�. . .. . "�:Y.� : C. �. . . * . . _ .: .
<br />. . .d,.�.. ^ �i = . ' .- . > . T� .. ..
<br /> �{GL. ' . .�� �<.� , `f . . < ' . . ` k , `t � f 4_ . .. '` f ``� _ t- -_ -
<br /> '2" �. �r�:'t' <. . . . � o , Q '`".i f.r�jL`5.��� � ,
<br /> . } . . - 6.` a`•� . . -`-,�.�mr , O
<br /> . .( ' . . . . tr . . • . . ' . f .'_
<br /> � . . , , �
<br /> .� � � � . . � . `9������ . . �. `. F,
<br /> �.. .
<br /> y� f, Truttntfal hsteby wmsr�la that TnieWtt�I f�ds fa slrtpi��tf�to�A�ibcets dt�ar(b�Q pragttcy.tAat Tcus�atU)Ma Qoad�nd tawWt uthaaItyto . � ` � .. .:.�:. ` --
<br />- < < , dNd md a�tlu�at�,tlui t!N praDarty i�tres snd e{en of d(ta+�ei�d unurf�nna�s,axaeDt arr.sumDran+»s o!acar�era�if�4 � � s.
<br /> .' . . ..�` � T�urmns)w&{tRUran!aM Qdaa�d 4M Prey�rtl►.at Trustatiu�n�.oQ�lnst�!cfaUn�wt�arteeoRV�t. T�utrorW 1�tw ftarabY w�vts�md
<br /> ` •, . ea�rtqtH�h�s vl AyAts aT�awu.h�re�tta�dtst�u�w stur���d ucaerption In and to tta�ovs desadiEsd propeny.. 1m °. ,
<br /> , . . , , .
<br /> , ` 7l�urt�6tf an0��dt o!8rm RsO��ts�0 a�wkh�t[dsr a�fa�owr. ' • •
<br /> . `.� 1.To Qq�1�rt�a.�d�ssf�ot otif W ats�tmt�tns ap�itut tM�rop�RN,atd to pry wMn du��0 m�rtcr,L�.rerto,fecs,ov at�a ';`^ � ' '
<br /> � ``'• , tl�iou t�n oD�Dp� Q�tn.�tesss.OemiL ttams,at P�vitey���ud to 6�rt�ftdW as ad�tto�saca�dty to tNs Tru�t Qend.inciu��' '. ., ,. .. , —°-
<br /> , , , , .
<br /> '-� .. S - �. To tnsure and kaa�t�buRBn�and aths�Ge�ravemerta tn�p ti�cWrq�d ittecfyrrents no�w on or Aercafter ptaced on the prapQrty � ��
<br /> _�='—���— ;— Eo tRs e�8on of BmiaBctny.Sunti tc�au�cs wi8 be�ppm»d hy�nd d�pasSted wi4b B�n�Ra�uyt.sr+d sndoned wftA fass payabie darsss ca "'
<br /> � BsreRdeyl. My s�mrs so rac�Ewd Ey Beneflatary mr/b�wb to psy tor roconstrnadon o!ths Q .. .. s_._�--
<br /> . e+trayed(rr�raYemrrar at if rot so+�g6ed may �'
<br /> � E���,at ttss opgan at HarteRcimy.L�psymerrt o!mry G+debtednass anawred er�.mned securod by tl8s Trtm Qaed. � '�:
<br /> :,. _. .4.�. �,. '. 3.To a8 � � .
<br /> k�y Eufldtnq�r.fi�mt�ss;atteehrwrQs,crd othsr Urlpsavemenrs anwr on�r ha�cfmr Rfae�an t![a D�Pe+tfl accupleA a�!tn Qaad sapcs . . , � .;�
<br /> � _ �my ud co�ti��md to�mhhsr c�m�it nor pnmit�rty�au o!w�i�c�us�i..'�ra ot th�vatw o!tM pmpsriy. B�raRa18y r,� �' . r ^ � � v•: �
<br /> . . :` ` • ent�r upon ttn �i�e�ti�oe sa�or to ar:5� ' ,�, .
