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. �a�w.., . . . . . . �. . . . - <br /> _ �� .,,�: � _ � , l' -. , ' � �. • . f t `' . --��', o �, . <. . - :`� _.. <br /> . .f.`:; .--� _ . �`�i-`iy;p . . ._ . f _ .r _ � q . �.� ` _ ..,.� .. ., �' �; <br /> . 1 �M �. �� . . . r ` _ <br /> .. . �?`a �' ' ' _ -:,�'. � ``.•' - _ <br /> -� � . . - - - v . - .`c-.. - <br /> -- '.' ' . ` � ' , . . . . `...c. �� - <br /> - � ��4` � . ��.�- . a��sa���� ��% C� �� � . °: .� <br /> : • `' , , � (!YestFreasuty Iada�-RateCays) �tO'����Q��� `�'' <br /> `•�. , . . � -_ <br /> . .< � _ <br /> � ' � . 1'HISADNSI'ABI.HRA7ERIDFRismade+�t� 3F� ,,�of JANUAFtY � . . ts gs . -- <br /> — . , `, , � • , and is mcorpatated in�o�d s�aD te dsmsi to ammd end sappl�mt tLe Mortgage.Qeed of Trast.or Stc�ity Beed(the"Se�trity InmumeaY9 of • - <br /> ' .� �'� ' t�e same daze gTivm by the uadasigaed(the•`Bom�wer'�w sxure Borrowa's Adjustable ltate Note(the"Note�to HOME PEOERALQRAND � . , -- <br /> , 'lSI�HD(the�Ti�der"1 of the same date aad covuing the pm�ty dasn'6ed in the Seauity Iastnmm�c and located at: ,� ;. °�. <br /> •. . . � . . � . .�:.r . <br /> - � , . . . , . . _. :�^��-. <br /> � � . : 321 W. F�NNER PAfiK RD, GRAND ISLAN� NE 68801 , � '"- <br /> • � � . . :7 <br /> - �...__ .. ._. .:�_e (�II�v Address) '� , <br /> --,-'--� ,.,� ..— _ ' , � TEta ao4e oua�tns provEstoas aIIo�fng tor chaagcs In my nte aad my montLty . - , . <br /> , � ,,, .••. Dyymeata.TALs rtote atrso limita tae amoa�t m9 tnteiest�ats ean cAaage nt aeg oae time and ° ,` � � t. <br /> �._' _. __:_ ..�_ aLtot6emiatmnmaa0themgtmnmeatsimastps9. •,,_�� . '" - <br /> - • <� . . - <br /> - , .. -' - - ._., . ADDi1TONAL addition to the coxenants aad agre�nents made in the Seauity tn�,••,en Borrower and I.mder . � <br /> _ � . . furthercoveuantandegreaasfoII�vvs: ` . <br /> -_ , - .. G}, <br /> �• � A. II�TEItE6T MTE AND MONTHI.Y PAYMENT CHANGES , ':�.,`'j' <br /> � , iLe Nou provtdes far an iaitial intezest mte of 8.50 0�0.Sxtioa 4 of the Nou yravides far cmanges ia tf�e iaterest tate aad tLe `' • '_.:,.'�� <br /> ,� •-,�-_ <br /> -t . ' - , � mantlilY fouows: :�.. -t��:;� :.� <br /> _ � �, ,:t+;:.'�`4J..�T�- __ <br /> �, . . .� � 0. INTERES�'RATEANDMONTHLYPAYMENPCHANGES '`'.`f.::'a'wo�°�=` <br />�� � , ,� .. � (AJ CB�ogeDats �y. ;;s'�.�c.�..� _ <br /> •.II�=-,__. <br />-� . • - - 7hewterestntelwiUpaymaycdaageonthePusidayof FEBRUARY ,i4 96 .andonthatdayevesy - �`3.-�,;�;�- <br /> _"- � 9� cnonthsthereaRer.Eac6dateonwWct�iay�°�tsatecoaldcdangeis�::�^a"Chaa�eDate.•, ���==�--�'�, <br /> -_ -- -- <br /> , .�... , <br /> _ . . <br /> 3.� .. . . -�� <br />--�----� �----.._ _ �� . .. --�) T6t�ndac . _ . .. . _ . ... ... .... . '..:_ .. -- -_..... _._,. ._._..:.._----� -- ----��--�-- ;r`.;;�v�;��_ <br /> . . .. . Beg3naIag whh the fust ChauBe Dace,mY interest rate wpl bebas�on aa L�zx.The"Index"is WeweeklY average yidd on UniteB Sratra y `'�� <br />-,: �•,' �. 