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<br /> , �. ` 19.Trac�sf�of the Property ar a Beneffcial Interest in Borro�rer.If all or any part of the Property or.any inrerest ia it � � '� , `
<br /> ,�'�� � " is sotd or uansferred(or if a lsenefccial intetest in Borrower is sold or transferrex�and Borrower is nai a nanual person)witp►out ,, ,,r��.�.'..<� .
<br /> `` - • ' l8nder's prior written consent. Leader may. at its option, require immediate payment in full of all�sums seaued by this •
<br /> • � Security Instrument.However.this option shall not 6e exercised by L�nder if exercise is prohS6ited by federnl taw as of the daie , ' a�=
<br /> • � of this Securiry Instmment. , ' ; r .. '-=
<br /> �� " � � If Lender exerrises this option.L.ender sha11 give Bonower nouce of acceleration.The rorice shall provide a period af aot -" '�.: � `�-.� '�;-
<br /> . � •
<br /> "- --` -�� �-� tess than 30 days from the date the nouce is deiivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all snrns secured by this 'y� " �-
<br /> —�� � �,:- Security Instrument.If Bonower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period.Lender may imrake aay�n� � �'- . ,_, , -"�
<br /> . ' ' , . . pemdued by this Security Insnvment without further nauce or demand on Borrower. • , •,��'
<br /> ' . 18. Borrowes's Rfght to Reinstate. If Borrower meers certain conditions. Borrower shall have the righr to have �`=
<br /> �, -- - � enforcement of this 9e�vrity Instrument diswntinued at any dnae prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(os suc6 other periad as - �•: - _
<br /> • ` ` � � .:_-.. applicable taw may specify for ceinstatement) before sate of the Property pursaant to any power of sale contained in this - - - :'=_� ,-
<br /> ": ��' • ,' . . Security[nstrumeM;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security InstruRteat.Those conditions are thai Borrower.(a)pays ' ' --
<br /> � ' Lender all sucns whech then would be due under this Security Tnsm�ment and the Note as if no aaxlera�on had oecurred;(b) , . • '� - :s-.
<br /> " ' � cures an default of an other covenants or a ments; (c) a s all_ex enses incurred 'ut enforcin tlus Sewri instrumert, -'.`'�'"' '' `> -_
<br /> '' .' � ' � includi y bat not limi�w,reasonable attor�s'fees: and(dj takes such action as Lender ma r�sonabl ryire to assure �'�'�.='.•°�;
<br /> _ . �• Y Y Y�
<br /> • . ', �. � • that the lien of tGis Security Instrument.I.ender's rights in the Property and Horn�wei s obligatioa to pay the sums secured by � :����,r.:W
<br /> ' . - . f<�t.��': �.� � � this Securi • Instrument shall corrtinue unchan ed. U n reinstatement b Bortower, this Securi Instrument and the �- j�`�`�
<br /> . �Y � Po Y tY . ..F�,�=��-_..;.'.�
<br /> � ' .� . obligatinns secured hereby shall remain futly effective as if no acceleraticn had occurred. However. this right to reinstate shall �-�-
<br /> • :��:�'-
<br /> ... ' ' � � � . . nat apply in the case of acceterarion under paragraph 17. . -,n��=__
<br /> � . � • • 19. Sale of Note;Change of Loan Servlccr. The Note or a paztiai interest in the Nate(to;ether with this Secuniy ",�:;;,,,�_
<br /> •,�.� � .�.:. ... a.�-�='-
<br /> Inst�ument)may be sold one ur more times withoat prios notice to Borrower.A sale may resWt in a change in the entity(Iumwn ,:���_,__
<br /> ' ` . ,, ` as the"Laan Secvicer")that rallects monthly paymenu due under the Note and tf�is Security Instrument.Tbere also may be one � "'�t�f�f 's�.._
<br /> . .. � , . .: �:k.�:,_.--
<br /> � or more changes of the Loaa Servicer unrelated to u sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Bomen�will be �--��-.---^�--
<br /> :,� . . . .� ..
<br /> ,.,.• _�
<br />--- _---,-.-,---..___._ .. _.--. -- �givenvuritten-nodcx of the change in-avoordance with paragraph-1+3 above�and applicable law:The aoiice�till-state tL-��-�e artd.-.._....----�- •;'�""::,�.
