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<br />.4: � . � . -,,. + ,'� .
<br /> ,.' - . , ' � i.�
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<br /> T . 'IffiS D�OF 3RUS£is maQe as of the Z1st Qayof Dcaembes.199�i.bq and emona Sue�easen,a siagTe person, -- - � ` �
<br /> Z: . R• . (RItUS[�R7.a+hoae maiting aCGress is fZnS lVarth Beat.firaaa Waa0.Nctrrad�68801 and FARL D.AH1SC�i�VF.aE.Anomey at � � , ;��4.
<br /> . - Lsa,(�ItUSIF�?.whase mm'ling adQ�is P.O.Bas�Qsand Is1an.4�Vebras§a 686Q�and liraad Lsiand�cra Habitat fm �` � '•: '
<br />"-�- . .. . . ...��.
<br />__ �,., .` � : Eiumaairy;tnc.,a tvwraslm corporation,(6�tc2AR1r-).�t+oae�liag aro�rss is P.o.E�lool,tlrana ts[and.xebrasl�6�8m_ " . :
<br /> r'- t:F-.� . - �
<br /> �_ , . •'/ � � . FOR VALUABf�:CANSIDERA7T01�Tnmor inevacably uansfers,mm'efs.and a�igps to Tmstee,IN�UST,VliTfl ', "r , ', ���.
<br />_=;:v,�,��;,'�."'.'.�;. " YUWE'R OP SA1$♦�.f�o�t tht•Oye_aeGt a¢d�s/ee(t�u.�i��tq of Be—afefiaatp,uader and sabj�a.t."to�t.h,�e ta{m��s�aa�0.oo•a�.d_i�ti}o�a�s ot tJris i?eed of Tma, -:`:".:.,';•
<br /> .�'r'�"i.•.' '.Y . ���aYLQIGY�YLG���W YWy S�W����YFl�a11JCa�$41V11VAA `fY� f�Y� . . • • . •. • •�.•��•
<br />�i,'�r_. • . ' . —.— . . � ' � '�� �
<br />.:� :i ��,`.. .; . , ' . � ,�r
<br /> L _ ,. ' IAt ffive(�.BSxk Fous(4).it!�LOaa 6 Subd�viSND Of�t of the Sotith Qart of the . � `r�,
<br /> ` . • W¢sc Half of tLe Northwest Qoamr(Wl6NRiff)of Section Ten(H�.Tawnship Fleveu(il) � � --,+, .:: -
<br /> - *,::�� ; �: . Narth,Range Niee(�West of the 6ffi P.M..Hall Couiary Nebr�(m. . ' � .. �;,�;;; • . �
<br /> — ,'y. !' ' .v�a.�.e
<br /> —° '�i.:.r: - - . . .. -.
<br /> � �i���s�Sfl[Cllibr GISCII1Ca 8 1lBRQ!ffiIDGfI �ClC6t5/D . � 'E _
<br /> �r � RO �r �JOWID$�O3QS�6iICCfB 8IIQ 2nC]�S� .: ' ,..
<br /> � ..• n _ . . ._ ._.. .._.. ..impmyements and buIId'm_g,a of aag,idud mtuateA;tLueon aad all ExrsonalpmPerty tLat may De or tiereatter 6eoome an iateg�al part ot_ . . .�4 -- . —
<br /> � 'j. cach bnil�m$c anA fmpfovtments. . . . �
<br /> � . , J}h` �
<br /> . ♦ . ���i����i1L" ..�ee
<br /> ; . . 1he pia�aty aad the eariR estate�d iatecest tameged w t6e Tro�ee�e ceferted to mIIectively as the'fnnt Fstat�': � , '�� --
<br /> _ _ , FORTIffiPURPQSEOFSEQJRINCk . :,�"�-
<br /> ,..� (. . . a Payment of indebiedaess in the total pa��c�a1 amonat of 539,920AD,with no intu+est thereon,as evidenoed bq the oer��*s .•,t�^ •; ;
<br /> . Picomisory Note of even date(the"iVa�e7 aith a�:iaity date of lanuary Z0,?.OLS,exe¢uted 6y Tcastor,whIch has lsa��Iivecas z-3 . � • R ti.- , -
<br /> ., is payaDle to the asder of Bensfeciary,aad wbicb by�is iefe[eaec ia he�eby maGe a pazt he�eof,and aay and a11 modiSpsions, '
<br /> �- extc�aas amf naeWaLs theceof,and, _ -
<br /> , ,` b:Papment of all sums advaneed by Beaefccfary w pmteet slte Tlmst Faqte,with no intecest thereon. .
