!c..�— i� '��y ��r. .� , . �L (' . . ' Y ` t
<br /> `�` . .. . "7°Fr � -4,t�.. . "'�ao f _ ' - _�.3't_ - . e r . -. ., � . ,f� ` . � . .� �—
<br /> z. , < . �a � .,.u� .
<br />— r, . . . . . • • '�`s�
<br /> t. � �j �,}� �� � ` �.�".`'�-.
<br />_ . , . �`�"'�iJ1/!!�v . . . � � . � -� � ,' .=.�,��'�
<br /> �,t . � i_ _ .`.S- . `.,J.�'.l,��-..
<br /> ��Qranmr tfastt[e rtgM and Is duly a�orised m an�e�e and peAorm tte OCtigetions undsr thia Qeed ot Trust sn�thess act[ona do not ana • � ,,
<br /> s` ��.� . ° . • ei�all�mi corifltct wH1e tha pravistons at a�sffi�te,regulsEan.arQfnanoa.r�IIe a![aw.eot►trast or athar agraemertt�hleh may 6e hindtng an � � -�-`
<br /> � . GtintoTat�lyU,ms: - � . ,- `�=
<br /> (e)No aetian arpr�aedtn�b or shaD b�psrtdirtp orth�eatened wflte�mfg�t mnte�lafry aifscithe Rroperty,and � '
<br /> • . .. limit�id�to,�osi�ovan�1�aM�sardou3&ttteyr�t�wtdeh mt�1+4 mguattonaf[act trta Pro ��ar LenQe��Ms o tnter�ast�n trie�Fro udtrtg.b�� . '��
<br />— .. B � 9 �Y Omhi 9 A�Kf►D • ;e t . .. ��`�t�-
<br /> � <,. c, ' . to tttlf Oeed atTruaL . .
<br /> 3.PR10Et 0�OF Titl�BT.Qtan�r tapn»rns end xrarranta th4t ftiets are no pdar dee4aot trust afteMUga�r part at a�e Prop�rty euceAt a e�t �r
<br /> • � � torth on Sehsdut�B attach�d to th:s O�ad a!TnisR wt�Ic�h Qr�a�tar agnasto ty astd psKamr(n a ttmsry manner.if them ais any pdor daeds ot trust � � �"`��
<br /> . , . th�n Qnu►torsgrHito pry dl amaunte awed.andpe�fmm nft abIIga4ons rnquired.uader cueA dneds ottrus!en�fl�e In6aDiedness aecurod theroDy . t �'
<br /> ` tnd tuAhsr�grQes that a dafa�dt under arry prtot deed at truat eh�fl be a Qefault un4er thla Qeed of Trus!anQ ahail ertdtte Lendar to ell rfghb nnd � ��` ` :,;�
<br /> ' .: . • � r�m�dtlseonbinadhsrelnor(ntMeObiifladonat�vfitehLenderwout46eert�ttadintAeeventofenyatherdafault � ` .s ;
<br /> •,. s.1RAlt8�£R8 OP THE PROP�Ei7Y OR BENEFlCNIl tM�WES79 IH GRANTOA3 OR BS7RROW�S. fn tAa ever►t of a eata�com►sYancs.l�., � _ .__ �;�
<br /> � _ _ _ ._ eon�t tor deed or Vannsfer to any person ot at!or any part ot tRe rea!pmgeny desaibed In Sebedute a oc anyr Interost Meroin,ar ot all or any � -
<br /> - � • OeneficW IMeres!in�orrcwer or C3rarttor(if BoRawet or Granfor ia rtot a nawrai petson or persons but is a corporatton,IimiUpd IIsCiUty eampany, f �*
<br /> � I�t�[areRlp,trwsk or otAar te�al enUtyj.LsnQer msy,at Us op�an de�are the ouwYanding prl�ipal 6alanca of ttra ODRgatto�p[us acauad IMe�s2 �� , .� � .�.
<br /> . �`� : tlferean Immediately d�e endp�yabfe.At Lender's[equas�iiranntor or Bonovmr.as tP►a case may be.sAaO tumtstf a compiets e�emerft c�fg forth � ` ��
<br /> ii a
<br /> -- atl of Ite aLockAotQera,members,or parb�ers,es approprtate.artd fha e�Gent of 1Metr respecUve awneBliFp Interesls. _ - , ':�'
<br /> - S.0.SSIGKIIE!!T OF iiFJNiS.in cor�sideretton o4tne OpllgaUona,whicA are secured bythis Oeed af 7rus�Grarrtor absotuteTy ssstgns to Lenderatt ;
<br /> :�.. _ . � ' Grerte�'e sstate,�UGe.irttee►est,ctaim and demand naw awned oi heteafter aequtred tn a11 ex[sNng and tuture leasea ot the ProPsrtY Qncfuding '-.... __ .. . .__..