<br /> .--...... ..... . .._ ,..;._ . OmA�N P anl►��hadeerataotdmt�fcan
<br /> e�sentet�t(s). , � . t,-
<br /> ' ;.',... . � 4. fn t�a e�easrt 7c.ar�ItJ�aYs to pay arry 6eru,{u��ranb.�.t�c�.cam,fees,or char�s or mstrrosin ary tr�e on tf� ��
<br /> . � pr�bE�3.'g,�ftt�."�a.attictrn�r�,ar trtpmvarnartts a prmAQd Mnin qr fr+i'+�lo�a��nt(sI.B�tuftdary,at it�cpSmL eWi!�� ,
<br /> ; - ach pa►�ss�os pto�is tnaranas.mairtan�ncs.or repshs erd my�mcu�pdd tbersfor wIIl b�coms put of ffis pdnctp�l ind�btedness .. ':,�y:
<br /> � �uvnd M�eby,b�tmms�apiy du�atb psya6t�md hw tmu�st ai the QetaWt�ats proNd�d tn ths nots(a)f�n tAs Qsts of p�ymmrt urrtD p�. ' •
<br /> . . TM advmcam�rR by Ben�ftdoy ot�fif tuch�w�In no m�n�r Ifmit tl�dpM ot R�ni�ftcitry to d�civa Trusto�l tp d�taWt ot�x�tcTts . '_�-� �
<br /> ' any ot Bsn�flclafys othar rf�an0 re�medie�. , .
<br /> ..•�`
<br />_ � � , d4. lo tM sv�nt Brn�ttcl8y►is s paty to uty att�ttan rff�a6np tM propnty or ttN A�n oT Wr Trurt Owd,tnc(udlnp�nyl aatlon by Bmaflciaty w . � . •. '�.��=.:=Y��`f
<br />- • . a�doras Ws TruR QsW ar�rry s�dt tn wNalf B�ruftdery U eurtud v Q�ndart QnctuQinp aond�tton�nd b�rJuuptay procudi+�)B�n�Rdiry � . •r .�
<br /> . ., • �M►tnau+u�rw��nd�dva�+¢�DMMr�tot�n►aae t�n.aemrrMy�t�ito th�at�nt�Yow�O by hwl.aortf.�snsa.�P�:�t�w,and �. . . �, .` -
<br />. . `. � otlu�cfi�i�nd�ny�nouni�sv�dvAhab wIA E�co�D�re of tR�pclncipa!I��bt�dn�u nouna fur�by.b�fmm�0lrtNY du��tb pay�fi md ' • • —
<br /> . . . bw tnarm�t�t�e d�f�uit r�provtd�In tM rroat�)trom etn dsa of advana urNi pd0. � �_
<br /> . , • • , _ - .- �-
<br /> ..:. . . � . ....... :..-,_: � _
<br /> --- : _ . �:Arry iwu�i►inids to Tn�sta��l oi�6itr�co�iio�by tii�anraiu oferi�rit Qain�t��n Mi�y uN�O to B�nNleliry;ind B�nati�ary ti . �`
<br /> � Mnhy�uthortrb to oaitoat md�pty tM�»fn p�yrtHlR af�ny thQ�trQn�f�.auwra or unmawn0.ucurb by lhis Tru�t Ond. • � �,::,� . �
<br /> ., . , : i. tn tM swnt Tnmon�!d�f�utu In tM p�yment wtMn du�af�ny axs�s acund Mr�DY(Pdrtatpd.iriUn�st.�dvanawn�sts,o►prateaSw `> �. �°-�v
<br /> ` • � �dwnc�,o�t�s to puton»or obprv��ny aov�wm �nd aor�tla�u aortntn�d Mrd�In tM notK�?.toan aqn�sraUl, ar�rry o9Nr .�'`,�f.
<br /> . trNO�xn�ne,a ary proaNdle�t�bidupht Oy or ag�frtst Truttortf)ur�r�rH�D�Y�.�+nrHctary.st tar op�on.msY d�atm th�an9ra , .
<br /> �x
<br /> _ '_ . .tnd�t�Qn�u i�auwd futaEy W bi Inini�tit�ty du�and pay�bD�tnd 4h�who��wiD b�rr irmrnt rt ths d�f�utt n4s u proNdd fri tAi not�fs� .A:�,�I.�
<br /> , s_ � ' and Brneflatary m�y tmmbimty�utflods�lruat��to�xaatH th�Powu of 8a1�ant��01 Mntn In t!w mmnv pravid�d In th�N�br�Ttuat' .
<br /> . • 0���Aa4 or,�t th�optton of th�8msftatary.may fondos�tM T�utt O�sd In tAe enanrter proHded Dy taw for the fara�aare af rtwrcQeaes on t�.; �
<br />- '. . . nM prap�rtY.ineludinp tM�ppol�nt ot�R�a�tve►upon a�c pat��pplloaMon,notics beTnp MreDy exprnaly watved,r+ttAout�ep+ud to tM ' c , ..
