' : rei1R� . • • . . �. . . '
<br /> .- ' ' � . . . . . .. . ' ' �?' � _?�� . .* - v � , . .
<br /> ��.�cy _ ` �7. . . . '. . . . �. .� , r' _o„ _� . .,. Y • . ' _ `i:5�� _.
<br /> . ,a'. a. � - . �i � -
<br /> �;' :�.'` � . �- �`'j�.� . . , a_ .. r . o � . ..
<br /> t. .. . � . � r . � � . � .F
<br /> � t� .t :~ � C, Y . ' . -'. ' ` "2-, . . � • � • - .` �\a
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<br /> � ,� , �..
<br /> �� .. .. . �_ . , i .
<br /> `. rs', � •'` , ' .t' �. ����1/��`t , . . • . 'r ��� � .—
<br /> �.� . • • �' � ;f?,: .s� , —
<br /> �, .4 �� , . . ' 8. Assfgnas here�y co�rett ts and rranant��the Aas3gnee that(a) Assige�or has�nat exeauted�as►ji P�or .� <<� , �
<br /> . , ` assignment of tRe Lease or o1 its dght u�e and tnt�r�t there;n or the�n�s to e�crva the�+esrnder.(b)Assi n tsrar�iaand . .. . .
<br /> , - .. ' rtonitedertyBCtorexecuted8n tastrutnentwhich[rtlQi►lpr�v8ttttheAsslapteefr�moperetlnpun rdeet�tueyi�Lb9setat
<br /> � arhaae�otacc�pted
<br /> . . �, , c�ondltion�Ptareot,�r�h(chwoutd imittheRsatgneefroauchoA�reti�►►;(c,Aaa19� ` .' :
<br /> . . : . a��y Pe�lad a��se�,toMa curremperiod torwNch r�thasstreefi►6accmedueend payabte;(d�therel�ngdetaulinow , . . -
<br /> ' . �., � eit�ter��slN�wr�ting exceA=fl99set oM S�CheduEa B►artd�t�te 1�se is�in uil 4orce�etfeCt aieverat9�sl.ease , . ` � `' : �-
<br /> - : .._ _.... � 8� iT I8 MtJTtIALLY AGREED Vt�fTH l3ESPEC'T TQ EACH lEA3E THA�T: , .�
<br /> _ , . _ _ ' s_.
<br /> �� � ' f. Assigneeherebygranb rmtssIontoAsslgno�toe��teatupvn,DldROZRJ�OftABCCNS1�a!lrents,issuas,depas�ts � rF_`
<br /> . ...� ... -: ,. . andprofitstromthesatdPremis�san�m�n,an�useenyer,joymesarr►e�butreaenr�tRerEqMtoravak�asuchPermisstan .. :. ` ,.
<br /> �tany tlms.wt�orwtihoutcaus�by noticsi�writ�ngtnAssignarbycertifladn�ftllaenttathaa6dresshereinat�erprescribedtor `��� , _--
<br /> ,.. _r '_ �'.... � setrding nottca�In any ever►L such permtsstan t�Aastgrtor aAetl t�e autamattcaih►�evokeA upon ekfauik 4'll Aasi9na tn the . . �: �:�
<br /> ' � paymeMofany otths�Lllgatlonssecuredhes�byorintheperfoRa►anaaotanyobfigat�cn.ca�ves�ar►te�reementheretn.�nsatd . . s
<br /> � � � � mortgage a�deed af huat in the Leage or in any oi the O�S1gaUIIna secu�ed here�y.m in ar�y securfin�Qocum�tgIven in ,.. .. � � �i���
<br /> connectlon tl�erewittR(a�l of whtch w�i be reterred to herein aa"OetauEY'}.tn tftg eventthat tl�a AesiQnee sif�ut�_�J� � , : � .`�
<br /> � ' � � permissfionoratiertheoccurrenceolaDetaulLtheAssignee.mayat(taopt�on.afterna�tlSt�ont�Asatgnar.by . .. .-' .�'-
<br /> the address hereinaiter Pc�esc�ibed tur sending noUces�directarry or aU a1 the tenants olthe Piemises to pay us lsss[9ne�i4s , r-_�
<br /> . . �. `, ` , : . � ,g
<br />: � • . agerifs or it�atiom�ys�sucti rents�issues.Prafits.r�venue�,deposita�g�b and bens�ts ea may�ncw be dus or shaU ` :-`:�r-. ,
<br /> t
<br /> � - � hereinafterbecasrtadue�eitdAsstgneemaycollectth�s�me Theaifldavltorwri�ienstatementaianoiflrsr.sQentorattorc�ey . �._. � -- _
<br /> �� ' � ofAsstgaeesta�ngthattherehasbeenaCetauitshallconsti�uteconctustvegvidencethercof.endany tenanttootherpersona . . - �--
<br /> st n �-
<br />. . . ' Isautttorizedanddirectedtoeetyfhere4�.TheAssignortuMereQree�thatintheeventthepermisatantouseandretainthe ' :<,��.;�.�—
<br /> ,. ' � - . rsnts,incame;issuea,depu�it�andprofits,shoutdbeflenntnateslarupontt�eoCCUraaceofaDefau[�totmmedlatetytumaver . �---� - �
<br /> � � tallss€gnee,attheUmean�firnif�eman�er�qu�tedbyAssEgnee.ellsecurlrydeaasitsorothermonlASdeposdedbylessees ��`. . ..
