.� � ..�� C ` , . ` . ... . 6 t . ...
<br /> - ' ��. . : '� . :_ t � , '' t .!., f . C �` .
<br /> , °� ^� � `1'^ �f t �r y t r `c . s . . c " > ,< y c` £ - — � �,�� � r i'
<br /> } ' -_. " . . � , r. t ' c ` � .-� . „ , ,�� �.. �,.
<br /> . �r .�:..— r �s' �`1 • . . . . ..- � _ _ °�_ . �,, ,
<br /> � � �� ,� 4_� �.��.i�2 . � -
<br /> . .� �. . . � , . : � �4 �� -
<br /> ' � � ' �' . 7. ProtactIIan ot�endePs R! hts tn 4he Pr� � f��`'.
<br /> $ (i8�ty. !}8orra�nrar fa��perfortn tAe covenants and aQr�aasents conta4ced h .
<br /> `` � ` 1hiS SACU�$y UISC!`�(116fiL Qd thelB$818�31.PfQO�@Qiti�!AQ!fl1AS/SI�!$�llllY 8ff9Ct 1�.�1dB�[i$}ti3 G11i19 P�Op�iy ISIICh Et4 H p�GC2@d$tp t�1 `-t• : `�!".`' '. "�. �
<br /> r-.. .
<br /> ��; ; . .�� , �niaupfcf►.P�to�t condaa�utior or(aA�ua m to onf�tews or��ttana�G1a�f�ender cnsy do an0 DaY tar xrhateua�fs neeesauy , � °
<br /> - ,• - to p�taci ihs vdw ot tM Property and t�Ce�s�gt►ta h tha PioyaRy. Leeid�'lt�otians mcy hcl�da PaYiny anY aums ascured Dy a Ban �` �` ��y � �'' ��:-
<br /> ' �t°.�= ��� .Q. which has O�ar�f► aur�,th�Secur@�f IrtsLr�mont,apFeQrh�tn c�ut.PaYfn�caasmubT�attoR:eYa f�as a�d � .. ,
<br /> . ontertr�on ttu Proparty,to m� � � �`. .�,:_;�
<br /> . . � ' ° teAair�. ARhougA I.�ndarhr8y 4aks�ctlon vndor tAfs P��Ph�.t�rtepr d0es not fuvs�o do so. . ' `� `. ::..`�•, :
<br /> � ' � MY em0unb dithuried bY Lpn�under tDts Firs�eF�7 sts�l be�rt�:dd�Jqnl4 daDL ol Borrowet seCUred bY th(s SapvBy tnsWmQn� �'v�':°- •`:��:`-;t`�='�:
<br /> . _. . ' Uniesn Barrawer and I.e1►der eyrea w other terms o!payrm�nt,tf+as�amamts sha9 Qear Fntice�t trnm tha GaiB ot dbbsus�i at ttle Roio . �E' ' ':� '•—
<br /> � us
<br /> • tat�ertd eha�0�Pnlfabie.w�lnc�nas�upan notdce fr�m Lendr to 8orroxre►�equesthp psymen� . � . . �. ��-
<br /> . , .. �,. 8. M�OTtg�$@(t1Si1�tl�tCO. If Lender�qulred mortgaga�s�hance as a cond@Fon o!mekkg tA8 taan secured by tAts �cui�y . .�„•, . '--
<br /> � _ `r • �: (nSWmeny Bartow�shaD pay the prem�ums tequlred W maTe►letn tRe mart�age hs�h eNe�t.I�lor eny reasa�t�ta mort�e&�s�[tC� - _ �-
<br /> ss�
<br /> • , covsre8e w�+Yed by lend�fapsas ar ceases to bs in eifect.Borrourei ahatl pay t�e pramlums reQutred ta obtafn caveiaQa auDstanttay� '_ �^."3` �t.
<br /> ' .. : BQtiM8�1 t0 t�(AORg8g9 ifISUtBflC9 piQVI011g1y�(1 eHOCt,fl!8 cgSZ Sll�st8i12TB�J/B�ltlllS�tlt t0 utA CGSt t0 BOROWBt G!lhq mQt�B¢9�t18t1f841C9 • '`�r::�•.-n:_it==�; =
<br /> pravtously b eftec�from en eIIemato mrntgage tnsura epproYad b Lender. If substen -�`��,-;:.A=-`�°' :
<br /> ' ° . . . Y UaHY equkaSant mort�ega Insurance coverag�ts act :,rt�-�i:�f:�-.:
<br /> , � , avaBeDja.Bo�ruwer sha7 pay to Leader�cti month a sum e�ra1 to ono-i�ralfth af ihe Yauh maR�a insuranCS.Pr�Tum beh9 Raid by �:��'�.a:°._�<{=��:__..
