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<br /> ','.. , ,� .- , ` (Orn Ytar Ttasary InQuc-Rm Ca�s1 . "
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<br /> ,,`',:: , '�/�Qe�J.�'�$�j'. $/��.' B��1S�P, �775 i�.�R�Q#ylJ�Q a�Fi��r�a.1�s�.....«.......� SIId IS'ILSO3pOTSLCd - -
<br /> , ��5 .� ,� , into aad sha11 be cleEmed to amend and supplemeat the Nfortgage.D�ed of Tn�ss os Seco�ty tk�d(tlie°�ec�ritY . _ -
<br /> ' � � �YnstcuffiestYy of the sams date givea by t�e uad�sigQed(4he 'Ba�mwe�?to�cuae Boaowds A+�js�stable Rate �:.�`.°
<br /> . ,. v t:� '
<br /> ' �- Nose (the °Notc'to �iE.f+.RU�I0AL1iQM�.�t1f�T�E C�IIP�EiX«IN�..............................»......»...»..................
<br /> � , �`��`' .. � (thz 'I.endee�of the samz date aad coveaag tha pNpecty desc�a'bed ia the SecurisY Ins�t and]ncat�at: � _ -_ '
<br /> �8l1HAldS1,ANNt3..R�E..�Ra. '�,r�f,.
<br /> ;.' � � ': ' , .1�E+1Y/�.S�Y.�tlAEdL�S. S1, . q���:rtiiAd&�i's).............. ......................»..»....................................... .F'.�,�.;;�<<`�•�<•�.:;
<br /> �•" • � • �;�:�z�-;�L-
<br /> :� � ' . ` -_--,
<br /> '# '. � ' � �".�`` THE NtYI'E COAi'I'AII�1S PSOYLSIONS AIa.OWI'�i Ifs FOit CHAIITGFSr IN THE C�PTERESf w,-�;:�; -_
<br /> �j' '� RA1E AND TF1E MOiVTHLY PAYMENT. TI� 1�'OTE LLN�I`S �fHE AMOU,�'T THE . :__'��'
<br /> g q .�,� ��:-
<br /> - - � . BOHBtfWE�S �� RA�'E CAK CAA1�iGE AT ANY OYE 'YZ'VIE A3�'D TH� � �d �Y
<br /> . • ' MAXLMIMSATE'I�BORBOWEB4ISIST.PAY. .. _`-'�--�--_�`
<br /> . �.. ,
<br /> ��,�---
<br /> �--m__-
<br /> ` ° ' ADDITIONAL COdF.NANTS�,In add�ioa to the cu��eaaa*_Q�-a�a+�made i�n fhe Security In..�trameat.: �._
<br /> � : Hasrower aad l.ender fiutha covenaat aad a�as foIloEVx , �-�_^___--,-
<br /> .. . , , . . .,. .
<br /> ,- ,-,.__ ...._�: ,
<br /> , -_--
<br /> i��,�= _. .,. _ _.._ . .. _. _ .. _..-A.-f�1T'€REST�tATE AND elOM1fLY-PAYIlI�I�.C�IAl�I�ES. _ ... .
<br /> . -- • The Note pmviSes fos an i�itial iaiteiest rate of_...�.?�A........:%. Sec�oa 4 of the Note gravYdes fo:cbangcs ia —'-
<br /> �. .. .. � � . the intesest rate aad tHe mcnthh►PaYmeats.as follows: . � . , . --
<br /> T _ . � 4�. (NIERES'��tAT�A[�D N[ONTtlLY PAYI{IEHT CHANQES . • ' �
<br /> ,. <. ���
<br /> : ' . • �. (dl� Chanao Oates • • .
<br /> . � � .. ! The iat�est mte�I w�l pay maj►chan8�on the 9'ust day of.dAHUA4iX�.t�...:..:.-.��aad oa tbat da.Y eve�Y 12� �
<br /> . ' � • mo�h tbecead�r.Facb date oa which my iatete.st:ate couId chaage is calted a°Cha�c ffa3�.' -
<br /> ' � • �) Tha i�3 �• �. �-,
<br /> ' • . � . He�aniag with the fi�st t�aage Date,my interest rate w�6e based oa an Indea.The'Iade�is the wcx3dy �
<br /> . � � . avera�e Yi�1d an Uaitsd States Tieasury se�uities adlusted w a constant matturty af aas year. as made
<br /> � - ava�able�iy tbe�ederal Resenre Hoa�The most nceat Inde�t fi�'�use avaTable as of the date 45 days befoze __
<br /> . . . ` each C�ange�Iate is caIIed the Cune�tt�dex.° � �.