7'�easmy saauities adjusted to a constant maturity of 1 yrar,as made av�")ats:e 5y ffie Fcdeal R¢serve Baard The most receut Iadex fig�are .�s� <br /> � ' avalla6teasoftt�edate45daysbeforeeachChangeDateiscalledthe•'Currentlnctex." ',t--� <br />�.. • � ` --— <br />, . ° . . if the Iadac u ao tonger available.the Note Holdes will choose a cew indea whic6 is based upon caarparable 3nfo�aS.The Kote `Y":�` <br /> ` . .� . ' . HaiderwiII glve me notice of[his cholce. _ - ��� . <br /> . -�- .. � � �� .,�,.� <br /> '� . t� i�tcut�floflo�Chan geg THREE AIV� L�UE-H AL F � <br />�5 . .� ' Before eacb Change Date.the Nou Holder wiU calculate my aew interat r�tsy addin8 Duc�ta� . <br /> r <br /> •� :. . . _. , pointy� 3.5. �'o)to the Current Index and rounding to the nrarest IBiz of 1%,sub;,ect to the limits srated in Section 4(D)b1ow. �� <br />--..� :, • Th�s rounded amouut will be my ne�interest rate un1�7 the next Change Date. <br /> �� • Tftc Note Holder wiU thw determine the amount of the montiily paymeat that v�oWd be suffident to rtpay in full the prinripal[am • • <br />�°' �:. . . � e�cpected to owe on tl�at Cbange Date in substaatia^y equal paymeuts by the manuity date at my new interest rat��he tesult of this calnilatfon <br />�.� .. , � . , will bethe near amamt of my monthty payment. . <br /> ��: �s . . <br /> (D) Idndt�oel�enstBtte�angcs � � <br />- � . _ . ;,. <br /> '�. � � . 'me interest rate 1 am requIred to pay at the fi�ct C�ange Datc will rtot be greatu than 10.50 % os Iess than r <br /> . , R_50 � intaest rate vrill never 6e incrrased or decr�on eny single Ctsaage Date by more tlian �0 , <br /> ' �from the rate of intercst i have been paying for the preading tarelve months.The minimum interest rate oa this loaa w�l aever be `'i� <br /> �� •� � � less thau 6-�� %and the maximum iaterest ratewiU never begreaterthan 13.50 %. 5� .��' <br /> �_ ' . . (L� EiPerflve D�te of C�aag� � <br /> ��~ <br /> � . � �. My new iatast race wItl6ecame effactive on each Chaage Date.l aill pay the amount of my new montl�Iy payrmmt tregtnning on the fiTSt �f3;;---_ " y <br /> -� �.%;� . . moat4dY t�Yi+��t dateafter the Chaage Date until theamount of my monthlY Dayment changes a�ain. ° — <br /> ;�- , . . •- (P► NoHaeciC6aagts . -�;"i.�s,���'_- <br /> �� � . 7he Note Ho::�r will mail or detiver to me a norice before each Change Date.The notIce aill advlse me of: '�::�,�,�'��-�._ <br /> •.g.. r) the ncw interest rate on my loan a9 of the C6ange Bate; . - i = <br /> �x (ii) the amouat of m monthl ����� <br /> y y payment foUowiag theChange Date; ' �- - -� -= <br /> � ,' (iii) anyaddidoaalmatterswhichtheiVoteHoldaisrec�ilredtadisctosr.aad .'��*� <br /> � � rv) the a4dress of the assaciatIon you could contact regarding any questions about the adjustment noticc. � �. �' ' �.,;�., <br /> �L`i1.. . . ", .: s�l�.� <br />_.�� . • . . .. ,.._ • . <br /> ' • � B. �A4ZGE5:II;IENS . • � - � <br />���, . ' � Unifrnm Covenant4 of the Securlty Instrumenl is amended to read as follows: � <br /> . , <br /> • . �}= <br /> • 4.