<br /> . � • vatu�ot th�propsrty o�th�tutftoUraty theraof w disnharps tAs[ndebtedness tacured hereby or tn tfis laan a�eementtrl. D�isy by 6�n�ftaLry ....g'�:•� . •
<br /> • . , in�ccistrp tt�dpht�upoa dsfndt wDl not tr�aonstruad o�walvsr tfisnof and arry aat of Bansttctery w�ivinp antl aA�cifted drf�utt w81�t b� .
<br /> ��.3�• `�
<br /> • aonrtrusd as�w�iver of any futuro defauh. It th�pmaeads under�uah a�ts or torecfo�um�re(nsuffFctarrt to pay ths total ind�trdnsss aeurod ' �:� -x •
<br /> r � . furab�/,Tnrstottt)Qo�srsEy�ssto bs p�rsona(Iy bound to p�yr the unp�fd A�I�nos,and Beneftctary wiD 6s errtitied to a deftclanay juC@ment. , � '�� ��
<br /> • • � � s. Shcufd Ben�flolsry eleot to sxaroiss ths Powar of 9a[s qrmted htnin,Be��ftclsry wIN noUfy Tn�stes who witl raaord,pubNst�an0 d�Uvet to x�',
<br /> �� , , • � TrastarW suah NoUa�of Osfa�dt u��totias of S�ts es t4wn requir�d by tnv md w�l in tlis maru�ar proNCed by tsw.�aN the prop�ery at tAs tims ��. i=
<br /> _ _____.5'_ ____ eM pt�cs o!ul�fixad[n t!u NoBes o9 Sats,dthsr as a whots or in separm lois,parast�,or items nnd te euah order ea Tnntss wID dean �... .. . :+-�:��
<br />.. . exped3s� Arry peaon tnsy bTd st the sats inctudtnp Trustorts).Trustee,or BeneHcIary. � . ,'��;
<br /> _ . F ;,C.►+ .. .
<br /> ' . ` 9. TnMO�f heta6y roquests e oopy of ury Notice ot Oefauft or No�ee of 8de hereurber to be maited by aertlflad me(I to Tnrstoc(�at the r ''` `^ •
<br /> . aldrar�{es)s�t tortb hststn. } �..�f
<br /> F.'
<br />_ : , ' , 10. Upon dsf�utt.BertsflclW.elthu in perion or by qyartt,wlth or wtthout bdnpirtp m�yr aotlon or prooaedtnp and wltA or wltAout ropard 40�e � ' . q:�'�''=�
<br /> m yr
<br /> -. . � vaW�ot tM prop�rty or th�suffrolertay tMroo!to d'iiohup�ths fid�badnesa�eaured hereDy,Is authod:ed arb antltfed to errter upon erd take � ``: `�i''�� •��
<br /> • �aa�ton ot th�pmp�rty in iti own tsams o�in ths n�ot ths Tcustas and do��ry scu or e�end ar�y aums tt daema nacasssry o►destrable t. '°;.%�
<br /> to praLeat or pn�nv�ths v�fus of tD's�propeRy or any intenut tMr�,or inarern th�tnaams theretrom;�nd with or wJthout Ukinp pos�eaalon � ':�
<br /> .. of ths ptopeety Is autAorhed to sn�tor ot otMrwin eoll�ot th�ra�,trwp.arop�,prafiq,ard inaoms thereo4.InatuQlnp thos�past Qus and �' ` � � - -
<br />- ' • .� u�+ld,ard apptY th���rt+s upon my InCebtednsss eoaurad hereby or tn ths tom apraement(sI. R • . '/�'"�:
<br />- . -- � - � . , . F - . •''iJ^.
<br /> �, .. No ramadyr heratn conterro4 upon or tes�rvsd to Trustee cr Bensftaluy b IMend�d to be exclu:tre of eny other�emedy harsin or by law � � �
<br /> � • pravtded or pamsitted,but eaoh w10 be ourmdativs,wtll be in addiUon to wery oth�t temedy�ven Aeraunder a now or heroafta exls9rtp ot taw • "�
<br />_ • • , rn in aguity or by statute,end may es exerelaed eoncurren4y,ln4eyandemly or eucoss�ivety. � . � ' , . ��:
<br />. _ . . ' .. . {.. � ' ? '��1i:: .� ',."..
<br /> . 11.Trus:ofti)�cknowt�dae�Uut ths dutt�s and obAQattoni of Tiurtes wtp bs Qat:ssNn�d sWety by t1»s�ran provtston�o!tNs Yrust Oeed or E
<br />_ th�HabraR�Trust O�cds Aot ud T�usts�w(U not b�Itabt�aca t for tM rformana�o!�uoh Qutte�arb oE! • �t'
<br /> _ : � . toRA therNn,md ao i�elpitad oovsnu�b or obll �A W tpedom as aro speci�iealty�at � . .
