., . ^!!1!¢' r < .` . . F.
<br /> . �`.—� � - ��.Y� ... .. +`,.. . , . . � ; _t _ ; ' t' _"F.[.. .[ 4_.. =4,=— - • �, ..�� _..
<br /> - . � -t. .. �' � �� � . � ' o . ' . u� � .a. , ..'?'.` �.< < , ' . - � � k �t�-C . ���Y: -.._,�
<br /> - t � � � . . -f�c - ' . . . - . . ' _ ' �..?."'
<br /> '.. • �.V . .� . � _ . . ' ������ Y; �t. . . .Y��.
<br /> - � ., . .. . ` • . pry��py �ortawa. ai the.opt;on of Bortawv.U ihe.ta�M the paymer�e m�ade�by Bom�nrer far ttem (s). (D). or(o)la � , . '�;?l
<br /> - 5 ,c �. ' � trtsa�mt to pay tRe ttem�hen due.thm 6ormrr�aha7 pay to lenQ��r amourt neeassary to make�the de8et�cy oss os . ��
<br /> . , ., '.��°-
<br />- _ . . � � 6efaro the�ihe gam Eeeomes 6ua �.. � , _--
<br /> � , � ` ` As use� in MLs Seairgy fis0umen. 'See�txy' means tha 3ecetery vt�Hous�g�nd Urhsn Dev�apmc�nt ar hfs or h� � � __
<br /> • � '`` '' : de.stgnee.tn any year tn wtdM the Lender must pay a martgage(nsu�nee prexntum to tP�e 3ecretnry.each manthh RaYR►ent sha:i . �. • `;=�,ti
<br /> �� , ,' . atso i�ciudn eHh�:(�et�tnstaEment oi the mmual mortgage Insurrnca pnmium to be paid Oy Letdv to the 3earetery.br(!�s � --
<br /> melRhry ehuge Matead at a mort�ge trtsurance pcemi�an if tNs Securfty tnauumant ts hetd by the Se�retiry. Ersh montldy, �. ; . :;;�-
<br /> . . � tns�f6a�t of 4he mart�ge Utsuranee prartiiun eha9 be tn an amourri aut�Eent to accumutata the t�Q ennual mortgaga Nsursr►ce ' ` � _�.:"
<br />- . � � prern�m witA i.eidv ene mnnth prtar to the date tJie 1U�annuat rrtartgaga fnsur�ee P�m�due to the 8acretary.or H UJs . . �-
<br /> � ` S'sautiy tns4utn�tt fs h�d 6y tha^serdeiary.each moMhty cAarge shaD he In an�t[oimt equal ta onat�retf�A o!onehaV pereertt , .. .
<br /> . � " o!the outafand6t9 ptfndRe16a1anee tfue on th�I�IaAx � .. �.„�
<br /> .�.- � . If Borrower tendes to Lend�the ttN paymeR o1 e0 sums seeuied by thts See�ufty InsSlument.Bortobver's eccaunt sRafl De F. . .
<br /> _-- �— - aed�ied v�tb ths b�n�e r�r�tn(�g tor$II lnstaRme�ts tor tt�ns(a), (b)end(e)ead any mart�age tns�uance prem'um In s t a i l mert - - _ -_-__'+�•
<br /> :`�� - -- -- - that Le�ider has not hecama o6II�ted to pay to the Seoetary.urd L,e�sde shall prompty retund any excess funda ta Bortawer. ,� � . �
<br /> ` : " � Umrtediat¢ty Prtcr to a tbrednsure sate oi the Propesry or its ecquIsBian by lender Bartowe�'s earount shail De�caed'Red wit�etry , , • ' .
