y .��A�- �( i, ,`� `4 . . -.,. `.�.�_.�.i' . � ' '., � i� �r , � � •- . ,4�r' - �G f� —
<br /> ' �+ f 't � ��, , t � _ _t. �. ._•' ` �..—�-= t °_�!G,�=;_._.`'� _ "!� —,-�--'�- `f -_� �-
<br /> =�. — T - , - �: _ �-'._,-----�-�' � >. ` ��.•s,,E•
<br /> _—t — c` -- - -- -- - ° ��—
<br /> . �� � ■_���M- . ` . . - ' Y �*
<br />�� \ , � . � . . � �� •_—
<br />__ � '�� 8. TQ� oi its agenis.sie authorized to e�er ai any reasogable tlme upoa oa in � e Pm�p y�"or the , • . . ;�_�`
<br /> _ �f� _ . Besse�at3: _ _
<br /> _, � ` �nrpose of i�specting the�same and for tDe pm�pose of g�forming any of tHe a�s they aie amhorized to perf�im nmder the terms of • � __-
<br /> , ° . �. ..� a�,toan instauments exec4ted bry Tn�stnYS. - -
<br /> . . 9. If aU�i a�y part af the progerty or a�r intemsi af Tcnsto�s is soid tiansfemed or fu�tLer eac�mbeced wiihout Lhe wri3ten �.' �•.:�. .•� ��-_
<br />-- ` . ' oonsen!af the Benefrclary,the Beneficiary may d�laie all sums seatred by this Tiust Deed to be immediatety dae and payable aad ,.• �
<br />-- � pmaeed to the remedies available to it uader the default pmvisicons ooataie�hereim. .. .�`� --
<br /> mvi ' �-°--
<br /> - ` , - 10. Aay of the followiag events shall be HeEm+ed an e�rent of default heeaauder. . .. � ��=-
<br /> .:�.,i, .�: �'w'._.
<br /> • g. 'Iltustors shall I�ave failed to make�yment of any installment Af principal or intetest or a�other sams s�heteby w�en "::a�--
<br /> '' '` � dne:, ' , _ :�:
<br /> - z ' : b. There I�aas aoc�uzed a breacb of or dd�It under a�tenn.coveaan�a�;reeuiesu, condition.Piavisxon rePr+escntatioa ar -. �_
<br />_ , g
<br />- � � " warranty oontained iu:flis Deed of Trusa the note or aay oiher loan instrument secured hereby: � : ,,�'
<br />- •- --� ;? � c. There!�s be�n a defaWt by the Tnutors in tt�Paymeut of any prior ar subsequent{ien aa encumbrancc in respect to all or any ` ' , ' � � `=
<br />- . � -., ` - part af the prapeitS. , ' � • ` • `�.
<br /> , . _ .:.� ._. _ •
<br /> ,._ . . d. Trustcrs s3mU fite a vaSuntary petiuon Ia 6ankmptcy or shall be adjudiqte�l baokeupt or in�ir•cnt. or sl�all ma�e an ` . „ , � . .
<br /> - • assigamcnt for the 6enefit of cccditors io respect to thc propeny:or nn action ro cnforcc any ticn os ens,vmbtanx or ju0gmcnts �,�r ` '-�'��
<br />- , • ` against the p[o�ctty is commencrd. • .. "�'�'!q
<br /> � ,,°�` '• � ii. Ia the e�rent of an}Qefaul�the Ben�ciary may dcctare t►U indc6tedness cscurc0 herebgr to 6c due and paya6te attA thc s�aacne ° . � - . - � -
<br /> . � , . s�a 1 1 t h e c e u p o n t x x o m e d u e and p a yable cvithout an y prescnipicnt.demaad,protc�t or notice af atry kind. 7hercafict the Bencttciary , _ '�"��
<br /> _ , r�._.. -'r�:.
<br /> . . �: .�, �' �:-;:�r-:.:
<br />_ � � a either in pe�son or by agenL aith or�vithaut bringing as►y actton ar procecding,or isy receiver appointed[sy a caurt and ..',.;,,�.;:�_`:"`�=s:
<br /> 4--�==
<br /> � . t �vithaut regard to the adequacy of any saaitity.entcr upon and takc posscssion of the PrapenY•or airy Part thereo�in Yts owp ,� ;;�r._n =_
<br />? ' " � ' � name or �n the name of the Trnstee. an� do any acts �vAich it dee�s neaessary and cQesirabie to praeive the vaiae, '°::R:�
<br /> , • � � � � maticetabiliry or rentability o�the property. or part tAeteof,or interest tberein.incneas�the income eherefrom or protea4 the •.':':--�-��,�_�_._
<br />� , �� ., ` � .. seauity.b�reof�.Ad,.without tatdng possession of tAe property.sae for ai mhemise oollect the re�ats.issues and psofits thezeaf, -`-.:��_-
<br /> _..._... :-. ... : _..
