� ( • lf��� . .. � , t . • � .Y „ . 4Z .F � � � '.}' • ` r.f- . _ .
<br /> . . (�n'�...�, " t'4 ��_ �' - '�` .C - � c . . j . . . _ '��
<br /> y • ' G (�y #`- ' 't . ��1� . .�.`� . �'� '.
<br /> , ' , - .ti.;�>;a���.-. @•v c':'. . � . - . , -: . . . �� y _ o , `�*e .s:` - � .
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<br /> .��' ' ' ' e<' ' ` � . . • � � ; � . . i � - . � � -7 .
<br /> � „t� , , . . .` ..c ` �a 't' ti:,- ' ;4`,� ' ` .' -t,' ,, ' , r ' , . _ �.�'4 a...�s Z
<br /> . ` ' , c ru. ' ' . ._ . ,, ... �. �5 . • � ,_ t • �'�����4 , �� �..
<br /> ,� .� x . � . (f• . �, t �4�f.s�.
<br /> � � . - ' • ' � .E a�t�''it f,-�..'
<br /> i, , , . tg�,:.��3'.3 . , � .s;�:���,_.
<br /> � � r[OCi� 1NITH all�Ce iaEp�vemeam now ai 6�ere�d oa t�gmpeny.tu�d all eas�ts.�aes+aad � ,,."-y, .
<br /> '. ` fu�r�w er[u�aftn e of the Ail laoemenffi and additt�as s�all also be ooveced hy this Satandry Ia,sanment � `" '�= -.
<br /> F� D�D�Y• � , :`. � 4ti
<br /> � ' � � AU o!tt�fascgois�g Is tcfea�tfl ia thfs Secm�ity IasLnu�t as tIle`�t+�pe�cy.° ' • . ��° � r _
<br /> �, � `� . �OI�ROW6t�COVBNANTS tliat Bmreswrs is tawfi�lly sais�of the es�t�eieby cameyed a��t�s the r�ght'co gtaat and =
<br /> . , � � c�vey a8e Pe�rty aad thai the Pnapecry is�c�unbtred,�aept for e�cu�b�es af re�d.Boiravrer wmrsnts aad wIri � '; :�=-�ti--`
<br /> P6 ��
<br /> :- 4 . �� - � 8efrad geaaally tP►�tit2Q t�t2�e Froparty against ell cL�ims aad 6�ads,sub�cs t�any enGUn�s of r�ard. . �,;;� ,
<br /> _ . = �� �JE��i�i INSTfttJM�Pf�mbiaes tmlf�oav�€6r n�al�a ead�tfln-t�nife�ess envemats�IiQeii�! __L���-
<br /> � - var�a.:�by JurL�dicuon to canst�ue q uaifosm s�Fu�iity iasanmeni wvet�g real pmpeaty. � , , �f" � ..
<br /> � � � � tTN�iORM COV�IAP�Pi'S.Bottowrr and Leudu saveaant an�e�ee as foUaw� • �;�{ �y�_-
<br /> �;t...�
<br /> _ . _... .. ._. �py��mt ot Pifindpai ond Intarat;Pirep�ymtnt and Irtte C�argea Baaawer s6ali P��Y PaY.when Que tke ����r_�
<br /> ,, , . _- pr�dpal of and intr��i on t�e debi evidenced bY tha Nate and aoy piepaymcai and�ate c�arges due under t$a No4e. R --__
<br /> t
<br /> . Z.Fimds for T�es�Lssarano� Subject to appiicable taw ar m a arei�t�n wai+rer by Lauder,Bormwrs shalt pay to �_
<br /> . t , �`� _
<br /> • 'laadei aa Qce day montblY�Ym�ntg ere dus unda the NotG ant�the Nata is pald ia fuII,a sQm(°Fuads"j far:(a)yeatlY taxe.s �-'-
<br /> . � ".' snd ass��a�may atIDia p:ioriry aver�is Secmity�t as a lien on Qhe Pmpertyr,@)Y�Y�FaY�� , ` '�?�-_-_._--
<br /> � . � ar grownd reats an the A�op�ty.if aay;(c)ytearlY 6a�asd or propersy ss�ce�rem�n�(dj Y�Y���� --_ -
<br /> . �Y.(e3 Y�TIY�n8a8e���•if aay;anQ(�a�ry su�PaYable by Haaower m Lendmr,in�ce wIth the �y-
