , - • purpose of atfardtrtg therr►the op�¢ortunity to reisin Trustor's homestead in the event of a 6efault upon Ne Dee�of Tnist -
<br /> - : . � O C.DESIf3NAT10N OF HOMESTEAD: ' �'��---
<br /> � . • • . Pursuant to the Farm Hamestead ProteCtton Act(Sectton 76-1901�t seq.Revised Statutes of the Stale of t�tebraska�,Trusivs ���-��-
<br /> ��av���
<br /> ' heceby dea(�r�es the real esfate descrilsed in the"Qeslgnation ot HaarasDead"atLached her�ta and Incorporetad herein C��•.Utfta �- --_
<br /> ., ._... . ..._. - � r61@TertCB. . ��'�—
<br /> � .. . . �.� ��.,_ � :�
<br /> ' . ° � (Dopald C. Razey) u or , ' '•'�
<br /> . ��,�.-�. �, 6?� �-:��
<br /> . : - . (DeBorah .!. Razey) Yrust t �'_
<br />� . . - % 'Lr--
<br /> t . -*���
<br /> • � THlS DEED OF TRUST,ts made as of the.��day ot .lanuary 199.S.by and art�artg =` � ���
<br /> . t.=•---
<br /> . � '.
<br /> _ � , the TrustOT.-D�natd C RA7PV amrl Rptu�rah J Rar�� huabard and wifia � r��-�-��
<br /> _ �t �hose mailtag address is�620 E Capital Ave.. Grand Island NE 68801 .y�=�—
<br />_ , (herein"Tru9toP',wRet?r8r arre or more). .•;._'�.�-�-
<br />-. . 1. :
<br /> tlZeTrusfee, �fiv� Pnints_ Rank� r� N h.•acka Coreer�tien . • ��;,=��=
<br /> � . � . ' `:::°'� wttose maliing a�dress is P.O. Box Ab07. Crand Island NE 68802-1507 � , ' ,. �.:�s�`'='-T
<br /> . (herein Trustee�.and �: ;,;•: . .
<br /> - , - _<,•. •
<br /> � ' � � thaBenoQclary. - Ftv Petn artk,_ a Nebraska C-�rnoraton � '�►,,. ,. �;...
<br /> S• . .
<br /> _ �. . i..,, .• . . .�,:
<br /> , :. whose mailing address ta�;,A,_� RAY tsn9�_ G�r.+na 9�t�...� n�G �pttn�_t Gn� (hereln"LendeP�. --
<br /> i:F ', � FOfi VAW6�.L31E CONSIDfiRAT(ON,Ircduding Lencter's e�dsnsfon ni credit tdentifled hereio to DOt1a�Ci C. R�o�—& • , , Y�,'��
<br /> .? T. .. ita.hnrak S�Raipv � ���:
<br /> (h e r e f n"B o r r o w er, w h e t h er one or more)a rt d t he tr us t➢t er e in crea t e d, ,�„r#,.
<br /> � .• � � ' f3�e receipt of wh— irfi�by acknowtedged.Trustor hereby iRevocabty grants,transters.conveys and assigrto to Trustee,IH � . ��.
<br /> � . TRUST.WI�HPOWEAOFSAl.�lasthebeneTitandsecuriryofLender,underandsuDjecttothetermsendconditlansRerelnafterset
<br /> ` �r taM.the reaf proOerH.descdbed as fotfovu� �
<br /> ' �s� � The East Half (�) of Sea3ion Twenty-One (Zl), Township Twelve (12) North, Range � �'
<br /> y�,� Nirte [9) West of the 6th P.M., t�all Cou�ty, Nebraska. � � ��•
<br /> _.:� .. . �� ` . :.�:�!
<br /> ± . Tagether with atl bultdingt�,lmprovement9,fixtures.streeis..8lteys.passagsweys,easement�dghts,privifege9 8nd tippuRe- «;
<br /> � ' nance9 focated thereon or in anywlse QertalNng thereto,artd tne rents,issue9 and prafits,reveisians and remainderstherea.an0 ' � r`�,'
<br /> ' such petpon�f properly that is attached to ths improvemen?s so 8s to con9Utute a fixture.inctuding,6ut not Ilmitad to,heating and �.a r ��
<br /> � � . � �. eC0ling equpmentand togeth�r withthe hamestead or maritaf interest9.italry,which interosts are herebq re!ea�ed en0 waived;eil ' . ' . �
<br /> �•� • otwhtch.itt�ludingceA�acemenband.edd9tlon9lf18reio.i9herebycSeCtaredtobsapaAOf1h9realeStateseCUredbythetienofthis � � � : , ti
<br /> • , . ' . Ceed of Trus!artd att of the toregoing Qerrig retemed.W herei�as the"Property: . . _r
<br />- . This Qefld o!Trust shffiI&t2cure(e)the cIp Y P n► �„.
<br /> .�_�.� .�;.• , ' paymeM cf tfie prin al sum and interest evldenced b a romisso rtote or credit E . �
<br /> ��. - a eneaafe6 .lanuarv /0. �O�S � � � �.. '
<br />_ . 8� .f�mta�yp-10, 1995 .hav3rtg a ma�ty date ct , . . ;,
<br /> -'� ., • in Ne ertgirtal prirtsipai amount of$-�n�,���_A� and any end atl modifteation9,extensians artd�enewals � � �
<br /> � . tRereoi ar tnereti�sd ctny aru!att tutura eQvances and readvart4e9 to Borronver(or flny of them iT mare tt�an one)hereu�dar ; � . �
<br /> � pwsaan4 to ona or rt�ara prom�ssory rtoTSS ar eredit sgreemenb(Aereln caited"[VOto"};ro�ues payment ot ou�e.sums aevanced ey � . . � - • �
<br /> s.. . , ; �
<br /> --� _ . :_ _ .__ •- ----_.. .- --�--�-- -
<br />: � �aeus�ir.�r�c�oca.aatrtores • �--�-�
<br /> . �
<br />_ . , • O+a�se�-xwcusde�.�e.r,��sm�,e•�.�-�•u��mms . •�
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