<br />— . • � extensions.ron s and subieases),all agreements tar use and occupancy of the Properry(aq sucb lsasas and agreementa whether wrfCen o►oret E �,` �
<br /> - � a ro h e m a fl n r r e f s m e d m a s t h a'L e a s e�'j,a n d a l i g u a r a n N e s o f l e a s e�'p e R o r m a n c e u n d e r f h e t a a s e s,w g e t h e s w ft b t h e i m m e d f a t s a n d c o r n t n u t n g � .� '
<br /> - � • �ight to ooUsct arsd re�hrs aii oithe cer►ts,incame.recei�te,revenues,tsaue9,profits and oU�er In�me M anyr natise now or heroaRra dus(nciudtng
<br /> .. anyr Ir+�ms of erry nawra comtng due during arry mdemptlan Qedac�undar the Leases er 1mm ar artstng aut of the Fraperty tnsluding minimum `a
<br /> - , � rsrtLS.a4�6onat�enb,pe r�er►ffige reMe,Vartdng or commen area matMenanrs oor►tr�u6ons.tax end insuranee cantribulian9.dsftdsnay mrrt�.
<br /> _ .. � Rqutdstxt damages tait�wing dsfault fn eny Lease.s!1 proceeds payabte under any potity of insurance covadng losa ot reals rosutting from ' , . ;;� '
<br /> - ` . eummeMahitity causad by destructIan or damaga to the Property.au praeeeds payabie sa a�esult ot a tessee s exenise af en opN�n to purehase ths . �� .
<br /> L
<br /> - Plropstly,afl proceaQs deri�ad from the tsrmtnatian nr roJecNon of_eny lnase(n a banicmptcy or other Insalvency p�aceedtng.anA ell piarxeds irom �. . . . .:: .
<br /> �. � - arry dgMs and�Sma of arfy kind whioh Grar►tos may have againat any(essee under the Leases or any oawpa�af tAe Property(ail of the abave ars . , . � �:�'
<br /> Aereafler aoflecttvety rerfarted to as tfie'Rerrts�. This assignment is s�jaCt to tfia dght,Pbwer and suttlority gtven to fhe Lertdet to coltect end applyr � . . �
<br /> - ' ths Rents. This essfgrtmern is reoorded in s000rdanee witl�appiicable state laxr,tha Ifen creamd by tnfs essignment Is irttended to be speclRa � ! II-
<br /> " • ,. per[ecteA,esd choate upon the rocording ot 9�ia Deed of Tn1sR atl as provitled by eyPiieabte s�law as amended irom ttme to 8me. /Ls tong es �`,., '
<br />- ' there ie aa defautt undar t9�a Obligations or tMs Qeed at Trust,Lendar gra�Ginntor a revacable flcensa te coltect atl�r�irom fhe Leases when � :��:�:_.
<br /> . • ,. dua and to use sueh proceeds in(irantars 6u�rfess oparaBona Hoxrever,Lender may et arry Ums requUe(3�r tn de�OStt aU Aertta irrto� ..._ -�''`
<br /> - ,°, • :. �nt matntained lirantoaor�l.ender--at lerttter's-insSditiart. {J n-defauR(t�Uts . �
<br /> - . --- � �7/ pa fayrrtetitof.ot�inthe-perfotmenoec�enY otfhe�Dltgetlans,�- ��- --���=-:-----�-----=-�'
<br />_ . Lender may at its opUnn tafca possession of the Property ana have,hotd,managa,�ease and oparata tha Property an terms and tor a pedod ai Ume • • . ' `�'
<br /> �� . � that L+enQer deams proper. Lender may pmceed to coltect end�eceiva e1i Renm from the pmperty,eM Lendar shai!hava tull power to maks� �• `�
<br /> �_ • , • eftera8ons,ronovatlons,mpair�ar raplacements to the?roperry as Lender may deem proper. Lender mayapply sll i�ents io Lender's sole di�on . `" ���'
<br /> . to payment of the ObligaVona or to the paymen4 ot fhe cast of such afterations.cenovaUona,rapai�e and reptacemertts and arryexpenses inetdeM to .��.'�. .
