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<br /> . � , vemeats aaw ui heneafter ecectetl aA the pm�ertY•and alt easeiaeass.apFu��°�' `�, 'r =--
<br /> � . ' TOGETt1ER l�(Ti'H all the imp� lacemeau and additions shail silso be cavec�by tE�is Sec�u1tY ��,�X-__ --
<br /> � and fixtutes aow of�erratter a Qa�t of the pmFertY. All cep��EUi as the"Proper►Y." ` _- r= -:
<br /> �' ,. ' '°,`�'., ' InstsumrnL A!1 of ttse for�going is refeired w in tb3s Security coaveye��has the rig6t to gr�mt � ._._
<br /> ` �� . ;� , BO'RRUWER COVENANTS that Bomo�er is tawfuUy s�issed o�th�e�of cecaid. 'Banavler wmran�+aad , � T-- -
<br /> . , and coavey the Proge�tY and that the Pt+opertY is unenami6eced.e� - _ _
<br /> . . and demands.snbjert W aay enc�mbrauces of c�ar� �,.�, �
<br /> � .. . cvill dQfend geueraliy she title to¢he?mpert5+aSa�c au cl�ims � use and noa-ua'sform coven� �►►� -
<br /> � '�� �ifann oov�naats'foF aatio ,�"�"�-`� -_-
<br /> _ - - -- THIS•SEClJIiTP1t INSTftilfl+�iT c°m6�Im�auity msu-�cov�in��p�P�Y' - �. • - `� �- -_
<br /> � ._��: �Y � limited varintions by jurisdietion to constitate a as folluws: a wlien dus the =_=-----
<br /> , .` � - � LiNIEOFiM COYENAN't'S.8nrrower aad L�der cove� �� gotrower s6al��romP�lt p Y . _---—
<br /> . � • ' 1. FaY�t af YrIadpal and interes�PrePaYm� aad tate charges due emdet dte Piote. _-
<br /> : . . - princiPal o and i�terest an the debt evidenced bY the Note�leyt�o�r c}o a�v+n'tt d�full,a svm(°Fnnds�far.�(�aj� _
<br />_ � : - ` � . L �rids tor 1�ses aad I�nraaoe.
<br /> Subjesc to app tten
<br /> � " � [,eader on the day ma�lY PaYme�s ate due under the Nate.�nti1 th�n�a�a 1'sen on the Pcoperty:(b)Y�Y�h°1
<br /> � , .:'�. . a ums; (d) Y flood
<br /> _ � ,. � � taxes and sssassmen�s wbieh may attain Fnority over this��azard ar F�oP�Y �mance p�e� g�arer to .
<br /> , PaY�u°;g��nd�euuts on the Pt+oPertY•if�y��,�(��Y���ums,if anY:�(fl�Y�pa�te by•� � __
<br /> .. . inseuance Pr�°�•if any.(e)Y�Y�SaB b g�in lien of the paYmeat of mo�ga�e insuiance Pt� _
<br /> . . - . ; .� � Lendat,in accaidaace anth ttne pmv�sions of paragraP_ coIIect and hoId l�nds m an amoum uot to exc.eed��m�� .
<br /> items are c�Jled"Fscroa items." LeIIder maq.at anY�. for Bormwds esc[ow axonnt�mder the
<br /> ,. amo�at a tsader for a f e d e t a 1 t Y r e t a t e d m o rt g a g e l o a n m a y r e c l u i r e P A�,u n l�s s�ather
<br /> _ . . Es�ate Setilement Fcucedures Act of 1974 as amended fmm time w Ume.12 U.S.C.§2 6 t 1 1 e t s e q.("R E S .
<br /> � • ��y�e,coIleCc at�d hold Funds��t�e
<br /> - ' ' - .. `s�' `. law t fi a t app l i e s w t h e I'v nds sets a lesser amount If so.Leader aray, . _
<br /> � '' . . `': . . � exceed th�lesser amouA� �ei ffiY esamate the amount o f t v n d s d n e o n the i�s of caneut . —
<br /> pu�s of fiituc�e Lscraw Items or othesw�se in accordance arith app1icable law. ����or enury
<br /> .�:,�,•. _` •.; , c ' esfimatesuf expendi
<br /> __ .�e F�ads shall be-keld�in au.institution whase deposits aze insmrd by a federal a&eIISY•
<br /> �-.:-----�----- �-- - - � suaA.�PP�+t��.. .FdY
<br /> �Fd
<br /> . � ' � (inctuding I.eader.if L.ender is such an instiUrtion)or'in�y F�e3era7�Hom�f:oan Bank:-Leader. ��._ ._..
