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<br /> ����� '�"
<br /> . � . .: ' ` ASStC�ti�1ENT OF RENTS RiDEi� � � 9 a5— � • �.°
<br /> JANUARY J 19 S5 -and is ` --
<br /> ?MIS A8S4tiPJMENT OF R�NTS R10ER is made.artd execnted thls 3RD day of ;� < <�• � '' _-
<br /> � ' Incorp o r a t e d I n t o a n d$1�at1 bo deemed to amen6 and supptement the Mortgags or Qeed of Trust,herefnafter referred to as the ' •A, < _.
<br /> • � � . "SecuritY[nst�umen!".o f the e�ne date glven�OY the undersigaed, hereinaffer reterred to as t he�B a r ro w e f,t a s e c ure. r
<br /> � •� � Bortower's Indebtednes8,Aereln0fter raterred to as the"Note",to HO4utE FEDEf1AL SAVINGS AtdD LOAt�t AS50CIATI O N OF . ; , .. ,
<br /> . � '`� , � (3RItN0 ISLAND.herelnatter reie►r�4 to as the"�ertdsr",ot the same date and covering the property descrlbed in ihe Secnrity
<br /> ? •t. '��_ ' : inatrumont and Iocate�at: • �. ;'r . • ��-
<br /> , . �, •.
<br /> ' 321 W. FONNE�t PARK RD, GRAND ISLAND 'NE� 68801 - , : .�:��__
<br /> . •�� � (Property Address) , � ' � . �.,,�yK_
<br /> .. , .• � ' W1Tl�fESSE7H: . , _ . =
<br /> "�`. WHEREAB. �ona�vai and LonQer Aave agreed that any rents and profits attributa�te to ttt�p;opert5►shoutd coostitute -, .._-
<br /> . .. • additidnal aecurlry to the L�ndor tor Me payment of the Note; '; � . „ Ji'
<br /> _' ` �` ryOW.THEf1EFOAE,ft t8�fl�eed that the Socuriry lns trumen t s h�i l D a a m e n d e d h e r e b y a n d d e e m e d t o includs the fotlowing ,t • • s �_`-_
<br /> � ptovfstona: , � -
<br /> - • ' 1. Aas;�nment o Rent�en nder eMal Cottection RIaMs:Borrowar hereby absatutelY and unconditionatly asslgns ati ", � � � `�
<br /> � " renta. issues and protits af the O�flDe�I► b Beneficiary: lender ahall have the right, power and authority during tlsa � �,. „� •.�V
<br /> • � continuance o�the Securlty Inat�ument to collect the renie,issues and profits,of the property and of any persfA�at proFertY . �����.;_
<br /> � '�,'�'�:.:in;�:
<br /> � � tocated therebn wlth or without taking possession of the properry aftect�d hereby. Lender,however,hereby consents io ...^ 1 -,-i
<br /> Bor�ower's Co113ctlOn artd retentton of euch rBnte,tsouea and profits as they accrueand become payadte,so long as Sorro�ver J �� 3._�,
<br /> ..� � . , . is no�,at suCA tlme,fn detauit wlth respect to payment ot any indebtedness secured hereby,or in the performance of any ;, �, ��
<br /> ' agreamant hereurtder. . . � _
<br /> . � a, ,°�DOflintment ot Receiver.It 8ny event of default in reapect to the Security Instn�'r:ant shali have acc�-''�and be
<br /> � ' ' � � . continuing,Lender�a�a matter of rfght end wlthout notica to 8orrower or anyone cla[rr+ing.�+dF�8��:ca�s=,��d wi�hout _Jg`i,-?�a-�;��
<br /> � � �. -
<br /> �-�> '--�---�'�-- -� regardto the vetue o4 the�truateetate or tho Interas4 Q1.the_BoROwer tRerein,shati Aave the righz_a;.pAfY to any caart�avtng _
<br /> . ._. ... y�-xzr�-
<br /> , _ ._....._.---._ ..-,._-'-'-' --`-°' -"-- -...._.,--°_..,. _._. - ---
<br /> �, � � .� Jurisdiction to appotn4 a�ecetvet of the property. " �
<br /> � � 3. Btaht t4 Pos98g8ttln•In case ot defautt In tha payment of the sald principal Note cr•interest,or any paR theteaf,as it
<br /> � shai)mature,or in the case ot taiture to keep or perform a1►y ot tRe corenanis or agreements contained En the$ecurity lnstra• `;_;'Js«-
<br /> � � � � �� ment, then the Lender, �ts successors op asstgns,shall be and is�ereby authorized and emPtheproceedsthareof o'the '�""`�£���
<br /> � � � possesstoq of the eat4 premises theroin ifescribed and to coliect the rents theretrom,and to app y --
<br /> . . , p,ayment o!the Note. tied first to payar���t '�'��
<br /> � �. . , q, c o ot Rents �4sues a�d�rotitfl.Atl rente coliected by Lender ar the receiver shall be app , . �.
