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<br /> ;SAVIH6S tWD�.4'tAi�l ASSOC�JA'i[aN OF UNCOLN.ttre Benefictar�►na^ied there�n.dated �larch'24� 199b end � ,�-_M�''==v'-`
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<br /> Qahredtb said T�ustee by ot through sald Tmst Qa�!n the toQat�Mg Qes�ed prendses but only as to such premt�e� . �� ---
<br /> YHE 50tJTfiERl.Y 49 PEET Qt'e� LOT 1,@L�DCK 1, WIMD018H'S '� .�`,�
<br /> � AGDRtON:CRY OF C�RANQ lSLAND.M1�RL.COUN'i'Y. . � �.;" ---�
<br /> � 'AN F�ES7ERLY FRCNTAGE OF 49 FEET 43N UNt���TRi^eET, -. ' ;;,.,,:
<br /> . ANl�a9�EPT�1 OF 66�EET BOUii�7:�3 Ci3 T�c SfctB�G�i�lf THE l���
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<br /> OA1ED:� December 27,_ 1994 ^ 1RUSIEE gY: ' •'"+ �`-�-
<br /> . Bernard Ec��.eh •'•�`�'�'�•`�"�
<br /> 9TATE OF NEBEIASKA , •.'v
<br /> .. �COUN7Y OF LANCASTER '�;•..
<br /> ) �' � pn t1,� Zs th ��oi December ,te94 � � '�:_.��
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<br /> and�u�died tor s�ld Co�ty,personaAy came BQ rd E lish Sr. La�c. Vice �resident es�nisteo,to me imavm to be �� "' �'"��
<br /> tRs Id�person whose nrane Is subscritred to tho foregoing strummt and adaiowtedged r�s exeeuUon thereof to ba the�aiantary � '';"�=��"'� _
<br /> a�t and deed ot aai9 Assorlalton e�such Tcus*.ee ���f on tre A ril 1 ,19 96. `• • , . ' -
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<br /> . . '; ' � : •:.�, . ,Nor�y Punn� -'� .+��
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<br /> , �;�� '� • . . :
<br /> ,. ;.. a 4i to exe4vie tha foragoing Deed ot Recamrayanca and hls ectlon in doing so _
<br /> '`^ '.;,� '' . ',���, - {s retiRCd and contkrt;ed tn aY�especW. ' �� . . � �-
<br /> . . ''',';:";�,f°;• ' FfFtST VlNGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATimN OF!lNCOI.N � .. � '
<br /> I C n ,'� . . . 8�_
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<br /> STAI'E QF NEBR/45KA . � . . -
<br />� pp�y pF LA2ICASTER � ss. pn��27th day of December ' ,te 94 .betore me. � � � '
<br /> the urtdas[�ed.a No�y P4ibBo in�d far s3td Caunty P?rsonaft}► . ,��
<br /> � Bernar.d English ot Ftrat Fed�taf Savings end L�n A�so�etion of Unco9n.to mo pe�rsonaYy ta�avun - - . +;;.' '
<br /> t4�� Sr. Exec. Vice President �nd tdertir�t p�son vAfase n�me ts at10ce4 to the Above toregcing tns�mnent • � ;;
<br /> �nd Ehe ex�aition ttiaea to he his vo�c�y ect and deed as suc�1 oificer,and ths vofuntary aet and deed oJ the said FBst ' ' . , .
<br /> . Feden?Strirtgs�nd Loan Assor3atforf a11Bn�. f � , ' �
<br /> /► 1/ y
<br /> . My car.rNsslon e�¢i-es April 1 .79 96, C.� f oi. ,Notary Pu�?Ic ,
<br /> :.;,
<br /> � . t
<br /> ' R �Eff(EF:4lY0TAA'i'•Siue11�}r�t1i � ' . .. �
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