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<br /> . . . 1T.Trnns[er of tize Property or a Beueitdai int�.st in�HortoRer.If afl or any�a�t�f the Propertp os any iat�rest in it ;�`� . ,,�; �f��-"a
<br /> .�Se . �-� . t: t:.r. ' .. .
<br /> � >' , ��� � � � is sold or traissfercesl(or if a beneficial interest in Borrawer is soId or transfen�ed and Sona�rec is aot a natural person>without� , �:��
<br /> -_`� '` � Lender's prior v�rritten oonsent. Lender may, at�it� option, require immettiate payment in fiill of all sums secuir.d by this s. �,.,..�,«.:.-
<br /> �;� , . . �r� :..� ' .
<br /> _ �4 ge�trity Instrument.However,tIiis option shall not be eaercised by Lender if exerc�se is pmhibited by federal law as of the date ��l=�.r�-'�;;�-
<br /> - • af this Security Insuument. . ; _,..t.'- s��
<br /> ' • If Lender exercises tt+is option.I.ectder shall give Borcower notice of acceleratian.The nnric�shali provide a periad of not : .._�y `'�����
<br /> . ` ''' . • . tess.than 30 days fram,the date the notia is delivend or mailed within which Borrower must pay al! sums secured by this ;,-�.....,,,;,
<br /> , a �: 3�+.rE-.
<br /> . . ' ' ` Serurity Inswment. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period.L,ender may invoke any remedies '-.;��c?�.�=.�:� .
<br /> � � -
<br /> _. pemutted bY this Security Iffiisus�ent cvithout E'urther ciutice or demand on_Borrower. .:. � '��.a
<br /> .. •�.. u •
<br /> 1$. Barro�e�'s RIg63 tn Reiastat� if Sormwer me�s cenain cond'itions. Borrower sha]i have the rigi�t.to t�vc _.
<br /> . eaforcement of this Security Instn►ment discominue�at any time prioF to th���ejr o�f.an)5�e.yr of sale mpntain� �is , ����;.�.
<br /> , , . � ` . aPAticable lav�r maY specifY far reiastatemeMj befo� sale of the ProPerty P y p° � ���==- _.
<br /> - , gecuriry Inswment•or(b j enU�y of a j¢dgment enforeing this Security Instzument.'t�ose condltions are that.Borrower.(a)PaYs �._._�-_- -
<br /> r';�s Lender all sums which then woutd be due nnder this SecurieN �nsin.'�n�t and the Note as if no acceleration 1�ad occnrred;�(b)
<br /> s all ex ensas fncumd in enforcing.this Security IasL = -
<br /> '� e. ' • •cures any defauit of any other oovenants or agreemeau; (c)pay p __
<br /> " ` '` ' inclading,but'not limited to.reasonable attorneys'fees:and(d)takes sach action as Lender may reasonabiy�re to assure _ _ _
<br /> ,r: „•� and Borrower's ohli ation to a the��s��
<br /> . �,'t ,. . ` that the lien of this,Security Instrument,Lender s righu in the Pcoperty S, P Y
<br /> �his gecurity Uutniment shall cvntinue uncfianged- Upon reinstatement by Bot7oater. this SacnntY
<br /> . obligations secur+ed I�reeY shal l remain fully effecave as if no acceteretion had occvired.I-Iowever,this right to reinsstate shall —
<br /> �� . �• not apply ia the case of acceleiation under paragraph 1?. --
<br /> �f•. • • 19. Sale of Not� Change�of Loan Servicer. The Note or a pactiaf ir�terest in the Nute (together with this Security
<br /> ;�r � • . Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change ia the entity(tmown
<br /> ;; � ' as ths`I.oan Servicer")that collects iaontlilY FaYments due under the Note and this Se�urity Insicument.T`4.:�e���nay svill be
<br /> �.�i, or more cl�nges af the[.oan Sen+icer unretated to a sale of the Note.If th�re is a change of the Loan Servic�r,
<br /> :i: _ � • g;vev written notice of the change in arcordance witb ParaS�Ph 14 above and applirable law.The noiice wiil state�e na���
<br /> �,...
<br /> ;••;.,
<br /> �.�z •.,�_._....,: .. --•�_:,`_ ._.. ... ..._addmss.of the n��!_�.o�n Senricer�d.the address to which paymenu shautd 6e inade.The aouce arill also contatn any --- ...
<br /> ,.,�� �• ' infomiation required by applicable law. � ��. � .
<br /> 20, H3Z9Pd0us Snh a� .�,Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use, disposal. storage,or release of a�y
<br /> � , , . ga�andous gnbstances on or in the Property Borrower shall noi do..nor altow anyone else to do. anything affectis�g the
<br /> • • property that is in�nolation of apy Environmental Law. The preceding two sentertces shall aot apply to the presence.use,or.
<br /> :, .. . o
<br /> .. • . , ... .
