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,�` , . _ . �� . _ . . , ` c, .� ,�. . . - .. .:x. _ .... .`. _. . _ . . � . ."- , . � 'o ' fi•< <<,c�=.�. <br /> �,_ . _ . , . . . . ,. ., .. y .. - .• _ . � . - •a i . �`� 4_ �y�., _ <br /> � r � . E . .. � W . . . • . _ , .y -. <br /> ;' . t L , , : t � �- ��-• ,S • . . � . _ _ ` � . ( ` , , �_ � - `,�'.; . _ ` ( � ,r��.. <br /> i <br /> � . 4` ` � . . ` . . t .. �� , <br /> . . .•f t �Jt— �����8 , ., .. , �. F, _°`.�.. <br /> � � � �� Taaoort�lserehy wamnts tl�st Tnrroo+it)h��s tas alr�te titie to Ur�sbava dsuri6aa�r�erRf,tAat Tcuttart�l hes Qaod end tewll�auttmrtty to ' •; � � .,�-. <br /> .. . � E desd a� e�er the e�»,that die pmp�rty is fns ard ctaer ot eff Qecar ad�netunCrrnon.esoce,yt enciunbr�rtaos of �acard.aod that . • . �- '��j <br /> TcustmU) w10 wurust uld ddend th�OroDa'N. at T�eKor{�)e��nss.eseUut�i elaimuite wnomicsver. TruatoKe)�ao hereby wffiveo mid �. . ;, . z• <br /> _ . ' ratinquishes d!daht�od Qowe►.hcm�md.�sUiDut[w�hsrs.�sd mca�8an in and to ths�bav�Qorari0uf Oroyarty. .F . . t`_ <br /> � � Tnatarpl�nd�edf o!Bwm t�alAv aDwnants end�����sifcd�y,t�ta�owr: ` � , • ��� <br /> , , � , sc: <br /> �° ' 1. To pry e(i QMt.RtdQnerrts.or atisar esse�nts eg�lnrt ttN prayarry.ana to psy whsn Qus aff aua�unenv.taxes.�enta.faas.ot oharges � 'r° <br /> � . u�on the Oroperty or undsr arry leasa.Derml�Qaense.or prlrIIa�o us�pr�d ta B�n�Rciuy w a6di8ors��aaurity to thin Tmst Oaed�tnctudin� �' . � . ' r.': <br />- . � �� Mcra in ar on puDIIo domaln. ' � � _._ - - <br /> • - - — - - II. To imac�ond ke�i+t�saacra3�r.ts0 aik��toe�a tn�n?�A.'res ere�l ettaat�nsist�now on oe hereafter pt�ced an tss property -- ---�- _ _= <br />� . . to ttu uni�ifattcn oi Bensftci�ry. SucA ir�st;ta�wa w1U Cs�prov�by ard d�pasfhd witb B�neftct�y.aufd er�Qoresd wiM tase psyable daus�to . " <br /> BensRdary. At►y a�na so cccetvcd Ey Beneflcisry may 6�wed to pry lot cecoratruatloa�of tho Qestraye0 Gt�ra�rsmmns or if not so appIIed maV � , . �;-. <br /> - ' .' ' �� � D�� the optfan a! payment of any lndebteHnasa madutd or u�red sacured 6y tAis Ttwt Qee�. . . � G . <br /> ' 3. To khP aU buAd�n�.fi�tr:r�a.attactrrtettts.and other 6rpmvrnums now on ar Mrsafw ptaad on tt�pPOD�sN occ�d azd tn gaod rapsit. � �..=,._`..°� .' _... �..- s- <br /> , maiMenmcs,end con�IItian Nd to Reithes commk nor p�mit ary acb af watts or arry inpaimurrt of tlus rdcis of ffie proyerty. BartefieterV maY -- __ , . � <br /> , " � anier upon ths props�ty to(rnpeat ths esns or to pertarm arry aats authorS�haratn or in tt�s laan apn�rtentfe). � � ', - . . . <br /> � . � 4. fn Ms avatn Tncator(s)tdts to pay erry Qens.juep�.assela�ettU,tc�su.roMS,tse�.or chatQes or matMaTn airy iruurartcs an ths ," ., <br /> � , � DroPenV.buIIdInps,fhcmrea.aimchcr+emo.ot impiavamerRS as provtded hsrdn or tn tAs ta�apnemertts)�opUon.ma1/msts � . ' � <br /> . . suc�f p�yertertb or psovtde