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� r..,..,.. _, . r s L� • ,. t • ,s�i <br /> � -_ ,�.,'•.i: . . � c .t-Ij �` , � � -ri2 t ' u`' � 4 _ , . ;�+t� 4.._. <br /> �„ �:a. - .� _ �' = '�`T' � k,. _ � ,�1� . �� < <- , v. t. . v ;�� ���� - <br /> y R . _ k � � � ,... . .i� c � f ` • . ` F#� �--'S -. <br /> . _ . r .. . . - � .�1. � . } E. . ~��—.�` ��V��_ ��'-- <br /> . - . <br /> . , c.t� - . . � :�l . � .. J ' . ... +•- -�,:a�-�'s�It_,. <br /> c .` � ' ` - � ' . � � . ' � °� • • ��;` • - '�• '�'' , � . � ` ;`V �'4'i-�.���"'�-YLc <br /> - < . . ,{ y��' . � it . '. 1 �C� V t.'1.._� - <br /> C .Y _ .. `( . � .4 - � / . Y ,C, 't _ , f .1 - � .� , • y Y" � . � ` � �C , 7.� � .._ ��.1eaaw{{���` � - <br /> - y ✓ 4 ..` . C�� <br /> . ' _ �C ` �� , . �. Y f. 7 ..T� <br /> �`' . _ ' _ . .- ` � � • �C F • .• . � L ."�Y•� '� %_ _ <br /> . . • � _ <br /> ••' . .' ♦ '.' .- <br /> .,. . � <br /> . <br /> • <br /> . • ��" �' �. �-��.c. ,�.. _�A':..lf.L �l� � <br /> V- .� . ..�. a� � _... . i • . ' __ _ _ _ - - — _ <br /> . . ' .�.. �_ ����. <br /> t . . . . . _- .�.��.�m6.t` T11.. - <br /> . . . .' . . � . �.}-�-�i' - — <br /> �- �� � � - � � � i�95- ��d��� � � �� T � _- <br /> .��.� <br /> t� � ����---- <br /> .� �r� <br /> ` " '�. � applicable taw may specify for r+einsrarPme�±*)befaie sale of the Pmpetty�ucsuant to any power af sale canraiae�in this' ��:- <br /> • Security Instru�aent;or(b)entry of a judgmeat enforcing this Sectuity Instiumen� 7R�ose conditions are that Borrower. (a) ` .-�. -.= -`- <br /> d Z'���-.--r. <br /> .. '-'t•:.�r:i��:�;:a"" <br /> , , pays Ixnder all sums'whicb then would be due under this Security Insuument and the Note as if no acceletauon had • • .•��,`.,,;�.{,��:_.:-. <br /> , • ' occurred;(b)cares any defauIt of aay other covenants or agreements;(c}pays all expenses incwted'm enfoncing this Securiry . .�-.i�����;; <br /> - �- •�--� • Insuum�nt,incic�ding,but aot timited ta ieasonab2e atfomeys'fees:and d��s susb actioa as LendeT may reasonably :�' S _. <br /> . - • reg�ire w assure that the�en of this Secaiity Instrameat,i.eIIder's rigi�fs in the Pmpert�r and Bomower's obligation to pay tbe '` ' _ <br /> .e <br /> � �t� <br /> r. � sams secmtd hy this Secnrity InsW3stent shall continue anchanged. �Upan •P:�Mar�•,�nt by Borrawer, this Sectiary � .. ,�� �t��- .,-- <br /> , Instniment and the obtigations sec�ued hereby sha11 temain fully effective as if no acce2erarion flad accnrred. However,thIs . =_;..-�.��:�:� <br /> .. � �Y� right to reinstate shaU not appiy in the case of acceleration under parngraph 17. '�:e�.:�:�`;` <br /> ; .. '., ; � 19 Sate of Note;CL�e of I.aan SesvEc� 1�e Note or a partial mterest in the Note(togethes with this Seauity �:'==�-_=W�` <br /> � • .. ' � Inshumentj may be sold aas or mare times without riar noi�ce to Bormwer. A sale ma re�lt in a chan e in the enti "`��'��r- <br /> P Y 8 tY ��-'�:ar:� -_-- <br /> . . .� � (Imown as the"Loan Service�that coIIects monthty payments dae under the Note and this Security Insmunent There aTso ,_ ��-o.=-i---�- <br /> ' ma be one or more chan es of the Loan Servicer a�elated to a sale of the Note. If there is a chauge of the Loan Servicer, ��.