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RE- RECORDED <br />200412022 200412234 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />1111 of Lot four (4) of Windolph's Subdivision being part of the West Hal f of t:he <br />Northeast Quarter (W'�NP) and EasL Half of the Northwest Quarter (E fIW':,), Section <br />Fourteen (14), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) , WesL of the Gth P.M., <br />except the following described Marcel of land: Beginning at the Northea >t <br />corner of said Lot four (4); thence Southerly along i:he EasL line of said Lot <br />Four (4) a distance of 200.0 Feet to a point; thence Westerly along a line <br />parallel to the North line of said Lot four (4), a distance of 150.0 feet to a <br />point; thence Northerly along a line parallel to the East Vne of said Lot <br />Four (4) a distance of 200.0 feet to a point.on the North line of said Lot <br />Four (4); thence Easterly along the North line or said Lot four (4) a dis- <br />tance of 150.0 feet to the point of beginning, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />