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. �y ` .F -, a•�� • . . � ' . � r .y� r ,.. .,= - _. . - •, r . .. � _ � .� . , . � _ <br /> Mb��s.. � ..r` ' ! � o' . '.�� ` � ' .5 � ' . • � . � 4'. - <br /> /f ' � , s p, t;= <... �� r ` . • . \� � . L Y <br /> . . t.: � .� .P..t� � �:. . � - . . . � . '� .� " — <br /> c�, �� . - � . , t t ay�7Ewr. <br /> � ` `<� �t«-,? f'�*��.P T ' ' ' �' � !` .. . ``t'. _. . � ., . . . ��`� , . F �'•V � � ' w <br /> i - .. ` -'� C . � • `aY , . . . 1 4 .;. k ' . , .'L' .�. , � ` ,t' � � ( - - 4F � . }' ! .c " _ <br /> �< , . • y ` '.t�a, - ' � � ' .t' � .� . , .. <br />, - . .5 . • � � . ' • '- , . <br /> ,� . , � ._ � � , . 95- 100��2 t �y.. <br /> �.:;� ,ti <br /> ` • r 17.Tasosfer of the Pr+operty os a Be�ieitda!Inter�t trt Borrower.If all or any part of the Property or any interest in it : ,.� � ' <br /> : � � is sotd or transferred(or if a benefcial interest in$orrower is sold nr uansferred and Bc►rrower is not a naturaI persnn)witGouY r`.;;. • <br /> � ' l.ender's prior �vritttn conseat. Lender may: at its option. require immediate payment in ful! of all sums sec�red by this . � � _ <br /> '•,�,,�. , � �• . � Seairity Inspvment.However.this oprion shali noY be exercised by Lcnder if exercise is pm�ibited by f�eral law as of the date <br /> ° . . _. . .--. - of this Security fastruirtent. � , . = <br /> -:�+� If IxndeFexercises tt�is upuon,ixuder shafl give 8orrower notice of arceleration. 'The nodce shafl provide a period of not , ;.,,,+ - <br /> less Wan 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mai[ed within which Borrower must pay a11 sums secured 6y t6is' � . •` - <br /> . . Security Insttum�nt.If Borrower fails to pay these sums�rior to the e.qpiration of this pe,riod.Lender may imroke any nmedies ��;=�:'L:��'� <br /> °� `` .` _ permitted by this Seca�rity Instrument witRout further notioe ar demand on Bomower. ' < '.� r� :`�` <br /> 18. SorrESwer's Rig6t to ReinsEate. If Borrower meeu certaiR copsditions. Borrawer ahall have the right t� have �A '"'�� - <br /> _ '� � a s �.�..� -�, <br /> , ,. enforcement of this 5ecuri Insirume,nt disconti�►ued at an time '�'�""�'"--�-� <br /> , ry y priflr ta the earlier af: (a)S days(or such other period as r--�-��.�;�r,� <br /> , applicable Ea�v may specify for reinstatement)before saie of the Property pursuant w any pnwer of sate contained "nn this �-="° <br /> , "_' " Secarity Instrumeot:or(b)endy of a judgment enforcing this Security Inshument.Those oonditions are t1�at Bdrrower.(a�pays - ----:- <br /> ��� . . ' ' Leader all sums which then would 6e due under this 5ecurity Tnsqvmeat aiui the Note as if no acceieraCon had acc�ured;(6) ��,�.s. ._�� <br /> , cures any defaolt of any other cavenants or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Inshvmen� - -- <br /> _ _... including,hut not limited to,reasona6le att6meys' fees;and(d)takes sucb action as L.ender may reasombly require ta asstue _ <br /> • that the lten of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Boaower's obligation to pay the snms secured by --=-�- <br /> • � this Security Instra�ent shaU canti�e anch�ged. Upon reinstatement 6y Borrower. this Security Instnunem and tfie �� <br /> ; �+ ' �, � ' obligations secured 6ereby shall recnain fu11y effediae as if no acceteration 6ad oscurred. However,this right Lo reinstate slialT • - <br /> `.. '4� ' not appty in We case of acceieration under paragraph 17. � - <br /> � . . 19. Sale of Atote; Change�fc Loan Services. The Note or a par6ai interest in u"e Note(together with this Securit}ti ==— <br /> Instrument)may be said one or more times without prior nutice to Bormw�er_A sale may result in a change in the entity{Imown <br /> ` , ,`� . : ' - , a�t(��"L�uan Se�vicec"J that collects montlily paymems-du�nnder.the�Note ar.d this Securi �nstrumeat:��e alsa� <br /> -- ---,---- -_.