insurancs,mai�snanc0.oc r�ain a�ad�ntl�nounti paid thsrsfor will b�aoms part of the pr(nc6pel indsbtadnsfcs . .. <br /> . , seauad immedieuhl 6ue artd psY�Is and Qear i�uea at tlss defwdt rste ptavlQ�d in�te no4e(s)irom tl�s dais of paymsat vattl pefd. �_ ,�' <br /> • Ths advancamerrt by Banefidary ot arry sucA artrourrts wiD tn no manner Gmtt pro d�rt of BansfleTary w deciare Truatode)in 6efauft or exercise , ��� <br /> . mtiy ot Bmetidsn/�other dphts en0 romedies. �. , <br /> • ' . 6. In tlis erva�BenaBctarY is s parry tn any litlpet2on effeatlnp tns property or the Ren ot tNs Trust Oeed.indu�4np efi/aatton by Heaeficiary w ' .,^_'- `���� <br /> .. �• � arttmas tNs Tnut Deed or any suit in whlafi Beneftotary ts named a dafer�daM qnctud(rt�condemnatfon and 6adc�uptsy Omceedinssl Ba►►eftdMl L <br />" , mry iRCUr e�eraes nTd edvance paymartts tor�tatraat fses,attomaYs faea(w tne�mtrt dlnw�by taw).aosta.m�ertses.eyPrafsef teea,msd � ' � .�'-r•,—;,:,: '.. �.- <br /> � otAer aAs�pes and acry amounts so advenaad w81 becorrte paR of ths Orinctpd i�eb�ne�a�c�uad hersby,be fmm�dlateiy due and paya4te end � � . ,' " <br />-. . Eearintarestactl�eIIetaulttstspmv[dedlntAs.nots(s)tromthsdateot.advart�eunt7Ratd. . . _ <br /> . . . _..� _ ° -s",:7 <br /> , e. �iry awerds made to TnMor(s!or Meir auccessors by ths exer+�ss of art�hssnt damain a»Mrsby wipned to Baneftcfeiyr,arb Beneftcfary h � ...; ; : .�= <br /> ' herahy wthort:ed ta eoHeot�nd�ply tna same in peyment of arry indebtedneae,mswro or urRrtad[rad,secured Ey tt�a Truat Cesd. { . :-�"• <br /> . G.: � . a �.+�� <br /> � 7. M tt�s event TtustoKa)dnfautts in ths paymsrrt wh�n dw of amt sum�ssaured het�y ID�ncipel.GfLereet.advmcerns�,or prateoNvs .r��-,. <br /> wh <br /> . . ` eCvanaa).o►fail�to perfortn or o6servs aery covsnenb arid corr�il3or�s eo�ained herofn, in the rtute(e!.[a�apreement(s), or arry other � .c =---�� . <br /> � tnsuumerfts,ot arry praaasdIn�ia broupht Dy a eysimt Tmsmr(s)under arry B�r�kruptaY f�vn.Baneflaiary,et 8�opflon,mry dedere 1As an�ttte - - ...•i��'— <br /> tnQebteQrteas aecumd hereby to be tmmedtetety dus snd pcyabte and tAs whoSe w(II beer firtem�t et the defauh reLe es providad tn ths notets) , .:";""� <br /> � and Bansfietary may timsiadtatehl euthortze Trustss w eneretse the Power of Sals Qr�nte8 tn tAe menner pcoNded in the Hebrasics Trust _ "` . <br /> ' • Daeds Aay or,at the option oi the Bene�atary,mny torocto�s the Yeuat Oeed in tha rtmnrtet proNded 6y law tor the torardosure M c�rtpeIIes on ",".�,.4 4 <br /> " � red praparty.inctadtnp the�poirrtme�tt c4 a Reaeiver upan mc parea apptietBorL noUae betnp Aereby espresaiy waived,withcut ceIIard to ths .t.�:�;,; ..