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<br /> � , . 1.riYmRiTr. Hortawer�a�aes to make all ayments an 4he seewed debt vichen due. Un:a�a Boaower end Lender aIInee ctAerwtse. eny � z���
<br /> a� .• • .paymarttt Len�sr•reealvas fram 8artawer or�ar Bortowe�'s 6ertefit wi0 Oe e�ylted firat to any�rno� BaROwar mwes on the seauea deDi �. ". . `Y �5,
<br /> �ctust�oi Irsieraat O�pr�n�1.second to interest.and then to princiPal.lf peretst PreD�/rt!em of tha seaued dntrt oeeura for arry rtrason.it wUi t�. ., � � "s:
<br /> _�� . ., ` . . -. esat redui�.ar aYCUSS an1C=di�d�ded paymertt un07 the a0auad debt la paid tn faS1. � . , �
<br /> � �,.. � 2�a�m A�Inst TfB�.Barrower vin'0 pay ell taxea,aaaessrteertts,and other cherges atmbufahle to theprpyarty when due emf wlil Qetand ttUs . <<�4��.
<br /> -.� :;... . to the property a flnst any elafms wtdch would impaU the liart o4 ttUs daed ot tnut:Lender may roqu:re Borrowar W ast�n eny rights,ctalma br
<br />=�• .� • `�� . , dotenaes whie]►�omm�res may have a9alnst partlas wtio supptp tabor ar materials to Impreve oc maiMatn the proDerty ', , .
<br /> -�, � " , � 3.�.B�ortawet will keep the property insured under terms accepmDtA So lender at BoROwar'e e�ense end for Lendar'a 6enafit.AO � '1 � ;�`
<br />- _ . . . • tnsurante Ro�des eAall(rtduda a etendard martgsga dause in favns ot Len�ei.l.BnQer wiU 6n n3med as lass payeo or as the insured an eny 6uch � �
<br />_- - � 'inswance p8lccy.My Insurartce proceeds may be�pp11ed,wiihin Lendefa discrgUcn,w either tAe resmrntion or rapaTr ot the damagad propeny
<br /> - � or to tha seeured deb�tf Lender repuires mortgage tnsuranes,Borrower agrses to matmain suct►insurance fo�as tong as Lender re�Ues. � ' �°-�_
<br /> l... -_ �--. - 4.Rroperty►.Barrower wtll ksep tAe O�Dcrll►in gaod cartditlan and maice all repaire reasona6ry neceas�q. . . - - ' . ,._;,��:
<br />_ . 6.E�msss.Borrowar a�e es tapay eU LsnQer's expenses inctuding reasonabte atwmaya feea.If Bermuvnr Cieaks arry eovenacns in this deed. ' "'�. . .�'�-
<br /> _.':',_..'... __ o�i�st m in esry obIIgatton socured by thts deed of trust.�ortower v�ilt pay these Emourtte to Lendar as provided ia Covenarrt 9 of thlo dead of . ��
<br /> �---�^--�-�--- . " ". ` � �, ..' .;�,.:
<br />_=, • f3.Prtar 8tc�ufty kranstr:Untess Bor►ower first cbtalns Lenda�s written consertt,Bor►cwer wiU not maks or permit arty►changea m eny prior . �
<br /> = • , �. � sae�aity U�sestn.Borrower wiU perferm all of BorrowePs•obOgatlons under amt prtor maRgage.deed of trust er ott�r sac�tty a�eamertt, :`•�`� "`' ''�..
<br /> induding Bortowars covanairts to make paymema when due.
<br /> , '" • .� ,,;:�"� �-�'
<br /> . • • 7.As� o}R�r+ts�nsl Pratits.Borrower assigns to Lender the rer�and prof�of the p►operty.Unfess 8nrrower and Lender have sgreed � ''' ,
<br /> ' othe e in writing, Borrower may eolleet and retain the re�as Iong as Bormwar is not in defauit IP Borrower defaufts,Lender,Lender's ` �'�!
<br />_ . • • agent,ar e caurt eppoirttee recetvermay take possesston and manage tfse propa�ty and cottaci the rerts.l�ny rems 4ertQer coltects chail6e � r
<br /> _ . syDUad f(rst ta tha costs of managFrtB tha pmperty,irvetuding caurt costs acrd atMrrieys'tees,commtssfons to rertal aqertts and any other .,'`:a<,�$-._.r
<br /> � r. , � necessary►elated expenses.The rema�ning amourtt af rerrts will tfien appty to payme�on the secured debt as pmvided in Covenart 1. ' !���
<br /> �., ' .! _.^f.¢-.
<br /> K , . : 8.Lw�hoids•CondonfirJums:Pfann�d Ihiitt D�vNopmmt�.Borrawer aare�to compty with the provisions of anyr lease if d�ta deed o!Vust is on ; :.'�j�ti �:� '�
<br /> • a leasehoid.If thta deed af Uust is on a unit in a candomtnfum or a ptanned unit devefopmerrt,Barrower wHl perfarm elf of Botrowers�ties -
<br />_ • , � • � under the eovenarrts,by-taws,ar roQutadans of the CondomlNum or planned ursii dati�etopmertt. • � . -.,,'��.
<br /> . • ' 9.AW�atity af fand�t to F�tform tor Bur►awn.If Hmrawer faita to erform aay ot Borrower's Qutfea under thts deed of trust, Lender may �, � -
<br /> _ , • � � �p
<br />= . .. '� pertorm tha dutiea or causa them to be perfarmed.Lefnder may si�Borrowers rtafie or pay any amaurt if necessary for perfortnanrs.If any _ ,,�;_�,. � --
<br /> -_',_,�_• •. , � .. construetfan on tAe property is discontlmied or rtat carttad�in a reasonabte marmer.Lender m�do whatever is nee0ssar�r to protect LertQera_..._._.__ T -= •;;•.;:-:_
<br /> . . �f. ._ -�- secruttSitrKerasYieth�rprtspeRq:Thia�nta�i4rtct(sd�f�mpl9tirf th�ton�traCtl�t�-... .. - ., � � ; : ..�
<br /> . . � • s.-. ' __
<br /> � � � , . , Lenders faiGue To pertorm wiD noi prectuda Lender f�m exerdsing arry of its other rlgAts unQer the law ar tAis deed of ttust.•: �-��-,x;;._;'-
<br />� • � '�'=�.'�,.::v.
<br />_ � ' �tnv emauMe paid by Lendar to pratect Lendera securfty Inlerest wiU be secured by thta Qeed ot trusL Suth amourns vrill be Qus on Qemand . ••-c_�_=-°
<br />_ ' ' � end w3116ear trtterest ftom the date of ffie paymerrt wtil paid In futl at the interest rete(n efteat on the secured deb� _ ���.�-
<br />".� .. . .
<br /> - � 10.m�fa�II3 ar�Aeutfr�Hon.-(f Borrower fmTs to make arry-paymer�t when due-or breakc erry tavenarrca uaderthis deed oi Vust or an
<br />- � '� � � � ' obligation secured hy this deed of trust ar any priar mortgaga or deed ot trusL lender may accelerate the maturity of ffia seared QeDt and . ',��, •
<br /> _ � • • domand immediate payrnent and may imroks�tfie power of eala and any ather remedfiea pannitted by applicahte faw. .
<br /> " �. 11.R�qu�st far Hottn W e�tadt.lt is hereby requested that eoyies of the nottces of default and eale ba sern to each person who is a party c�� ``=
<br /> • � � hereto,at the address of each sueh persan,as set fartfi heretn. .;�� 'f�--
<br /> � . . •y:
<br />_��" • . . 12.Pewo ot Sat�.H the Lender imrokes the powar of eate,the T�a shall first record in the office of the reg'ster of deeds of each county �; � '.�
<br /> wherern the Wst property or eomo part a parcet thereof is situa2ed a notiee of defautt eorrtaining tha informatinn cequ'ved by law.The Trustea ,� . .,
<br /> ' ' � � shall also mail capias of the notiea of defauft to the Borrowor,to eazfi person who is a parcy herew,end to other persons aa presrfihed 6y � �
<br />-� x�, , - • applicahle taw. Not tasa than ane montl�after tfie Trustee records�a notice of defauit,or two moMhs it the trust property.is not in aml .
<br /> • incorporated city or viRage end ts used in farming operatlons cartied c:s by the trustor,tha trustee shall give pubfie noti�of sa4 to the persons =•'�_, �
<br /> ' � and tn the manner presalbed by apppficabte law.Trustee,withoui Qamand on Borrowar,shap seli�ha Droperty at pubttc auctlon to the highest c : -
<br />-:. � . • OldQer.M�equtrod by th9 Fertn HamestesA Proteetion Aet,Trustea sha11 offer the yroperry�n.two separate sates as requtred by eppUeahte faw. ��� • "
<br /> Tnrsteemay pOStpona aafe ot all or any p�cef of the praperty by publIc announcement et the time and pface of any pravtously scheduled sata. �� ^`j: �` "-�`:' -
<br /> . ------�-�-�---._ . ... _ T
<br /> _ � � �endeT or itls designee may purchase tha proparty at mry eate. • ' � .
<br />-- . Upon nscetpt of paymerrt of tha prke bid,Ttustee sfiall Qeliver to ttas purcAaser Tnistee's daed canveying tho property.Tha reeitiats eamafied ln ' '�%��"��� .
<br /> �• ' rustae'e daed sfiall be prlma tacla evidience ot the trut!►ot the statemeMa toMetned tlrerein.Trustee sha�l eppty the pra�aeds of the aste in tha � � � �
<br />__;,; ; _ .,, , fo'JowJnp orQer: (� to afl expentea of the sate, indud3ng, but not limited to, reasanabte Trostee'e feea, reasonable attamewa fees and . �..
<br /> • : refns�maM teas;(b)to all sums sec�ued by this daed ot Wst,and ta)tfie belance,Ii arry,to the parson9(egaUy entitied to receive it. � . , ,
<br /> � 73.Foncbsun.At Lender's optlon,thfis deed of trust may be foreclosed'm the manner provtde by epD�icable taw tor foreclosure oi mortgages f ��7.
<br /> ' on real property. °•'�f`-+��
<br /> _ �: ��. u. .
<br />' .�` � ' 14.Insa�on.LenQer may ertter the properiy to inspect it it Lend_r gives Bonower notice beforehand.TAe noUce must atate the reasonable � ��i. �
<br /> • ° .. eause for LenCefa inspeedon. ���
<br /> � � 18.Cnnd�ma9am Borrower asst na to Londet the toceeds of arry award or etatm tar dameges connected with e condemna�tlr other taWng � ' . ` s.��
<br /> • , of eIl or any part of tha p�oporty.�ucii pmceeda wiP be apptied as provfded In Covenarn 1.Thts assigament is subjoet to the terms of arry prlor �• � • b'�'
<br />_ • securlty aQreemen� . � ,•�
<br /> � � ' 18.Waiv�►.By oxercising eny reme�y avaitabto to Lender,Lender daes not gtva up any rlghts to fater use any other remedy.By not exetcising i �+.. ?,
<br /> L'� • • �. erqr romedy upon Bortowor's defautt Lender Qaea nct waive any rtgM to tater consiter the event a detautt(f It happens agaln. � , ' . ..r,'�r.+1
<br />- � 17.Joint�fd S�v�nl Lla6�M Coad�ers; Suee�ssora md Aset�s Bamd.AII dutles unQer thfia doed oi Vust are jaint �3 several. Any � �� :,;,;�� �
<br /> ��: . � • � , Bortovual wh� eaalgns th)s deed ot trust but do�not co-sign th9 underlvtn�debt instrument(s) does so onty to grant aad convey that .
<br />= r • BortowePe interest ln the proporty to tho Trustee unCar the terms of thfs deed o trtrst,ln adAWon,such a Borrnwer agreea that the LenQer and ; w` �
<br />�: ' • any other Bortower undes thls doed ot uu8t may e�d,modi�or make eny ottrv changes in th9 terms o}thls Qeed ot trust or the secureC ' ;�..�
<br /> ,t�..: - . Qeht wlthout that 8onower'a consent en0 without re'.aasing thst oaower irom the terms ot this deed of trust. � � #
<br />_ `�•.
<br /> ' ' . . ' ' The duUes and�eneflte of th/a Qeed of trust aha0 btnd end benefit the suceessota and easigns of Lender end Borrower. � � i
<br /> . ; � ' , 18.HaBe�.UNesi otherwlse requlred by law,eny notice to Bonower ahatl bo given by detiverinp it ar by mailing It by certifled rt�ail addressed to � �•,� �
<br /> , . Borrower at the pr rty aQQres�or er�y�othet eddresa thnt Bortawer Has gtvan to LertQer.Borrowe►wi�give any noUce to Lendor Ey certiiied 4 � t �
<br /> - � mall to Lcnder's eC�s�on pape 1 of thte dead o!trwt,or to any othor address whlch Lender has destgnated.Arry other nottce to lender shall • � �
<br /> ;r� be eent to I.�rtQer'�adQras�as stated on page 1 of�::a deed a!trust. � .
<br /> :� �• .
<br /> �;�� . . � � � Any noUce sfia0 bo deemed to have 6eon Blven m 6arrowe�or�nder whon glven In the manrter stated above. � ;�
<br /> _ . • . 19.Tanit�r of th�P�rop�rty a�Bsn�Heta1 f�ut(n tM B�row�c If all w arry part ot Ure praperty m eny iMeroat tn it is sold or transferced � " i
<br /> �.;:� . . . • wlttfout Lendei'o prtor written eonsent,Lender may demand imm,3diate paymer�t of the seeured debt. lender may atso demand immediato ! . �!
<br />_ . - paymeM if ths 8ottnwar li not a�atural peraon and e beneflciaf I�areat in tha Borrower ia sotd or bansferred.Howaver, Lende►may not ;_.�';'� ,
<br /> � :� , demand paymern tn the aiwve eituaUons if R b prohitrkod by tedarnl law cs of the dato of thla Eeed o!trust. ( • -
<br /> • , ��(��..
<br /> ' a0.R�eonvayanu.When Ihe o0ligaUon seeured by this deed o}uust has 6eon patd en0 LenQer has no turthor obBgaUon to make edvances � ..� �
<br /> ' �•� "� undper the Inatrumertts ar emeirte secuted by this deed o!vust,the Trustee shat�,upon written requost bV tho Lender,recanvey the uust ; .
<br />-�. . � • � oblfgaU�on�o sa�tlafled66or�iowereshelt pay any recordaUon e�os�Qre sueceosor in intotost,tho trust deed and tho nofe or offier evldence of the , .. 'i
<br /> � . . �..
<br /> �, ' 21.Suce�sso►TnutN: LenQet, et LenQeYs opUon, rtiay remove Tiusteo and appalnt a suceessor trustae by firsL mailing a eoOY ot tho ' �„
<br /> r� � • • . subiUtuUon o!uustoe as ro�irod by appllcabie Iaw,and than,bv fittns tho substinnion of truateo for record in the offico 04 tho regtsrer of deeds
<br /> - " � ' • ' � • ot eaCh County in whtch tAa trust proporty,or some Dart thereol,is sttueted.Tho suceossar trusteo,v�ithout eonveyaneo of Me praperty,shall
<br /> _ . � suceoed t0 ell the pawel.dW9s.euthority end t}tte oi the Truatae nem90 In the Qeed of trust and of any suecessor trustee. � . . �
<br /> e. �
<br /> . . • . ,
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