<br /> , � ' batance rernpining tor sB Insm�n�nta tor it�ns(a).(b)and(a1• , n�" *
<br /> �_..r . ��`. �- , 3.AppIICdlot�Oi Paylit@ifts.AB payments undes paragraphs 1 end 2 shaA be appII¢d by L�der es tNtow�: . -.< �. L
<br /> _ _. . .... __..._.. ; Flest to the tnortgage tnsu�as�ce pcemtwn to 6e Qa[d 6y Le�der to tha 3ecretary or ta the morrthly charge by tAe Secret�/ . - , ,. _
<br /> - ' instead at ths mortthy maRgage insurance prerNum: . ' - '
<br /> .. � , SecOnd,to eriy taxes. spedat asse.ssme�b, I�sehotd payments or 9mund �ts. and 1tre. Qood end other h�rd " . .: . '_
<br /> . Instuance pt�rftums.es require� . , , .
<br /> ' • ThI(d,to G�teeest�1e�utder the Nof� • ..t
<br /> . _.. : ' � ,' Fou�.to amort�tion o}tlte pr�dpal of the Noi� � „r�.
<br /> . • • Fifth,to�Le eha�ges due�mder the Note. � '
<br /> —_— 4. Flre. Ftaod and Other H�ard insurance. Bortuwes shaU ir�s�ue aD TmprovemeMs on tD�a Proyerly. whetries �. ,, '.`:
<br />- � �' . . - now tn e�dstence ar subsequentTy esected, agafist mry hazards.casuaffies. end eorrtkigendss. Tndadfng fire.for whIch Lend� ' • �Y`� ' r�—
<br /> - � . .. � ' requires irrsuranc�lhis 6uurance shaD bs matr�ined in the amounls and tor tha perfods tf�a!La�der requfies. Borrowa shaD ' ';�%
<br /> _ ,• etso insure aU(mptovemeMs an the FroPerlY.whetAa nauv tn �cs or subsequerniy erected.agalnsi toss by tloods to ffie ; _
<br /> � ``�`°�` e�¢east required b5r ths Sea��y.AO insu�ance shaSl Ee w-�ied wfth compantes appimred by Lender.Tha insurm�ce po&des and •' '•
<br /> : �.. : .; _. ., .,. ' __-
<br /> --.-:-. r,.=:.. : ----:,_ . . _ .�y.renewa(s-sltaD�beh�34�-:�enGer-and-stt�llint3ude�Y.�-payabia-dauses.fn.tavor.of,and,inBsotm.a�fablato.Laider_.,._...._. ,:t;�.�y°-:,.� .."��
<br /> ----- ;%,:,-� .
<br /> `�• ` In the�:i ot tosa,8mrower sha�gss Lender fmme�ata no@ee by maD. Lender may make pmof at loss N not made • . .• •. , `��
<br /> ' ` • � , PromP�N�J►�*.+�-w� Each Insuranee ca.�atry concened ts haeby m�thartzed end �reeted to mzka payment for sueh toss , ��,
<br /> _ � , �reaGy to l��tnstead o!to Bor�ower and to LPnd�dointtyr.AO or any► pari of the tnsuranee prc�ds rt�ay 6e appIIed by " .••�.����
<br /> Lend�.at Rs aption,eftfi� (a)to the redudion ot ths�tedness under the Note�d thts Sec�fiy InsCume�fusi to miy .,�•• �.
<br /> • . . . _ d�tnquent arTeunts app�ied E.i tha ord�in Parsgr�pb S.and then to DrePayment ot pttndpaf.or(b)tm the restotetton ca tepatr ot :��
<br /> ` the dama� Propmty. My appG�a.1 � the pmceeds to the pr(nv„al eha11 not e�end or pa�a:e tt►e ifue dafe of the •_:._`�,''^"!
<br /> � morttfiy PaY^�ss wfiich ar3 seferred tz us Paragrapfi 2. or change tP:s amo�mt of such paym3Tts. Any �ccess tns�uance ' . ,
<br /> -- � . praceeds av�r en amount reqUhed to pay aA otrtstand(rtg InQehtedness urtder the Note and thia SECUrRy Instiumatt sAaU be patd i � . •
<br /> . . to the�Ity Ie�By ettfUeO t#:er�to. . _.'��' .
<br /> . � � � in Ne event of toreclosure•oi ffiis Security tnstrumertt or other transfer ot tftte to tho Prop�ry thai e�ngulshes the �'�' ��
<br />• � tndebtedneas,a0 8ghl,tBie and fiterest ot Boaower hrsnd to(nsuranee po�e[es in toree aheD pass to the purchaser. � ��"
<br /> . . � ;
<br /> = � � � 5. Occupancy, Preservatlon, Malntenance and ProteCtton ot the Property; Borrmwor's Lo�n • .
<br /> � ' . � • Applicatton; Lsasshoids.Borrow�shaA oca,py.estab¢sh,and use the Property as Borrower's prcnclpal roslde�ce wfth�
<br /> ' � sbdy days after the exeaNan of thts Securiry tnstrument end shail contfiue to.occupy the Property as Borrowera pdndpat �•,. .`
<br /> : .
<br /> ..---��---�--. -.._ -., .. - restdence for at teast ane year aft�the date of aooupsnaY.untess lhe Seeretary deic�minss thb requi�nent wm cause urtdue ` -- - ..
<br /> � -;.fi
<br /> - � � � h�rdshqp tor Bocrower, or untess e�R�uating ctraims�nc�s e�dst whiol�are 6eyortd Borrower's eontrob Bonower shaB noUy ' �. y� .
<br /> � � • Lenders ot anyl extenuating dreumstanees. Bomawer sfiall nol commit waata or destroy, damage or suDstantL�Yy ch�nge the
<br /> �* < -.
<br /> • � Praperty or eBow the Properry to detertarate,reasonebte wear end tear exc�ted.Lerider may inspec!the Froperty H the PrapMy ''
<br /> �. ._ . . � . ts vaurn or abanQoned or the taan ts tn QeFau�t. Lender may talce�easonabte adIon to pmtect end preserve suci�vasant or �,:"�,y�
<br />" � . ' at�andoned Property. Bonawer sha�also be in detault il BomOwer, during the toan appUcaUon prucess.9a'�e rttat�teiy taisa or ,,,�. �.-'�,:-
<br />_ � fnaearata brtom�atton or stat�n�ta to Lender(or fa9ed to proWde Lertder wriA erry matertal tnfom�ation)tn connecUon wilb the . • ,�.-•, `�+
<br /> � .� ' � �oan evtdenced Iry the Note.tndudfng,but not QmRed to,representaUons cartcemtng Borrawer's ocarpaney ot the Property as a �.. � '�
<br /> mR /�
<br />- . � - pdnclpat msldence. N this Seanity Instrumen!(s on a teasehald, Borrower she0 compy �nfitA tha provisiona of the t�se. It y°l' • '
<br /> � . � � Bortowe►acqukes fea t�te to the Prop�rty,the leasehotd end tee tflfe shal nat be merged untess Lender a�es to the merga tn . " ��
<br /> • . -. - . , , w+ft➢�9. � ��4
<br /> � . �. ° ' � . 8. Charges to Borrawar and Protectlon of Lender's Rtghb ir� the Properly. Barrowa st�pay a9 , �
<br /> . � govemmer�Ll or munic�el eharges. ftnes and imposEt[ons that ere not irtc�ded tn Para�apl� 2 Barrowa sha4 �sy these ' • � , -
<br /> . , e6&gatlons on Nme�r to the entity whhA la ovred the payment If taDure to pay wou�d aQversety aftect L�des's 6tii�est in ,.. ��z
<br /> � . . . tha Propertyl.upon Lender's�[est Bormwe►sha0 promptty fiuntsh to L.ender tec�pte evidenefig th�e payments. ' '�►. ' .�-,,;
<br /> .� - . . B Borrowa ta8s to mafce these payments or the payments required 6y Parsgraph 2.ar ta9s to pc�rtorm erry ath2r covena�ts , ' _ `,.
<br />_.� �� " . ; end ageenterrts cor�Uted fn this Sewrfty Inshume�A,or there i�a tegat pmcee�ng thei may stgnl8�nt,'y aftecl Lender's dghta In ' .