� <br /> � vatue of the proyerry o►the sufftctentty tlferoof to dlsaharQe the irtdaatedrtess sawred hereby or in tRs tnan a�eemant(s?. Oe1a1r bg BeeeftctM/ - <br /> �f � in exerdsinp its dphta upon default wiil not be cans�o�i aa e watver thereo!end ary aat o!Benefteiery waivtnp erry a�eclf�ed defadt will rtot 6s • • , <br /> aoratrued as s v�dvac of arry future Qefauit. if the p�meds undei suoh eafs or torcclowre ere inaufficIeNt to pay C�a total indebteQness secured � _ • ;� <br /> ' heteby.Truatot(a)do heraby eQres ta bs penonaRy bou.^d to psy the u�aEA balanas,and Bartefirdary wiA bs e�nitleD to a deflctenay judpment. � . • <br /> .. �:..�`: .. <br /> 0. 5hou(d Bensflciary etent to exerefss the Fower of Sets�anted heroin,Beneftotary wU not�fy Tr�atae who wfli raaord,puDtfah,and delIver to � ' <br /> • • . Tascor(�)aaA[SoUae o!Dsfa►it ar.d t1n�re ot Sale es tfien requtred by Isw and wiil In tlro menner proYsded by law.seil tfie�aperty at the dme � _ � .,, <br /> ' and puce of sate fixed tn the Notice of Sds,either aa a whote ot tn sqaerate tots.paraete,or ttmn9 and in sueh orQer es Trustee wflf deem �� � � y.".r° � <br /> e�edietK. Arry perean may 61a at the sate tnafudlnp Trustorfe),Trustee,or Beneflciary. � �.„ ��.�� <br /> , • . . � ;�� •', <br /> � 8. Tattortsf herehy raquesta a oopy of atry NoUce of Qefeuit or Noflce aT Sde hereurtder to be mailed by aertifie0 mail to Ttustor(e)at the � � ! <br /> � � � addrosstes)set faotA heroln. � <br /> � � 1�. lhjcco Qafcu(t.Beneftclary,eitt�er in person or by apenL with or without bAnyiny erry eotton or praceadinp and wit1�or without raQerd to the � �� ';,:, � •,:.�+�i. <br /> , vatue of�he property oi the aufficTency theroof to dtscharye the IndebteCrtes�aecurod heroby,is authotited end entiUed to enter cyron enA teice : !�. j,:°•:��•�c--. <br /> • � posse�Non ot ths proyerty(n ita own name or(n the�ane of the Truatae end do arry aat�or e�end erry auma it deems nacesaery or desir�te } . . <br /> • ' • � to pmteat or pmaarvs ttia vatue of the prcpe►ty or mry fiisr�st thsrotn,or inorons ths incoms therotram;end wftfi or witfwut t�ctnp posssarion , ���0��� `•����•� <br /> tt <br /> � � of tfis proyeRy ta autl�orized to sue tar or otherwla�eaUaot ths ranU.lesue�,orops,proftta,aid Incoms theraof,inahWlnp those past das er�d 4 • ,. � �` <br /> td <br /> ' • unpstd,ard�pty tAe smns vpon erry indabtedness seaursd heroby or in ths loe»�presmernfsl. � . " ' " <br /> . ��G";�� <br /> Ho�amedy herain coMerted upon or re�erved to Trustee or 6 ene f tNary is inta n d a d to be mce��i v e o f arry o mer rem a Qy he r a i n o r b y t a w � � ;_.r <br /> . proVldsd or parmitted,but aaoA w10 be cumNativs,wt0 bs in sddidon to every other ramedy piven t�reunCer or aow or hereatter exiadep et tew • �; <br /> . or in e�or by atetute,artd may 6e exarci�ed concurte�rtly.InQependentty or auaa�sivaSy. !" <br /> . �., <br />•�,s 11. TrustoKey eoknowfedse�that the dutles a�d o6Uaadom of Trustee wi11 be determined eotety by the e�resa provf4lon�of thie Trust Oead or • �i*• �.i <br /> �. the NeLrasks Trust Deads Aet e�trustee wi0 not be peEls sxcept for tt�e pedormenos af such Quttes artd obftqaUons ea are epacifloalty set �°� <br /> � toRh theseln,erb no implied oovana.