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<br /> � Y ,': : �° • , aPPlicable!aw maY specify for ceinstatement)before sale of the Pmpe�tlr Pwsuant ta anp power of sale caatsined In this ""`�"�' � �„- --
<br /> �.�. __���
<br /> S�n�ity Instiument;ar(D)enny of a judgment enforeing this Security Instrument '[ttase conditiosu ate that Hormwer. ta) '��:�-_�`_��-�--
<br /> - - � . �ays Ixndert ail sums wttich then woutd b2 dne uadet tHis Secmity ins�w�lent aad the Note as if no acc�leradon 6ad �_ -- .
<br /> ,�., ` �; ' osemred;(b)�ues any defauIt of any odrer coveaants or agreemeats:(e)Pays all expenses iacumed in euforcia�this Secutity =°--===—
<br /> - ��� y�. Instrumen�includ'utg.6ut not limited to,season�ble auomeys'fe�.s:aad(dj takes s¢ch actioa as Leadet may reasonably - -
<br /> , ` m,quin to assure that thQ lien of this Secu�ty Insuumen�.Lcndea's rights in the Property aad Bormwer's obli�sti6n ro pay the =— --
<br /> . . . svms seca� by dvs Seciuity Iasor�ment shall continue uac&aneed. t]�on ceinsh�ent by 8omnarer. thYs Secutity
<br /> , _ .. c`� Insaumeat aad the obligauous se�ued 6erefsy shall remain fully effecdve as If no acceteration had oecurred. However.this --_
<br /> , .',. . � right to teinstate sbaD not appty ia the case of acceleration ander paragraph 17.. . --- -
<br /> a
<br /> • �' 19 Sale o!Note;C6ange of i.uan ServNx�,The Note or a partial interess in the Nota(together with this Secuiity
<br /> - >, " instiument)maY bc so2d one or m�re rig�S�►tbR4�B�S9 �- Y ge in the entItyf — --
<br /> r no6ce to Borrower. A sals ma �esuIt in a chaa
<br /> . , `,;,� (Imown as the"I.oan Servicer"�that�erd��aaGtWY Pay�nents due�mder the PPote and this Sectuity t�cu�e±±* 7here also
<br /> . � . � �., may be one or more cfvanges o4 the�E.uap.�enit�_o�d w a saIe of the Note. If diete is a change of the Loan Seivfcet.
<br /> . Boimwer will be given�a notice of she ch�ge in arcordanr.e with parag�aph 14 a6ove and applicable faw. 7�e,Qutice .
<br /> ' � • • • w�71 state the name and addmss of the new l.oan Servicez and the address to�uhich payments should be made. The ao�ca will
<br /> � . aiso coIItain any other information requued by aPPlicable law.
<br /> �. � ... 7A. Haza�'dou�Sa�ances. Bonower shal�not cause ar petmit the preseace.use.disposal,sfiotage.csr reIease of�y
<br /> , � • � , • Hazardous Snbstat�;,es on or in the Property_ Borrower shalt not do,aor altow anyone else to do,anytbing a�ecting We
<br /> '..j: �.` @mPenY that is in violation of any Envu�onmenral Iaw. The p�eceding two�sentences sha}1 Qot 1 w tlte
<br /> �•;` e tise.or �
<br /> �� •��----------�-- - : . . �torag�oc�tti�P�o -o-fsmall��uaa�tiia o�f Ha�andods Su�stances ihat are eneiall�reco"- � t tie
<br /> --- -� -�----��' ----
<br /> • ,• P�Y 9 g Y �zed aPPmpnate to nom�al _.__... .... �
<br /> , residential nses and to maiatenance of the Ptoperty. .
<br /> . � Borrower shaU promptly give Lender written notice of any iaves6gation,claim,demated,lawsuit qr oWer actian by any
<br /> , . • govemmental or regnlatnry agency or private party involving the Froperry and any Hazazdous Substaace or Environmeutal —
<br /> ,..., . ..�... �: Law of wEucb Borrower t�as actual lmowledge. If Eoirower leamc.ar is notified by any gwemmeai�ll or mgulatory
<br />