<br /> • . -- . .- a4 the Premises in&ccordarice with the provfstons of the leases. • . . . � _�,-_�_-
<br /> �- � . -- �-- -..---�---._._._.--- -�--�----._.._.---......----- - �
<br /> -- �- --.. . . .---- �--- . .------.._...------...-----�-- ��-�- �--�----�-----�-�-�---�--_.__.
<br /> � • �' 2 �iotwiUtstandin�t�e provtslons of paragraph 1 heretnabove.upon or at any time after a Oeiault as defined � --
<br /> � � hereinabave,theAsstgne�atd�op�an.maydeclareaffObliga�onssecuredherebyimmedia4aYydueBndpayabte,andmay.at =�
<br /> • its oAUon.wlthout noti�.and if any such OtiUga�ons ba secured by deed of trust iResQect�e ot wt►ether e decfaratton af . ,
<br /> �� detault under said deed ot trust has�een deiivered to Trus�e thereunder,exercise ali dgMs end r+ecnedtes contained I�satd ���
<br /> • � - eedoftrustandwtthout andtarti►eadequa�yofsecufityt�rtheObfiga�onshereDysecurer�eitherinyeraon :_� - n'-�-��
<br /> mortgaganrd �e8 -
<br /> � ' �r by ager►t with or without bringingar►y actlon or praceeding,or by e receiver to be appaintedlry a couR entes upon.take ��,,;, , ,
<br /> � possesston o�manage and ope�ate s�ald Rremfises or any Rart thereot.make.enforc�modiry.and aa�pt the surrende+r ot � ��:"``
<br /> � Leases�obtalnandevicttenants►flxormodiryrents,anddoanyactswhichtheAsslgneeQeemspropertoprotectthese¢u�ity .�:� ' .
<br /> �� � herec�t.andettherwithorw�ttauttakirtgpossesstanofthePremises,in(tsownname�,suabrorotherwisecoliectandreceivo :. • p.~���
<br /> - � � aJir�nta.issuesandpmfits,inctudingthasepastdueandunpatd.enyapAtythesame4tesscastandexp+�nsssotoperationand '. ;: _. ...
<br /> coltection.inctuding,but not limited to,payments tor wagas and payrofl mxes►campeneation o!manaSing agent and other ,.; .�',��°
<br /> e n .
<br /> � ' management costs and expensas�real estate taxes and assassmeMS,water.sewer.end similat charges.insurance and . �
<br /> � � workei'scompensationpremiums,graundrents�customaryrealestatecammission.�ndreasonabteattor�ey'ateesandcauR . ,�. a
<br /> � . � � ccsts.uponanyObligatbnssecutedhereby,andinsuctiordarastheAsslgnesmaydetermine.Theentednguponar[dtaking ?�� ��
<br /> pcssess�on of the Prem�es,Me cotlec8on of such rents,issues and profib and the appiicaUon thereof as atoresa[Q st►all not �;-;��.
<br /> e
<br /> ' cureorwatve8nydetaultorwsive,modity.oraffectnoticeofdetauRundersaidmoRgageordeedoltrustor�nvaiidatea�ty act � : .:j���. �---��
<br /> � � donepursuanttosuchnotice.AssignorherebyreteasesanyandailclatmswhtchithasovnnighthaveagainstAssigneea�is+ng . ,f;. .� .
<br /> out ai such coltectton,management operadan and maintenance.excepting the tiabilityof Assigrtee toaccounttor amounts •;� ;.
<br /> . . coltected and expended by it ..
