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<br /> - ,!�:��--������.� —_----
<br /> �:�.:: ;,.� .
<br /> -�`�`Y" ��• ��� "-� ;�` condemnation or other taking of any part of the Pmperty.ar far conye�yance in lieu of condemnntian,am hereby Assigned�.nd
<br /> "' shafi txi paid ta Lendgr. _ - .
<br /> ° � � , . . In the e�ent.of a total taking af the Properly. the proceeds shall 6e applie�cl to the sums seeurzd by this Security , � =----
<br /> � � Insuument,whether,or nat�then due,with any eucess paid ta 8orrower.�In the eveat af a panial taking of the Pmperty in --------�--
<br /> .:, " .
<br /> , ■�=.-
<br /> -'-�',,. � wiuch the.fair market value of the Pmgerty nnmediately before the t�fcing is equal to or�eater than the ansonnt'of the sums � _
<br /> v . , r` ., -. � • sec�red 6y this Secrairy Iaswment imm�diatety before the tatung.uutess Borrow�r�d Lcmder otheiwisa agtee in u�itfrtg, �_._-.----
<br /> .° ":� . � the s�uns se�ured by this Secutiry.Iasuument shalf 6e redaced by the amoant of the proceeds a�uttig{ied by the followictg , -___---
<br /> - ' • � fr.�ctI�nn: [a)the tota!amount of the sums secuie�!immediately befoie the ta[cing,divided by(6)the fair market value of tne . • --�� -
<br /> property immediately before the talting. �My 6alazcce shal�6e pand to Boarawer. In the event of a partial taldng of the. --
<br />-_ . �; • - Property in wluch the fair znadcet value of che Property immediat�ty befon the taIQng is tess thaa the amount of the snms
<br /> . . . secured immediately before the taldng.unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agcee i�s writing or untess appli�able law ,
<br /> . ,�.:�': . otherwise provides.the procxzds siiall be applied to the sums secuted by,this Secutity Insorument whether or aot the suTns ate.
<br /> ' . ��' •.: then due. •• . —
<br />=r'` � , , If the Propetty is abandnned by Bomnwer,or if,aRer Ao6ce by L,ender to Borxower that the caademnor offets to make _
<br /> - - ' an award or settle a claim for damages,Bonower faiLs to res�ond to Lender wishia 30 days after the date the notice is give�, � �
<br /> � • � Lender is anthai�zed to wIIect�d appty the proceeds,ai iTS aption,eitfier to restaiation or repair of the P►operty or W the
<br />-_� sums secared by this Secutity Instivment,whether or not then due.
<br /> L . Unless Lender and Borrow�r othenvise agrse in writin8>�Y �P���on of proceeds to principal shall not exeead or
<br /> � •• ,: ?, � postpone the due date of the monthly payments cefeaed to in paragaphs 1 aad 2 or change the a��<t of such payments.
<br />: �•�-�; ll. Borrower l�iot.L�Beleased; Fori�earance By I.endxs Not a �Vaiver. Fxtension ef�� dme for payment or
<br /> . �::.,.,,,,�� .,
<br />_ � .::-,;;•.",f , �., '.,•,; e:odificarion of amorti��of the sams secured by�;s Security instttunent granr•.�Ly•d..ea�co any successec in interest
<br /> ..
<br />-:� �...,. ,. .
<br /> -. "_";:F---`,,�.,.;:' _ rm <.;,ta release�the '}iabili o��iee orig�aaS Earrowes ar G''�cr.carer§ra�oessors ui�est.
<br /> _� .. c`Bo._. wer�rall nax _ry_.---.--
<br />; .� ..: ..: : .... .......-� -- -- ---- �----
<br /> , ..., . .••., s�-.aU not 6e�^.�ued ta cG:.�ence gs against any success�iiiinterest�c�r�fUS��tc>�tend time�for payrnent or.. .._.
<br /> .. ;`�%�`;,';:,� ., ;'� � c�erwise mo�ify amer�.ia�oa of the s—:,.�secured by this Sexurity Ii}suument by c+�ason of a�+cf�and made by the ornginal —
<br /> .�::;::`. ` ' _ 8orrower or Borroaer's s�coessors m"m'�.�esi Any forbearance by Lender in exercisirrg any rigbt or remedy shall not be a
<br /> •• . . • waiver of or preclude the e�sise of arey r�ghi or remedy.