<br /> �-. • . •: � y�cora on the property of small quantities of Harardous Substances that are generally recagni�ed to be a�propriat
<br /> , . g?.._ - -- . :et
<br /> ' • � residential uses and to maintenance of the Praperty• � ��__-
<br /> � "� Bomower sball promptly give Lender written notice of any investigauon.claim. demand,lawsuit or other acrion by any
<br /> � govemmental or regnlatory agency or private party involving the PropertS+,a►'d anY Hazard°us Substance ar Environm�ntal Law -
<br /> � � of which Borrower has actuai lcnowledge.if Borrower learns.or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authority.that
<br /> �• - , ��-• - � any remova!or other remediation of any Hazardons Substance affecting the Pcoperty is necessary.Borrower shall promptiy take _ _
<br /> n
<br /> . . � all necessary cemedial actions in accorAance with Environmental Law. ���
<br /> ' � � qs us�i in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous subst�by. _��
<br /> Environmental Law ars! the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, oiher flammable or taxic petroleum pmducts, [3xic ��'
<br />' ':i�;.• _ • • p¢sticides and herbicides.volatile solvenu,materials containing asbestas or formatdehyde.'and radioactive materials.As used in ���
<br />.,_`;� _ • • .� � this yaragraph 20, "Euvironmental Law" means federal la��s an�; taws of the jurisdiction�vhere the Properiy is located'that ' �
<br /> ' � � � �� relate to health,safety or envirunmentai pmtection. ��--
<br /> � `' PIpN-UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and i.ender furtJ�..r covenant and agree as foliaws: .,¢--
<br /> Zl.Accelerat�on;Rentedies.I.ender s6a11 give aotice to Borrower prlor to aa�eterntion[oflo�ving Bon'o h;'b��ch ��;
<br /> � of any coveaant or agreenient in this Security Inst*�nent (but aot prlor to acccteration'under parag�ap .�
<br /> ' � (b)t6e ndiBn r �red to cure the defanit;
<br /> � appt�eable lsw provides oihec�tse)•77�e notire shall specify: (a)thP detaath, � �,�
<br /> � • (c)a daie,not l�tdan 30 days from the date the noHte is given to Bon�o�ver.by which t3►e deYaWt must 6e c+�r�i:and _ __
<br /> � (�that failare to care the aefault on or 6efore the date specified in the notice may resWt in aeceleratlon of the sams • �
<br /> �• . �•:!;�, . 5¢curecl by tUis SecurltY Inst*ument and sate of the Property. The not�ce shafl further inYorm Borrower oY the�ht to, ���
<br /> - � reiastate after accelerattan and the right to 6ring a court act�on to assert the rson-exi.dence of a defauit or aay other �
<br />__;,;�� d�fease of Borrower to acceteratian and sale. If the defuWt is aot a�red on or before the dat�spe�ified in the notice,
<br /> :s'.:� . • , , - I.euder,at tts optiou, riaY c�Njre immed[ute payment tn fWl of a11 snms secar�ed by this SecaritY Iustrumeni wlthoat ��:_
<br /> ��-__
<br />`i�' . farther demand un�m^+�iuroke t6e power of�sale and any other remed:��Itted 6y appfica6le law.Lendes shal!6e ��.=-_��_�.
<br /> �`�. �. • � entitle8 to coltect all expeases incurred in pu�sning the remedte.s provided i:�tt�is pa�a�apD 21.including;6ut not Itmfte0 �s�,�� �
<br /> �.'�' ' ' to,�i�Dle attorneys'fees aa��osts of titte evidence.
<br /> y-�...--_-:.,
<br /> y
<br /> fi1I Qhe power of sale is invaf�al,Truster shall record a aat�ce of defatilt tn eac6 county�n which any part of the "���;}'�,:y!
<br /> '�- . �� � � Property is�ocated and shafl mt�1 copies of sucb nottce in the manner pm.sccibed by applicabte taw to Borrawer and to . � _ �;
<br /> - - the other persons prescribe�by applicable la�.��tter the time required by appllcabte taw,Tn�stee sha0 give publtc aotice ;'��.�!�`•';.. :-_
<br /> ;`'�� - ' . � . of sate to ttie persons and in the mann�r pr�s'fied by appltcable faw.Trustee,�vithaat demand an Borroe•er, shal!seli• �
<br /> e ��., the['rapertY at publtc aactEon to t�e hlghest 6idder at the time and piace�nd under t6e terms desigmted in the notice of
<br /> ' sale fm mne or cROre parcets and in any order Trustee determines.Tnutee muy post�none sate of all or any parc�l ot the �.���
<br /> � . • paoperty by publPc annnuncement at th�tlme and piace of any previonsTy schedute+i sate. l.ender or its deslguse tnaY . ° , �
<br /> ;,� . � ' . purc6ase the Property at any sale. . ;
<br /> - ,{, .. .+
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