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. ` M ,A(. � . ` �. ' c . �. v ",.�. f�SN .Ei }� ' 4 � , �7-' � , <br /> �, <br /> p..'-�-„�y,� . �c tf t+ ` �.. �; , f- Pfe _ Z r " . i����' '��t.t� _ <br /> � F �f: ,�. 4 c. _`.•� + _r Y .. =Y.� SftE���� <br /> F � t .1' 4`, <br /> � > . . d \f�' '��""t � • ` ' ' -.:�y..�.- <br /> h. <br />..y;:°.�t�•. � rt . ' • . . . . . _—e--_ <br /> 3-..T� ' � . . . . ' • ` . . - • ` -- _— <br />-::[�•r7�c.�� ..�..'.. . - . _"__--- _— <br /> 'Boxmw shalt rom ti ive b.en�er written notice of a�ry investigadon. ciaim.demand.lawsuit or ottter sctiote by a�r ��;�.-,;.=�_- <br /> � ��`� ;�.,� ` , goycanaieri��il or regutatorY ageiicY o�'pnvate paRy involving the Prapet?Y and atry Harardous Su6stauce or Environmy.�ucsl[aw� . � __ <br /> gcs <br />-=_=� ; -'�.. .`. of�vh'ssh Sr�rrowev ts�s actuai knowiedge. If SotroWer leams.or is aot�fied by a»y gove�menta� ot re�atory autharity.t1�at� - --__ <br /> �;. °; '; �.F` - <br /> ;�- .:�-: . .,• • anY removal or�hes temediaiion og any H a r a r dous Sn b s t s�n c e a ff e c t ing t he�r o p e�t y i s n e s e s s a r y.B o r row e r s�`�ii pro m p t t Y.ta�ce � _-__ <br /> ail rtecessarq Ee►uedi�l ections in aocordance with Environmemaf Iacv. ' � • --- _ <br /> a ''� ' `. As used in this paragaph 10. 'H a z a r dous Su bstaaces"are t f i o s e s u b s t az t c e s d e f i n e d a s t o x i c o r h a z a c d o u s subsWnces h y __ ___ <br />-'��`''.�' '• . .� Envir�nmental Law arcd the fallowing su65tances: gasotine. k+erosene. other flammable oi toxic peuoteum prnducts. coxic � — _ _ <br />_-= ' . pes�icades,mid herbicides.volsuile solvetgs.mate r i a is oontaicriag sis bes t os or fo r m a l d e h y d e.�r a d i m�c t i v e maier�als. As used in • -- <br /> 'Y . .�', : . thia F�ragraPh 28. "Enviro�nenm! Iativ" mes�ns federel laws and laws of the jurisdicrion w�ere the Property�S lacated that ____-_-_--- <br /> r � , relate eo or environmen[al pioteetion. ' � . � -- <br /> ` � NON-UIVIFORM COVEN?►1�iTS.Borrovrer and l.eader further wvenant and agree as follows: • — -- <br /> Z2.Acce[eraYfon;Rwmedies.Lender shall give aottre to Bon�otser prtnr w soceiera4ion folIocving Haxra�er's Dreashgll ��-x-"' <br /> 17 uuies� •�.��' u <br /> :',� �'� �. . � o�any coveaant ar ugrce��t in this ���� t� � t�rtor to accet�r�i3ton under �atiagreph �" _ <br /> applleabieda�p�vfdes at�era�ise).The aotfce sliaall spectfy: (a)the d�fau4t;(b)the acNon required to cnre t6e d�fat� _�._ <br /> - � . (cl a dat�aot less ihan 3U da�A£rom We date the notice is giveu to Borrawer,by cvhtrh tfle.defaNt mast 6e c�d;and �,_ <br /> � (�that faitnr�ta�care We dd'anit oa or 6etore t6e date s�rtfted in the no3�ce msy resnit in saeleration af the�m§ , --_--__ <br />: •t `--:�. � � sec�d by t6fs S�tntbJ Inshvmwt aa�sale of tt�e P�operiy.The aosI�e shall facth�iafarffi Sarsower oY t�e rigt�t to �-�-- <br /> ` .,;`,., rdnstate atter uocetaution and the rig6t to bsing a oowt actton Eo assert the naa-e�stenae of a ddanit or aay oEher -_ - <br /> defense uf Bomuvser to acxetemtioa sud�ate. If t6e defantt ts unt cvred on or before tt�e date specitied in the notice+ ---- --- <br /> " tts opttoa,map reqaire t m m e d i ate paymen t in f g t!o f a l l s�s s e c u r E d 6 y t M s S e c u r i t y I n s h m c n e n i withont • _--- <br /> .