_ .. . . . ,
<br /> _ �_ ..,.� � _ ` '` . ,. - :� ' , �'� ` .` --
<br />_ .�° , _ -� �i�..s. ��Y� � . . .- i. .r. .}.� .�. r . .. . . . _ . . _ , .,- ., . .,.. . `_ _
<br /> ._ - .?a . , . 4`. ' :3 _ . . � � - . � -�. :�. 4 - - ' . - . �� � .p , -+ ' -
<br /> _ '.Q:.- •�r .. 't' .(S�GY: ' G. '� ' . . ` •. k ' _ �ti.. > . - . ' t�
<br /> . � , 6 I . . . . . .. � F. ___.
<br /> '` •� �. - . . � , ...:.` '.. ^ '�_�
<br /> � � ( .°: .� .+t:�;4 . � ` . � �F�-��f. . ` � V`��i��V�{.� ' ,}�... - ��
<br />_ . .. . . , . , i . . .
<br /> -. 4� � . � • 9. CandemaaUcn.The proceeds of any av�erd or Ctaim tor damages.duect or Gonsequantia4.in conneCtion witA any • _�-
<br /> - , .. • . cotsdemnationorothertakingottheProperty.Orpartthereof.or}orCanveyanceinheuofcort4emnation.areherebyassigned • . --
<br /> - ,. ` � � and shail be G�4 ta Lender. � . ` •�""
<br />- '" In the event o1 a total teRing of the Prpperry:the praceeds shatl be applied�o the sum�secur�by this DQed ot'�rust.�ith , s.:_y_.
<br /> . � � ' � ms exGess.i4 any,paid to Barrower.tn tt+e eventof a partial taking ot tl►e Proparty,untess Bartower and.tenGer�othe�wise . , �����` � -
<br /> ' � • �,. agreainwriting.4hereshal�baappiiedtothesumosecuredbythis0eedotTrustsue�proportionofthepmceedsasiseQualto . ;�,-
<br /> . ' �'%• ( thstpropartionwhichtt�@8mountofthesum55eCUtedDylhisL�eedofT►ust{mmediate{ypnortothedateofte9drtgbe3re4oth9 � :. �, . , ; �T
<br /> �t� � tafr madcetvalue ot 4he oroperty immediatety prior tr�the dats of taking,witri Ene baiartce af tha pnoceeds paid to F.orrower. .
<br />= � `, �. . ; � IfthsProperty�sabandaner1byBonower.or�f,aftetnoUCeby�LendertoBarrowerthatther.on6emeorofferstorrtafcean . , � � L�`
<br /> = award or settle a ctaim for da�agas.SoROwe�faststo respond to Len.derwrthtn 30 deys aftsrti►e date sucA notic6 iscnail�. ?:"�
<br />-..u-=_: . . :;:, .__�.
<br />- - Lender�sauthorizedtocoftectandapptyMeproceeds.atLendersoption.eithertor�storationorrepairolt4�eProperiyorto ... `��
<br />- -._ -- � -- tno sums secured by this Qeed o!Trust =T- -- �- `�=a'
<br />- • llntessf.enderandBorrowerotherwiseagreeinw�itiag,anysuchappl�caUOnotproceedstoprinei�alstrallpotextertdor� , �
<br /> . µ post�one ttis dne dats ot the monthty installmenb rete�ed tp in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or cfiangeths amoun2 ot sucb , . ;�
<br /> s
<br /> _..._ ._. . ._.'.1,., . installtnenLS_ . . .• .. _
<br /> - - ta BorrowerNalRNeasa�l.Extens�onolthetimeiorpaymentormodific�tionotamoRirstfonoftAesumssecutedby4his • -
<br /> _� -��--- . �. ��• � Oeed ot Trust granted 6y Lender to any sucCessor in int8res!ot Bor►ower Shali nat opsr8te to reteSSe,in eny rn811Ret.Ute ,,' �� " . ' `.` ��_
<br /> - . • � Iia�ilityottfteoriginal6o{rowarandBorrower'ssuccessorsinterestLenQershallnot0erequiredtacommenceprmceedings , , ••-:;
<br />_ � against such succes5or or retuse to extend time tur payment or otherwise modity amortiiarion of the sums ascured by t4�ta �• .. -•�
<br />- " � � Oeed ot Trust by reasarr af any demand made tiy the original BaROwer and BonOwePs successors in interest � ,;�
<br /> • � 11.Farbe�ranea by L*Rder t�tot a Wair�r.Any tofiearance by Lender in exercistng erty�ight or cemedy hereunder.or �`c� , �� �
<br />" _ � �. . otheix►ise a8ortfed by app4icabte law.shaii not 6e a waiver of or preclude the exerGse ot any&uCh dgAt or rBmeQll.The . . ;�_�
<br /> �, � , . procurementotinsuranceofthepaymentottaxesorotherliensorchar�gesbylendershallnotDeawahrerofLende�snghtto •, = :�=��:a;-�-
<br />- . acceterate the maturity of the indebfedness secured by this Deed of Trust � � • `~.� � ��
<br /> ° ' �� 1Z Remedies Camulative AII remedies proYiQed in this Qeed of Trust are distinct and cumufa6ve to any other right or , ��
<br />- � remedyunderthis0eedofTrustoraBordedbylaworequity,andmaybeezercisedconcuRemty,indep8ndentlyorsuCCesstveiy. ' "``�'` �
<br /> .�a-;:�:
<br /> - .. � . t3.SueemarsandAs�sBoun�JointandSsv�ralLia6�yy:CaPt�na-Thecover►amsenda�eernentshereincontained . ``��`:�'
<br /> :_�::-.,_�
<br />= • • shallbind.andtherighfshereundershaliinureto.therespectivesuccessorsandassignsatLenderendBorroMrer.subjectto .,`,�;;,�_r:
<br />�`„�, .� ' . ' theRrovisionsofparagraphl7hereot.AUtovenantsandagreementsofBorcowsrshaphejointandseveral.Thecaptionsand , .
<br />=� . • headings of the paragraphs of tnis Oeed ot Trust are for comrenience o�sly and are aet to Ce used to inte�pret or defirte the _�-.`,_��-,rs :;:
<br /> •:�._... .. . .. . :: ...... . . provisionshereot-� - ��--� -•� ----..--.-- . -:.:' ... . _ '_...-------- -�-�-- -- �� -- - - .�- :,-
<br /> ":-,�-:--' ..
<br /> • � 14. Nottte.Excepttoranynotice�equiredunderapplica6lelawtobe�'�ver�inIIitdt}►�rrt(3MEt.ialanyrtotieetoBonawe� ' _ �. +-•
<br /> • � providedfarinthispeedofTrusish��a:9ivenbymailingsuchnoticeb�c��tlma�adQce�..segtoBflrtowerattheProperiy ,,,;,�r-.=�=
<br /> • . AdQ�ess or afsuct�o4her address as�orrower may designate by rtoticvt+Yi�It�raB�rovfde4 he►ein.and(b)any noticeto ,(�
<br /> � � Iendershati6egivenbycertifiedmad.retum�eceiptc�quested.tvLenders�ddres3statedhereinortosuchotheraddressas � .�t� �
<br /> � • . � � LendermaydesignateCrfaoticetoBoROwerasprov,dedhereifi.MynottCepruvidedforinthisDeedolTnistshallbedeemed .
<br /> - - ' tofiave been given to 6arroxrer or Lender wQen given in the manner designatqd herein. • -. - --- - -��`.����
<br /> ' � - *14.7 "RequestforNotice.Trustarandberteficiaryrequestthatacopyofanynottceofdetauitandnnticeo?satemadeor � i.�,!^.
<br /> � ' executed Cythe T�ustee pursuant to me provisions hereof be sent to the Trustor and BeneRciary attheir respeCdva mafling � - .
<br /> � � � ' address�s2t btth above." � ' ; :
<br /> ' 15. Uaifort�s Oeed d T�(iovem[ng Law:Seeerability.The torm ot deed ot trust combines uniform covenants for ;•,;_ .
<br />_ � � ' national use and rton-acr.storm covenants w+th limit�vanaUOns by�urisdicaon to con3titute a unitorm security inshument ' ' .. ..
<br />_ covering�eal properry_Yhis Oeed of Trustshall be�cvemed by the law of the]u�dicdon in which the Property�s located.ln :t' ��, '�
<br /> � � ' the event tt�at any provision or ciause of this Deed of Trust or the Note conflicts tixi�appliCabte Iaw,such canfl[ctshaN not ("'.y�`
<br />-- , attectat�tc-eprovisionsofthisOeedafTrustortheNotewhicheanbegiveneHeetwdhoutthecontiietingprovisions,andtothis „ � � .
