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<br /> ' � A�ent of Ite�ts � . 0020027298 �.�� ---_� _
<br /> � t-sr THIS l�F_'-�.'�•.s 1.F L4IDE3is medethis 4TH daY Pf � , JANUARY + 99 =�^=-
<br /> ���£`=�` �d is� .L��arci s��6e deEmed to amend and I�ti�Mo Deed of Tnut or Secwri -
<br /> .l,,:>....,,; .� �oc_*�'yc-'..�-_ . �PP �8�• tY �r=_— --
<br />-- '"�;�; • Deed (tbe "� ��: Instrumeut') of the same date given by the undersigned.(the "Borrowe�")to secure _ -- -
<br />�-;'?��}�-�� .c�:` �- $orrower's Notet� '
<br />�l� . .. : a. .Y;.�..�� . ' __._._____-
<br />--�;�-. : � The Equitable BuilQing and Loan a4ssocia4iort of Grand Island, =
<br /> s " -. ' � Nebraska, A Federal Savings 9ank • (the••Leadez")
<br /> �
<br />.'�.":'. , " of the santz'date and covering d�c Property described in the Security Instrument and tocated at:
<br /> .,
<br /> �'.=•�. � � r � 11Q V� KOENIG, GRANO ISLAND�` NEBFfASKA 688Q4-6033 �
<br /> ,--�-. � ,.
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<br /> .- -. ,-,- _ , ------ - ..--.-.(Proncrty Aaarrss� .
<br /> � -� � .. . 1-4 FAh1ILY C�VENANT�i.ln udditian to the covenants and agrecmen[s made in che Security Instru�ent,.
<br /> ` . • ' Qartuwer and Lender fucther wvenant and agree as follows: �
<br /> � . �� �. - - Property described in the Security Instrumeat.the foflowing items are added to the Property descriptioa,and shaU ��
<br /> � � � alsn consdtute the Property rnvered by the Security[nstrument:building materials.appliances arM goods of every `���`
<br /> , � , nature whatsoever now or hereafter located in. on, or used, or intended to be used in wnnection with the ,
<br /> ' ':'•� , Property, including. but not limited to, those for the purpases of supplying os distributia� he�ting. cooling,
<br /> � } . ' electriciry, gas, water.�air and{ight, fire prevention and eatinguishing apparatus. security and access control
<br /> ' . '. � . ' appatatus, plumbing, bath tubs.watet heaters. water closets. sinks, canges, stoves, mfrigerators, dishwashets, • —
<br /> ' ' dlsposals,washers, �ryers. awnings, storm windows,storm doors, screens.blinds.shades, curtains and curtain �;
<br /> ..�� .,. rods,attached mirrors,cabineu,paneping and attached floor coverings now or hereafter attached to the Property, :�
<br /> � •,.�:,' a!1 of which, including replacemenu and addiuons thereto. shall be deemed to be and•remain a part of the �•�
<br /> � ,",' Progerty covered by the Secuaty Instrument. All of the foregoing together with the Property descri0ed in the �I _--
<br /> � , . Securiry Instrument(or the leasehold estate if the Security Insuument is on a leasehold)are referred to in this 1-4 �•�
<br /> � . : . Family Rider and the Security Insuument as the"PrioPerty.^ �:�•
<br />,_ �+�� ,.i.�:;.�• '. _ � �i.
<br /> B.USE OL'L�+DPERTY; COMPLIANCE W[TH LAW. Barc•c:.�r shall not seek, agrez to or make a =
<br /> ;::'', � �=:x:.:: � �� _ -_
<br /> ;.-.,,.,:,�.:. . � • change in the use of fhe Property or its zaning classificadon, unless Le�sc'.:r has agreed in writing to the change. �;,;�,r ,
<br /> � � Borrower shall cOmply with all laws, ordinances, regulacions and requirements of any govemmental body �"�.;.z�
<br /> � _
<br /> ;� � { r,r, ap�:icable to the Property. �-`�'�°�
<br />_.I,��_.a=. �#'wr�
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<br /> ���.<.T.�,..-•,�-• »:�.. • C.S U B O R D A V A T E L I E N S.E x c e p t a s p e r m i tt e d b y f e d e r a l l a w.B o a o w e r s h a l 4 n o t a l t o w a n y l i e n i n f e ri o r -
<br />.�� �- • to the Secusiry Instrument to be perfected against the Property without L.err s prior written peanission. "'4�=
<br /> , � T'n.�.
<br /> • D.R�NT LOSS INSUItANCE.Borrower shall maintain insurznce zQainst rent lass in addition to the aiher ' "�'��—_-
<br /> �=� ' . hazards for which insurartce is required by Uniform Covenant S. __ �<=-
<br /> "t� • E.`BORROWER'S RIGIIT TO REIINSTATE"D£II��"1'ED.Uniform Covenant 18 is deteted. �
<br />__ „�"-°
<br /> -- • : F. BORROWER'S OCCIJPANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrce in wriung, the first '��•�`.,�,="
<br /> _ , t �. .:_.
<br /> -
<br />