<br /> . . '. f . Hcrrower when the hsurarrca cmv�r8g9 �e.psed or ceased to�e h 61tecL Lender w�6cceD�u�a end retaYa th9sa+7aymenls as e toss �;��.��
<br /> , . . tessrv9 h Ileu o!mottgaQs insutattC� Loss[ss�ve paytnenb may ap bAg9r 6�rsquir9d.af td►0 oyttG»of Lendt�r. (f mCripa{�9 hsustncv x" r
<br /> � • ' co++�(tn tho emouni end far the pertod tflat Lender�qutr�t)OrovtQQd by an hau�r rouad L�ndu•� �.�y P�i�"—
<br /> iPP tiD aWK bYCOra¢as avaiibta rrld t3
<br /> � . . " obtaheQ Bccrower shaD pay ttia premiums requtred to mahtatn mc� Insurance h eHect. or to proWQ9 a toss �sarva, wL8 �1e - ----.---_- ----
<br /> .. raQ�+trerrant far mortgag�flsuranc�ertQs b eccardance wRri anY wr�ten�agae�tien!Oglwaen Borrawar tnd Lender or aypicabT�taw �—_�_Y-
<br /> - - - 9. InBpeGti�n. Leader or @.a asent may maks reasonabta entries upcn end-hsyections of Ne Properti►• Lender shat�s Borr�pr =-
<br /> notice at the tima of or pAor to an fnspection speciryfrtp ree.sonabf�cauaa far!�a haprctior►. . � =
<br /> , : : 1p.Co.ndemnattoa. Tt�Q proceeds at eny 4Ward or ct�tm fcr 6ema�, d5ect ar conssquem�t, h aom�.�rc8on w� irry =-—
<br /> , , condenu�ation cr atAer takh�of any pert ai the PropeRy,or ro�ccnvsyance�n e�,at conoer�uuton,ue nereey�sst�e�ac�stwi m.petd —
<br /> , , . to I.sn�er.
<br /> �" tn tne event o!e totel takh�of the PtoPe►tY.tt�OrocaeES ShaO b�eDDBed to tha sum9 soCUraO by this SectttHy in�b�tt�rfiath�►ar �
<br /> _�. . '. • not th�rf due.wkt�erty excess pntd to Barrawer. ��e evant ot a pert�tatdrEQ.ot tho i�operiy.tn_wtiton the c�:r markes�at tha�roputi
<br /> wk
<br /> ... _..... . .._. ..
<br /> .
<br /> . ..__ _._�_.. ...._ .irmr�ao(aTe -betor��the fakTn �S C�tey batOre t11sa
<br /> , � N 9 eqUa!fd or greatsr t�sn the smcunt o!ttie sums Secrited by thTs Securtty tnswment
<br /> . ' . taktn4�uotesa Bamcwer end i.ondor atAwwiso apcaa h wr�(n�.N�sutif�a sectusd by tfits SecurYy I�s�me�tl afteY be fa��Y th�emaunt � ---
<br />. _ ' of tAa prot�eds rtwBtpUsd 5y tt�s foftowlnH frsctton:(a)No total amaunt of Na aums securad�tey betoro tRe taictng���led py{p�,ths
<br /> . . �. � tatr market va�e o!t3s ProAeAY fmraedietc�fy betorB th9 takksp.MY batanca aha9 Ea pttd to Bor[owar.la tAa event ot e portici tifctng�dh�r
<br /> . � . ' _ .. ProPw1ll(n�whtce fY�t�rtwket val�te ot!he ProP�Y hunedJatery bebre tha ffikhp ts 19ss tltan tha amousii a��a sums secured nusw�rdg . _
<br /> � . 6efoce t�►e takhg:ur�eorrower snd Lender othenvlse apree In w�inp or untess appQcapfe faw othenvtse providas.the procseda sh�Lkp.