<br /> _ � end th��movisEons o!the Deed of Tn.r�and the Note are declared to 0e severabfa ,
<br /> � � � � 18.8anowa�'s Copy.Borrower s�all be fumished acontormed copy oithe Note ana ct u1�s Deed of Yrost at the time of ,.,;.:� �
<br /> ---.._---._...-- - . .. execution arefter recardaAon hereof. .�,. � _ ._...
<br /> � �� ' 17. Trantter ot the�anperty:AssumpUon.I1 alt or any part o1 the property or an inieresl tfierein is sotd or transtened by �; `;+� � �
<br /> - Borrower withoutLender's pnor written conse�t,excluding(a)the creationof a iiet�or encumbrdnce subordinatetothis0eed �,
<br /> - � o1TrosLlbJshecreationofapurcAasemoneysecur►tyinterestforhousehotdappliances.(c)atransferbydavisedescentorby •' -
<br /> ' � • opera5anaftawuponthedeathotajoinitenantor(d)thegrantofaryleaseholdinterestafthreey�arsortessnotcontainingan •�'��
<br /> � � � optiontopurchase.Lendermay.atlender'soption,declareallthesumssecureGbythisDeedafTrusttobeimmediatetydue ��- -�
<br /> - �. . and payabte.Lender shatl have wa�ved such opUOn ta acceterate it,prior to the sale or transter.Lender and the person t� • •„�.. ?`-"`�
<br /> • � whom the Properry►s ta be sotd or transferred reach agreement in wr��rtg that tha credit ot such person is�tisfactory to ��� '-"s•;`
<br /> ' � • Lenderundlhattheintetesipayabteonthesumssecuredbythis0eedofTrustsriailbeatsuchrdteaslendersAallrequeSLtf ,
<br />- . � . Lenderhaswaivedtheop2iontoacceferateprovidedinthisparag►aphl7.andilBonower'ssuccessorininteresthasexecuted f�•'�.
<br />- . aw�ittenassumphonagreementacceptedinw�itingbyLender.Lendershatlrefease8orrowertromattobtlgationsundertAis� , . � �
<br />° . . . Deed of Trus1 and the Note. " " •
<br /> � . � � l!Lender exercises such optian to acceterate.Lender shall mail Borrower notice o1 accC:aretion in accordanCe witto , _��'��•
<br />- • . �� paragr8pt114hereof.SuCfinoticest�altprovidea(tusodofnotlessthan3DdaysfromthedetethenoUCeismailedwiffiinwhtch . , :�:;�
<br />_�� � . • � Banower may pay the sums declared due.lf Bor�a+wer taits to pay such sums prior to the expiration of such�enod,i.ender . � �
<br /> s� . may,without turther not�ce or demand on Bonower,invoke any�emedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereot. ,._ �'t`
<br /> _-_� , ' ROH•UNIFORM COYENANTS.Borrower and Lender tuAhe�covenant end agree as fofla�rs: . '�•'.�•.. +:•
<br /> t.• � � • 18. Aeed�ratlon;RKnMles.Excepi es provided in paragrapf�17 hereot.upon Borrower's breacA o}any covenant or _ _ _ °.,
<br /> . . agreemeatolBorrowerinthisQeedotTrustirtcludingthecovenantstopaywhendueanysumssecuredbythisDeedofTnwt . •
<br />;"''� • Lenderpriartoacceter�'�ionshallmailnoticetoHarrawerasprovidedinparagraphl4heQeotspeESitying:(1)thebreach;�2)itee . ,
<br />��' � .' ' actionrequiredtocurc�suchbreach:�3)adate.natt2ss1han30daystromthedat3thenoticeismailedtoBorrawer.bywhich ��� �.• .
<br /> � � suchbreachmust6ecured:and(4)thattailuretoCUresuchDreachonorbeforeY3�edatespecifiedinthertottcemayresuttin ��
<br />- ' •acceteratiorrofihesumssecuredbythisbeedofTrustandsateoltheProperty.TfienoticeshatltuRherintormBorrowe�0ithe P �
<br />--,. ' righttoreinstateafteraCCelerationandiherighttobringacouAactiontoasseAthenon-existenCeoladetauttorenyother . ;\;�:
<br /> � � detenseofBorrowortoecceterationandsale.11theDreachisnotcuredonorbeforethedatespecifiedinthenotice.Lende►at
<br /> • LendefsopUon may declare at!of the sums secure�bythis Deed ot Trustto be immediate4Y due and payabte without tuRR2r � �
<br /> R�� •. �. , , demand and may�nvake tAe power ot sate and any other►emedies pennitted by applicable law.Lender shall be entiUed to z
<br /> coltect a11 reasonabte Costs and expenses incurred in pursumg the remedies provided in the paragraph 18,inctuQin�,but not .