<br /> � � " taking and retelntng passesslon ot tha�opeKy periadtcal(y and the managemeM and operatton ot the Property. LenHer may keep the Pmperty �
<br /> ' Ptoperty(tisuro9 and may disehargs any.taxes.cna�g@s,cfstms,assessmoMS and othar Qens wflicb may axrue. The exDense and cos!of thess ��•�-
<br /> , , � actlorts may 6e patd trom tfie itents reaetved,and arry unpatd amaurits shaft 6e added to the pdndpa!of tne QbQgations. Thase amotirnts.together �„�
<br /> .� � • wWt othet eo shaU decom0 aR of the ObU ans sacured this Oeed of Trust. � .� :`•.-�
<br /> - , s� P e� 6l► - .�::�.uy,. .
<br /> - � � . 8. LEASE�/WD OTHER IICiAEEMEHT3. (irar,xr shall not mke or tail to take anyr actlon which may cause or permit the terminatton ar the • - -
<br /> _ ' � � withhotding o!arry payrneM in connecdon with any teass a otfier agreement('Ag�aemer�pertaining to the Pre�eeRy. tn additlart,tirar�tor.wlttraut • ' {
<br /> tC"
<br /> � Lsnder'e prtar wr�:an consent,shafl no�(a)calIs�arry mon[es payabte under a,y qgreameM more than oae rtsontA fn advance;(b}modify any �
<br /> •_ Aereemem; (o)ass�gn or aitow e Iten,sacurfty ir�ast or other encambrartce to be pfaced upon Qranmr's dg.'rs,tiUe am!Interest In and to any � ' •� '-" '
<br /> _ . Agreemertt or the amounts payabte ttferounder,o�(d)tacminate cr cancel arry l�reemerrt except tor the nonpaymeni of arry sum or other ma�tal � � � •�
<br /> � ' � b:x3cfi by fhe other pariy therot�. N(irantor raceives et eny ttma e.�y xmtmn communiaaUon asserting a defautt by Qrantor undes an AAreement or � . "; '
<br /> p�..�ortMg to terminade ar canoei any Agreemert� GraMor s'� promptty tocward a copy of sueh cammuntcatlon (and arry subsequent t,• •. .;. ' :L , •
<br /> -F. �rmunteaUOna tef�t(ng thereto)to I�nder. All such Agraeme�and the amourtts dua to Grantar lhereunder sre hereby essigned to Lender as t �
<br /> -�, .� � • add3Uan�lsecuurttytorthe06ugatlona � , ,. •�.�
<br /> . . sea f
<br /> __ __.... � • �«. 7.COLLECTION OF EHDEBTEDNE89 FROM THIRD PAAiIf. lender shalt be antitled to nor�ty ar roquira G►antorto notity any►thtrd party pnctudMg, `
<br /> ; �� • but not ilmteed to.tessees,Itcensees,8ovemmer�l aW�orRies and tnsurance com anfes)top �. -_= '-`'��=-f . .
<br /> ' 3rarrtorvRtn res ctto tha Pro e P iay Lender any indebtednass or obtlgaHan owing to ( ,- r�'�' '
<br /> - `� � , eolleatthe hfCeb�o�owirtgm C�,ra�torirom thasa thlMMpaztles�imUl U�eegfving of such naUflca�n M Me aver►tethat QraMOr parantor��i dlei�e� i , . .,.-f ' '
<br /> • passassion ot erry instrumerHS or other rerr�ittances w(th respect to the Indebteanass tollowing the giving o1 auch notiflcation or H the tnstrumenta ar � � - �
<br /> � e�ar ramittanems oonsbade the prepayment af anyr lndebie0ness or the payment of any insuranco or condemnation prooacds,tirantor sh�ll hotd � � - .:..•, _
<br />_:s � . sueh InaUumeMS end at4►er romtttanees in trust t`ar Lsnder apart irom fla other property,endorse the instrumertts and other romittanee9 to Lender, ' . ' ���.=_
<br />= � and tmmedtatety provide Lendar wifh possession a4�fe inatruments and ofher cer..:tm�scea. Lender sha11 be e�'�d,but rtot requlred,to coliect(�y I . ' �•:`�"-i�=.
<br />- ` � legal pro�edinga or atherwise),escteqd tha tlme for payment,compromiss,exci.�ge or retaass any obligor or w:..�toral,or olheiwise settte atsy af ��' -' ' "' �
<br /> �•� • the fndebtedness whether or not en ever►t of defauft exista under this Aereament I.andar shall noi be Ilabte to Gra�tor tor any acHon,error.mistake, y�'/. ;` ' �
<br />- ��., � . �xr�m eh�fl cause L ende���e deemed�e mo��In thts paragraiph or any damagea resulUng theretrom.NotwlU�standing tts�aregoing.nothing � _ F• •
<br /> w rtgaSeo-lrt�paasess:on. ,.�.