-'�'`�(�� ' <br /> . Y S f..�:.:,.--�-- <br /> ,. � � • Borrower w4ll be given written notice of the change ui accordance arith parag�aph 14 above and applicable law. The notice „�-�.•"°���`._��-�y,�= <br /> . � ' � wiU state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the add�ss to which payments should 6e made. The notice w71 �;•_4 `_-� -- <br /> -,� - � � ' also contain any otfter information tequired by applicable taw. =` •��� <br /> . . • ZO Hazardous Snbstances. Bormaer shall not cause or perffit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of arry s� ;= -,�.�1'�''��_'' <br /> :,,�,�,�.,--- <br /> ,� ,� � � Hazardous Substauces on or in We Propeny. Borrower shall not do,nor allow an}rone elsa w do,anything atfecting the >,� �'_;;i'?1°u'=-�-=- <br /> . �..a-..�..�.,_ <br /> . ' Property that is in vlolatioa of any Environmental Law. The p�eceding two sentences shall not apply to the presen�,nse,or . � ���_ <br /> • � , � starege on We Pmperty of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are geae�ally mognized to be appmpriate���vtal °='`'=-= <br /> ' • • residcntial ares and to roaintenance of the Property. �G i� <br /> .:- �.: ...� ' , :. Bbrrower shall Pm�PVY 8�ve Lender wriuen nodce of any investigation,claim,demand.lawsait�r other action by any — <br /> _ :. . ._.. i� ; ::,-���.�::. .-.._._ <br /> --�--------- ,- . . overiimen�al or re� � eli �r tivate fuvoivlu �t}te Pro e �rd Na7ardousSubstaace orEavironmentat. . ,_.�:. �_. <br /> g S�Q=Y� �Y P p�Y g 0 nY �Y <br /> -. � . �' ` Law of wi�ich Barrowet�has actual knowledge. If Boirower leams, or is notified by any govemmental or re�datory :.;, };'�-��,,�-':: — <br /> � � � �� � anihority.that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardoas Substance affecdng the Property is necessary,��arower •'�� <br />. . • , , shall pcompdy take aII necessary remedial actiosrs in accordance with Environmental Law. ':�" ` �- <br /> . . � As used in this patagiaph 20."Ha7atdovs SUbsiaaces"are those substances defiaed as taxic or hazandous substaaces by _ ��' ;: <br /> -- - - - ".� � Envimnmental Law and the following substances: gasoline,ke�sene.other flammable or toaic getroteum products;tarac <br /> _ . pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or fomiatdehyde,and radioactive materials. As ' . �-� ��:- �`�"� <br /> : • � used in this puagcaph 20."Environmental Law"meaas federal laws and laws of the j�risdiction where the Pioperty is tacated ' . �• <br />• • , that relnte to heaith,safery or envnunmeatal protection. � •:�.'`'"' <br /> : __._...?... ...'.: ., .•. NON-UNIFORM COVENAN'['S. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agoee as follows: ' '` '���= � <br /> ' .� '. � 2l. AcceleratIon;Remedtes. Lender shall give not�ce to Borrawer psior to accelesatfan foIlowtng Borraa+er's �:.�'�`�• ' <br /> ' breacL of aay covenant or agreement in�,s Secarity Iasitrament(b�ns not prlar to acceleratian►mder parpgrasta 17 �• , .',�' � <br /> u.ule�applicabte taw provIdes ot6erwtse� ��nattce shall spedfq: (a)t6e defanit;(b)die adIon required to c�the . <br /> h <br /> • defanit;(c)a date,Qot less t6an 30 days fnsm the date the nottce is given to Borrower,by whtch the defanit c�si be • <br /> � . � . cured;and(d)that failnre to cure the defanit on or before the date spedfled 1n the uotice may resnit in accelerr.