<br />- _- - -- . 12., Saooessoss and Assigas Ba�ad3;Joint and SeYeral Liab�itq,Casign�. Tiie covereaats and agreements of this --
<br /> �. ....: . a
<br /> - - ` ' Secuiity Insudment shall bind-an�bene5t the successuis and assigns of Lender and Borrower.subJect to the provLsians of• �" ^
<br /> . ._ . : 1 paragraph !7.Borrower's covenants and agreements shaU be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Securiry �.�_--
<br /> . tnstrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Secuiiry insuument only to mo�tgage.gtnnt and wavey that �°���
<br /> � � • . f Hortower�s interest in the Froperty under the terms of this Security Instrumen� (b)is not personally oblignted to Qay the sums �_�°__
<br /> . � • '. . , secoted by this Secwity Instrumen�and(c)agiees that Lender and any ather Borrower may ugee to extend.modifyr,forbear �'-"--�_;
<br /> � � � ' � or rnaice any accommodadons with regard to the terms of this Secunty Instrument or the Note without that Bomawer�s ,��-�
<br /> ' ' • � consent. �-'
<br /> ' 13. Loan Chharges. If the loan secuned by tbis Security Inswment is subject to a law which seis maximum Ioan
<br /> � . �' � � charg�s.and that taw is finally interQreted so that the interest or other loan cfiarges collected or to be collected in connection '��
<br /> _� ; . with the toan exceed the pemiitted lumts.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce _,: •
<br /> � � • the charge to the perrnitted limit;and(b)any sums alt�eady coltected from Borrower which eaceeded pettnitted limits will be -• ;;a`=
<br /> ' � , •-,. refunded to Borrower. LeRder may chaose to make this refurtd by ceducing the princiQal owgd under the Note or by making a �' � . -
<br /> �'" �` '� direct payment to Borrowes If a refund reduces principal,the reducdon will be veated as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> . . ,
<br /> - ''''.''•'''•��� piepayment charge underthe i�Tote. � �
<br /> -:;.`:u::-:. . 14. 1VoticRS. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Se,curity Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by ; ,� ,
<br /> :`"''``'�-''� mailing it by first class mail untess applica6le taw cequires use of ar:other methad.The notice shall be directed to ihe Property '- �
<br /> � '' � Address or any other address Bmrower designates by notice to Lender. My notice to Lender shali be given by fust class ;; ? �
<br /> :;,,�'��',;' .. '..•
<br />_=-�"j:.� �:; • • mail to l.ender's address stated herein or any otheraddress I.enderdesignates by noriceto Borrawer� My notice pravided for : �:����a
<br />-�;*��;.�;`'•���'• in this Secudry Insnument shall be deemed to have been given ¢o Boaower ot I.ender when g►ven as provided in this �_
<br /> : �_::�-r,l: �,.�.��—
<br />_ _ .f�.��.. P�S�Ph• .. . ��.� '"
<br /> - IS. Governin�Law;Severability. This Security Inswment shall be govemed by fed,.�:�al law and the law of the 'r���6;�'"�"'�=...��_
<br />_ jwisdiction in which the P�cperty is lacated. In the event tha[an ovision or cta�sse of this Securi Insm�tent or the Note ° �'°��_
<br /> Y in tY �::,
<br />__. . ' conflicts with appllcable L:��+,suoh conflict shall not aff't�:tt other provisions of this�ecurity Instrumen4 or the Alcste which can .�^'�. �# �'�'��a...
<br /> . .�''����J_=
<br /> . • ' . be given e'ffect without the conflicting provision. To c�:is end the provisions of this Security Inmument and the Note ate 'f.:�., _
<br />- ' ' decIared to be severable. ' � ":��'• ,��
<br /> ' ' 16. Borrower's Copp Bosrower�r=a11 be given one canfomied copy of the Piote and of this Securiry Insuument. � � • �,,�-
<br />_. • . ' 17. '1lransfes of the Property or o Benef�cial Interest in Borrower. if all or any part of the Propeny or any interest in '�"`.'.�� ._
<br /> •� it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Bomnwer is sold or transferred aad Borrower is not a natural person) . ;
<br /> �=��-:� . ' ' withont Lender's prior written cansent,Lender may,at its opflon,r+equire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by � :� �
<br />_;��. . '`.: � this Security Inswmen� However.this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of � �
<br /> �� . .. the date of this Security lnstnunen� � ��
<br /> :��:��....'. If Lender exentises this opuon,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The norice shall provide A period of . . ;
<br />�•:�;. ,. .
<br />:_,e,; � "�� not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this ,
<br /> — �'��r�.:�. •��c �� Security Instrumen� If Botrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,l.ender may invoke any . ��-.
<br /> �=,�� -= � -. " remediss petmiued by this Security Inswment wit�out fuRher nodce or demand on Borrower. . . • � ,
<br />-;�;���.,; : �.• . � 18. Borrower's Right to Relnstate. If Boaower meets certain wnditions. Borrower shall have the right to have ���•-
<br /> �- enfarcement of this Security Inswment discontinued at any rime prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or sach other period as . . . .
<br />� �1,-`.-���; •�.�`: : � � � Singia Fami►y-Gannie MaelFY�tdEta+Mae UNIFORM INS7'ItUMF.NfI'-Uniform Covenants 9/90 fpa�s4 ojb po�ea) �v
<br />_ �.:� . ° • . _
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