<br /> . pravisians of�L 8.In ti�of the paymeat of martgage mso�ce premianas.'Itiie.se it;ms ac+e ca�d°Es��aw Items" __
<br /> . ' Leudei may.at anp tuae.co3tect and hold Fands in aa amomlt aot w exceed the ma�cimum amount a teader far a fed�alty celated
<br /> � - ` murtgage Iosn aiay require fdr�B�mwe:'s�sw acoo�nt�the fedr�al Real�S�t Pmcxdm�s Atx of 1974�v =.�_=-
<br /> � ' anac�detl firbm pme tm m��12 US.0 Searoa.Z501 et seq. (°RESPA").moless�nodtrrlaw that applies to the Funds Yetv 8 Le,s� n —
<br /> fir
<br /> ,. . . aaeount If so:L.eader may.et anp.time►oQF�ct aod 6old F�mds ia sn ama9at uot to exc�eA tLe t�eumu¢it I.eadar may► � �'_—-
<br /> , . •
<br /> ---.-.-.:.-_:---• -� -----.. .- -�:----- ------�--- - - - �-- __
<br /> , . __ ._ _.. _
<br /> . esdmate die�na�t��T�mds d�iie an ihe 6as�s of c����and iea�atta�lC estm�terof�e�pendIUuYS of fatare E9cxow I�s or .._
<br /> . . � . otherwise in a000i�ance with app}icabla law. �_-�_--
<br /> ,`• � . . 'ihe Fimds sba11 be held ia sn�n whase deposits at�insaced[ry a fede�ai agency,ins�nmeatalitY.or enmy C�g �'---
<br /> ' Lander.if Le,ada is such�instit�ian)ar ia any Fedeaal Hame Laan Ban1�.Laader sball apply the FunAs to�y t�Bstaaw . ��� _
<br /> � _- - . . `- Items.Le�der may noi c6�ge Hairuw�r for holding and agplymg.the F+mds,annvatiy anaIy�ng Qie esceow accouni.�vtrifYIDS �:�.,�-
<br /> . . � . �,.-�.
<br /> �� r � . � the Fsc�ow It�ems.�tess LEndea.pays Boaower ino�est on the Funds aad agplica6l�1aw g�I�de,r to matre suc1�a charge. 's'-'`�,,i�_
<br /> � Hnwever,Le�dei may requIIe Bmmwear to gay a an�time cUarge foi�iadepeudent real es�ta�c�an8 seavioe used by =�:�_�_,�i
<br /> . .. . Ltader m oanueartsa wUh @ds Iaan,an/es4 applic�ble law p�ovides otheawiss. UnIess an agnement is made or�pp1L�b1�e law �s �'' �
<br /> �--- : � : . �eqnaes interest to De paid,Leader shall aot be�eqa3�ed to pay�mmwca aay iaterest or eam�ngs on the Fands.Bormwes an� `�;
<br /> . . Leader may ag�ee in ami�ng,however.tbat iamtest sball 6e paid on the Funds.Lreader s6aI1 give tn Barrowes,withoai sharge,� ';`, ,..
<br /> � . � annual acca�mt3ng of the Fmids.shoaring'c�reQits and debim to the Fands and the p�rpose far whicb ear.h debii to t�e F�ds was �- .
<br /> ' � mada Tlie Fands are DIedged as eddirional seauity►for all s�as secared by tfis Sec�tity Insuc�ea�t `'' `:%,:',�
<br /> �, �- � . If the Fwnds 6edd by Lend�exceed the ama�gamitted to be hetd by agplicebYe law.Lender shail accoanf m Boaawet far ;"?, .;
<br /> _ ..- , � �-� ---- - the exc�ss Frmds in�ordance wi1�►the r�qmremmts of ap�lipbte law.If tl�amouni of ttte Funds heW by I�der at sny ruue is �. .;;� :;;�** .