<br /> • hmited to.reasonabte attomey's feea '
<br /> � - � ' II tRa power ot sate is invoked,trustee shall record a not�ce o1 defautt in each county in which the Properry or some part � �
<br /> - Ihereotistocatedandshallmailcopiesolsuc.hnoUceinthemannerprescnbedbyapplicablelawto6orrowerandtotheother �� •
<br /> � persons presc�ibed by appl�cabte law.Atter the lapse ol sucA time as may be requ+red by appticable law.Trusteeshall give •
<br /> - � � public notice of seie tothe persons and in the manner prescnbed 6y applicaEle law.Trustee,wd�aut demand on Borrower. , • .
<br /> ShallsellthePropertyatpublicauc�ontothehigheslbidderatthetimeandpiaceandurtderMetermsdesig�atedinthenotice i .
<br /> ;. �. . . • . 01 sale in one or more pareets and in such order as Trustee may detemune.T�ustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel ot • • .
<br /> - the Property by publlc enrtouncement at ihe nme and place of any prewousty sChe�ut¢dsate.Lenderor tertder's de9ignee
<br />��; ; � � � may pur�hase tha Properiy at any sale. � ,
<br /> �, _ . UportteCeiplofpaymer,tofMepricebid.TrusteeshalldelivertothepurthaserTrusfes'sCeedconveyingtheProperiysaid.
<br /> lherecitatsin theTrustee'sdeed sha11 bepr�matac�e�ewdence olthetrutA otthestatemenis madetherein.Trusteeshallapply
<br /> ' � theproceedsolthesaleinMefaltowmgorder.(altoaU�easonabtecostsandexpensesolthesale.including,butnotlimitedto. . �• �
<br /> - Trustee'steesofnofmorethan 95otthegroSSSalepnee.reasonaCleattomey'steesandCOS3sbftltteevidence: . •
<br />�_':�4 _ • � , fD)to ett sums secured by th�s OeeO o1 Trus�and(c)t�e excess.�any,to tne person or persons legally entdted thersto. - .;-
<br /> -_ . -- - � 19. Borrewtr'e Rtph1 to 8�insLie.4VOtw�thstand�ng Len�er s acceteral,on o1 the sums secured Dy this Oeed o1 Trust .
<br /> '• I • � ,,. . Borrowershatfhavethengfittohavea�ryproceedingsbegunbylendertoentorcetheQeedofTroatQlsconlinuedatanytime •
<br /> ��;y � pnortotheearltertooCCUrot(�lthehfthdaybeforethesalaolthePropertypursuanttothepowerMaateconminedlnthe0eed
<br /> ;� � � ot Trust(i;)er.try ot�judgmem entorcirtg this Oeed ot Trusf if.(a)Bonovier pays Lender a11 sums which would be ttien du� .
<br /> - ,� ursQer this Oeed ot Yrust the Note and notes securirtg Future Advances.d any,h8d no&ccetereUOn octured:(b)Borrower �
<br />-_;� . � cu�es atl 0reaehes ot any other eavanaats or agreements ot Borro►ver conta�ned�rn this Oesd of Trust(c)Bottowsr pays all
<br />;__,_, y_ ._ �• � . reasortabfeexpensesincuttedbyLende�artOTrustoeenforcmgthecovertan�and�gresmentso46orrowercanffiinedinthis
<br /> -- • �- = i3ee�ir�i=•vstemiis�erdorc�F�gi.encFar'�asxtTru�^�ass2�s-���prr��i.i�s-�ea�l8ls°te�ir.�ing.btslaa!limit� _.--•- .- -. _ �
<br /> � � " • ta.reasonaAteattomeystees:and(d)Borro�yortafcessuchachonasLendermayreasonahiyrequiretoassurethatthelienot
<br /> • . � . � • this Qeed otTrust LenCOi s interest�n the P�operry and 8orrowei sobfigation to pay tRg sums setured tiy this Qeed olTrust � .
<br /> • � shaUconhnueummpairetl.Uponsuthpaymentandeureby8orrower.thisQeedofzrusfandtheobligationssecureahereEy ,
<br /> . ,�,� ; shall remaiRin futf torco and eftect as d no acceterat�on Aad occurred.
<br /> . . . ._
<br /> „ ��r� : .� . .. . ._ _ .
<br />