�ugn;Lem.Boaower ahall pay all taxes.a4ses�ments,and ether charges.fines,and imDosirions attrtbutable to the Property which may . � <br />� � ' . : stta:n apriority ovv thls Sxurlty imvumen�and(easehold paymenss of ground rents,if aay,in the manner provlded under paragraph 2 haeof � , � • <br /> �, _ , or,if not paid in s_cb Borrower maYing sayment,whea due,directly to the payee thaeof.Sortower ah�ll promydy furNsh I.eeQer � �•• " r <br />�F� ' ' • � . ell aatloes of arnounts dae uader thls�aragraph.and in[he eveat Bonower shaU make payment dircctIy.Borrower shall prompdy ture�ish to ' .. <br />� � � � � l.ender re�eiDts evldrndng such paymcents. Bonower ahall prc�tly dlscharge anyr lien which has priorlty over this S�uriry Instrument; � . . <br /> - . '� hcrever.Borrawer shaU not be required to discRazge any mch lien so long as Bonoaer:(a)shall agree in writSng to tha paymmt of the � <br />---- . �. _ � c<:ugadan secured 6y such Ilen in the manner acceptable to Lcnder;(b)sha1)in good faltb coatest such lien by.or defead a8ainst enforcanent o! '' � <br /> ' • - , sach 14rn in,tegal procerdings which in the opSNon of Lender operase to prevent che enforcement of the Ilen oz foNeiture of the Proyerty or aoy � . i- <br />— " part thaeof;or(c)shall secure from the holder of such lien an agreement in a form saNsfactory to Lmder su6ordlnating such Uen eo this � , , <br />�. E .. . Saurity lastmmmt. . . <br />- �• . If Lender detetmines that all or any part of the Property is subject to a lien ahich may attain a priority over this Security Instrumrnt, • • <br />-�� � I.ender shall gSve Borrower a notice idenHfying such Qen.Borrower shall satlsfy such tien or ta&e one or more of tSie actions set forth above • � ' <br /> '-j .; � ~ • with�n cen days of the glving ot ehe notice. � <br />-�: ,f. <br />-__ _ � G TIOT[CE ! . ., ,. <br /> _�� ...f.._.,... ..� � UnIform Covenaat t4 of the Security Insttumeat is amended ro tead as follows: F . <br /> ���` ' � . 10. Notla.Fa�cept for any notice required uaQer applicabte law to be given in another manaer.(a)any noHce to Borrower provided for in this � � ' <br />_ . 4 � Secnrity Insttucttet�t s4ta0 8e given by dellvering it or by maiting it by�rst class mail to Bono;ver at the Property Address or at such other address � . <br /> - � . � av Barrower may designnte by notice to Leader as provided herein,and(b)any notice co Lender shall be given by�rst ctats mail to I.eader's � ' <br /> �� , ; � . . addre�stated herein or to such other address az Lender may designate by notice to Eorrower as provided hetein.My notice provided tor in this <br /> �` � . <br />-''�- -_ ?:� ' • �._ ,._ S�uritY laswmeIIt shall 6e deemed ao have 6een givrn to 6onower or t enAer when p,�vea la the maaaer desiasaleQ tureiQ. �=.-_----.-= <br />" . _' . . , i <br /> i � <br /> ,j : � �.i. ; <br /> . , <br /> . <br /> t . <br /> . . <br /> : ,:� - .., � <br />