<br /> • � � ' ayptied Zo the suma secured by this Security�tnstrumen!whettier or nat the sums are than Que. � � — -
<br /> � • il the Pcoperty is ahandoned by Borraw�,or H,efter notfce by lender to Borroxrer that the condemrtor oRers to make an awerQ or s�Yr —
<br /> "� • _ � a cfaim tor darrtages,Bartower ta9s to respond to Lender wftAh 3Q Qays aftsr the date tho nottce ts gtuen,Lender is authorizad to co�ct mcr�
<br /> � ., .:._: _:._ .. eDAti the pmseeds.W Rs aPttO�.egher to�storr,�csn or repatr ot tha Propertyr or to tAa eums eecurad by�.�SocurRy tnstrumen�whett�ir —
<br /> • or not tRen due.
<br /> .. .. - — ._
<br /> � UnFass Lender ana Bor�wer othenatsa agres ts wr�(ns. any eppQcaUon of pmcaeds to prinapai ahaU aot extend or postpona the dua �
<br /> •• .' � • • date ct the monthy payments refened to H paregrephs 1 end 2 or chanQe the emaunt o!sucA pay�ent8. _-
<br /> . � �p. Borrower Not Released:Forbe�rance By I:�Aer Not e Waiver. Excenston or e�a ume ror peyme�it or '��.
<br /> .. � _ -. mad�7toaUon af a�nc�n ot fha�ums seaasd by i.�is Secufityr fis�rment p�mted by I.wider to eny suces�r h hter�st af Bartawet aheY. � -:'= - -
<br /> . not aperat�to �= tAe QabDity o!the or(gh2J�airawer or Bortawer's iucaes�:rs b intereai LenCet ehaY not be requlc�d to Cornmanev .;'�',-=
<br /> proceedings egatns7�.y su�cassor tn (rtierest or catuse to e�dend th�a tor payment or otherwka mod'dy amortiraUon ot tAa sums a�curod by ��, ��
<br /> . tnts Sz�:�y Insmur�z�i by nason ot any demand made Oy fhe orbhal Borrower or Barrowara suecessora (n hterosG Any tor0oer�eo by ,�;J.?". ,�,
<br />'' . . Lender�,�eocercTSfna 8ny rfyht or a�aQ1t shau not be o w�kar ot ar proc4Qi 1hY�isa o!srty dpht or ratwdy. l�.;_,., _
<br /> • . . t�. Successara and Aaaigaa Bounm;Joint arid Severei Uabittty;C�-alQnera sna covenants er�a a�aerr�er►ts or '�J�"
<br />'�� • thb Secur�y(nshur_,�st ahaU bad and benot�t'a succossors end asst�s ai Lsr►der end Borrowe►.suDieo!to the provTsbn� of p�ri�r�ph °�.z�-"S--�'�=`.�.�
<br /> � � � 17. Bomowera covenent� end �yreements sha7 b jaint and 5eueral. My Bortower who casf�ns this 8ecurl�y (nstn..�1 8W does not .'��-��
<br /> . . oxec�s.a the Note:(a)I�co-slgnhg thls Securfty�istniment ony ta martpaye.QranL ertd comrey tt�at Borrowels hterest t�t,•�PropeRy under �.'�.;_;'�;.;.�-�---_—
<br /> � �� � the tems of tt►b SecurRy fnsWmen�(D)tg not personaty obtiQa.'sd to pay tAB sum9 88CUred Cp this 8ecurBy InStrumenG�:,�(o)apreog tAtt ;,';�.`�%�;�."'�
<br /> . . LenQar gnd My olher BortowBr rt�By 8gngg to extsnd, modi3y.forbear or maice any accommodattons w@h reg8r4 to tertns r}this SecurRy • � ``�,�,��,�_
<br /> :„ �� � , Instrumant or the Note w8hout tfiat Borrowe�s ccr�� • �� ,+.-,__= _
<br /> , � . cF.-----
<br /> •� � . 13. Loan Cfrarges. If Ne toan seCUreO by thts 3aCUr@y tnshtrment(s subjeCt to a Ww whtah sets^�um to8n char�e9.8nd tE� „ �.�:,.�.:.•P
<br /> ''� faw ts tinaty Interpr�;sd ao that tna tnterest or other Wan ch
<br /> eryes collected or to be coliecte0 fri connoctton w8h !he totn exaeed Ne • .. ,��`,�'�.::.,.