<br /> of the costs of managerttent of the ptopeHy and coltflctlon of rente,includirsg,but not Itmited to,recetver's fees,prem:u�:-��� _�,�.,
<br /> ..::... .�...: .,. _.._ ' � : .
<br /> ' �ecefver's bonde and reasonabte attorney'9 fH89,an0 then to the sums secured�by tPte Securtt,v Instrumec►i.Lender�^a t�•�
<br /> 'k.
<br /> ' recelver shali bo Ilablo to account only tor thooe rent�eatually recetved. .
<br /> 5. Conetruotlon ot Pravislons.Each of thQ provlalono canYatned U this Assignment of Rents Rider and the Sec4r+ry�nstn.^- .
<br /> � � ment shati,untess othervu(se sDecitically requiro0,bo conotrued In acaordance wlth Nebraska law,and In ths event any � .
<br /> provision herein or thereln contalned shall bo det�rminnQ by a court of competent ju�isdtction to be unenforceable;trte same : :
<br /> � � shall be construed a8 t4►augh sucb unonlorcvabie Rruvtolon wo�e not a paR hereof or thereof. ,.'�
<br /> ' 8, Etfect_of Rtder.Except as aDa��flcally modtliad by or inconsistent with this Assignment of Rents Rtder or by any other
<br /> � applicable rider.all of the terms and provlslona contalnad In tho Seaurlty Instrument shall continµe in full force and effect. �'` •
<br /> � � . IN WITNESS WHEiiEOP,Borrower hae exocutad Ihlo A t ents R er on the date iirst�oted above. �e-__ -`-.
<br /> � � �� �'P� 4� --
<br /> . .. �:�,-
<br /> .. . ' �=.. ' �,y%��
<br /> • • orrower �-
<br /> ' : . .. . � TQm�IY D. EOt�ARDS IOE � '-:� - ----
<br /> 'is+�� —
<br /> w • ,. .,�...�.ti:�t�
<br /> . . � "r=-----`
<br /> . .� . . ... p 0r . •:s��.;�;.°
<br /> . . • _..,-ti�a'—
<br /> ' � � � TQm�IY Q. EDWARDS. IO��I�� �'�:��_.
<br /> _ � . . .—,s_--._-
<br />- ��; �� • STATE OF NEBFiASK�► •, �� .;�,-�<-
<br /> ' � • . (ss: � �, ���
<br /> . . . . i���.�' ..�_
<br /> ';� ' . . COUN7Y OF HALI ) , . �..
<br /> �� � � On thia 3RD day of_JANUARY ,�g '�5 betoro ma Iho,unQoralD nod a Nota Publ c duly c mmiss'.a��aad � . _.
<br /> ' � • TQmmY �.._£�WAN��PRESIOEN� AND II�IDIU�DUALLI� :,
<br /> � '"' ' � quaUfled for eatd county,Dersonatty camo � . � .�
<br /> ' . ' �__.- ,to ba tha ldentical pe��(g)�ase name(s)islare s�-bscribed . _
<br /> ' • • to tha tore oing instrument,ena helsholthey acknOw4edpo thfl oxecutlon thorQOf to be hislhernheir voluntary ac!and deed. � •• : .z.
<br /> _. � �.. „ . S , •
<br /> � � GR11NQ I:iLAND. N��RASKA .,
<br /> F� • . Witnese my hand and Notarla!5eal at ...�—..-�--. - . , �
<br /> • : , a �cou tY,1ho dete eio oeatd. : . � . .
<br /> ' . .. � iE1EMl10TAlIY�Sl�MNKArLt1 J�«�f,����� : , '
<br /> . . � OEBORAHLKIMBtB '�
<br /> �: . .. Camm.E� H6Y.Z3,1939 otary PuDtic =
<br /> ' • E .
<br /> ; � . • . ' My Comml�slon explros: � ..._... !.. : ,,�
<br /> . .. � �
<br /> � 3 . MP 4030(�1821 �' ,
<br />_ • � ' . . ... ' ,,7. � . � - .. .
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