<br /> : � � " 8. 1lSE ANQ NWN[ENANCE OF PRO�Efi7Y. Gramor ahail take a!!acdorB and meke artyr�atra needea to maintaln tt:� t�openy in gaod � �,.y.a_
<br /> ..� ��" condirion. Grantor ahall not eommit or permit ar�wasta to be cammiued witb rospe�t to the Property. Orantor shafl use the Proporty sotety tn �4
<br /> . a�mpIlenoe wltl�appitcabte law and Incurance poLcles. (3raMOr snall not make any aHeraUons,addiUons or improvemeMS to the Property wiihoul -
<br />- � � � � Lenderb priOr xRrtten�nsent 4Ythout tlmNing t�o toregoing,a11 elteraUons,addWons and improvemeMS maQe to the PropeRy shail be subjact to � .. ' .�r�.
<br /> ,� ' � . the beneficisl tnterost betonging to Lender,ahall r�t 6e remwed wfthout Lender e priar wrltten consant,and shall be msde at Grantor's sota axpenso. •
<br />_� .' . . ., O. IAS9 OA�AINAGE Qrantor ehall bear the ernire tisk of any los3,theft,destrucdan or damage(cumutattvely'Loss ar Damaga�to the Pmperty at ; � ,4►. . ` v.
<br /> . eny poNon theceof frams�y cause whatsaever. In the event o!any Loss or Dam�ye,(iranmr sAatl,at the opUon o4 Lendar,repatr the afteated � ,.r,
<br /> Properiyto its prevlous eonditton or pay or oause to 6e paid to Lendar tha Qecrease in the tair markei value o1 the aHacted P9roperry. I.,�: �� ' •
<br /> "�r ' � • � . 10. IN9URAHC�, fie Property will be kept irt�.^$d for iffi tuil inaurebte valus(replaoement cost}against 2!!fiamrds tnciuding loss ar dam�ge . ,. .
<br />��� , caused bv ftaod,eaAhquska,tomaQo and flro tlr;tar other casuafiy to ihe extem cequtrod by Lander. tirantar rr�ay obtain insuranoe on the Proyzrty+ � . � •
<br /> - • irom sucf��npanies as�ac�eptaLte to�en�r in Ns sota discroUon. The c�.surance poUcies aha11 require the insurance oompany to pro�:�e = .
<br /> _ �' � . . . Lender witb at teast days'wrttten rto�0a beforo such policles are alterod or caneelled inarry manner. fie insurance pollctes shall I ..
<br /> � � � asme tender aa a loss payee an0 prov(de that no act or ort:i�on of Qrantor or arry other pareon shall aNect ttfe rlght o!LenQer to bo pald Ne ; �
<br /> �� • . Ln�ancs praoeed�perislning to the loss or dama�ge of the Property. In the evant Grantor felts to acquiro ar malntair►Insurame, lnrtder(after �
<br /> F:oulstng notics ea p�roqulrod by g)may tn its dissreUon procuce appropdate insuranoe cover�q e upon fhe Property and the insuranee cost ; �
<br /> -0 1
<br /> : • shaU tre an advance te and tra8fln irnerest as desedbed in Paraqraph 23 and securod hareby. Qrantor st��atl tumish Lertder wtth evfdence of ' ;
<br /> �� � insuranco tndicaUng the uired caverage. lertder may act as a8omeyart-fact tor GraMor in maktng and seniing clalma under tnsurance potictes, ' ' �
<br /> �"'••. � . . . cancetiin an ti or en �� ' '
<br /> 8 Y Po�Y �8�emor's name on any dtaft or negotlaDie insuument drawn by any tnsurer. All auch tnsurance policia9 ehail ba
<br /> tmmedtatety aastgned,pledped end delivered to Londer as further securHy tor the Oblig�tions. In the evenf o!Ios9,tirantor shatl Immedlatety gtve � .
