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<br /> ' � BIpon t�efgt of p�yment ot'�h�prFee Git�, Trastee shatl�deliver ta the pnrchaser Trustee's d�ed oonveytAg the _
<br /> .- Pmperty.'YYte�cftaLs fn the Trustee's deed s6a1!be pribaa Pade evldr.�oe of the ttcui�of the state�ents mgds therefa. '
<br /> T�stee st�911 appl�.ttte pra�ceects of the satc[n tIIe Palloc�iESg�d�:(m}to aYl costs anil�scs of excrdsIng the posr�r of.. �
<br /> • , saie,snd the sale,Ind�tdiug the gayment of ti�e Tsustez's fe�s n�taally Incurred>aot to exa�6 ` �'o'
<br /> ot t�e prSa�ipal amonat ot the Qote at Qtie time af the cIectara8on of d�Sautt,aad�soaa6le uttoraey�s'fees as permitte� .
<br /> - 4��!�i[b)�aII�s�sare�!bg tpis��Qn*;�(s?any easess to t�persa�ar p�aso�s fegaily entit�ed to .
<br /> � �, . � .
<br /> ZZ.Reso�eyance. Upon payment of all sums s�sea by ttris 5ecarity Insuament, Lender shatt request Trust4�e to '
<br /> resonvey the Proper�r and,shall snrnender this Security instrum_�u and ali rcotes evidenciag debt secured by this Secdrity
<br /> , , I�sm,+T+Pn�ta Trustee.Tmst�e shall ieconvey the Pcogerty without warraaty aztd withwt charge to tlze pPrson or persons tegally
<br /> en�itte@ to i�.Sacb person or peisoas st�a1!pay any recordahon cosis. �
<br /> • 23. Sn6stttnte Tastee. l.ender.2t its Qption,may from rictee to tirpc retnwe Trastee aad xppoint 3 saccessar tr�stee tn
<br /> any'L'custee appointed hereander by aa insuumeaiYecc�rd�d in ttt2 county in�uhich this Security Instrumeni is recorded.Mthout �
<br /> conveyance of the Fropert�r,the successor trustee shalt sucreecf to all the•�itle,po�cer and duties confeared upon Trustee herein
<br /> and iry appl#caBt.,law. '•
<br /> , ?A. Reqaest for No�ces.Bvrrower requests thae capies pf the notices of defauit and sate 6e seat to Harrower's addr�s
<br /> �vhicb is the Fmperty Addr�ss. �. , ' .
<br /> ZS. Ifiders to tLls Secarfity Instivment.If one or more ride:s are execute�by Botrower and recorded together witit this
<br /> Security Instnunem,the covenants and agreements of each such rider sha11 be incorpprated inw and shall aznend and sapple.�nt .
<br /> the vovenants and agre�menu of this Seca�riry Tnstri�mern�as if the rider(s)were a part af this Securiry Insuamen�
<br /> [Checg a�plicabte box(es)l � � . .
<br /> �Adjdstavle Rate Rider -� --- .._--. -L-�- Coctdominium RidQr-. ----` ; _- ..D t-4 Femily Rider-------��---,� -- �----�-�- .
<br /> 0 tiraduated Payment Rfder , [�Plaiuied lTnit�evelopm�t�ider Biweekly Payment x2ider •
<br /> ❑Baltoon Rider , • ��Rate Impr+oveinent Rider �Second Home Rider . '
<br /> []V.A.Rider �Other(s)�sPec►tyl
<br /> • BY SIGNING BEY.OW.Borrower accepu and agrees to the terms and cacenanu contained in tfiis Sec�rity instrurent and _
<br /> irr any rider(s)exec�L�d f y�orrower and recorde�cith it. � . .
<br /> • Witrtesses: , , � � s ,� _
<br /> (seal)
<br /> . ' ' GARY K KER . -Bo:rower -
<br /> � � �� �?. ���- `_
<br /> �5�� r
<br /> DARLE(�fE iVl PARKER •Bnrrower —
<br /> cs�� cs�,> ��
<br /> � -Borcowcr -Borrower
<br /> • STATL+bF I�JEBRASKA:' • ��Y�: HA L L . °
<br /> . ' 'IYie fore�oing insuament was acicnowledged 5efore me ehis �� 28Y�@ day of' DECEMBEff • 1994 •
<br /> Wimess my hand and notarial seal at � . in said uncy,the date aforesaid. ►�'
<br /> � tiRAND ISLAND, N ASI(A / _=
<br /> My Comm9ssion Expires: �� '
<br /> �ML I�fAAY�IIf Y�$i Not�ry Pabtic �,
<br /> � . ��!►t��.�GCFt3MEN �:
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