<br /> patlonf wUl b�trr�osed upon Ymatss;Truttu w1U eot bs Rtlts for any aoUon by it in pood tmtte •
<br />_ - arb roeton�6[y beltsvad by It w be wthodt�d or wlthin th�dlsorotlon or dahts of powers oon4ertsd upan(t by this Trust Oead or stete taw. E '
<br /> 12. TM intaprity eM re�poMihitity of TtustoKsl conttFWt�s e paR o1 ths aon�idmtton for ths offiipaUons seaurod�ereby. 8lr�uld Trustot(e1 �
<br />� � • , sN,tr�fsfar,a aomrart tM prapany G�oribs0 h�nin, w(tAout prios writt�rt corasnt o!Bonsftelary.Beneflctary,at its opUon,may dectare tha � � ! � �
<br /> � . � s�trs ind�bt�dn��s tmmsdLtaty du�a+M payabfs�nd msy prooss0 in th�enfarcan�M of itr dpAb es on ecry oti�er defauk. �� � �
<br />" ' � 13. Atttprrrnnt o}Rsnts 1ncWdtnp Proc�sd�ot Min�td L�uss. Trustor(�)hsn�r asd�u,tran�fan,and aomey to Beneflclary�!rerKe, E � t
<br /> ' " royWt��,Donu�n,��d�tiy mon�y�a otMr prooud�ih�t m�y tram Nrt�to Um�beooan Qus md paya6t�under eny roY estats teess or � �� � •-
<br /> ' _ unQu any oSl,qa�,q�av�f,mak,or otMr min�ral l�x�of�ny kUd InctudLp p�ath�rmal c��ourau now�sist{np or thst msy hste�fter coms into •
<br /> � ' sxlrbnc�,oowdnp tM praparty or eny p�n th�reol. M woh�urtu so rsaaivsd by B�nsftcluy will be�ppllsd to the Indsbtednaa securad '
<br /> ' , hereby;or B�eHletary,at ita oytton,msy tum ovo end d�tiver to Trustorls)or thsS►euac�sion in lnterest,emr or eU ot suoh sums wlthaut
<br /> • . . paJudic�to�ny o!Bensfichrys rl�tr to tak�and ntdn flmirs tumr,and wlthaut prejudias to�nyr of Eq othsr dphta under this Truat Oeed. � �
<br /> _. Thl�u�lpnmsnt wHl be conmued to bt�proN�lon to�th�psKru�nt or raducUon of tM d�bt,wbHot to tl�s Bensitatary'�opUon u hsroiribetoro I
<br /> : � �.: . -- pmNQed,InQep�Msnt a1 thtr Itm on ths prcptrty. Upon prym�nt t�tu1104 tA�dabt�r+d ths ttoorrveyano�of tN�Tro�t Oasd of reoo�d. Wr I � � � '
<br />-- • � ndQrrnent wiU bscoms tnopsratiw and ot no turth�r forae uid�ft�at ��
<br /> ,N
<br /> _' b . , . . . t�. Tht�Trust D�ed oonstltutn�8aaudry Aarsem�nt wtth rofp�ot to aIl ths praperty d��cribed h�rNn. � . .
<br /> � � • 16: TAs aavsronti aorrWmd In tH�Tnne Oe�d wUl b�de�med to 6e aevera6b;in tfio mvart that��/ponlon of tNs T ar.0e� � `Rrmined �
<br /> � to bs erold or un�Morosa6te,thet Getermtnatlon wlll aot eHeo!ths vdtdity ot tM ramaintnp pattlons of tfie Trwt Oeed. � `' { '
<br /> • � • n i
<br /> :�. �/ � � � . . -
<br /> --=';�"`. — -,'- . s-�ra� cs� in cHeav« uL � :
<br /> '"•��_ • . . ' f : • '
<br /> r"•� � f!V'E:'J;I�fiIAL BORRdVYER ACKNOWLFnQMENY ; .
<br /> .
<br /> � � , STATE OF � NEBRASItA � � ' �
<br />�-_--�...._�__._ , . �_-._ � :
<br /> . . ' i .
<br /> .' ' . I!p/:00038557: �rimuy t�ietornv(fl 1:080Y9ib4i: f�f�:853/D Lsanl 8oe.Ou�:OeoemDor 19.1894 i• ; . �
<br /> FCSIt�6071 Truat Oae4 and Anst � � '
<br /> .';� ' errr�aeti of Rortte Paga 2 i ;. ,
<br /> ' �r-� ... _� . i - __
<br />