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<br /> u��-~-`""����'.° ' periflBs that Leadei�equires. Tl�e ins�uaace caxrier proeidia;tLe insumnoe shaf!he chasen by Borrawer sablect to Le¢der's �.
<br /> .`!•�'^'t' ' �
<br /> "�, ._•��Y'-' approval whIrh shall aot be unirasonably withheld. If Bomawer fails to maintain coversge desrn'bed above.L,ettder may:at —
<br /> ':�.. ,..`:.4 > , ' Lend�rB�option.obtain covemge Yo prutect lxaderis ri�hts in the Property in nccqrdaaoe with PamgraFh 7. � -
<br />�:t=�P.. . p+ •. ' =-
<br />_ �' t� A11 insurance polIcies and renewtils shall�ae acceptabfe'to Lender�d shall incltute a stamdand raostga�e clause. L�euuder� —
<br /> �:° � �shatl have the�ight to�totd tl�e Rolicies aad renewals. [f t.ender require�,Bonocver shsll prompily give to Lender all iececprs =
<br /> -- - - -of p�d�s,�uiis and r��val nctttc�.s. I�s thc ev�tt of tflss.�arr�wer shati give�ir�pt natice ta the iasuranre casrn.�r and -
<br /> v
<br /> :.� � . �.; . Lender. Leader m�y make proof of tass if aot mnde promptly 6y Barrower. $
<br /> ����..` Un2ess I.ender and$o�ruwer otherwise agree in writinng,insutance pmceeds sh�ll 6e applied to�estoration or tepair of � -
<br /> s,4. :�, "�, ; �� �he Ptoperty datnaged. if the restoradon or ce�air is cccnomirally feasible and Lender's secatity is not Lessene�I. If the
<br />_ - .N:�.;r.-. '— restoration or repair is not economicaUy feasible ar Lender's security would 6e tessened,the insuranse proceeds sha}1 Ge •
<br /> `_ ;� , , applied to the sams sec�zed by this 5ecurity in�rumast.whether ur not then d¢e,arith any excess paid to Bomnwer.. If
<br /> , " . $uirower u6andaas the Progert�r,nr does aot answer within 30 days a nodce from t.eader that tbe insurano�rmi'ser has
<br /> ''`���-`��.:_�:= :: offered to ssttte a claim,then I.end$r ma collect the insurance �
<br />_--..,.:.f�..:-,,; :. Y P�eeds. Lender may use tpe proce�ds to c+epair or iesmre
<br />- � - - the Ptope�ty or to pay sums secured 6y this Seruriry Inspvment,whether er not�fien dae. 'ih�30�day periad will begin when
<br />-.,t: .��«; �'.`:;>>,} ; thenoticetsgiven. ' ' •
<br />'=�� ,..��:r,�: . tJn4ess Lender and Borrower atheswise a�in writin8.anY�PDficadon af proceeds to principal shail not extend ar
<br /> �.. postpone the due.date of the montiily paymeats refer�ed io in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the ammmt of the payraents. If �
<br />-- ' :`?;':;' �m+der Qaragraph 21 the Ptoperty is aequimd by Lender,8omower�s right to any insurance policies and praceeds resulting .
<br /> �� ' frotn damage to the Pcaperty prior to the acquisition s6all pass w Lender to the eatent of the swns secured by tltis Security . `
<br /> -.;-:"s� . - instrumerit immediafely prior tn tAe acquisition. � .
<br /> � , � 6. Occupancy, Presesvation,Maintec�nnce aad Protectioa o�We Property; Borrower's I.van Appiication; ,
<br /> `.: ' . I.ease6oids. Bqrrurrer shall occa
<br /> .-.�..4,.----,.• -- py,estabtish,pnd use tt�e Propeity as Bormwer�s principal resic�aice witltiu sixty days after
<br /> � .;�. ° , . . - the executio�of dus Serariry Insuumentand s�ll contumue�to aca�py the Praperty as Bo�rower's prmripal�siderroe for at
<br /> � least one year after the date of c►cc�tpancy. unIess Lender oth�iwise agnees•in writing, arhich Conseat shall nat 6e
<br /> •• '� unreaso��a6fy withheld,or unless extenuating circumstartces exise which aze 6eyond�Borrower's control. Boirower sha31 nog . '
<br /> ` .,. de.saoy,damage os impair the Ptopeny.aflow the Ptoperty to deteaorate.or cominit waste on ths Property. Barrower shall
<br /> _ _ be in default if any forfeiture action ar proceeding.whether civi!or criminal.is begun that in I.ender's gooa faith jndgment .
<br /> � . • cauld resalt in forfeitum of the Ptoperty or otherwise materialty impair the lien cieated by this Security Insuument cts
<br /> Lender's security interest Borrower may cuit such a default and reinstate,as pravided in paragaph 18,by causing the action
<br /> , ' ' ' .� ' or preceedir.g-ta�3c���with a�ling tfiat,in Lenders good faith determinatian,precludes forfelture of the BQrtower's
<br /> interest in the Property or other material impaimient of the liea create�l by this Securiry Insutunent or Lender�security
<br /> • , inteces� Borrower shall atso be in default if Borrower. during the loan applirataon prncess, gave materdally false or
<br /> � �inaccuiate information or statements to Lender(or fa�ed to provide Lender with any material informauon)in cannection with
<br /> ' ' " the loan evidenced by the Note.including,but not iimited to,rapiesentations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the '
<br /> � .`'` ' Property as a principal residence. If this Security Inswment is on a leasehold.Boaower shall comply with�all theprovisions '
<br /> ; " °•--� .�, of the lease. If Borrower acc�ires fee titte to the Propertyr.the leasehold and the fee tide shali not merge uriless Lender agrees
<br /> ° " • to the merger in writing. � .
<br /> . , . 7. Protectfon of Lender's Itig6ts in t6e Property. If Borrower fails to perfonn the covenants and agreements
<br /> . ' � �� contained in this Security Instrument,or there is a iegal procezding that may sipnificantty affett Lender's rights in the
<br /> -.-.-.:a;:-.. '?'' Property(such as a proceeding in baskruptcy,grobate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforse faws or regulatiang),then
<br />�'��'��.�' = •' I.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the valae of the Prap�rty and Lender's rights in the Property_
<br /> -.�;r.;,;•...,.,.
<br /> �• � Lender's actions rt�ay include paying any sums secure4 by a lien which has priotiry ovet this Security Insomr.�ent,appeazing
<br />���'•'�"`'�. . in cow�.paying reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to makc repairs.Although Lendexcnay take action
<br /> .,,�..,.,�., . .
<br />`.,�; ' �: under Uus paragraph 7.l.ender does not have to do so. .
<br />,_;r;��;,�4: �; Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragtaph 7�all become ac'�ditional debt of Bo�rower secuted by this
<br />=-'=°�-=�`- •�� Security]nsm�ment. Unless Horrower and I.ender agree to othec tenns of paymen�these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br />...-v-f-'A'�"'j,'` date of disbursement at ttse Note sate and shall 6e g,yable,with interes�upon notice from Lender to Borrower nequesdng
<br /> : -;:i::,:;..: �. -
<br /> payment
<br /> - . � � & Mortgage I¢�rance. If l.ender required mortgage ir�surance as a condition of making.the loan secured 6y t6is
<br /> . � ,'�,`"��, Securiry Ins3rument,Borrower shall pay the premiums requirzd na maintain the mortgage insurance in effec� If,for an�
<br /> . ;-8�,•
<br /> . . s.;..,. reason. the mortgage insurance cover.�e mquired by Lender G�pses or ceases to be in effect. Boaower shall paq e'�e
<br /> ptemiums mq�ired to abtau�coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a cost
<br /> . substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of t�e mortgage insurance previously in effec�from an ai[emate mortgage
<br /> • . �insurier approved by Lender. If substantialiy equi�:at°.nt mqrtgage insurance coveraga is not avaiiable.Ba�xataer shall pay to
<br />_ ' Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium tseing paid by Borrawer when the -
<br /> ,:�,.. _ insurarsx-coveiage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept.use and retain these payrnents as a loss reserve in lieu � -
<br />--y� •.=;•.,;;..' ., of mrnt�ge insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer L�e required,at the option of Lender.if mortgage insunacce
<br /> • . � . wverzge(in the amount and for the period that Lender requires)provided by an insumr approved by l,ender again becomes —
<br />_�.•���'� -�-• available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the�eraiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in effect.or to provide a
<br /> �i;:`�` `'�•.: • loss reserve,until the rr�ulrement for mortgage in�-„::rance ends in accordunce uiti�any written agneement 6etween Barrower -
<br />_ i.:,u �- r,.
<br /> s.�-:�=:•: �. and l.ender or applicable taw. _
<br /> :'��` �, 9. Inspeclion. Lender or its agent may make reasonabie a:tries upon and inspectiar.s of the Property. Lender shall --
<br /> '''`�'9`x"` '�l�' give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an i�spection specifying reasonable cause for the inspecdon. "'
<br /> .�-'�"`{`}r��:'•'"".��� I0. CondemnatIoa. 'i7ie pmceeds of acy award or claim far damages,d'uect or conseyuential.in canrtection with any �
<br /> 'F�'"J '
<br /> -`j�.``r'�'`:�' ' SingleFamily—FannleMadF�e..^dlelNscI1NIGORMINS7'RIP.IfENf'--Unifom�Covenants 9l90 ( e3 6 esJ
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