<br /> .. '� � . ' noi sa�ieai ro Day the Escrow I[e�s whea due.Leada may so uotify Baaowea in writing.and.in such t�se Barmwer s�all PaY -•• � ,
<br /> . ... � : . to I.�ader the amount neressary tn maYe up tbie defia�►. Boimwer sLaII maice ap the defccieacy in no moie than ta+etve ��3:£'
<br /> � _ � . montLly payma►L4,at Lwdea's sole discredon. .: ,� . �_ :
<br /> � � � . . UDon Oayme�t in fiill of all simms serAreA by this Secrairy Instiameat,Leader shall Pi'umPtlY refuud w Boaowet eay F�ds � � '�r—�.r
<br /> e ai --
<br /> , hwd by LeuAei�f,under paragsaph 21.I.e,nder s4all acquae or sell[he Avperty�Lender.paior co the seqaisitian ar sate of the :;,.:���;�'; -
<br /> �. . � propeny,sLall appiq aay�ands he2d by Lender at the time of acquisi�on ar sale as e credit against the sams seanrcd by�his �,r� �
<br /> . S��L on � ,. . . .. . _���'
<br /> .
<br /> i - - - . .... 3.ApyGation ut Faymenta unless appticable law pmvides otheawise,aU payments received by Leadaz undes parag�aphs :;�_:.
<br />. . . 1 aitd 2 sl�all;be sypliod:��rst,w any pnpaya�t charges dae�utdcr dte Not�second.to amounts payable�mder patagraph Z; ; _ �;�s p
<br /> , : � , d�rd.w intecest due;founh.m prindpal du�aad 1ast,tn�y late chacgesdue�dat�Note. . .. t.�_ . ._�
<br /> - , . �. a�6arg�s.l3ens. Soaawer shail�ay a0 taaes�assessme�ts,cha�;*e�,�aes amd imposirinns am�nmble to the RaP�Y ��� �..•��:
<br /> " . wbicb may auaia priority oves this SeAUity Ins�um��ancl leasehold papm�zts or�ound zents.if aay.Barcower shall pay these 'w►: `_: : �I;
<br /> _�,; . -,: . . :,. � '- o6li�fions m the c�nes provided'm para��h 2.or if not paid'm tt�maiuur,Bo:aowrs sha11 pay theaa on tirne di�ctty to ttee � . ,
<br /> e,
<br />:.= . . . gersan oaed paymen4 SaQrawea sba11 pramptYy fiva�h w L�dea atl nottCCes of amounts w be paid under this patagiaph.If - � . . ,.,'-
<br /> ' ' Hdrrowea makes these payments diroctty.Bmmwer shaIl promptly famish tn Lcandet teceipts evidea�cing the paym�ts. . -
<br /> �' � . . � Boaow�sl�all pmmptly discbarge any lien ahich has priority over tvis Security Insttument unless Bomow�r:(a)agtee�s in
<br /> 9s
<br /> . writing w the paymeat of the obligadon se�ured Dy t�e liea in a manaa aoceptable to Lender,(b)wnt�sts in good faith the lien �� , � , '�' '
<br /> ' � by. � defends against enfo�emeat of the lien in.1e8�P��89 w6ich in the L�dea's opinion opesate tn pievent the k . �.
<br /> . � . . � � �� . enf�t of the lien:as(c)seaues from the holdcr of the lien aa ag�eement satisfectory to Leade:subordinaeng 0e tie�ta . . ,
<br /> '_� , tbis Serauiryt Instnunent.If Lea,der dete�mines that aay patt of the Pcupe�ty Ls subject to a lie�which may atmin priority over this � � . �
<br /> , � 4 � � Sccurity Iaswmeat�Leadar may give Barmwer a nottce ida�fyr�g tha lien.Baimaer sLall sa�.sfy the lien or taice one or more . `
<br /> _ �� ' ,� of We acdons aei f�tb a6ove within 10 days of the�iving oi notlae, �.
<br /> � Form 5028 Q1�0 � '. ;:
<br /> . . .. ,; Pap•2ofe �Nt�ats:_ � . :,
<br /> : . , �-:`' . ��}�(N�(0212) .
<br /> . � .'. � • . � y
<br />-• �.� .. . . _�. . ,
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