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<br /> ,. �:-�--
<br /> � _ . � DEED OF TRUST� . � . ���-�:.
<br /> � � � .�� 7��EED OF TRUST(S��TED DECEMBER 19,1994,emong STERt�N J DOUQLAS aa�d LJNQA L�OUGLAS�
<br /> :��
<br /> - � :. . . tfl1�8AND AND WIFE,wii��e address is 3107 W MIDWAY&3119 MIEPHiS pLACE,GE�1WD ISLAND,NE 88�43 s�� ,
<br /> . . - . (r�:�2rrcd to below es "frustor"j; U3�76E� NEBRASSSA BAIVK,GRAND [SLAND,whose address is 700 N WE88
<br />- . . � Rt�,GRAND[SU1ND, NE 68843(reien�d to below sometimes as,"Lender"and aometimes as "8eneflctary"j; '�'=:.
<br />-- � � and UNtTED NERRASKA 6ANK,GRAND tSLAND,whoae addreas Is P.O. BOX 6018 GRAND lSLAND,NE 88�02 � ' T ����-
<br /> -_ __ . .. t'i.6".
<br />� . . (rol�rred to belaw as�ra�s*.ee°�. ;t�. . .
<br /> _ . . . �.���.
<br /> • ' � CONVEIUltI;E lit�GAIINT. For valuaDte conatQe�tton,Trtntar eonvay�to Tnutee(n Wd,VYtiH POYYFA OF SALF,tor tR�6�A1 a1 • �• �
<br /> . . Lender�s Benettcf�rll�eA of Tnutors �h� 6'fte.and(nteresf tn and to the foIIowinp d�saIDed raef propery. topether w►lb eU a�silrr�or '° •_ �: ,.
<br />�' . . sub594uer�Y�rocfed ot afPoceQ buIIdirtys tmprovamerriv and fod�ues:e0 sasemertts.dpRb of wal►.t�nd aPDw�nances:iD watir.w8tar�hb and � ' ; . f.., �—
<br />-- - � Cfich ri8hb Ondudina atocie in uutlGG9es witA ditcA ar Url�atlon Aphb�;und eD ather e�yt►b.�16Al.1.�Oft�/S36t8 Of CdldNt� (tfle�°Rea� � ='�%'���
<br /> s. :, witttout Qmflatton�I rtunerei�.oQ.�es,geoU�ennat an0 s�mmtluar matter�,IOCt�d tn e .
<br /> - . ` ., ����% ro_:+'f,-
<br /> . . .. -jti-._--._
<br />_ . - .LOT TWO(2j, IN BLOCK TW�(�),IN ISLA[+1D ACRES NO.TWO(2�, BEING A REPIAT OF LOTS ONE ._ �����;;:�
<br />-� ' (1�,TWO(2j,THREE(3),�f�1,SIX(6j,AND SEVEN(7),!N lSLAND ACRES,A SUBDiViSlON IM THE � ;.��m=. _-
<br /> . 1' � (�
<br /> - . � ESTATES?EN1H SvBD1VIStON.HALL COUlJi1f,NEBRASKA. �" � .�'��-
<br />- . . � � Tfte Real Proper[y or it� addreas [s eommoNy kncwn as 3107 W AAIOWAY & 3119 MEPHIS PLACE, ORANa . �� . / . ��
<br /> . . , (StAND,NE 68603. � '. .
<br />--.� .
<br /> - . . � Trusta presentry asst�n9 to Lender(ai5o known aa SeneHclary in ihis Oaed af Tnsi)aD ot Trusfo/s Apri�Utfa,and Inte�esl in and to aU pre58nt end � . � ;,
<br /> _- . , Mc..�feeses of 1he Prop6rty an0 a0 Rents from the Propedy. In ad�9an.Trustar pranb Lender a Unifum Commerclal Code SBCtrrity interest In thg � �.,," .
<br /> . Rc.�s ana tlto P�sonel Property de"ned beTOw. • . . .
<br /> .'
<br /> � �x�iITlOHB. ?h9 toRO�Mnp wa�s stiaU nava thg loQOw1np mean'r.�g9 wt�en used in thi9 DeeO of T�usi Termg not ctherwlse deflne0ln this OeeO o1 • � � •
<br /> _ � . • . Trust sNeD Mva ihs meaninps attrtbu[ee to st�h terms in the Unilorm Comm�1 Code. M�atereneas to Qorter emounb shafl mean emounb in • `
<br />� IawhAmoneyol�sEtnitadStafesalAmerica. . � ,.