<br /> , �..
<br /> _'�-� . .-; .. . �� 'ILis Bcsr3 of 1lrast,the Note,and any othet iasuammt g�ven to eviden�as funher secuce the paymeat and pedormance ot , . !
<br />_ � ` • , . aaq obii�ion s�IureDy are refemA to ooIIettively as the'Loaa latttumenls'. '-.j; -. - f;
<br />:�:t � • a +�r
<br />__ ' 'I�OPR07'ECP77�SECiJI2TlYOFTf�SDEPDOATRUSI: -. ��.���;, -
<br /> _ .. .,�j�'� ,
<br /> :��• � t.: . .L �AY!VlEDii'OF IlVDESI'EDNFSS_'hustor shaD paqartten due tho prinapa!o�an0 tha inteteat oa,the indebieQacss :��' .
<br />-�oe�� .����^' evfGeaad try ttie 1�cee.cha�ges,fus end aD other smns as pmvlGed in t6e Loan Tamucuena • � . .
<br /> . -.r.
<br /> ':,*,*'�`� 2 T¢7�4. Trastar shaU pap pch iastaltment of ap taa an4 special ase�.ents of every kina,aow or heieafter[evied ' `��.
<br /> �4
<br /> - � �Y .. a�iust t6e Tcatt Fatate m soy part Eereaf,befose dellnquenry,wct5aut natta or Qem�d,aad shall ptwide Beaefmiary with evlQena ;�`��''� •
<br /> ..Y,Y
<br /> �, � �-� <- of tIlc pryment of sama Trastor�D�y aIl ta�ea and aseameab�vAtch may be levied upon BenoCcclar�s intaest he�in or upon �� , �.
<br /> ?����`-�":. thls IAeeA ot Tnut or the Q�bt serp.ex7 he teF� �Y Y P��PaYm aY r`,.
<br /> ��, �.,fi;;., . reDy+�vithaut to taw that ma Oe eaacted im ent ot the whok or a fi;y-'>. :�:_
<br /> _ '_ ' part thenof opon tLe Benefictary.
<br /> `-.''' -".i,;,:.•_. „ _ - . _ .. . , �r---.
<br /> . � - T�.�.i.y..'
<br /> " ',, :� . 3. II�1JiiA VCB ANID REPAINS. Tnutor shaI!taaintain fin aad em�d orn�erage iasoraaee insotiag ttre imptavements .
<br />'�, ' �d b oo�:CnHtl ... i:s,-
<br /> .,�:. , wldta� g part of tIIe Trust Faate tor aa amount no lesy thaa the araount of tEe unpaid principal balance o!tbe Note -. - � �`Y°
<br /> ;�. � P��mi ed? P��+ � �Y . �x��
<br /> (�utaace aot troecdi 80lo tt . Suc6 insuraace s6all oonnin a stauAazd mort ciause in tavor ot Benefi ' `, ���e-
<br /> -, . • �l shaU aot be caaalabte,tenninabte.ot atadifiabI�e without tcn(iG;-Cays prtor written noHce to Benefcclaryr. Trustor eha11 promptty �e�:' "'''��
<br />.__ • e�ir,maintain an0�epfaoe thc Tcust FaKate or any part thereof so�ha�,exoapt[or o�dinary wear and tear,the Trust Fstate shall not ��;.'�'
<br /> . � Qeterionte. in ao eveat shall the Trastor commit�rdste on or ro tde Trust Pstate. � "
<br /> _-." ' • � 4. ACiiONS AFt�ECl4Aid TRIJSI'ESPATE. Tnutm s5all appear in and ooatest any action or P�o�eding Pwpaning to � .. (r•�
<br /> -° - , •_j' e:�cxt the seairtty hersof or the�ts ar powers of Beneficlary or 7kusta,anA a6all pay all oosts aad�cpensec,irtctuding caat of ' v�.�+'
<br /> -- • evlCemx of H8e aaA attaraeys[ecr,m aety sueh aedon or proeeeAiag in wtieL Beneficiary or Trustee eiay appear. ShoutA Trustor fail � . " �
<br /> aty
<br /> ,�' ' . . �Y V� �Y P�ded in enq of the I.oan lastrumen�s.Beneficlary anAlor Trustee.each �
<br /> ,,, � . • to make eat ar to Go es[as aad In eCe�sanuer . _ �i►
<br /> ;�� ' , ..� . . In iu own Qiscretins.a9shou�obl;gation,may as�S¢or Qo t6e aame ta sueh maaner�a1 co aub ex�ent as either may f�aeoessary co �
<br /> ' .%:'�'•�-. . th� �creol. Tngtor shall.immeGiatety u n Qeman4 t6ercfor Bcccr" sperses incutred by . . ��-�
<br /> -�,: . . P�� �`i Po bY �Y,PaY�Il oosts aad c
<br /> ; ,:.rt.;.``.`+ar,: . Beaeficiuy ia conmxtlan avith tae er:snise by BeaeQNary of tte[angolag Nghts,iac(uding,without limitallon,costs oi eviCeaa of " � '� .- �.'