<br /> . . • ��
<br /> '.. - � �,.�.�-
<br /> � � 3. The Assignee shail not be oblfgated to partorm or discharge,nor does it hereDy undertake to Qertorm or :. �.,:. ;_;�,,,
<br />•� Y � � � discharge.any obligatlon.duty or liability under the Lease,or urtdar or by reason ot this Assignment Asstgrtor at�.l and does j •
<br /> � herebyalreetoindemnitytheAssigneeagainstandhotditharmfessiromanyandallliabitiry.lossordamagewht�hitmayor `���•�� •�
<br /> � m!ght incur under f�e Lease or under or by reason o1 this Assignmerrt end of and trom any and all cfaims and demand . . .
<br /> ° -� � - � - ' whntsoeverwhichma beassertedagainsiitbyreasonotanyatl obtigaUonorundeAakingonitsparttopedormori�the _ _ �=
<br /> � � dischargeotanyotthetorms.c�+enants,oragreememscontain intheLeas�shoutdtheAssigneeincuranysuchliabfliry. � ;����
<br /> �� � lass ar damage�ender ths Lease or under or by reason of tflis Asslgnmen�ar in the detense against any such ctaims or . . � ,.;�
<br /> � der��rrQs►�he a�rtaa•rettheneol,inctuding costa expens�and reasonable attome�s fees,bogetner witt�interest fhereon at tha '�
<br />- � • highestratasett¢�Uany oftheObttga�anasecuredhereby.shail�esecured erebyandbythe$atdmortgageordeedoi . � ; ���
<br /> � � trust,andAssignorshatl�eim5ursetheAss:grtrzetheretorimmedlatelyuponeemand,andvp�nthetaitureatAssignorsotoda C. �r�. �.;:ti;�
<br /> � - � � . tl�e�aignea may dectara aQ ODligati�ns secured nereb�,/tenmediatefy due an�payable. . .. .. �'�:.
<br /> - ' j !' •
<br /> . � � � C. IT ES EURTHER MUTUALLY A�REED THAT: �. : � .
<br /> . • �
<br /> � .. ,. • i ,:
<br /> � � � �� 1. U�lthe0bligattanssecuredl�erobyshalthavebeenpo�dlntull.Assignprcovenantsandagreestokeepteasecb �. , .
<br /> �:� � - "� - � � - at a good and sufFicient rertta!the Proemises and upon demand to transferand essign to the Assignea any and eti subsequent �
<br /> � � L,eases upen af!ar any paR of such Premises upon the same or aubstanUally the same terms and condittons as are heretn .
<br /> � � contained.andtomake.executa,anddetivertotheAssignee,upondemand.anyandallinsVUmentatl�atmaybenecessaryor �
<br /> � desirable therelaf.but the terms and provisians of this Assignmer►2 sGtatl appiy to any such subsequent Lease or Leases ;
<br /> •• • . � n . � whet�es or not s�asstgned and transterrea. ` „
<br /> � 2 AssignorshaU.uponrequestolAssignee.fumishitacompietelistasofthodateaftherequestofallleasasand � � �
<br /> ��� � � o1�er tenancie9 ot Me Premises in such reasonabte detail as may be requested by Assignee.Further,it reque�ed,Assignar ; .
<br /> � � sha11 detiver to Asstgnee exeauted or certlfied coptes af ail Leases and other written agreerrtents,co�ortdence and ,, .
<br /> � �� memorandabetweenl�sstgnarand�L�ss�esandothertenantsse�IngtorththecontractualarrangementsbeMceenthem.suc�
<br /> . request5�tsy be ma+de at fu►y reasonsbie time •
<br />_ �. , �
<br /> - .- � .� 3. The iaiture to t�st any specihc 6�ases under Schedule B hereio,shail not invalidate or aflect in arty manner.the � ,
<br /> Y , � � genergi assignment of renb and leases provided tor herain. ' � � .
<br /> ... . t ' .
<br /> �_;,_. ___ _ 4. Upon the payment in futl o!afl ObligaUo�a secured hereDy,as evidenced by the recording or filing o!an � . -
<br /> -�'��;� instrument of satistaction ar fti�l retease of said mortgage or deed o1 trus�uniess tRere shall have been recorded ert�ther � . ,�� - ;
<br />_,:"� � . • . mor�qageerdeedWtru�tintavorottheAsstgneecaveringthewhotearanypaRoftheteasedP�emises,thisAsstgnmentshall : �
<br /> ,. became nuU and vold and of no eNect `
<br /> �� . .
<br /> � '
<br /> . �. ' . .- , .
<br /> .- __ . _ _ _
<br /> — -- -- �
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