�t .. '• tia�iher demaad and may iuQa§e the po�rer of sale and uay otiner remedIes permitted by spptIcabte law.a.eader sdatl be� � <br /> ' �" � `' entitlest to collert aU espenses incarred iu purs�ing tLe cemedtes prnvtded fn tF�s paraS�aPh Zl.iactuding:6nt not Umtted �:��-----_--- <br />:�` � �. to,reaso�abte attorneys'faes and costs of titte evtdeaoe. of!he a'��`- --- <br /> . • . • 3f tqs power of sale is invoked, Trastee shaii re�nrd a aotIce of defauIt in each wunty in wi�Icts anY !� �_------ -- <br /> � �� � Frnperiy is lacated aad shall mnil ooptes oF sac6.cmt�ce In thz m�aaer Prr.s�ribed�Y aPP9ltiable Iaw to Borrower and to e_-= - <br /> a <br /> the ot6er peisons prescribed 6y appllcaDle taw.Aftes the time�qaired bY appiteable law,Trastee s�all gtve pnbfie notke ' �----- <br /> •; ' , _ �_ of sate to the pe�sons and in tRe manaer presccibeti by applira6le inw.Traste�wit�o�demand oa Borsuerer,sSaQ seU -.--- -_-_ <br /> -'-- �the Property at pu6itc suctloa to fhe bighest bidder at the time aad Flace and under the tenns dcsignateil in the Qotice of <br /> • ! sale in oae or more.parccJs and ia anY order Tn�st�e determines.Tsust��ay postpone sate oF ali nr.any parce!of the _-_- <br /> .�;, :.. ._ .` . ,. <br /> • _.._._ _...proPerii'by pabl�c an�sonncemeat ai.the time.and_place.oP any_prevtoustq._schedn[e�.sate. I.ender or its d�maY . . <br /> _. _._:..-_ purchasc tlie ProperCy at ar►y sale. . . - -_- <br /> ' ' _ Upon recefpt of paymeat of We pr�ce bid, Tastee sLall deliver to the pnrcvasee Tncstee's dced conveying the _ _ <br /> � � . ' property. The eer[tals in the TraStee's dePd shall be prtnna fade ev[deace of tite trat6 of the statemeais made tiierein. --- <br /> � ' T�vs�tee sbail appfy ttte proceeds o4 the sale in the follov�ing order:(a)to all casts aa��o��sercising the pawer of =_-. <br /> .. ��.~ .-'- - - ssile,and ehe sale,inclading We payme�of We T�vstee's fees sd�alfy incurred,aot ta�ttie_ of. 50.00 ar � %_ �- <br /> . . . 08 the princtpal amonnt of t6e note at the time of the ds�ta�tion of default,aad reasonabie attorneys' fees as p�mitted �;.'� <br /> �, . by law;(b)to ull sams securcd by Wis Serw'tty Iastrament+and(c)any excess to the pesson or persoa4 legalIy entttied to <br /> � ' . . i� '.�.�_,' <br /> : . • • Z2. $eoonveyanoe. L'pun payment of all sums secured by this Security Inttrumeirt, Lender shaU reqaest Trustee to . ----1�, <br /> , • ' .`��� reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Securiry Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Sec�rity . <br /> " � • ' Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persaus legally _ <br /> p�6tled to it.Such person or persons shalt pay any recotdat�on costs. :=`- <br /> _ � . �$u6ytit�rte Tro.stee. Lender,at its option,may &om time to time remove Tnute�and appai�rt a successor mutee to <br /> , any n�stee appainted hereunder by an insmimetrt cecorded in the wunty in which this Sesurity Tnsaum�t is recorded.