<br /> = ��'`,��i•,� Ntk,court oost4,a sun� aed attom s tees.
<br /> 6•..,:: ypralSaLa, �eTs eyr Aay such cnsts eaa e�cpenses aot paia wifAin ten(10)days of written demar.d �+�•s
<br /> =`-_ :, chall Qraw interest at the detaalt rate pcwlGeA 1n the Note. � • ��
<br /> ��v ..',., .. �
<br /> '•'. •• S. f�11RII�ILTIN'['DO!YlA1N. SflouIA the Tmst F�state,or aay part Usrnrof or intetett thertia,be taicen or dar�z�4 by rcason � �::
<br /> __`���;:- � • •' . of aay public improvemsm ar oond�mnadan p�ng,or in a¢y other menaet InciudinB Qeed In lleu ot ConQemnatIoG. 1' " ' +I, �
<br /> --- ' �, �:•����� ('Condemaatloa7�or sEoutd Tnutar recehre airy aoUco or other lnformaUon te sucb maeOln 1'nutor shaU " •
<br /> �._�� . .� �� F �. B�GromPt . .. �. �
<br /> _=��-: '. . • written aotice thereof to Beae Benef
<br /> ticlaiy. eclary sAat!be eeUQed w a1!wmpeasattoa awards anA ot6er papments or rcilet thercfor, + • `.��:�
<br /> �•�� . ' �`. . . aad a�alf be entitle0 to make any mmpromiu or seNfement in m�ectioo�ith wch ta&ing ot Camage. All such compensation.earrard�. • • ' ; i.
<br /> ��� • . : ' Qamagp,Ng6ts olaction aa0 proceedsavra{QeA toT�ustor(the'ProoeeQl�ure hea to Beneflcl
<br /> -- . . eueute s¢e0 farther aaignments of t�e Pmrceds as Benef��iaig os Trt�stcc may ceqairs��� �anG Trustor egus to E : t
<br /> aa � t..
<br /> .� � . . . � �
<br /> '��.' . . .
<br /> fa APPOJATI7178�7I'OF SUCCF_SSOR 7RUSii?E.� Beaefcclary mnyr,fra�n Nme to time,by n written iastmment executed . ; • • � . .
<br /> _� •°`��.. .. .. . acea ecffi000lregea ey scneficia,y.ma;tca ro Truscor eaa exarraea m th�eo,mty ia eruch tne Tnut Fstau is toratee ano bir ou,rnnu . ; . . �:
<br /> t f �
<br /> '_ -�•�.�. camplyiag wdtb the Qmvisloas of the apptirablo Lsw of tde State o!hebrailra substituto a succeswi or sucassnn to the?nutee nameC ,
<br /> — ` he�in oractieg heieunder. � �
<br /> -- -.. • .. �
<br /> ��- `� _ . 7. SUCCP.SSAItS ANb AS.Sif 1S. '[bb Deed o!Trost epplits to,iaares to tho treaefit ot and binGs all parties herao. ' � �
<br /> ;� � 1he'n Aeha,tegate�,device�,pers+ocnl reprcseattuitiTS,successots atd assigns. '!Ile[erm_"QeeeRclary'sha11 rtican t�e osncr and hotdcr � ,�
<br /> ' o!t�e 1�ote.whether or not aamW as 13enctici�ty 4erein f . -
<br /> .- .. f.�__. ,
<br /> '____ • • -- - -- - -
<br /> __ - __--
<br /> - �� . , � t� . . r._�
<br /> " '. . .
<br /> �i � " . '
<br />.:�7r� • , _.._ r-
<br />