<br /> � • �. permRted fmfta,then;(a)eny sucEb A�an charyes s�a0 ba roduced by tha amount necesaery to reduee tha charpo to the permRted FinB;and ��`�
<br /> -- � (b)Arry sums aireadyt codected��a Borrowar whkh oRCeeded parm@ted I(m�s wAl 0e retunQed to Bortower. lender may.choose to meke • •
<br /> • tht� retund by�ed►�c�r,g the.pfncfpal owed unQer the Note or by mekinp a dtrect payment to Bortower. U a�etund reduces pMaipal.the � • '
<br /> s�:� '. � • reQuCtbn wAI be L�d as a perltal prepayment w$hout eny prepayment chatpe undw tA9 Note. � -
<br /> : - � •� �� . 14. Nottces. My notice 40 8onower provtded (or in this Securfty InsWment shaD be gtuen by deArering ri or by metlhp it by lirst •
<br /> : �� � � ctass csA untess app6cable�aw requfres use ol enotAer metho0. Tho noiice sha0 be alrected to tha Property AdQresa or eny other aQdress � •
<br /> .� Barr�-sr�r dastpnates by notice to 6�a�de�Any notke to Lender shaY ba pTuen by thst c�ss maB to tsndefe address at�herah cr�any � �
<br /> - • �� '' atAer eC�tress Lender destynatas Cy natke to Bcr.owar. My notice pmviQed lor h thb 8acur@y tnaburt�en!sheU be deert:eQ to have Oe� � � �
<br /> . . gken to Bortower or lenQer when qluen as prav:C'od H tAis perepreph. � � �
<br /> ' 16. fioverrt�g Lew;SOVa�BbJlity. TAIS SeCUrky InsUumant ana0 tra povemed by tederal IBw and tAs t�w of ths j�risdtctton&�
<br /> ' `, . . . . wAtcb the Property f�Ioceted In Na event thet any pravL3bn or ctauia al thts 8ecur�y fnstrurnw�t a N�Note confBcts w8b appQcab��w.
<br /> ` sucA eanffitcct shal not afteet other pravtstans of lhts Saeurnly tnstrument ar th� Nob whie�► cen 0�gtuert efteot wHhaut tne conflbttng ' � • ,_
<br /> � ; .. • provfskn. To this end Ihe provisbns o!this SecurRy fnswment and tM Not�ere dec�ared to ba sevarabt�. � �
<br /> �• ' 18. BOl(OW@l'8 COpy. Borrower shaY be phren orte oallormed copy ol tha Not4 ertd of thts Secur�yr Insbumen� ' � ��
<br /> 17. Tranatec o!the Property or e 6erteflala! lntsres!In Bocrower. 1199 or 8ny peri of M9 Property or eny Inter9st In
<br /> ..�' � .� (! Is sold or tr�sosterted(or B e beneficlal bisrest tn 6onower Is sat0 or trensferted end Ba�rovrer Is not a natura!person)wMout Lendefa � �
<br /> �i t �
<br /> • p d o r+�t e n�c o n s e n t,L e n d e r m e y,o;i t s op i f on,requ Y o h u r.ed i e to paymertt h futl ot a0 sums securea by thts SecuRry InsWmenG However. �
<br /> . thb op9on ShaD not bo exencised by lsnQer N exaroise is prohD@ed by faderet taw fls of fhe data o!tht9 Security tnsWmen� ' �
<br />_ � 11 lsnQer exercisas thb oDtton,Londar sheu gke eortower noifce of acceteratWn.The aotke shall provtda a pertad of not 4�sa then 30 ; : • ,'
<br /> d9ya tram the date th9 notice b aet�iered oi ma118d w8hh which tha Bartower rtwst pay 8Q sums securad by th(s Securtfy fnatnrmen� II E �
<br /> = Ba►rowa faQS to pay tDese sum�pr�ar to tha e�lratton of thb pedod�Lender mey hvake sny remediss pQrtnRt40 by thls SecurHy InsWmenl f
<br /> - . ' wfthoul further rtotica or damana on Borrowar. F.
<br /> . . . • • ( , . �
<br /> . „ . . �
<br /> - � .'- ,. _._ ___ , . — - - - --
<br /> �. t• � � PaII�9 018 form 902d�QO '_.-'--_,._�_ -
<br /> . Ffo�.W.O(�O1�+I , �
<br /> �.;�'. � , . . � . ±
<br /> . �', 61 � _ _ _
<br /> �? ...
<br />