�Fion of .�.'�'� <br /> . . --. ._..._ tQe soms secured bry tWs Securitq Instrament aad s�ate of We Property. The aottce shall farWer inform Borrower of -• �� � .�: _ <br /> , � the right to reinstate a�ter acceieratlon and the dght to bring a wurt actton w assert the noa-exfstence of a defaWt or � �` •} <br /> • � '. any other defease of Borrower to aoce2eration and sate. I8 the defaatt is not cared on or before the date sQecified ip �"' '`-��' " <br /> . � � � . ' the nottce,Lender at its option may reqntre immediate payment in fall of all sums secared by thts Secarlty Instrament .� _. �' <br />- . ' � � without farther demand and may invake We power of sale and any other remcdtes perroitted by applkabtc taw - � `' �,;�� <br /> . . Lender shall be entltied to coIIect aU expenses incarred In pnisuing the mmedtes prnvIded in thts P�S�A6 Zl. ' • f �- <br /> - . . . inclading,bnt not limfted to,reasonab2e attorneys'fer.s aad costs of tltle evidence ��� � <br /> �. • IP the power of sate Is Invaketl,'ilrastee shall cecord a nottce of defauit in each coanty in wbtch any part of the �' °���� �'` <br /> • Property is Io�cated and s1�a11 mail copies of�zt►noHce in the manne��escribed by appllcabie Iaw to$orrower and W ;; . �� <br /> : . _. the other persons prascribed by appltcable law. Atter the tlme required by applicable Iaw,'itastee shaII give pu61Ic _ . , �� <br /> - _ �'�� <br />' • ' . nottce of sate to the persons and m the manner prescri6ed by appltcabte law 1lraste�witliaut demand on Borrower, � � <br /> , � . ahafl sell tbe Property at publtc auctfon to the highest bidder at the tirae and place and under the terms deslgnated in • • � <br /> � � the notice of sale in one or more parcefs and tn any order�lrastee determtnes. 7lrustee may postpoae sate of all or any ': • •��-:�!; <br /> :' � • . parcel of the Property by public anaounoement at the time und place oY any prevlously sc6eduted sa1e. I.ender or its • •�. - �'; <br /> � dest e¢ma urchase We Pro e at ua sale . • , " <br /> `• S� Y P P�7+ Y ,;'• <br /> ;_ :,, � . -- -- Upoa recelpt of payntent of the price btd,7�ustee shall deUvee to the purchaser 7lrustee's deed wnveying the -•- - <br /> - Property The re�citals in the 7lrustee's deed shall 6e psima facte evldence of the truW of We statements made theretn. � ' ' _ <br /> ' . . '1lrastee shall apply the prac�ds o�the sale in the foliowing order. (a)to aU costs and expenses of exercislag the power • � <br /> i . . _ •• <br /> t ` - . <br />-p " . <br /> ._ _ e � .. . ' �' _ <br /> j <br /> .t� ' •. tf � ' . . <br /> - f� � ' - . I 1 '- . <br /> 4. ' • { ' <br />_ ' �- - . • , , —�.�---�� <br />.. ��� � . ' . . t • . ' . . • _ . . • � . ' • • • ' _ _ <br />.. .�R .. . ..._ _... '. _.. . . : � . • . . . . � • . . � - .. � � � ' � � . . . . <br />_._� � � ' . ' - . � . • - ' ' . .' . �' . 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