�Vithout � • ��` <br /> � " • ' � conveyance of tfle Pcope�ty,the successor trustee shali sueeee�to all,the title.po�ver and duties eonferred upon Tntstee herein -. :T <br /> . . . � and by applicable law. -••'' � •_ <br /> , 24.Reqaest for NoNoes.Borrower requests that mpies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Barrower's address �� r � <br /> � which is the Property Address. . .:- <br /> 2S.RIders to thts 5ecurity Iastrameat.If one or irwre riders are executed by Boaower and recorded together with this '�.; • , ' ;�.;_ <br /> . � Security Instrument,the covenants and a�menu of eacb such rider sha11 be incorporated into and shal!amend artd supplement ,- . � ` ��. <br /> �_ :. <br /> ��' �.. . � the covenants and agreements of this Security Inswment as if the rider(s)were'a part of this Serurity Instrument. ° ;;: _�^�• - <br /> = ". . [Ch�+ck applicable box(es)] . ��':;l.� � � <br />_�:< �_-'•'== .�,. : <br /> : :...-,.,. �'��.= <br /> s� <br /> � .. : • , , 0 Adjastable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider Y ''� s-' - <br /> 01�Famil Rider � •���.• _— <br /> ���� �'"�;.�,� �� Graduated Fayment Rider �Planned Unit Devetopmecu Rider 0 Bi�veekly Payment Rider ,���:"' ' �"- <br /> � � �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Ri der �Secon d Home Ri d e r -#� .� ���� <br /> 's � . �V.A.Rider �Oiher(s)(specify] '`_. � � <br /> � • . . . � . . �,� <br /> ��' . . . �� ��. <br /> t • .. � ���� � <br />_ _ . , ,. <br />-=_� Iili SI(3NING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms azd wvenants caurained in this Securiry lnstrument and � ' <br />�� � . . t <br /> _ . in any rider(s)executed Dy Bono-�rer and recorded with it. '� i� <br /> ° . `� ' � Wimesses: �, : ti,.� <br /> , � .rif�t/ (Seal) - �'t . <br /> . . . .. RITA A JACOBSEN -Borrower . .�`��: <br /> - . . . • �N <br />-_--;�.., ... . • � • .: •i <br /> , (�) {: <br /> ;' . � . • . <br /> +3:• , � <br /> ,:�i: : . . -Borrower <br /> ��• ' : ' • � .,. .. �� <br /> .. ' . � �5�� (SE3�) . • � ! <br /> � . . •Borrower •Borrou•er, � �� <br />- . , .. ' ,'�� <br />_ . � � . . �,!', <br />_� � sra�oFrr�ax�sx�►„ � �. � co���: � . <br /> K <br /> -- � �, � The foregoing inswrsient was acknowledged bcfore me this 19th day of DECENIDIIt, 1994 . ' ��;��� ' <br /> 1H • <br /> , by RITA A�JACAnSBN, A SINGLE PERSON • . i <br /> ° • • Witness my hand and notarial scal at GRAND I . E�LS � 'n said Ca the date aforesaid. � ; <br /> - . . . . �;• , <br />.� , . <br /> '' � , My Corrunissinn Expins: 04/06/98 � .' ,;,' "i <br />.., . <br /> _:� -- --���•=-- . <br /> _: �, . r:�r�� -- -- �..,1:.- <br /> 2! :3 . .���� � " � ' ! <br /> � ' �� 1 <br /> - • : . ����� '� Paaaa of e Form 3028 9f90 •: .'! <br /> � . , I <br /> ., , <br /> , _ . . <br />. . , . . :: <br /> +s�-)�: ' _ _ .; <br />