<br />-- . the Prop�ty(such as a procee�ing in baniwptcy,tar condemnaUon or to�toree Iaws or regidanans),then LendeJ may do and �
<br /> _ , . . , � paY whafever.ts nseessery to protect the vahte a1 tha PropeRy and LenQer's dghts tn the Properry.fndu�n9 Payment af tax�. •
<br />-- - haxaN Insutenee and othet(tem�mmitloned tn Para�fi 2. � •.'' -
<br /> . �; .
<br /> • ' My�rta�mts �sbutsed by Lender urtder thb Pera�epA sha0 beeome an addrtionel de4t ot Bortawer end be secured by , • . ' �
<br /> _ . . � thts Seaafti(nsWmmt These amo�ts sha�bmr irRenest trom the date oi�sbmsenent,at the Hote raf�end ei tha optton of � .
<br /> -: � .- lesder,sh�fl be knme6atdy dte end payable. �
<br /> " .. � . 7. COndatnnatlon. The praceeds of�ry awaN or c�m tor damage.s.Eirect or conseq�centtal,fn connectlon wffA erry ���
<br /> . ' . cbndemuUan ar oth�taf6ng of eny part of tAe Property.o►tor eameyan�tn�tace af conde�reutWn.ere hereby asslg�ed end � � .• �
<br /> � •• shai be p�id to La�de►to 4ha e�Rent of tha fuB artmwt o!the tndebte�ess that �s unpaid under the Note and this f •. . •
<br /> ,, . . ' Securfry tr�atr�urtent Lender she8 aAPN such proaeds to the re�retton of the tndebte�ess u�nder the Note and Ws S.sau�l � . � : .
<br /> . lnstrument fl^at to any Qe6rsquent emowts appfled In Na oc�der provided in Paragapb 9,and then to prepayment of prinep�al. � .
<br /> '. . . My appYcatlon ot tfie procee�s to the pdndpei shal not e�er►d or pastpnrte the�e Qate of the manth3y payments,whteh are : • `
<br /> - � . � rete�rad to b� Pata�aph 2.ar changa the amount of such payments.My excesa proeeeds ova en emount required to pay eD : . ' -
<br />- ,: , autst�ndng bsd�tefiess under the Nate end this Se�r�y Instrume�t aha9 ba pald to the entity tegaHy entltled thereto. �
<br /> t . ";, . _ . .
<br /> __. `, 8. Fs11�.t.end�may r.oIIeq tees and�herges autharized by the Secreffiry. . � '
<br />_;�. .. .
<br /> � �. �. � 9.Q�roucads tor Aeeeterstion ot D�bt •
<br /> - . .z � . � (e) 06fault.L�Qer may. mcee�!as Qm�ed by regufa�ans Lgsued by the Ssereffiry tn tfse nse of payment detautts. • .
<br /> _ � ' require in�me�ate paymcnt In hm ot aD sums searred by Ws Sewdry Instroment if. . . �
<br /> �� ' .� . n Ba�mwa d�by ta�ing to pay In ttiD arry monthly Raymeri requ(rad by thls SeacrEty InSfiunent prlar to ar on �
<br /> _ �r._. . • .
<br /> ,�,� � . . .. . the�e dafe o!tho ae�manCNf►D��L or , , .
<br /> 3"+ `>. . (u�Bomow�r defaidts by f ne:g.tot a perbd ot tAbty days.to pertorm any other obRgations corttahsed tn tAIs Seciuity ,
<br /> -- ' � fnstr�reeit � �
<br /> ' � • � : ' (b) SBie Wit�tlit�Y C�Adit Ap�fTOV31 lenda shaQ U permitted bY aAF`��hla(aw end with the pdar appmval ot the .
<br /> ' . Sevetary.r�equ5re 6nmedk�te payment�5aD o1 a7 the sums secured Dy this Seauidy fnsdumaA H: . • .
<br /> -:____.�_�_ ____ .
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