<br /> � . . . . the Euroav[tems. L.ender may aot charge Bormwer for holding and a�Pl3nng the Fands.annusltY�'Yl'ng
<br /> n hcable law pe�miss
<br /> � . . the Escmw Items.�anless l.ender PaYs Sarmwer mterest on the I�mds and faPP��n�reaT�
<br /> . • , accoun�ot verifyinS Boirower to pay a one�ime c�a��� iTnless an
<br /> _ ...� . � l.eiider to make such a charge. However.Lender may reqwre, hcable law pcav�
<br /> -• - - -.- . . - �state tax rEponinS se�ce Used by Leader�ooimecuon with this loaa,anless app � a Bomm���Y��°1 _�--
<br /> . ` ut is made or appliCable law reguires interest to be paid.l.ea�er st�all n°t 6e re4°� p y•d��e Fqmds. Lend�
<br /> � � • , �on the Funds. Borrawer and Lender may agree in�rit��.�evu.tbat inteiest shall be pai --- =
<br /> . e Funds are p l e dg e d as a d d i t i o n a l s�curi ty for aU sua�s secu�ed bE1
<br /> shall 've to Bomnwer.a r i t h o u t c h a r 8e•a�acuaaal acca�nS of t1�Funds.showiag czedits and debits to the Fuads and tI� ��r�-=
<br /> �_ �_ , �, . purpos@e for cvhich each debit w the i'vnds was made. -�-
<br /> . ,. • ttus Seeority Insnume°t hcable law.Len�er sha11 acxount to ;r'�-,:
<br /> . • . . If ttce Funds held Hy I.ender exceed the amonnts Permiued to b�e td.td by apP� .,.-�
<br /> ���:-
<br /> � Botrower for the excess Funds in acca=�danse with the ceqniremeats of aPFUcable la so none Borrower��,and.in ;�'� .:
<br /> . . Lender at a�r time is aot sufficient cm�ay the Fscrow Items w�due�,�nder may fY Bp�WC7 SIl�In3IC8 aP� ��� ' -
<br /> the deficienc.y :lf;.:D!
<br /> . ��� , such case Borrower s h a U pay to Lender the amount aecessaz5+ +�:�: ;�
<br /> - - . - �� � - -� deficieucy in no cnore than tv�elve monthly.paYa�ents.at Lender's sole discreuon- m refiuid W Borcower any _
<br /> , . ent in full of all swns se�d bY this Security Inswmen�Lend$r sh�il1 pr° P�l► •or��e acquisitian ar .
<br /> � Up°n paym h 21.Lender shall acquim or sell the Ptaperry.i.ender.Pn t the sums ��" �- -_
<br /> ' .. . �, j Funds held by Lender. If.under paragcaP sition or sale as a cnedit agains _
<br /> • , . sale of the Propert5+•shall appty anY���eld lry l.ender at the ame of acqui -
<br /> . , . , . Secvied by ttus Secunty insn��e°� licabte taw pravides otherwise.all PaYm�nu ►�ved bY �ab el �
<br /> . 3. Appl�ca8us�of YaymentA. Unless app' ��
<br /> • .. ;� hed:fust,to any prepayment charges due ander the Note:serond.to amoanis paY :__-
<br /> . . • �• .. paragtaphs 1 and 2 shall be app' tate charges due��Note. �,��
<br /> . p�ra8raph 2:third.w intecest due:fourth,to priacip�t taxes. assessments charges.fines and impositions a�butable W the ����.-:-.
<br /> . . yd¢ns. Bortower sha1X PaY , �/"�='�-
<br /> d tcasehold payments or grauad renu��y' $dnOw� �V� —
<br /> � 4' �� riori oves this SeruntY lns�un►e°t,a° gpnowet shaU pay them on �
<br /> - .. , • -. . . � Property ahicb may attain P tY h�ar if not paid in that manner, �„�
<br /> • shall pay th.,se obligauans in the maaner provided in pataS*�p _,.;,
<br /> ° . , •! to the ersan owed payment. Bormwer shall promPtlY fiun'sh t°I.�nder all aouoes oS asno�mss to be paid under
<br /> directl P rmwer shall promptly furnish to Lend�rreceipts evidencu�g ���ti��Kar.
<br /> .. ' ' iI' tt�us parag ph. If Boirower malces these paymenu directly.Bo -
<br /> • , •. , � � ,. j ttis payments. I�en which has priority over this Secw'ity Insuument tmless Baxrower:(a)�€�S '�' ' �;�'�. 4{Y
<br /> � .. gor�awe;shall promptty discharge anY � � � � ,y'-_
<br /> ' � . : . ... in writina to the PaYmem of�2►0 obligaflon serurcd bn tlhe lien�n a mn�tdChpn�th1etl.enders o�uu�on operate go p vent the '�,;'� -.,�,_..-
<br /> ,. �. , ' . ' �� � lien by.ar defends against enfo�e�t of the lien , 8�Pr°� �t��sfactory to Y.ender subordinating the lien • t>;_
<br /> .,�_;.>� �� e n f o r c e m e n t o f t h e tic�;os(c)sec�es from the holder of the�o f��p�is sub ject to a hen wluch ciay atta�n Pn°ntY � �'
<br /> � ' to this Secwity[nsuu�nt. If Lender detemiu►es t hae any p �;e lien. Borrowei shall sa��''ry t he lien or t a k c , ..�
<br /> ;�} _�'�'';,. . . Iasirument,l-ender maY Sive Borrower a notice idenrifying r-.
<br /> over this Se.cvciry of notice. _
<br /> � • � � � one ar mcr�of the actions set fortht a���B���y����e��vements�ow existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> ' • �:���:' • �. Aazard or Prapert9 other hazards.includ'ing ��,
<br /> � . . p�PertY ias�aed against loss by fire hazards included within t�e term"extended coverege"and anY .
<br /> �, . ,� . floods or tlaadin8•for which Lender reqoires insutance. 'f4��s insurance shall be maintained m the amotu►ts and for the .� r 4
<br /> �
<br /> .":�°�t. � .� • 8rnm3028 9/90 IPaRe2aI6Pa8n1
<br /> `.f..�.;��, .
<br /> :,'�: ' .. ,. . .'; . r
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