�ot obDpaUons wi0 be imposed upon Trusteo;Truatee will aat be liabte tor eny aodon by it�pood fattfi ' � . . . <br /> ` . , and roe�ona6ty belleved by it w be mrW�c�i:ad or within the dlsorettaa or dphts of poweas aonterred�n it by this Ttuet Dead or sc3te tew. ( . , <br /> ' ♦ ; <br />- • 1Z. TM trrceprity ena reaponaibi�ty of frustar(�)eonsUtute�s put ot tne consia�rstton tor ths obiipaUons eecusod heroby. 86outd Trustor(s1 � � <br /> sell,trarssfer,ot comiey tAe proparty deeor(bed here:c�without pricr cvAtten aortsant of Baneflciary,Beneflciery,at its apUon,may dectere the � •• <br /> . an8ro indeEtedness tmmediatefy Qus and payaEls and mty proceed i:��o eMoroament of it�rl�fts m on any other Aeteutt ' • <br /> 4 19. A�dpnnsM o! Rents(ncludina PracaeQs of fWnertl Lawe. Trustor(�) hsrsby entpns,trenaters,etb aonvayo to Beneflciery ell ronts, � <br /> � royaid�s, boeuses,erb deTry moneya or othm procs�ds that rtW trom dme to tims baomr�e due aid psyabte un�ar erry red estete teass or i ' <br /> � � u�sr ury oA,pu,pravsl,rock,or ott�er mineral(eu�of arry kind inctudina psotMrmal re�aurces now exiaUnp ar that m�y heroakar come irrto • �� <br /> �� existence,covsflnp the property or arry pa�t thersof. AO�uch sum�eo racatved by Beneflciery wi�be eyptied to the 7rdebtedneaa eacurad <br /> " hereby,or Beneftetary,at ite optlon,mey wm over eM deQve�to TrurtoHe)or thdr suocesaoro in interest,any ot afl of such sum�wlthaut . . <br /> - �� ' preJudlcs to erry of Beneflcluy/s dpMs to uke end rotdn tutun sum�,and witAout prsJudics to any of ita other dpAta andar thle Trust Oeed. ° <br /> " ' • • TAis uftpm�nt wfll b�aotatru�d m 6s a proHslon tor tM pryrrHt�t o►rsduo8on of t4�s CeLO subiem to the Beneflciary�e oyUon as hareinbetore • • <br /> � � . � ptoNdb,irdp�rdent of ths Ilen on tAs pro�erty. IJpon psyrn�at in tidf of ths debi and ths roaorneyartce ot tNa Trust OeaO of r000rd,this ; <br /> � �• asatprmeM will 6ecome InoperaUve and of no turth�r forc�u�d sNeat. . . <br /> .5• � � 1�. TAts Trust Oeed eonstiNtes s 8ecurHy A�seme�rt w3tA ra�yeot to ait the prop�rry dssoribed heraln. . ` <br /> � � ' 16. TAe eovewus eon�eined 1n thfs Tnrat Ceee w(il bc Qaemed to 6s aeveroMe;in Me evsnt thet airy paAlon of this Trust Qead is detemnined <br /> , ' � to bs rotd or unen?oraeabfs,that determinaUon w30 not effeot tf�e vattdity of the temdninp parNan9 of the T�uat Oead. <br /> s.: . (����� � � <br /> - . . . �dKMI'�. � 'T�/'lti.o�t . - . . '"1. <br /> ' ' '*, ECWIN E MElER � � SMIRLEY l MEI ' <br /> ' � RJDNIDUAL ROAROWER ACKNOWIEOCME�iT ' <br /> _ -_�-_-__.�__._'__— STA�E OF IJE9R�4SK4 � <br />. .. � .a�a:o�oaos�a: Pitmary t�ratamu ID�f:00041847; CfF�:864N L�aa!Dao.Oat�:�acamhsr 30.1994 � <br />_ '.;�'. . . FCSN9 6011 Tntat Oaod end Assipnment of Renta Pago z , . <br /> ... <br /> ._. . . . <br /> . v : <br />