<br /> . � .,::,,
<br /> � ' � � �''-:_� If the Index is no longa�a�silable,the Note Ho2det w�l chaoss a aew iadea w�ich is b�ased ugan comparable . • -
<br /> . �=:
<br /> . <.,� �_ iaformattr�n.The Note Ho2der w�givc ffic noticx of this ehoice.
<br /> ri
<br /> � ° �C) Cakulatian oi Chan�s � . � � ��
<br /> . � ::x�.. . .
<br /> `.� �.: '. . . � adding
<br />; . ... . _ . Befon each Change Date. the Note Holder w�71 calculate my new .intece:t• eate by
<br /> � � •.•• .....t�t!�.�Itt414!!�4��!�e�.v�[�!!+tt9Nl.�lIt1S�l.t...R�4'lr1..........................»... ....to the Cur.�e�t Eadex The `'ote
<br /> '� �� �� • Hn2der�sr�71 then rouad the ses�ilt of thia addition to ths near�st one�eighth af ane perceatage p�oint(U�•1,Z5°�o)• ,
<br /> �� . . . . Subjeet to th+e.limits statod in Soctiun 4(D)belaw,this muaded nm,ouu�.lv�I be my new iat�rst rate�u�t�ths
<br /> _v, � . . n��Change Date. . � � �'°"'
<br /> . � . � . The�Tote I�o2da an�l thea detetmiae the amaumat of the montbly Fa5►ment that would be sufficicat t�s�pay ,
<br /> '� � � al that 1 am e to owe ai the Cbaage Date ia fuU on the'mattuity da2e at ffiy aew -
<br /> k;:trai.:�......r� -
<br /> the uaPaid PiiaeiD x�� ���,.
<br /> '��. :. . intecest rate in substaatiallY equal Fa�ymeat9.The sesvlt of this��calculation w�l be the new amount of my ��} _-
<br /> ..�; � � � mo�hlYPaYmmt• � �s��,��.���:-�
<br /> °� ' (0)L{mib on Int�sst Rab Ct��nga� ' Y���
<br /> � • r•�'' :• ,,,�,
<br /> .,, . �
<br /> ��`"ir°-�-- = � � The mterest rate I am�equued to pay at the fust Chaagp Qate wiU aot be gtrater tbaa...s:�o.... °/s or Iess ': �''-�*_>;:�,
<br /> :�_ ' . than...4r7.�0...... y '°�f:s�:�;-:��
<br /> %.Therea4,ter, m iaser�st rate wiIt never be iucceased ar de�ras�od on aaY�Sti�8�
<br />.��� . �te hy more than ..�.R!►t�tRS��^?*.�..�A�4Y.�?................................................................�m�n the rate of - .
<br /> - ' � � • iatecest I have 6een payiag for the prboediag 12 montAs- :VIy is►te�est rate w�l never ba �xater than .
<br /> • _ 1�.750......%. ` '
<br /> _ � � � �tr�ew.,at�e.a cna�.s . . . ,
<br /> � �' � , Vty n=w intesest rate w�l beoome effective on�Cbaage IIate. I rviU pay the amauat of my ac�v monshty ..� . . �
<br />, � .. . Paymeat be�iaaiag on the &�st monthly paya¢�t date after the Cbamge Date vatil the amount of my .
<br /> . monlhZY DaYment ch�oges ag�in. � .
<br /> � � � , �, , � ,L l�Notteo W Cna�os ..� :
<br /> �'� . � - .
<br /> ' '. Ths:�Imte Holde:�1 deSivtr or mail to me a Qotiee of any chaa�es ia my iateress rate anD tht amoimt ui my � . .
<br /> _ .. munthYy payment tefoze the effectiee date of afly chaage. 'Flte notice will iacl�infomnatioa �quired by .
<br />- � � 1aw to be gvea me aad�so the tit2e aad teiephone�aumb�of a pen..oa c+�ho �vilt aas�ver any question 1 may . .
<br />_ � � hio�e cegardi�g t�e notice. , .
<br /> � -- _. . ._ _.� . �. --_ --.
<br /> ; , .
<br /> •� _ ,. d , . . , ,
<br /> - . ' R'�.qRirGpt . t of 2 ECG�9l Rav �tn4/9t � .
<br /> — . :
<br /> . ,,- , !
<br /> . � .
<br /> , , ., .
<br /> ., .,,�_, ._. ..... _
<br />