<br /> . ' . including those Dast due and unpai4 and apply the saza�less costs and�eaipeuses of opeiatton aiid-oollerti�n;intluding - . � �
<br /> . � • ' ' attomery fees,upoa any indebtedness secured hercby.all in such order as tfle Bensfiaary may dctermine. 'I'he enteaing upon *
<br /> - ' . . . and talang possessi�n of the uust esrate,the col2ecxion oF sach rents.istiues and pro6ts and application thereof as aforesaid +'---
<br /> •�� shall nnt cure or waive any default or uotice of defanit hereunder or invalidate aay act and ia response to sucb default or �^^�=-
<br /> !�u'.�'
<br /> _ . .. . . putsuant t�such notice of defavlt and notaitbstanding the cflntiuuance in possesson of the pmperty or the coIIecxion,re�xiPt._ . �-.:
<br /> . . and applicauon of rents,issues os profits,Tnutee or tlte Bene6ciary may 6e en6tled to exercise every ci�ht provided fot ia any � --
<br /> � � of the ioan instruments or by lacv upon occurrence of auy event of default,inciudiing the$i�2 to exet�cise the poweT of sal� �m
<br /> � b. commence an ac,tion w forectoss this Deed of T�ust as a mortgage, appoint a reoeiver,or speci8calty eaforoe azry of the =
<br /> .. . . �;::_
<br /> . _ � . cavenanu hereo� .- '__
<br /> • • � s. deli�er to Tnutee a written declaaation of default and demand for sale,and written�notice of defanit and election ta cause ,-.`�___
<br /> �I r; Tru�.acs'interest in We praperty to be sold wlrich notice T�vstee shaU cause to be duty 51ed!or rec�urd in the official records ,; � �--
<br /> y- , . � of t6e county in wluch the property is located. `� -;�
<br /> " ' ' ' iZ. Shonld the Beneficiary elect to forec2ose bp exercise of the power of sale herein wntained,the Beneficia�+s�all notify Trostee �;.,_�_..
<br /> � ---.._..._._.__.__ and shall t��osit with Tnistec Wis Deed of Tcust and the note and sacb receipis and evidetue of expenditnres made aad se�ared ,c, ;�..: __
<br /> . � hereby as Tmstee may reqair�.and upon reqaest Qf the Beneficiary,the Tiustee shall cause to be recorded,pubtished and delivered �.�; -�Y�
<br /> 1 ' to Trnswr such Notice of DefaWt and I�T�yce of Sale as then tequired Iry law and by this Deed�Tmst.Tnute�shall withoui d�man� . .�•.. _
<br /> � on Tmstot,after such time as may then be required bY tav�'and after recordation of suc6 Notice of Default and aRer Natior af Sale .,: ;� ..� .
<br /> ' . . having been given as req�aed iry 1aw. seil the Praperty at We time and place of sale 5xed by it in such Notice of Sale,either as a =.�.:-�
<br />- � �. whole,or in separate lots or parcels or items as Tn�stee shall deem expedient, and in such order as it may determine, at�ablic , ,�.,—
<br /> r<_- -
<br />- aaction to the highest bidder for cash aa3 shaU deliver to such purcbaser or parcbasers thereof a�eed w the pmperry sotd,consistent .___
<br /> - � with the taw then in effecx. Recitats i��e Tmstee's deed shall be pr�a facie evidence of the truth of the statements made the�ein.' ` < :�'�
<br /> "� r��.�
<br />� ' "�" �� Tnutee shali apply the pr�ds of the sale ia the foUowing order.(a)to all reasonable cusu and expenses of the sale,inctuding but ,,=.�;•_=----
<br />� ,� � • • not limited to Tnutee's fees of not more tt�an 2%of the gross sale price,rcasonable attomey fees and costs of title evidence;(b)to all �,�"��C-
<br /> `;�'�.�''
<br /> ' �; • soms secured fry this Deed of Tnut: and(e) the excess. if aaY.to the person or persons legally entiQed thereto. An}+p�son.., �:;F "-
<br />_�: , . . . . including We Benef ciary.maY Purctiasa said propeity at said sale. Tr�stee may in the manner provided by law.postpone sat��f all � ° :,�:�
<br /> :�;.