<br /> ' • , � address of the new Ls�an Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.The notice will also contai��y oihes •"-t''��=r��
<br /> . . - � informalion required by applicable law. � �•:�_----
<br /> �. � . ' 20. Ha7ardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use, disposal, storage, or release of any ` %�__�--
<br /> � , Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower s6a11 not da, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the �.�_��
<br /> .. ' -. -- "-_-- . - Praperty that-is in violation of any Envirotunental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence;ase,.or. .. • f .f:�-
<br /> ' � � storage on the Property of small quantities of HaTardoas Substances that are generally cecognized to be appropriate to normal ��::
<br /> , . ' residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. •:�':,�' �
<br /> • . . �� Borrower shal{promptly give Lender written natice of any investigatian, claim, demand. lawsuit or other action by any ' - �
<br /> ' govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Propert}r and any Hazardous Substance ar Environmentai Law ` � '
<br /> �� � •�. '�--�, • of which Borrower has actual knowledge. if Bnrnower leams,ar is notifed by any govemmental ur rzwlatory authnriry, that � �
<br /> arry removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shall F�:*_iptly take '��`•�
<br /> , ' „ , all necessary remedia!actions in accordance with Environmenta Law. F
<br /> � � , As used in this paragraQh 20. "Hazardous Substances" ara those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances 6y ."
<br /> � �: `� - ' Environmental Law and the foilowin� suBstances: gasoline, kerosene, other ftammabte or toxic petroleum produds, toxiS "
<br /> __ . _,__� __.__ pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materiats containing asbestos or farmaldehyde.and radioaaive materials.As used in �� _
<br /> ' ' this paragraph 20. "Environmentat Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that y F'' ��
<br /> �', , relate to health,safety or environmental protection. '�«: .
<br /> , NO�i-UIVIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as foltows: :�
<br /> • ' 21.Accelerution;RemedIes..Lender shall give notice to Borrower prtor to a�eleratton followirc�Borcower's breach
<br /> ° � •, ' ' ' . of any covenaat or agreement In this Security Instrument (bnt aot prior to atceleratfon under parap,raph 17 unlesg . ��� . ��'��
<br /> ' . .. appticabte law pmvides other�+rise).The nottce shall specify: (a)the dePault;(b)the action required to cure the default; ��••:
<br /> • � _ (c)a date,rcot less than 30 days i'ram the date the notice is given to Borro�ver,by which the default must he cared;and �'l��3 �`
<br /> ..:��x
<br /> � i (�that failure to cure the defautt on or before the date specitied in the��,i�may resolt in acceteration of the sum4 :,. Q�-��:
<br /> � � � seeured Gy this Security lnstrament and sale of the Pro�sty. The nottce shall furthes inform Borrotiscr of the�ight to �•��r'� � �•_�
<br />-' .��:; •....,_.. � reias4ate aPter aa�elerauon and the rtght to bring a rnus9 actton to assert the non-existence of u default or any other .; . �.���_
<br /> � � � defense oY Borrower to acceleration and sate. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in the aottce� • ,; , '"
<br /> '. Lender,at!ts option,may require immediate payment in full of ell sams secured by t6is Security Inctrument without ' '�
<br /> . � ,_' ,. further demand aad may invoke the powee oY sale and any oiher remedies permitted by applica6le law. Lender shall6e � � . =-
<br /> :� . • entitted to mllect all expenses iacurred in pursuing the remedt�provided in thls par�...�apb 21,induding,,but not limited .�, �-•" ��'
<br /> ' � ' to,reasonabte attorneys'fces aad costs of tit[e evldence. •
<br /> _:�. ,� �� �: If the power of sale is invoked,Trustee shalf vecord a notice of default in each county in whicb any part of the • �� �
<br /> Property ts topted and shall mail coptes of such nottce in the manaer pnscrlbed by appliqbte la�v to Borrower and to ' . • . .
<br />- •� � the other persons Qrescribed by a�pltcable law.Aiter the time required 6y appllcabte taw,TruStce si�all give pu6lic notice ' , _
<br /> i �• . of sate to the persans and In the manner presrribed by applIcable law.Tntstee.without demaad on Borro�ver,shaU seil '
<br /> • �` � tite PrapeMy af publlc auction to the hlghest bidde�at ihe Nme and ptace and under the terros deslgnated in the notice of ,,
<br /> ' � ' "� sale in one or more parce)s And ln any order Teustee determiaes.Trustee may postpone sale of ail or arry p�a�+cei of the
<br /> �.� . ,�� . � Property 6y public annouttcement at the ti�ne and place of any prevfoasly scheduted sate. Lender or its desi�nee may . °
<br /> . • . purchase the Proper3y at any saie. .
<br /> � . . ,
<br /> • ' . Forr.�3028 9/90
<br /> � ' PaSO 5 of 8 � . ,
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