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'is4t.'� � sss.�L���. --...4 b1_.��J"'..�, ti��r.��. <br /> �����' , . - �- ---- - -- __ _ --- - - — <br /> � ..- ... . , � �y; � , <br /> F .7 �'r.'.`. . bJ°°����16r ' � <br /> � - <br /> _�.5'.z.�:''"��=�Fj.:af• n . . _ <br /> " ��`'�' periy ar a UtaefIeial interest In Bormwee.If all or any part•of lhe t'ruperty or nny interest�n�t _ <br /> ;,�.� _ °.��; : !7.'!'rans�er of the Pro <br />- ---�;• _`�'�'-c is sotd or tTapsferred(or if o beneticial intercst in�orrower is sold or tr.uisfem�cl und Borro�ver is nat a r►atucat��rson)withoot <br /> '�':'� ,� � - �Lend�r's �rior writteo wnsent. Lender may. at its option, require imme�iate paymerit in full of uil sums s�ared 6y tius �_'�- <br /> i <br />- '„ Security Instrument.HowBver,this option shaU aot be eacercised by Lendcr if exercise is prohibited by fe�era!lsw as of tRe date ��` <br /> � , of this 5ecurity Instn+ment. - � � <br /> _ (f I�nder escmises shis option.l�nder shall give Enrrower notice af ucceter�tion.�'he notice shall provide a gcrind of ngi � � <br />_ . ' � `�� less than 30<iays from the date the notice is delivered or inailed within which Borrower must pay all sums s� by this -- <br /> _ � ����--=•` Security Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,Lender may invake any remedles� — <br />- �;°j;`:,- ,�-� pemutted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borra�ver. <br />- �-� � � �� 18. Borrov�er's Rtg�t to�Reins4ste. If Sorrower meets certain conditions. Borroaer s6al1 �have the right to [�ave ' <br /> °-:;..: . <br />'�<;=�,'; `":�,_ . enfomement of this Serurity Insuusnent discontinued at aay time prior to the cailier of: (a)5 days(or such other periosl as <br />_ `,`'_� • applIcabte 1aw rriay specify for reinstatement)beFore sate of tke Property pwsuant to any power of sale oontained in tuis <br /> _ �.,: :r x, S�rity Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instroment.Those oonditions are t6at Borrower.(a)pays <br /> _���,-,,��ri;;<<° Lender alt sums wiuch then woutd 6e due under this S�ecurity Lisbvmeat and the Note as if no aaeleration had occurnd:@? , <br /> � • ciares any default of any other covenants or agreements;(e) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instmment, <br /> '".��'';'� .; including, 6ut not limited to,reasonable attorneys' fees;aad(d}takes such actioa as Lender may ceasonably require ta assure <br /> . � , ' � t1�at the lien'of this Secvrity Insuument, L.ender's rights in the Property and Borrowet's obligation to pay the sums sec�ued by <br /> - • ',°N:_ . this Se�.vriry Instmment shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security. Instrument attd� the <br /> � � .• obGgations se�vred hereby shall remain fuUy effective as if no aocete�ation had occurred. However,this right to reinstate shatl <br /> _ ,, . not apply in the case of acceleratian under paragraph 17. • • <br /> . . - . 19 Sele of l�ot� CLa�ge af Loan Servfcer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note(together with this Seauity <br /> • , . Insbumet[t)mayr be sold one or more times tivithout prior notice to Horrower.A sale may result in a changs ia the eniiri�(ltao:vn �-- <br /> --- __ - _ ' as the°Loan Servicer")S�at coitecis monthfp Payments ct�und:r the Nute and this Se�urity Iastrument.The�aiso may 6e mre ..__ <br /> . ' � - -�--� -os more�cP�ange�esf�the-LtsarrSe�rvirertiu�telated�r a safe e�:theNoTe.—If�there is a c�ige o�'tiie i:oaa�Servicer.�orrower will 6e <br /> given written notice of t[�e change in accordance with p�agraph l4 above and agpticable law.The notice will state the naate aad <br /> . address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments shonld 6e made.The notioe wili also co�ain any other <br /> . informarion requit�d by applicable law. <br /> _:__ ___ _ ., E0.�sdovs Substances.Bo�ower shall not cause or permit the pzesence..use, disposal, storage. or release of alry <br /> F�azandous Substances on ar in the Pr�operty. Borrower shall nat do.-nor allow anyone else w do, any th,iaa affecting the <br /> � Ps�perty that is in vIolation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not appiy to the pr�seace. use,o� <br /> s*_nrage on the Property of small quanaties o€Ha7ardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate w normal <br /> ' residendai us�s 31d to maintenance of the t�regerry. <br /> ' Borrower shall prompdy give Le��c�ritten notice of any investigation,claim.demand. lawsuit or other aetion by atry <br /> goyemmeatal or regulatory aaency or private party ima�ving the Prapertg and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law <br /> og which Botrower has actaa9 icnowledge. If Borrower Ieazns,or is notified by any govertunzntal or regulatory autltority,that <br /> � • � a.zy removal or other remedi-tion of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Properry is necessary.Borrower shall pmmpily take - - <br /> . „ . ' a11 neccssary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. . <br /> �� As used in this paragraph Z0, "Haiardous 5ubstances" are those substances defined as taxis or hazardous substances by <br /> -'.