__ ty may�beone----�--.. �. <br /> _ or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If thera�s a change of the Loa�Servs�er,Borrower will 6e � _� - <br /> ' . • ,•.� given written notice af the change ic�accordance with paragraph 14 a6ove and applicable law.The notice will state t�.:�ame and -- <br /> „ . address af the new Loan Servicer��d the address to which paymerns shoald be made. T[:�nauce will also contaim�y ather . <br /> , • informauon required by applicable P.3w. • <br /> - _ _ _ 20. Har�rdoas Sa6staaces.Sorrower shall not cause or permit'the presence, use, disposal. storage.or release.of any- -- <br /> � . . � � Hazardous Substances oa or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor �Ilow anyone eJse to do, anything afferting the <br /> . Property that is in vialalion of any Environmeatal Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the pieseace.use, or ���'� <br /> � �, storage on the Property of smal!m�ntities of Hazardous Sabstances that are generally r�,:.ognized to be appropriate r�nomial � <br /> - � . . : residential uses and to maintenaac�of the Praperty. _ <br />_ - -- '- . -- -- - .Borrower shaq promptly gi��e b.ender written notice of anp� invesdgation.claim, d.�:and,lawsuit or other ac�;:R by any � <br /> . � • govemmenta!or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property ar.d a�ry Hazardaus Substance or Environmental Law � <br /> - of which Borrower has actual knowledge.if Borrower learns,or is noUfied by any governmental or regulatory authari:y,that .� <br /> ., , . any removal ar other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower shall pre�t[y take _=r� <br /> . .. . _ all necessary remedial aciions in accordance with Enviranmentat Law. ��-= <br /> .�:_ <br /> • _ • As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" �those substances defined as roxic or hazardous substances by �'_ <br /> . Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoiine. kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum pmducts, toxlc �r <br /> „ �, ' . pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials wntaining asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in �- <br /> . this pata graph 20, "Environmer�tal L;iw" means federel laws and laws of th�jurisdiction where the Pro?Jerty is located that ' ��_: <br /> ' � retate to health,sa#'ety or environmental protection. - '�� .• <br /> • ', NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Barrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: '� �.w <br /> .. 21.Acce[eratios�;Re�nedies.Lender shall give noEtce to Borrower prlor to accetera?ion fo9lowtag Borrocc�s breaeh -°-�= `- <br /> - . ,. of An covenant or p f;.'��:'�— <br /> y agreement in tl�Ls Security Instrtr�� {but not prtor to acc���xion under paragraph II,'untcss � <br /> , . appllca6le la�v pmvides ot6erwise).The notise shall specb�: (a)the defaulh,(b)t6e asx�ton requlred 4o care the defaWt; ��'-- <br /> � , . . � (c)a dat�not Ie�s th a n 3 0 d a s f r�m the date the noti ' �„�"- <br /> Y ce�.s given to Borrower,by wd[ch the default mnst be cared;end - <br /> �• . (d) that Pailurn to cure the defuult on or before the date specifted tn the nottce rtaay result in acce[esat�oa of the sums „-:���-=-=`� <br /> „ . �' ; � secured by thls Security Instru�aent and sale of the Prog�. The notice shall fust�r iaform Borrower of the ea�;ht to - '��+�� <br /> - �;,,'�:_ � , refnstate af[er acceteration and the dsht to bring a courE action to assert the noa�exnstence of a default or aay other = <br />