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<br /> �Y ' � ` � � ued.at the aption of Lender.if imortgage insuranoe coverage(in the amou�aad fqr the periad �_:
<br /> ' paym�nts may ao tanger be�i
<br /> � � . �'` • . that Lender req�ires)Provided by an insurer appYOVed by Lehder again becomes avaitable and is obtained.Eono�ver shall pay :Y 1,. 5 `� s '`._
<br /> : ' ' diE premiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in effect,ar ta provlde a loss reserve.icntil the reqa�remeat for mortgzge `. �;�.-
<br /> . ._+� • ����-����nce svith any written agreement 6etween Borrower and iender or applisable law. . .: .,� `
<br /> � - Ye , _
<br /> - . 9.Inspecifan. lsader or its agent may make reasonable entdes apon and inspecxions af the Pcoperty.L;�adec sha11 gi - `=, '.
<br /> • m ressonabte canse for the inspectfon. �'t _ � �-
<br /> • ' 8orrower aotice at the time of or prior to an inspc�ction specify S . ; , �
<br />� . ` 10. Coademaatton. The presceeds of�ey award or claim for da�ages.dircct or consequential. in cntutectinn with any •., -;,•�t.,,-
<br /> '` � of ttie PropeYty,or for conveyance in lieu af condemnazion.are hereby a�signed aa� �' ,� ��� �'
<br /> 'a� .• ' ' : condemnation or other taking of any part , . -_ __
<br /> ' . .. � shall be paid to Leader. � _ _ _
<br /> , . � ln the e��ent o;a totaS tnking of the Property,the proceeds shall be appiied to the sums secu�ed bY this Serurity Insteument, �M�_`,�.
<br /> � whether or not t3�ra due, with ac►1+excess paid to Eorrower. In the event of a partial r��of the Property in which the fair -�--�___
<br /> . , market value of t�e Property immzd�ately before the taking is equal to or g�er than the amaunt of the sums secured by this �,.�V_-__ ---
<br /> , . } Secuaity lnstnimcnt ic�n�di�tely before the taldng.unless Borrower and Lender otherwise ngsce in wridng,the sums secured by -_ �"
<br /> "' . . this Seauity insttuEnent sha11 be reduced by the amaunt of the praceeds multipfied by the faltoaring fraction: ;m1�esa P� _-_-
<br /> � - ' � ainount of the sums secured immediately 6efore We taking, divided by (�)�e fair market valae of the Prope�tY � Y —
<br /> �� ' ' before tha taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a Qartial tafung of the'P{opertY in whic6 the faic ---- _
<br /> r.�' �� market value of the PropertY immediatety before the taldng is9ess tl�an the aiuount of the smms secured inunediatelY.befose the _ --
<br /> �:,�'.:..:.:.`. .. �,��Bo�rower and Leuder otherwise agree in writing or onless applicable!aw otherwise provides.the proceeds sha11 • _
<br /> �_,._
<br /> _ ,
<br /> .�.. . - - ,- ,. •-== - ....__ � be apptitd tothe�sums.secured.by..this.Security_Instrument whether or not the sums are then dae.
<br /> • •' If t6e Property is abandoned by Borruwer,or if,after.nouce by Lxnder to Boiiovire�thaf tlie cbndemnoroffers co make an-- - __
<br /> . � ',�� " ' award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to i.ender�vithin 30 days after the date the rtauce is gi�e�. ' _
<br /> : ' • i.ender is authorized to collect and apP19 the prac�eed.s,at its option, either Lo restoration ot repair of the Property or ta the sums
<br /> '��. -.. . -- • secared by this Security Instrumem.whether or not th.n dae. 1iq[ion of. roceeds to. rinci at s5a11 not extend or `--
<br /> . Unless Lender and Horrower atherwise agcee in writing; any app P P P ��.