-• Environmema� Law and the foliowing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other tlammable or taxic petmlwm prodacts, to�c <br /> �� pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents,materials wntaining asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materi�ls.As used in• �,i <br /> • .•�' •. thns pazagrapb 2U, "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is Iocated that —' <br /> ,:_r'.,•r,;;;•': relate to or environmental pratection.. <br />__' : � - NON-UNIFURM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agKe as follows: ' • <br />-=_'''��-�``'�'�� � ' � 21.AcceleratIon;Remedies.Lender shall�tve not�ce to BorroNer prior to ncceleration following Eorrower's br�ach <br /> _.�__ :'. ,,. <br />_ - of any eovenant or agr�ement in this Sxmtty Instrument (Dut not priar to acceleratton under paragrapb 17 untess <br />._��_.�:•`_'� � ' applica6le law provides othesa�ise).The notfce shall spedfy: (A)the detault;(b)the adion r+equtoed to cure the defanit; <br /> _-_�'F��;{:': (c)a date, not tess than 30 duys Prom the date the nottce is given to Barrower,by w6icb the deYaWt must be cored;and <br /> =---=�"����_' 'x (d)that[uiiare to care the defaalt on or before the date specttied tn the notice may resutt in aoceleration of the sams <br /> _:��,.:,: — <br /> = secared Dy this Securtty Instrnment and sate of the Property. The notice shali further inform Bonower of the rtght to =_ <br /> �����`�� reinstate after acceteratlon artd the right to bring e com�t action tu assert the non-existeace of a defan�!or any other =�_' <br /> . defense of Borrower to acceteistion and sale.If the default fs not cure�i on or 6efore the date specifted iu the not�ce, �'��"� <br /> . • . ' Lender,at its option,may regnire immediate�ra}-ment in fall of all sums secured by this Security Instrument�vithoat <br /> f�cther demand and may i�voke t6e power of sale az��d any other remedies permitted by applicable lacv.Lender shall be <br /> , , c�tiQed to coliect all exper�s incurred��pursuln;tFte�etnedIes provided in this paragrapb 21,imlading,but not limited - <br /> :., ao,reasonabte attoraeys'fees and costs aP titte evi�"e�ce. <br /> � • . � If the�ucver oP sale is invoked, Yavstee shall reoord a notice of defnvlt in each county in�vhic�any part of Ahe <br /> ' , Property is located and shall mai!copies of susb notice In the manner presctlbed by app�ca6le taN to Borrower and to <br /> �• the oiher persons pr�cri6ea3 by applicabte taw.Ai'ter t,4e time reqalred 6y appUca6fe latv,Trustee shall gise publIc notice. . <br /> �"7;�'� ... . aP sale to the petsons and i�she manner prescribed[��appllp6te law.Tnistee,cvithout demand on Bor�a�wer,shAll sell � <br />=`';``��• � _ th�Yroperty at pubftc�uction to the hig6est 6idder a4 she time and place siad aa�er the terms deslgaatec9�n the notice of � <br />•��;+.`.�� snie in one or mom parceis sutd in auy order Tn�stee determines.Trustee aaay pastpone sale of all or any pariel of the <br />,�-;� � , Propeety by pubfic anaouncement at ttte Hme nttd place of Any prevloasly scheduted sate. Y.ender or its deslgceee may <br /> _ • ;; '�z.d Purcdase the Property at any sale. . <br />— :-1, _ <br /> -__ ��� . <br /> '��' ��' . . . Fa►m 3�28 9l9� <br /> 'I' ����,•.. PagoSotB <br />- ��G' °.iu�:- - . <br /> :�:. <br />-_. � - - . -. - � • , . .. _ " . . . � _ . . . � - . . . . _ . ,r, ' _ . • _, . , '--'C' _ <br /> ''•.. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . _ i <br /> "' . ., .. . . . . . . . . . . <br />.� : . . _ .. . , . . <br /> �. � . _ . . . . . - . . - <br /> - - ', � . - :1 .. . �. . . • . � . . . ... � , . . , .. � . <br /> � .. <br /> ._.___. ____... _..__ . __ ....._. ___._._ ._._ .__.�_ .... ' _ ' ' _ '_ - __ _ _ <br /> � ... � � _ . ._ .. _ .._ . . . . <br /> ... <br /> -' �_-- - —,_--_ - _-- ,_- _ -'_�— .- ___ -_ ______.. <br /> � . -, . . - :. . .. <br /> �� • ' . '. _ ' �. � . �- ' . ' .� � .� . . . � �' . �. _� . � �' . '� , � , <br /> � , • , ' . .. - _ , . . . . . -� _ ' . . . � .. . C <br />-.� . . .. � . � _ . . . : �. . . � . � . . . 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