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�y��. � .4'. <.•' . c . . .. _ " . .�; t . . '� 1 ♦. <br /> -'�^)..'^-'=7 . .' �'( , � �� - ' .'.4'' , f' - � _ <br /> � L y.^ � ;4+."' R . yi � ✓ � �t' .��.� � . . f ' . t . C z � c.`F� _ � .. <br /> _ , ., . � • ;,.._, _� .�. .. .,� . �: . .a• , -.. ; - • .. . . • <br /> _ ` . , `Y r � ' . �. _ + ` , `y`~�< ' , , , ' � _ , , , v ,�` . , ,� ��, . <br /> `� - � . . �c. . - ' . - . � -t`ti .4:� _ ' '_ ' . � .. . �. . r . . i, �. .�. - . <br /> ' ` k.,�ff ' < i , _' ' ' ` 't• , p �3_......ya S —`- � �i � �i`` <br /> • � ��--_• <br /> t � '���������� _�:,;��k.- . <br /> •;�,`' '' �< , � 1T.'d'ransPer of W�F�opeaty or a Beae�Fsda1 Intesest in BorevNer.If a!1 or any part of the Property or any interest in it ' ; r:"�'�:`':�.•t . <br /> • is sotd or tiansfened(or if a 6eneficia1 interest in Bomswer is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person)without ��`� ` <br /> ` ' ' , .Lender's priar �vritten cunsent, Lender•may. at its option. require immediate payment in full of ap sums sec�ered 6y this '' :_.".����`�� <br /> . a 4 � . F . ���..�"t_� i1. <br /> Security Lnsaument.However.this option shall not be exercised Lender if exercise is rohiirited b federa!law as of the date � � <br /> . ;. � " ofthis Seceuity Instrament. � P Y •�� `-r=::-`"'���:�`. _ _ <br /> „ . ..,Q: .� .••.� -- <br /> ;.,,:•:.�� <br /> - • ' ,� • � If l.eader exercises this option,I.end�r shall give Barrower notice of arceleration.The notice shall provide a period of not . ,�•�: <br /> less than 30 days fmm the date the notice is delivered nr mailed within whicb Bartower must a ail sums secured 6 sPtis h -"• _ <br /> P Y Y :�. .,_.,,ri,::� <br /> - _ °- - Se�irity7nsdu�ent.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior io the e�tpiration of this period.Lender may invoke ttny remed3es .• _ , .�, _;:. <br /> �pemutt�by this Secudty Instrument without further aotiee ar dcrrsand on 8orreswcr. . -- " •,- ` �� <br /> ' ` � i 18. Borrocv�'s Fiight to Reinstate. If 8ormw�r meets certain conditions. Barrower shall have the right to have �`°' = <br /> � enforcement of this Security Insuumeni discontinued at any time prior to tha earlier of: (a)S days(or such ot6er petiod as '� � '` '�;�Jr��`ri�� <br /> • :f�. .x.y��-��-- �� <br /> . . - - appticab2e law may specify for ccinstatemcnt) before salt of the Froperty pursuant to arry power of�ale watainec! in this • ;�.:,�•r-K��::.,;-� <br /> , � ` Security Icism�ment:ar(b)entry of a jadgment eafonting this Security Instrumen�Those conditions are that 8orrower.(a)pays �> +��° - <br /> �_� ��.. <br /> ' - •. ' Lender all sums which then would be.due under tYiis S�curity InsM��+ � aad the Note as if no acreteration had ocr,urred;(b) _s�- ���;-�� <br /> '•�� ,�' �� cures any default of any other rnvenants or agreeme�s; (c)pays all eupenses incurred in enforcing this Security Insttumeat. _ _ •s-���- <br /> ' including, but not limited to,reasonabie attomeys' fees; and(d)takes such action as L�nder may ceasonabJy reruire to assure • ___----_-_.�,__ <br /> � � � . that the lien of this Sec�erity Iastrument,Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's abligation to gay the sums sea�re�by �=°====--=_ <br /> ` � this Securit� Inswment shall coniinue unchan ed. U on reinstatement b Borrower, this Securi lnswment and the ��`-='=�"-'�'="�' <br /> • . --- -- obligations secured hereby shall mmain ful(y eff�ive aspf no accetei�cion had accarred.However.�this nght to rninstate shall �;� — ______ <br /> ' , " not apply in the case of acceleration ander paragraph 17. �_J��•---�---- <br />