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<br /> .��•� ' �� �E�N SNTR7►_'�CS OF CI;D 8�T8l21KININO. IN�RLT J4E�'AX
<br /> ' � . . IF�i T88 COUNTY� COURT OP 1�ALL COdTI�FL'Y, NSSRASdiA
<br /> :z' ' � .
<br />��= ��� "r �, T�is is to certify that aa Order has been eateretd i=t =-'_
<br />� � . Court in the praceecling, en�itleol: .
<br /> � �_ IN T� MAT3'ffit OF T� ESTATS OF '
<br /> : . LORBNB 8. 1�iaSLROY� �DECBASSD,
<br /> '�►� . . NO. PR yi�-J
<br /> ,s . . i . ��.
<br /> 1rF�4 ;..�,I�.......,.. . : __ " _wLHcb.�is-a-..pr.oceeding-irivolvinq_determin�lC.f,Qn oP , iNtes�ta�ACe,taY
<br /> a..�:��--•-- ..... --- —� Mi
<br /> • ';, . �. ., �bi.ch proaeed3nq reflects the pasr�aa3s of t�ttle by Deed oP James ?-
<br />, . � '+� � McElroy, Trustee .o� the Loresie B. L�Yroy Sa�ter v�vos Trust, to ='�
<br /> . " � follo�inq e3esc=ibed real estate:
<br /> .. ... . . .. . ' � An �m+divided 35:6# as�terest iai arad to s tract of la=id
<br />. � . � comgrising a �Oart of tlie Southwest Quarter of the
<br /> � Northeast Quaa�icer (SWi/4 NEl/4) of S�atiaA Tterenty-Four
<br /> � • . (24), Townsh�.p 81eve$ (].].) xorth, Ranc,�e Tea �ia), west oP
<br /> _ _..._. -. �he 6i� P.PI., in Gra�d Yslatt8, Ha3� CounLy, AebrasF�a,
<br />���<' � � � more �articuiarly desaribed as folica�o Beginaing at the
<br /> . . � 6o7atbrirest Co=11eT oY Sdfd Nor�3te3st Qu32�er (6W1/4 N81/4)i
<br /> � thance Northerly along the '[�7�st lius of said Northeast
<br />, � Qiiarter (N81/g j, a distanca oP Seveta f�anndred Fifteen andl
<br /> ' Fifty-Six Slmdfedfihs (715.56) fee� �o the Southeriy
<br /> � : . � � � rightwP�way line of II. S. �igh�tay No. 30 f theaca
<br /> • � . dePlectiag r�ght 60• 35� 25°� and runAing Nartheaateriy
<br /> . . . � along said rfght oP-way line, a distance oP �irty Seven
<br />�. �•. � and Nina Tentbs (37_9) feet to tlte �L PYace oP
<br />. � begiuniaq: t$ence can�.i'cauing Nort,�a.eas�ly aloag the Iast
<br />�:.•.. . describe8 aourse, a �distance of One �nn�red Z'arelve and
<br />�a-�:�-..' . :��- �. Thirty-�Oae �un8redt�s (112.31) feet: thence deYleating
<br /> � �. !f 9ht 0�" S9• 48� and runniau� Northeasterlp along 88�8
<br />� ��. �� �f:;-: .� •� ' rfght-of-tiray line, a distance of One�undred Seventy-Five
<br />��::;; and Bight Hundredttis (175.08) feets �hencB defieating
<br />� � � �.._" ���� �� . right 84• 53• 40" an8 runninq Southeasterly, a distance
<br />�� � ^, . of One Hundred 8ighty-Four and Seventy°Pive Sundredthe
<br /> '"t � . ' �`;�'`��.•. � (184.75) feett thence defleatiaig riqht 90• 05• 14� an�
<br /> ��;�� '
<br />� � . r�mning Sou�uresterlg, a distance of Four Huneired (400.O j
<br /> f� � .
<br /> � , Peet; thence BePlect�uag right 119• 2�• 53� a�d running
<br /> �� ���: �� � : Nor�rly, a �i�tan� of Two Huna��d Twesity-Nine and
<br />;. .�, . .
<br /> SiYty-Eight Hun8re8ths (229.68) feet to the gC�'UAL place
<br />.: . ` .. . ., oP P�eginninq, together with aAl tenements, here�itaments,
<br />"� att� appiirtenances to the eane belonqincq, and all the
<br />�, � � . :.. esta�e, title, interest, alafm or demand whatsaever o�
<br />��{ � � eafd Grantor, o!, in or to the same, o� any part thereof:
<br /> t
<br />�.�:� � ,'.
<br />�.��� .� ;° ' . ;
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<br /> . .
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