<br />-�: �. . • Benelkinl►• 4�ward'6enefletery'means tlNtTED IVEBRASifA BAt�t,GAAND ISLAND.f�suecessars and esstyns. UNtTED NEBRASISA . .
<br />-_ . , BAMC.QRAND ISlAND als�m�eferred to as 1.enderin Ws DeeO otTrust
<br />-= , • � , OeeO ol Truat. TAe war��,�d of Tn�sY'mean Ws Oc�O o?Tnut amortg Trustar.lsnQsr,ertd Tnistee,and inctude.a without OmttaUon pll . . . �
<br /> '.}, � essignmerit art9 SeCtu(!y ht'�w"'!GrovlSlOns relflUrtg t0 t�8 7�50ttal P�opeRy end Rente.
<br />� . Qttrantat. T�wcrd�ivarantor means ar:d iruu;Judes wllhaut Qmita4ia�¢ayr and sA�uarantors,suretles,and accommodaUon parties In
<br /> r
<br /> T ' . eannecEOn�ttso IndeDtaQness. . '
<br />_�_' � � tmprovements. ?h9 wot0 9mprovement�mea�and I�,tdes wfilhoul Qm(t�ttan aA e�dsHny an0 fuhae improtremenb.PoRUres,bullmn$9. ' ' �
<br />_� .` Sttuctt1ro9,mObBe flomea effaed an the Roal PropAAy,fasS�p,aEddons,repfacemenb and other eorRtructlon on the Rea1 PropeAy. ` �
<br /> , tAdebteQ�The ward9ndehteQnes�maans a0 pdscipat and tr►terest payabte undor tha lVote and enyamounia wWenQed or advanced Dy � � • �
<br /> - � • tender to discharge obVgallons of Tnistor ot o�anses ineimed Oy Tn�stae ar tsnQer to onior�obapations at Trustor under this DeeO o!Trusf. � �
<br /> � ' ;. togetherwith tnt0res!on such amount9 a9 provtded in W90eed ofTrust . � � .
<br /> "` �, �� � • Ler�tr.The ward 1.ender'means UNrtED NEBRASKA BAM4 GRAFVD iSWND,its suxsssors ana assigns.
<br /> •� .
<br /> - ..; . �tote ths nxo 9�tob•me�the t�tota deteo oeamber tv,ts�,1n the princlpaf emount of 5134�000.00 hom Tnrstar to ,
<br />��.-- _ • � ler�der.togetMr witA aU rert9wFtts,e�Rens�ons,mo�CaUans.refinancings.and subs6htHons ta the tVots. The maturity dato of 1Ns Oaod of
<br />�,;•- _ . . . Tnst�JunB23.t9S5. . � �
<br />-���� � R+er8onel Properfy. Tho words'Felsanal Propertyr mean a0 e4utpmeny t�d�ue�,and other eNctes oi personal propedy novr or hareafter •
<br /> -. � . � owneQ Dy TruStor.enQ aow ct hareafter Bt�iCttoe at affDced to ttio Real Prop�tyl;together with ail eocessloas.Patts.and addiUons t�.aU ' '
<br /> • �eplacemer�b of,and aU subs�tWons tar.tsny ot such prop�y and togat�$r wftb eri praceads pndumng v81�ou!tlmitallon all insurance •
<br /> . pro�e Q 3 an d re fl m Q s o f pre m iums)from arry saio or oth�dispoSiNOn o}the PrcDerty. � � '
<br /> r , ` -
<br />—:- _ -:__ _.---
<br /> Rtl�ef�y.iir�wor6?ropori�'rtreartsca6ec5vetyfheRsatRroA�iy►endifiaPets�natprop2riy. � - -- - . -: '
<br /> --- _
<br /> , , � Red ProFetty.Th�words'Real Property'mean th9 praperty,interests and dgMs Qesaibed abovo In th�'Convayanca end GranY SeeUon. : �
<br /> .. , .
<br /> _ �. . ,. . . ;
<br /> �
<br />