<br /> ` Lender written notioe and Lender ts authorixed Lo make praof o1 foss: Eaeh insurance comparry Is directed to make pay ents dlrec�y to Lendar
<br /> . • • Instead of to Lnnder artd(i�entar. lender shaU hmre tPfe rt�►t at ita sote opi�on,to ap ty sucA monles toward the Obligatlans or towardtha oost ot i
<br /> . roDuttdinp ana roatatng UietPropeRy.My amourns may at Landefs option ba appited�n ttfe Imrorso orQer o11�o due dates thereot '� -
<br /> - ts.ZONIHG AND PRIVATE COVFNAI�iTS. Granmrshall not Inittate or consent to any ohsnge in t�ezoning provisions or pAvau oovenams aNecUng �
<br /> : • . , the uae of the Rroperty wkAout LendePe prtor written oonaern. N Qrantofs use o1 tAe Property beaamea a nancoMorming use under arry zontn . �
<br /> , pravtsion,Grantar nhatl not causs or perrrait such u�e to dB discon8nued or ebanQoneO without the pdor wtitteo consent of lander. Carentor wii91
<br /> � , immsdtibty provlQe Leadsr wtth written nottce o1 any p�oposed ohanpe�t�the zoning provtsions or private cavenants aNecUng the Propeny. . i •
<br /> �` ��� • . 1Z CQNpEbli�lATiOtZ Qtantor eh�il ImmeNatety pcovlde LenEer with writter�notlCe of any actuai ot threatened oondemnatlon or eminent Qomeln
<br /> pt000�dinp perteintn g to the Props R y.Atl montea pa y a ble to arantor from su c A condemnati o n or m k l ng e re h e r e b y a s s i g n e 0 t o L e n d e r a n d s h a l l b a � '
<br /> s. . -. • applled 8rat to the paymen! at Lnrtder's attameys'fee�, Isge1 expenses end olher cas� Qncfud ing app►aisal tees) in oonnec�on witl►the ' `
<br /> ,. . � .•• condemnttian ar emineM Qomaln prooeedings end then,atthe aptfon o}Lnnde�,totho paymer�t of the ObIlgaUons or the roatoratton or ropair of trie �
<br /> Prapeny. , ,
<br /> ;�; ., . 19. LENDFA'S pt�illT TO COMitEHCE OR OEFEHD LEGAI.ACfiONfl� Qrantor shali immediately provlde lender w1t1�wriiten no8ce o!any actu�l � - �
<br /> or threatenea eetion,sut�or ottier prooeedtng aHacKing the Rroperty. GraMOr heroby appol�te Lender as its atmmoydrWaet to commence.inwcvene
<br /> "'��� -'' (n.and defend euch actfons,suita,ar oiRer tegai proceeding.g and to oompromfse or settie any ctatm or ewntroveraypartainleg tAmefo. Lender sliall �
<br /> ,�'. _ f ' not be lin6ie to Grantor for 8rry action,erYOr,misteke,omission ar Eelay pertalning to tha aetions descri6ed in this paragrapt�or any Qam�e es • � . �
<br /> •�; , _ rosu}8ng therefrnm.Nofhing canffiined heroin will preveM tender trom tsking the acifons deseribed in this paregraph tn it9 own namo.
<br /> .��. � � 10. tHDE11HIFICA110H.lendershall not assume or be respansi6le for the performance o}any at t;rantor's oC!Igallons wltA respoaito tha Froperiy
<br /> _F' � , unQer eny cir�umataneea, Grantor sha11 tmmaQiatoty provIde Lender with wrttten notica of end inOemnNy ar.d hotd Lender end ib snarehofdors, �
<br /> ` diroctors,offtCers,emp!oyees end g.nts harmtass irom atl ciaims,damagos,8sbili8as pnctudtng attomeys'teas and Iegaf expensos),causos of '
<br /> =G� � ;, ecKiof�,actions,suits and oN�er logal proceedings(eumWativety'Clalms')paRalNng to the Propeny(inctuGing,but not Itmited to,those invotvieg �
<br /> �
<br /> � _ _._�_' Y,�3us l.�ta}. Gran4w,uposr t8a reyues2�4 EertQer.strs�i hire fegat caunsei to Qefand tertQor from suc»CtaJfne.ana pay tne gtromeys'foas, ; - _-�-_ -.-_.-.. -
<br /> . . Iegaf Fxpenses and other�sts incurred in eonnention therovrith. InthO�lmmative,lender shatl ba eMitled to emptay its own tegaf counset to detund �. •
<br /> _ . , • sucA Ctetms af GtanMr's cost Grer�toPs abtigafion to IndsmnHy londer unCer this paragrapA shatl survive tho terminaUon,refease or forectosuro ot •
<br /> . . thts QeEd of Tn,st .
<br />. :` �, -.� . .. LPNgNB m FartnAttonTathnobgto�fro.(a/19lgq)(gpp�gp73'Ig� . Pqqs2ot9 � . - ' ,
<br /> :.. . . . , � . �
<br /> .
<br /> � .
<br /> _ . .� . - _�_� F. _--_ -
<br />