<br /> ' . postpone the due date of the monttily payments referred to in paragraphs 1 ar►d 2 or chaBge the am..nunt of such payments. � �r��,
<br /> ' � U.Borto�er Not Release8;For6earance BY I.ender 1Vot a�Ysives.F.xtensian of the ti�for payment or modif cr.t�n �;..,,
<br /> . . . .• " ' of amortiration of the sums secured by►his Secvrity[astcument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower s!rall -
<br /> �� ' ,. not operate to release the liability of the original Boaoner or Borrower s succcssors in interest. Lender shall not be require�l to =-
<br /> � commenoe proccedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise medify amortizatian _
<br /> � . of the sums secured bY this Security Insmiment by reason of any demand made by the ari�inal $0v r of orr recludeettie •
<br /> '�� �''�� ' . successors in interest. Any foibearance by 1-ender in exercising any right or remedy shall acr�e a wai e P ••�
<br /> . ' .` - exercise of any righc or remedy. ����°
<br /> � • 12.Succc�ors and Assigns Bound;Joint and Several Liabitity;Co-stgne�s.'17te covenants and agre�r+enss of this �,-
<br /> ` � ' Security instniment sha11 6ind and 6enefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bonow+er. subjecc to the pmvisions of •�
<br /> � ., paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Bortower who co-signs ttus Security '.•�
<br /> _ � � .� ���� ' InsEnuncnt but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-sigrting this Security Instrument only to mortgage. g����d c�nvey thai -
<br /> . Borrower's interest in the Propesty under the terms af this Security Instrument;(b)is not personaqy obligated to pay th�sums _ --
<br /> '� ' s¢cured by this Secarity[nstrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agrce to extend,modify.forbear or -'-�
<br /> "� � � make any actammndatiac�with reSard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's co�uen� �%�=-
<br />'g- . •. .. i
<br /> � �'`,y� ' 13.Loan Charges•It the toan secured by this Securiry instrument is subject to a luw which sets maximum taan ct�arges. _ —
<br />- � � "' • � and that law is 6nally intetpreted so chat the interest or oiher loan charges collected or to be collected in camiection with the -__- -
<br /> ' � � loan exoeed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the am�unt necessary to reduce tne charge � F��-
<br /> ' ' rmitted limit:and(b)anY sums already coltected from Borrower which exceeded pemritted�imits will be refunded to �j.YF.,�:.�—
<br /> �: .. to the pe
<br /> .•� ' .. �. . Borrower. Lender may cnoase to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by makin�a diroct �'•�=�-W
<br /> ��,.---
<br /> �' payment to Botrower. If a refund reduces principal, the rzduction will be treated as a partial prepayrt�eni withc�ut any a�a.*���,.
<br /> .-�'. ' . ' . _ .. Ais_._
<br /> � . ...
<br /> . prepayment cfiazge underahe Note. • '��� s •-
<br /> .,� • . 14.Notioes. Anv�otice to Barrower provided for in this Securiry Instrument shall be given by deliverin�it or by mailing -?.-.-,,., ,•._
<br /> ._;�: • . . • • it by f rst class mail unless applica6le!aw requires ase of another method.7'he rtotice shall be directed to the Property Address '
<br /> * � _ . or any other address Borrouer d�s�Snate� by natice tu Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class maii to
<br /> '�� Lendei s address stated herein or any other address Lendcr designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this _
<br /> g '.'.;:,:
<br /> ' • ���'�'"� Security Ir�trument shall be deemed to have been given to�Bonower or L.ender when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> ;. ;:,�� , • ,
<br /> • I5.Govera�ag Law; Severabllity. 'i7�is Seeurity Instrument shall be �ovemed by federal law and the !aw of the
<br /> � , jurisdiction in which the Property is locatecf. ln the event that any ptovision or clause of this Security [nstrument or the Note
<br /> .� : ,. � oonflicts with applipble law.such conflict shatl not affect other provisions of Qiis Securiry instrument or the Note which can 6e
<br /> � given effect without the conflictin�provision.To this end the provisions of tl�is Security Instrument and the No:e are declared
<br /> �'� � ' ,r to 6e severable. � .
<br /> "� � • 16.Boreower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one sonfomted copy of the Note and of this 5ecuriry Instrument. _
<br /> �. � frorm 3028 9l80 • .
<br /> �: . : ..
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