<br />-;�::,1'� � or any portion of the ProperiY• . ` �"
<br /> � • �?; � � 13. Trnstee and the Be�eficiaiy.and each of�hem,shall be entitled to enforce payment a�3�Sformance of any indebtedness or _ ��`''�� ��"ti�
<br /> . �i.:.� -_-
<br />� � , • o b li�tion secur�h e r e��a n d t o e x e r c i s e a l l r i g h t s a n d y owers under this Decd of Tnut ar cnder any loan instnuaent or other : - : . �
<br />-"�'� .� . agrcement or any la�s r�r or hereaRer enforced notaithstanding some or all of the indebtedness and oblig,ations securesf hereby • r • .� �:
<br />� � `� � wluch may notiv or herzafier be otherwise seaued.�vhether by mortp�ge, deed of mtst.��ed;e. Gen, assignment or othernise, r°�;
<br /> �.. . . . ,;..;_ ,
<br /> .:�.. . . Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Tcast nor its ecdoroemeru.whether!ry wurt acuon or parsuant tv the power of sale or other ;!�
<br /> 3i �- - ".,,� ' po�vers herein cantaine4 shall prejud'ice or in a�ry manner affect Ttustee's or the Beneficiaty's righi to zealize uyon or enforce any _� .� � . -{t
<br /> �'. '�' ; other securiry now ar hereaftet held iry Trnstee or the Beneficiary, it 6eing agreed that Trustee and the Benefciary.an�each of - �,.�
<br /> �:;. ._ �• � them,sha11 be endfled to enforce this Deed of Trast and any other securiry aow or hereafter held by the Beneficiary or Tnutee in . ' T.
<br /> • such order aad manner as they may in theu absolute discretion determine. No remrdy hereaa confeaed upon or reserve4 to Truste� . ..:�
<br /> or Beneficiary is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein ar hy!�w pravided or pet�nitted.b�rt each shall be cumulatne � .
<br /> � � 9nd shall be in addition to every other rcmedy givcn ficrcunder or na�v or hereafter existing at Iaw or equity ar by statute. Every . �„�
<br />� . �°� , � poner or remedy gn+ca isy any of the loan inswments to Trustee or the Beneficiary or to wlilch either of them may be mhenvise •
<br /> " � • � cntiUed may l�e cxercised.cancurrenUy or independenUy.from time to time and as oftcn as may be damed cxpedient by Ttustce or . • �"��''f"
<br /> � Bencficiary,and either of thcm may pursue inconsistent remedies.Nothing hercin shall be constnsed as prohibiting ihe Beneficiary . , :' ��
<br /> � �� ` � from seeking a defrciency ludgmeai against Tmstors ro the extent such acdon is petmitted by law. . ,�� �L
<br /> �3- . ��
<br /> �: �� : . - � � - li. Tn�sto�s hereby request a oopy of any notioe of defaWt and that aay notice of sale heteunder bc mailed to Tiustors at the ' ;
<br />-�.. E .� . . address set forth In the first Oaragraph of this Decd of Tiust. . ,
<br /> '� �.' � ' I5. The Beaeficiary ma9.by a written instrumcnt exc�euted and ac2cnowledged by Beneficiaty,maileA to Trvstots and reeorded in . �c
<br /> -��. � :. the County ia wlucb We praperty is lacated and by othenvise compJying with�he pravisions o f the applicablc law of the Statc of _=. �
<br /> �-•_.� j+� � Nebras2sa.substimte a suacessor to the Trustee named herein or asting hereunder. �`; �
<br /> � 16. This D�d of Tn�st applies to and inures to the benefit of and 6inds aU paittes hereto.thein c�irs.personal represcntativcs. �
<br />��.,:' � . � . : � suooessors and assigns. Thc term"Beneficiary"shall mcan the mrncr an d ho l der o f t he note,w he t her or not nam e d as Een e ficiary _ . .
<br />_'• .� .� heteia. [ .
<br /> -
<br />- . ..� � .
<br /> _ ,
<br /> � . , � . ,
<br /> -_ _t_ -- � � � - - -- �
<br />_ , T� . . -- -.-- � �----..—.--.'.-.- ---
<br /> � .. - u .. . ' I � 1 -
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<br /> .� . . , - . . i � ._
<br /> ��� .. � , . . � • .. -
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<br /> � ���` d- . . .._.. . . ._. ...... . . ._. . _ . _. - - �
<br />